The Herald-News from Passaic, New Jersey (2024)

i rtLEPUOSE PASSAIC 2-6000 THE HERALD-NEWS, PASSAIC, N. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 103D PAGE TWENTY-ONE Movieland -Starting Tim Timetable tb Feafore Classified Advertising the honor with humility nnd grnutudsk" "Let us remember that such high honor earn with it obligation nnd responsibility," eh said nt her Ohio home. Mrs. Compton will come here to receive her title on mother' day. Sunday, May 14, st ceremony arranged by the foundation.

Flying Squirrels Cams Seek KENXEBCNKPORT. Me. UJB-Ftylrg squirrels reportedly hat mad their flret appearance here tn more than decade. Three woodchoppars, Alton Benton. Ernest and 6'ranklin Leach, tell of seeing severe! squirrel, hop nut-of a pin tree end fly 4wy.

ft VONTACK Love Affair-, 1:76, 6:61 and 1:44. Supreme Court Only Hope For Ellis Parkers Circat Jadfeo Refute To Upset Conviction Of Wendel Abductors RITE Gkrfleld TUharmkh's Wharf, 7 had la 1:41 and Real Estate For Sale AMUsem*nTS rRANKUN (Nutleyl "Devil's Kicks 1:26 sad tJJn MONTAUEC STRAND (CUftoal "Off tha 4, 7 and "Fisherman's 2:44, $:44 sad CLIFTON THTATRE Artaona 4:47 and $1. "EL Louis 1:48, sad Uoyda of 14:42. to- lit aho, IStti I CAPITOL Ton Cgn't Chant aa Honest 1:14, 8.84, and 16:11. "Tour Girls la 1:87, 1:21 and Jitterbug Contest, 1:16.

AMUIlMCNTt Slant To. morrow IV Th ntONTTER OOD FOEGOTI hissing, mailing pst ol sdvenhxisis, sottlais hlUeaal a Irving Whiting Elected Head Of Passaic Rotary Succeeds Glenn Gardiner On July 1 Full List Of New Officers, Directors Irving B. Whiting was alactad president the Paaeata Rotary Club at yesterday's luncheon-meeting, bald la tha Passalo City Club, to suoceed Glenn Gardiner, executive ot the Forstmann Woolen Company. With other members of his staff, Mr. Whiting will taka office on July 1.

Other officers elected were Albert W. Llndholm, vice-president, succeeding Mr. Whiting; Walter Magee, treasurer, re-elected, and L. M. Artoaugh, secretary, reelected.

Directors chosen were Clifford Llndholm, Edgar Josephaon. Ford 8 wick. Burton Parker, Arnos Prescott, Jack Chambers; Lea Pierce and D. C. Standee, Following the business aesalon, Albert and Clifford Llndholm, of tha Falatrom Company, gava brief talks on that Industry, explaining the various ueea to which steel la being put In modern manufacturing plants.

Tha talks wars Illustrated by pictures, shown by Howard S. Clark, of tha Falatrom Company. ixrtr, Wei. PALACE "In Oid 1. 3:61, 4:41, 7:36 and 1.

RIALTO Rhythm ot tha 1:64. 16. and 1:47. Cafa 4:82. and 6:1.

PLAYHOUSE Olri 4, and 1:41. "Charlla Chan in 1:4 nnd :4. it. KIM U. Ill JW '14.

lBU, 50 Egg Hunt Winners Get Live Rabbits as Prizes ASS On 'll-. rtw, tads, JIW. UK tN, tt. Ytar Is on 1 Ah mini It Vm. Last Day 4LOVE AFFAIR and OX TRIAL tisM wiv Third Annual Concert and Dance BRANCH No.

38, R. 0. 0. V. A.

Held At RUSSIAN NATIONAL ORGANIZATION HOME 15 FOURTH IT. PAEIAIC Saturday Evening, April 22, 1939 With Farilslpstlsn Of FAMOUS KOZAK CHOIR A. I. KOLEENtKOFF DIRECTOR Far First Tim In Passalo Balalayka Orehmtrs, of Sronok IE, R. 0, 0, V.

