Was Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, also the father of black holes? (2024)

Was Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, also the father of black holes? (1)

Before becoming "the father of the atom bomb," J. Robert Oppenheimer made a significant contribution to the science of black holes.

Oppenheimer will forever, for better or for worse, be associated with the incredible destructive power of the atomic bomb and the image of the mushroom cloud, a near-Biblical symbol of destruction. That association will only strengthen in the public eye with today's (July 21) release of "Oppenheimer," Christopher Nolan's highly anticipated biopic about the physicist.

But before journeying to Los Alamos, New Mexico, in 1942 to contribute to the development of the atomic bomb, Oppenheimer was a theoretical physicist focusing on quantum physics.

In 1939, he and his University of California, Berkeley colleague Hartland S. Snyder published a pioneering paper entitled "On Continued Gravitational Contraction," which used the equations of Albert Einstein's theory of gravity, general relativity, to show how black holes could be born.

"Oppenheimer proposed the very first collapse model to describe how a star could collapse into a black hole," Xavier Calmet, a professor of physics at the University of Sussex in England, told Space.com. "This model explains the formation of black holes as a dynamical astrophysical process, the final stage of the evolution of heavy-enough stars.This model is still being used today."

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Calmet said that he recently used the model himself, in a paper describing the collapse of black holes when considering quantum gravity.

"This model is very significant because it is analytically solvable — solving the equations can be done with pen and paper and does not require numerical work. All the physics is thus easily trackable," he said. "Yet, despite its simplicity and maybe even crudeness, it is complex enough to describe many of the features of a collapsing star."

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Ironically, as Oppenheimer and Snyder worked on the paper, which so heavily depended on the 1915 theory of general relativity, the father of that theory, Einsten, was himself completing research aimed at showing that black holes could not exist.

History would show Oppenheimer to be right about black holes, of course.

Related: Albert Einstein: His life, theories and impact on science

Oppenheimer pushes the limit

Eight years before Oppenheimer's theory of star collapse and black hole birth, another theoretical physicist was thinking about what happens when stars run out of fuel for nuclear fusion.

When this fuel is exhausted, a star can no longer support itself against gravitational collapse. While the star's outer layers are shed, its core rapidly contracts, leaving an exotic stellar remnant. The nature of the remnant depends on the mass of the stellar core.

Indian-American physicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar realized that, for stellar cores with a mass less than 1.4 times that of the sun, gravitational collapse would halt due to quantum effects that prevent particles from "squashing" too close together.

This would come to be known as the Chandrasekhar limit, and any star below it — unless it has a stellar companion feeding it material — is doomed to end its existence as a smoldering stellar remnant called a white dwarf. That will be the fate of our star, the sun, after it exhausts the hydrogen at its core in around 5 billion years.

Related: When will the sun die?

For stellar cores at least 1.4 times more massive than the sun, there is enough pressure, and thus heat, generated during gravitational collapse that further bouts of nuclear fusion can be triggered, with the helium created by the fusion of hydrogen itself forging heavier elements like nitrogen, oxygen and carbon.

The most massive stars undergo a series of these collapses and bouts of nuclear fusion. But Oppenheimer and his students wanted to know where this gravitational collapse path leads and, thus, what is the final state of the universe's biggest stars.

This answer had already been delivered by a German physicist in 1916. Oppenheimer just had to find out how to get there.

The two births of black holes

In 1915, while serving on the front with the German army during the First World War, astronomer Karl Schwarzschild got his hands on a copy of Einstein's theory of general relativity. Astoundingly, and to the shock of Einstein, under these incredibly harsh conditions, Schwarzschild managed to calculate an exact mathematical solution to the field equations of general relativity.

In these solutions lurked two disturbing things — places known as "singularities" where physics as we know it completely breaks down. These singularities indicated the existence of objects with gravity so intense that they could "swallow" light.

One of the singularities was deemed a coordinate singularity, which could be removed with a little clever mathematical manipulation. This coordinate singularity would come to be known as the Schwarzschild radius — the point at which the gravity of a body becomes so great that the velocity needed to escape its clutches is greater than the speed of light.

This one-way light-trapping surface is called the "event horizon," and it represents the outer boundary of the black hole.

Was Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, also the father of black holes? (2)

The other singularity, the true or gravitational singularity, could not be dealt with mathematically. Nothing could remove it, so it was, and still is, the point at which physics completely breaks down — the heart of the black hole.

That was the theoretical birth of the black hole concept, but it didn't say anything about the creation of these cosmic titans — just that they can exist.