M. tellvonsff Dlreetor N. E. Donssff, Sol Atsordion Buaalsn Osnoort ADMIEEION to II I Commoneing 7iM P. M.

4:12, 7:6 and Oh I. 7 and 11. Mr. Doodle $7, 1:14 and "Pardon Our Hammond Avsoua; Btanlsy Aa- towakt, flftaen, of $1 Hop Avenue; Carolina La taw lea, alx, of $6 Wesley Street; Thomas Saucsaa-sky, eleven, of IT Howe Avenua; Carl Millar, ten. of ITi Chestnut Street; Kenneth Andraotta.

ten, of 8 Rowland Avanua: Robert Waatbovan, ala, of Vaa Hou-tan Avonua; Jackie and Ronald Kateen, of Vaa Houtaa Avonua; Bobby Lohman, flva, of $1 Main Avenua; Patsy Hermwa, four, of Madle-m Btreet; Rodney Marshall, eleven, of 21 Spruce Btreet; Oandnls Chrlatodor, thirteen, of 464 Harrison Street. Muriel Donnell, nine, of 177 Oak Street; Timothy Trout, three, of 427 Howe Avenue; Dorothy Ar galas, sixteen, of 8 Blaine Btreet; Barbara Cotta, asven, ot Myrtle Avenue; Jerry Kouche, five, of $11 High Street; Oeorge Springer, Jr three, of 111 Marietta Avenue; Fred Cartwright, fourteen, of Lafayette Avanua; Lola Trottlere, nine, ot 11 Laltch Place; Florence Zaratklewica, nine, of 12 Van Houtaa Avenue; Ruth Struck, tea, of 117 Summer Street. Joseph Bpetaro, twelve, of 187 Vaa Houtaa Avenua; Philip Thompson, tan, of lit Blaine Btreet; Thomas Fabahender, twelve, of III Chestnut Street; Raymond Ingllx, eleven, of -161 Burgees Place; Doris Chico, nine, of Hows Avenue; Mary Leonard. twelve, of 61 Washington Place; Naomi Evana sight, of II Bout High Street; Monica Gross, four, of $4 Hows Avenua; and Barbara Outkowakl, of 17 Randolph Street. A colorful feature of tha hunts ware tha twelve Uttla girls dressed la bunny costumes.

They, were Julia Nemlce. In green; Violet Kopecs, In pink; Josephine Byre. In violet; Veronica Btenrovaky, In yellow; Lottie Augustowaki, In carles; Dorothy Fedora, tn purple Joyce Knapp, ia orange; Maala Babuls, In hlua; Barbara Kssh-man, ta red: Jana Novak, la purple; Mary Roback, ta nequkmnrtns blue end Genevieve Skwlera, la chooolate Prise wtnaare In the pulsahi Park hunt ware John PRstoi, Jr Michael Kreta, Ronald Bseko, Elate Khnak, Stephen Princhok, Mary Sorrtano, Am lie Cacay, Joan Hmtly, Brat Bonds, Joseph Roback. Richard Koake Ronald Sohrank. Peter Leruda, Robert Salary, Stanley BoroWi, Doris Oaydos, Mathew Olko, Stanley Mankovtoh, EHeshsUi Orr, Edward Ramtck, Maurice McDonald, Andrew KaJivode.

Theresa KkUvoda, Mary Bock. Natalie Pruitt. Dorothy Herketar. Also Theresa Klamerue Kenneth Lucian to. Amis France Bshlsak, Peter OMa, Anns Oran 1ms, Gar.

aldlna Tabor, Edward Junds, Audrta Yeoehak, Bobby Bpolnlk. Starla Kowartx, Joseph Stnchsk, Teddy Watakt. Walter Olowarkl, Robert Taohash, Joan Danko, Dorothy Jaconty, Jane AdaxnHk. Etas nor Oaydos, Pater Qtbo, Billy ArnqM, Eknll Hrahel, Conrad Btanlsy, Evelyn Bktamky, Arthur Sln-alri, Frank Clelak. Bobby Morrell, Anns Bibelots, Mortal Bonmnta, Bcfeby Carton, RJdurd Ftariier, Margaret Weienar.

Akao Edward Doris Hln-tertberger, Margaret Btefanoik, Kenneth Devan Victoria Back, Maryann Syndsr, Barbara Prey wV. Alio MoHck. Lorraine cabs Bertha Welgleki, Sonny clack. Richard Bwlutskl. William Stefandk.

Margaret Tulenko, tetri Dohrowskl, Been Mortrtnt, Carotin rirmlo jUrfearfl Kotsrbe. VaremlcS Utters, Michael Karotoetf. Jneegh In Kovel, Andrew Kory, Robert Moriril. Victor Kollar, IVed Kollo. Res Mari Urban, Mary LsuMchsk, Florena Biolnrs and Joseph Vufcria.