While Einstein toiled in 1939 to destroy this gravitational singularity, and thus the concept of the black hole, Oppenheimer was delving into how such objects could come to exist.

Working with simple assumptions that neglect quantum effects and don't consider rotation, Oppenheimer set Snyder to work. And this paid off when the latter researcher discovered that what appears to happen to a collapsing star is dependent on an observer's point of view.

Snyder theorized that, at some distance from the collapsing star, light from a source close to the event horizon would have its wavelength stretched by gravity, a process called redshift, with it becoming ever more red.

At the same time, the frequency of this light is being reduced from the observer's perspective. This frequency reduction continues until, for the distant observer, the light is effectively "frozen."

Oppenheimer and collaborators realized the story is quite different for an observer unfortunate enough to be falling with the surface of the collapsing star. An observer in this position would fall beyond the event horizon without noticing anything significant about it.

Of course, in reality, an observer would be "spaghettified" by intense tidal forces caused by the difference in the gravitational pull on their upper and lower body. This would kill them before they hit the event horizon, at least for smaller black holes, in which the Schwarzschild radius is close to the gravitational singularity.


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This concept was initially referred to as a "frozen star" due to the apparent freezing of light at the event horizon. It wouldn't receive its more familiar and snappier name until 1967, when Princeton University physicist John Wheeler coined the term "black hole" during a lecture.

Oppenheimer and colleagues may have taken a different path than Schwarzschild, but still, the two teams of physicists arrived at the same destination: the concept of a stellar body so massive that its gravity traps light and causes infinite redshift. Schwarzschild had the theory, but Oppenheimer and colleagues were the first scientists who truly understood the physical birth of a black hole.

Three years later, Oppenheimer would travel to Los Alamos, cementing his place in history and in the perception of the public. But many, scientists especially, remember him as the father of black holes.

"Oppenheimer made very significant contributions to black hole physics and physics as a whole," Calmet concluded. "While the general public may associate his name with the bomb and the Manhattan Project, his contributions to physics and astrophysics are well appreciated by the scientific community.

"He was one of the leading physicists during his lifetime and was extremely influential, and his seminal work is still relevant today."

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Was Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, also the father of black holes? (3)

Robert Lea

Senior Writer

RobertLeais a science journalist in the U.K. whose articles have been published in Physics World, New Scientist, Astronomy Magazine, All About Space, Newsweek and ZME Science. He also writes about science communication for Elsevier and the European Journal of Physics. Rob holds a bachelor of science degree in physics and astronomy from the U.K.’s Open University. Follow him on Twitter @sciencef1rst.

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2 CommentsComment from the forums

  • Frank Sterle Jr

    While Ronald Reagan postulated that “Of the four wars in my lifetime none came about because the U.S. was too strong,” who can know what may have historically come to fruition had the U.S. remained the sole possessor of atomic weaponry.

    There’s a presumptive, and perhaps even arrogant, concept of American leadership as somehow, unless directly militarily provoked, being morally/ethically above using nuclear weapons internationally. ... Cannot absolute power corrupt absolutely?

    I read that, after President Harry S. Truman relieved General Douglas MacArthur as commander of the forces warring with North Korea — for the latter’s remarks about using many atomic bombs to promptly end the war — Americans’ approval-rating of the president dropped to 23 percent.

    It was a record-breaking low, even lower than the worst approval-rating points of the presidencies of Richard Nixon and Lyndon Johnson.

    Had it not been for the formidable international pressure on Truman (and perhaps his personal morality) to relieve MacArthur as commander,

    Truman may have eventually succumbed to domestic political pressure to allow MacArthur’s command to continue.


  • billslugg

    The allowability of a nuclear first strike, in international law, is laid out in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. known as NPT, which has been in effect since 1970. The only countries that have not signed it are Israel, South Sudan, Pakistan, India and North Korea. When a country signs it they agree never to make a nuke and in return are put on the "no first strike list". We would only use a nuke in retaliation. That covers the legal aspect.
    Morally, one could only launch a first strike in self defense with the usual caveats applied: Imminent existential threat, no retreat possible. It is hard to imagine such a scenario though.


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Was Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, also the father of black holes? (2024)


Was Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb, also the father of black holes? ›

Sort of, But Not By Himself. Oppenheimer played a part in the discovery and understanding of black holes before the atomic bomb. The name Oppenheimer has become synonymous with the atomic bomb, but J. Robert Oppenheimer was a well-rounded physicist with his hands in all sorts of mathematical pies.

Who is the father of the black hole? ›

But many, scientists especially, remember him as the father of black holes. "Oppenheimer made very significant contributions to black hole physics and physics as a whole," Calmet concluded.