BUI Mincbia Nirbt 0( Lions Clob Tomorrow WllUam F. Mlnchln, former secretary of the psseale Lions dub. win honored by the service club at lta weekly dinner meeting at 1:11 tomorrow evening nt the sale City Club. Mr. Mlnchln resigned aa a mem-bar of the club several month ego after his transfer from tha Pasaaic eommarctal office of tbs PubUe Berries Electric end Gee Company to the Peterson flick Tomorrow's meeting has been designated as "Bill Mlnchln NighL 1 JEstate For Rent Property Fsr ZiK STORE for rent.

$40. 0. -fLaiTo su rte Back ot OICES rR HENT-ONS. TWO TMitfcB ROOMS. RENT REA-JAU- DAILY NEWS BLDU Shneb main AVE and 2ademt t.

apply T1IE iRAl-D-NEWB. 149 PROSPECT jT ASK FOR MR ROEMLE. Mln Avo, CUf-k Call Lsxnbarl l-tlli. Apartment Fw Rant iou 3 room MS 'jlixon AP- aona. APIA, TA.

APIA. tA. Ui ar A pi. o4brg Apt- 1 1 room I uuuie.rdL 7 room flat A MARCHERS Swede f. Phons PA 2-0444-7.

RasidantiSl Pr party to ISO. to tit. to lit. to ISO. .150.

FIVE room, bath, no bent, 00, Faaa. GORY A VE. Upper flat tr AVE. Upper flat, nil Improvements. Ci raaing.

C. 3-2724-M- JORIAN COURT Three Laa. 4714.10. eetc 2-2176. evening 3-Sfto TfaTETTE AVE.

I larga rooms, floor. Adult. Pas. 2-640. TTi AVt Park section.

rivs reeeonabls rent Phone fhx. l-ilft RMBR ST. Eight room. all Phone Paaeatc 2-lt I IRKER AV 4 r. It front apt i API heeled.

Henry 8U tt. ifooL ST. I rmi. tight ,...1 ru OIN'SBUKO. it LEXINGTON Pass.

2-2700. eves. 2-iti. i-flREE ROOM apartment. AU lm-snjreinente.

16. Aleo corner Rent reasonable. Inquire Howe MONTGOMERY BT 6 targe noma Screened porch. Heat hot ier Oarage. Paaaalo 1-LJ4-R.

JEFFERSON ST. 4-4 room "modern apartment. Haat. toot water fumUhed. Apply aupt.

P.eeaie Houaea for Rant BOULEVARD, between Paa-Mic and Meade Arenuee One hiue. nine room, garage, raaeatc 3-07J2. Chiton For Rent EAUTIFUL flat alljmprovsmsnta. Convenient liusee and trslnk Inquire 17 Gai relace. Place, corner Lakevww Avenue.

LUTON rive sunlight room a Sunparlor. Heated. Near stores, i-ame. Adulta Reasonable. Cor--Hadley 7 Flret.

5 IHLAND 1141 rooms. A alt Inquire H. Karp. Pasaaic bm-r. KEVIEW I room A eteam heat, wood floor, garage, l5.

Henry Ffto, ISO Lakevlew Ave. THREE ROOMS, gas, electric, heat fimuhed, bualneaa couple only. "4 East Uth SL. Cllftqn. I BERGEN AVENUE Two-fara-II, bo nee.

Other flats. Passaic. Udfton. Paterson. Reasonable.

Lobwnz. Passaic 2-4150. Clifton Houaea Far Rant lUFTON House for rent eteam. garage, Second Street (between inion and Washington Avenuea). Pasaaic 2-2773-J.

LIFTON I room house, eteam. ma, 40 Conveniently aituated. taater K. Dunham, 161 Do Wott Ave. 7MEHAWR-7 rma, gaa burning I npor heat, fullv Insulated, vene-1 Han blinds, double gar.

Mattla-O Brien. Inc, Pa 2-4427. Suburban For Rant ATTRACTIVE two-room apart -modem, electric reaaonable rentals 279 Union Avtntie, AFT RUTHERFORD 4 room. Improvements, centrally locat'd, idelu only, 19 Lincoln a ROOMS, bath, aunporch, aJI imnnremrnU. Adult only.

7f Hfkmeck Street, East Euther-Ruth, 2-1711. 'ARFtELD 141 Malcolm Ave. 4 floor, rear. 4 roctne. Rent rtwnable.