Who is considered the father of the atomic bomb? ›

J. Robert Oppenheimer led the design and development of the first atomic bombs. Born in New York City in 1904, Oppenheimer is often referred to as the “father of the atomic bomb”.

Did Oppenheimer and Einstein know each other? ›

Did Einstein and Oppenheimer really cross paths in the Institute Woods? Oh, they did much more than cross paths — they overlapped by almost a decade. Oppenheimer directed the Institute for Advanced Study from 1947 to 1969, and Einstein was a faculty member there from 1933 until his death in 1955.

Who came up with black holes? ›

In 1916, Karl Schwarzschild found the first modern solution of general relativity that would characterize a black hole. David Finkelstein, in 1958, first published the interpretation of "black hole" as a region of space from which nothing can escape.

Did Oppenheimer invent black holes? ›

Sort of, But Not By Himself. Oppenheimer played a part in the discovery and understanding of black holes before the atomic bomb. The name Oppenheimer has become synonymous with the atomic bomb, but J. Robert Oppenheimer was a well-rounded physicist with his hands in all sorts of mathematical pies.

Who found the closest black hole to Earth? ›

As of February 2022, only one isolated black hole has been confirmed, OGLE-2011-BLG-0462, around 5,200 light-years away. The nearest known black hole is Gaia BH1, which was discovered in September 2022 by a team led by Kareem El-Badry.

Is Oppenheimer a bad guy? ›

There's not an easy answer for this. Oppenheimer helped make the atomic bomb, but he also helped end World War II. By many accounts, Oppenheimer was a well-intentioned, complicated and conflicted man, as Nolan's movie will likely show. He may have not defined himself as a good person.

What happened to Oppenheimer's son? ›

He eventually finished his education at a public high school. When his father died in 1967, Peter moved back to the Perro Caliente ranch in New Mexico that Robert owned, and still lives there at the age of 81.

What happened to Oppenheimer's daughter? ›

Tragically, Toni's journey ended prematurely in 1977 when she took her own life at the age of 32 in Berkeley, California. Her death, resulting from an overdose of sleeping pills, was a profound loss to her loved ones.

Why didn't Oppenheimer win a Nobel Prize? ›

Despite his early work on what would later become known as black holes, J. Robert Oppenheimer never won a Nobel Prize. In part, it may have been because the "father of the atomic bomb" lacked the focus of some of his colleagues and constantly moved from topic to topic.

What happened to Dr. Oppenheimer after the war? ›

After the war Oppenheimer became an advisor of the Atomic Energy Commission, lobbying for international arms control. Beginning in 1947, Oppenheimer directed the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, where he convened great scientists. “What we don't understand, we explain to each other.”

What was Einstein's IQ? ›

What was the IQ of Albert Einstein? Sources usually put his IQ at 160. The highest possible attainable IQ also hovers between the 160-170 range.

Who is the father of black holes? ›

J. Robert Oppenheimer (right) applied the principles of general relativity developed by Albert Einstein (left) to determine that what we now know as a black hole can form under certain circ*mstances.

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This illustrated story explores why. In a special illustrated feature, Ben Platts-Mills explains why Albert Einstein and other eminent physicists refused to believe black holes could be real.

What is inside a black hole? ›

Black holes have two parts. There is the event horizon, which you can think of as the surface, though it's simply the point where the gravity gets too strong for anything to escape. And then, at the center, is the singularity. That's the word we use to describe a point that is infinitely small and infinitely dense.

What did Stephen Hawking discover? ›

Hawking is best known for his discovery that black holes emit radiation which can be detected by special instrumentation. His discovery has made the detailed study of black holes possible. Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford, England on January 8, 1942. At the age of 17, he enrolled at University College, Oxford.

Who has created a black hole? ›

No one has ever created a black hole on our planet before. But even if someone did, it likely wouldn't pose a huge threat. Real-world black holes are only scary in the sense that if you get too close to one, you won't be able to escape.

What did Karl Schwarzschild discover? ›

Karl calculated the radius of the event horizon of a black hole – now known as the Schwarzschild radius. Any object which becomes small enough to fit within its own Schwarzschild radius becomes a black hole. The Earth's Schwarzschild radius is about 1 cm.

Who is the oldest black hole? ›

Within GN-z11, a galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major, astrophysicists have discovered the oldest black hole, weighing in at a few million times the mass of the Sun. It lives at the galaxy's center and is wolfing down matter at a time more than 13 billion years ago, or just 400 million years after the Big Bang.


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