Paa. 2-4645. 4 OR ROOMS, upetalm, all yrorrtnents. Steam heat. 29 Vlc-r 8t, Lodi.

Pans. 9-919L Real Estate and Insurance Brokers CARL HILBERT TEAL fcSTATE and INSURANCE Mln Ave. Paawale l-i2. CILLEN-SCHULTINO fAal Eitate Ininrance Paeeata 2-6210. Kroadvray.

DE MATTIA-OBRIEN. INa Realtors and lnaurora Bank Hldg. PA. Paul makschalk 11 C'lfton Ave, Clifton. N.

1. Phone Pa, a 2-7272. Ul 1 E. CO LB 55 Main Clifton. N.

J. Phone Pasealc 2-2121. JOHN A. MI8KE Eetata and Insurance I Avt. i Paaaafe 2- nce 1020 I SAMUEL H.

SCHULTZ General Insurance Main Ave. Passaic 2-2020 TrE ROWLAND-JOHNSON CO. 4ji Evtata A Insurance Main Ave. Paae. 2-2200.

Lietiwaa Wanted rTt-taPalc and Bergen R1 P-vtate. Llet vour na for quick action, ij, nc- Lrndhurvt. -Z-Wnrveant Ave Ruth. 2-1077. Real Estate For Sale dTER OR rUT through 'VW Hava Ideal lo--rUI0r.

hew home. 0 Me Clifton. Pae- Lvp ntlh Paaaaie Houses For Sale AN OWNER BUILT 2-famlSy. largo grounde doublo good location aa outstanding buy. MARIETTA AVE.

Two-family. I rooms oach flour, atm. $6200. Do Hauls -O Brian. Pane 2-44(7.

BARGAIN II Alfred Bt. One fam-iy, a rooms, steam heat, plot 60 a 100 Inquire feldmen Agency. 205 Madison SL Phone Pass. 2-4174. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE 112 Meade Ave.

Cash 1460. balance recent PH A mortgage, Ouner built, well kept, rooms, gea beat Plot 60x160, double garage, dog kenneL enclosed yaid. J. R. Hemion.

Pa. 2-1666 M. SELECT NEIGHBORHOOD Fine home, I rooms, plot 0x1 20, near l. 4 W. In tha 915.600 class.

Only $6,000. Penn, 114. Summer SL. Paaaalo l-6il. ROOM HOU8E.

owner built. Plot $0x200. All modern Improvements Oxk floors. General Electric oil heater. 2 car garage.

41 Temple Place. Clifton Houeea War Sale CLINTON AVE. One family. 4 bedroom house, all Improvements including oil burner, two lots, I car garage. Sacrifice piius $5606.

Henry Pato. 166 Lakevlew Ave. EA3T 6TH STUEETOr.o-famlly, 7 rooms, steam, all Improvements, $5266, small down payment David Van Dlllen, 761 Clifton Avenue. Pass. $-1221.

EA8T $TH Exceptional buy, owner-built, 6 room house, all Improvements, garage. Only $4606. Pasaaic 2-8126. FAIRMOUNT GARDENS Cliftons newest restricted residential section. Colonials of all types.

Located near Clifton High 8chool F. H. A. Inspected. Open dally until P.

M. Price $5900 to $8600. RICH HELD KNOLLS DEVELOPMENT Choic selection new Colonial. Fully modern. Inspection Invited.

Off Van Houtsn at Pershing Rd. ALLWOOD Bolld Brick 1 I rmi, tile bath, domestic science kitchen, 1 gar. $4606. HUDSON ST. One family, rooms, aunporch, tile bath, all burner, plot $5250.

Easy terms De Mattla-O Brien, Inc, Pa 2-4427. Franklin Ava 1 fam, 7 rma 73600. Byron PI. 1 7 rma 18800. Clifton Ava 1 fam, 7 rma.

14500. Clifton Ave. 2 fam, 2 b. I62O0. E.

Ninth BL 2 16 b. $6860. Box 26. Clifton P. LAKEV1EW SECTION (2) 5 room bungalows, $2806 each.

Part cash. A. Schmidt, 104 Piaget Avenue. LAROE HANDSOME BARGAIN Ready for occupancy Hay 1st, larga comfortabls room dwelling, fully Improved. 2 car garage.

Improved plot 60x160, Trenton Ave, Lake-view Heights, Clifton. Price $4800-TOM FONTANA 14 Outwater Lane, Garfield. Paaeatc 2-8891. MODERN One-family Chelsea, Marlboro Roads: Harding Avenua All Improvements, In good condition, Passalo 2-1217. Suburban For Sale GARFIELD l-room home.

$1000: $106 down; balanco $22 moitthly. Molner, Dankhoff Avenua Wellington. HOMES IN Rutherford-Eaat Rutherford. 16 cash easy terms. Send for list Ellwood 8.

New, Ames Ave, Rutherford NEW HOUSES Glen Rock, Ridgewood, Hohokua, ParamUe. Shown by appointment. L. L. Ward, Passaic 2-0412.

RUTHERFORD Beautiful, modem room house, tile bathroom, garaga $4460. Cash 26. Balance Including taxes, $26.00 monthly. Box 424, Herald-Newt. THE MOST attratftive boms In Rutherford.

Priced 40 per cent below value, targe lot Request details 474. Herald-Newa Farms For Bale TRUCK FARMS, dalrtea nurueriea A acreage for building. Epstein A Epstein. Van Houtea Ava. Clifton.

Pasa 1-0256. Far Bala ar Bent AUTUMN ST. 156. Pasealc Upper flat 6 modem rooms, garaga $47.66 monthly. Bale price.

$7506. PAULISON AVE. $24, Tasselo- rooms, upper $46. OCEAN GROVE One family. 20 rooms, fully furnished.

1 blocks from ocean. House in good condition. Taxes 68. Rock bottom price 00S. GLEN ROCK roome, bath, hot water heat $00.

WM. KARL. JR. INC. REALTORS Prospect St Pasaaic 1-0177.

Lata For Sale LOTS $0x128, near Pennington on Ascension St Level. All Improvements. Treea Pasa $-0014. 4 LOTS. Highway N.

miles from Passaic. Sacrifice quick buyer, $200, Box Herald-News. Legals IN CHANCERY OP NEW JERSEY NO. 124-74 Between PAUL WINKLER. Complainant, and ROBERT VON NESSI, THOMAS PAIRO and JOSEPH RK PeHner and reding aaALTO A I Defendant.

TO ALL CREDITORS: TAKE NOTICE that bv order of the Court of Chancery you ere directed to file vour claim which you mrr have against the above named defendant partnership, with the undersigned Receiver Within thirty 301 da fm the 20th day of March. 1S claim must be under oath or ailir H. DICK COHEN. Receiver. 700 Main Avenue, PlMSIC, A J.

DtS: March 94. 1W9. Rtg. yes. $062 Apr On Bill Aa KOT1CB Woman Mines Alaskan Gold UVENGOOD.

Alaska, (UJ9 Alaska's only woman gold mint operator ia Mtaa Grace. Lowe, whose holdings are $5 miles northwest of Fairbanks Central XI. Mies Lowe leased the mine about five years ago. She has lived In Alaska fifteen TONITES THE NITE PHILADELPHIA UP) Counsel tor Ellis H. Parker and his son.

Ellis, Jr, was uncertain today whether an appeal from their conviction ok charge of honsplrecy to abduct Paul H. Wendel and erring from him eonteeelon to the Lindbergh kidnaping would he carried to the Supreme Court. The V. 8. Ctreult Court of Appeals yeaterday upheld the conviction and refused new trial James Mercer Pavla, attorney for the erstwhile Chief of Burlington County, N.

J- Detertlvea, and his son, esld he would come ta Philadelphia today to obtain copy of tha Appellate Court's opinion nnd ntudy It before deciding what further move. If any, would be mad to ootro hi clients from Imprisonment t'nlre recoura I taken to the Supremo Court, tho Parkers, who ksvo boon fro tn boll ot their Mount Holly, N. hom*o since their eonvlctlon st Newark tn Juno, 1617, will be taken to the Federal Penitentiary st Lswlaburg, Pa. Tbs alder Parker was sentenced to etx years and hie sob, to three years Tbs majority opinion of the Circuit Court found that the Park-era had not bean "substantially prejudiced" st thslr trial as their counsel had contended. Dissenting, Judge Joseph Buffington esld tbs Psrkera should get new trial In Burlington County, The majority held that Wendel had not been Injured permanently tn response to defense contention that tha Parkers were entitled to chans ot vsnu to their home county since, under the Lindbergh taw, the death penalty can be Imposed If th kidnaped person has bean injured.

Wsndls confession, later repudiated, Induced Harold Q. Hoffman, then Governor of New Jersey, to postpone th execution et Bruno Richard Hauptmann. Mrs, Compton 1939 Mother Ohio Woman Has Qotrtet Of Famous Children NEW YORK, UP) Tha Oolden Rule Foundation has selected as The American Mother for 1816" Mrs. Ells Compton, of Wooster, 0 whoa four distinguished children acquired $1 college and university degrees. Mrs.

Compton, widow of an Ohio educator whs taught philosophy ot Wooster College for 41 years before hi death last May st th eg ot It, wag chosen na "representative of th beet there Is In Her children era Dr. Karl Taylor Compton, president of Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Dr. Arthur Holly Comptdb, Nobel prise winning professor of physics at th University ot Chicago; Wilson Martlndal Compton, lawyer, economist and goners! manager of th Nations! Lumber Manufacturers Association, end Mrs. C. Herbert Rice, Presbyter-ton missionary and wits of th principal of Christian College, Allahabad.

India. Known ns Woosters grand old tady, Mrs. Compton did not know until ytatsrdsr that friends bad entered her name for consideration by th foundation. Sh ws surprised but sold sh accepted YOU CAN INJOY.m Tat dallolsvs naithli m(K a qMB Ntii 910, 112. 914 pm gg Mm Spring! fim to uncoil yourtelf SmiWO win dviHMivalvWi m4 to! Hvtaft.

6y1m Msrai yee tW wee Iw were bb lee a nm 9 sm6 iW Ewdii HmU (taMi In Um Swri a ta IUm Rjm mm Ml wit hi fmmt mhA jT t.Pm mm. Seaside CUT NEW YORK rooa uw 2 tv. 1 if i iZalo teas ta 4 SCkktN 4 CIRLS IN WHITE wttk Alan Men hail T'na MsrYl lleresr Bto AT 16 P. M. Jitlarhug Contatt Mstls By MABET NIOOM end BIS MIIAIONAIIU SWlNuSlhES tinny a TmumwriW IniSniiruinrinJ nt CAMIllI 6IS6T A1MITTA moaxsonsrei HIT BO, I AT gTEANB Pat O'Brien Joan OFF THE RECORD MIT BO.

I AT BITT. i. EDGAR HOOVER'S "PERSONS IN HIDING flue BIO ATTBACIION TON ITS New aiulV Ml I vO 4 4mnm Nlihn "ARIZONA HILIHAT Kxirt 9pipI AdsdtJ TYRONI POWER MADNcCINfl CMMUHl FlIFDIMK MKTHPlXMrir III Oa (ha OfMtMt MU mt th IWtpii "LLOYDS CP LONDON rnvou fctTHEEfORD Tadip iN Jomnrrmw Doffdhy Ummr tl "ST. LOUIS SLUES Aim Jim Hithm Iaa i xrrtlto la "ARIZONA WILDCAT" Pl ftminrmite LINCOLN IN THE MHITI MOCMT CiiUmhi A Nw irrciAL ATTtACTlOM POH MAT INA ON A Thu A klltOIR PMOirKAM otn npfii II 49 Iw duns I 66 F. M.

IcrifAR A if TfrtFHKVA kniftf Mor H'llrMf DEVILS IsLiND Pvnnpf Anrt Tr1 VOviLZ kiukk Ot fan ou nv. Mora than 0 youngsters ara tha proud Owners of pet rabbits which wars among tha prises awarded at tha Eaatar Egg hunts yesterday morning at Third Ward and Putaskl Parka. In addition ta tha II rabbits, finders of tha prise agra were presented with roller skates, chocolate bunnies and Jelly henna. Winners In the Third Ward Hunt, Which was sponsored hr the Recreation Bureau, were: Victor Jacalone, alx, of 66 Washington Place: Ronald Forman, twelva, of Howard Avenue: Joyce Cook, twelve, of Sherman Street; Donald Scuilo, eleven, of McLean Street; Raymond ftchwelg-hardt, twelve, of $1 Spear Ava-nue, Clifton; Myrtls armor, nine, cf 242 Brook Avenue; Samuel A mica, ten, of 61 Hope Avenue; Morton Smith, eight, of Palmer Street. Anthony Cnmlnso, eight, of Rowland Avanua; Christian Was-dyka, flftaen, of Burgess Place; Lawrence Brunlna, seven, of $64 Harrison Btreet; Violet Chico, ten.

of $9 Mineral Spring Avenua; Diene Vtesbl, eighteen month! old, Main Avenue; John Hulyo, twelve, of Huron Avenue: Richard Orman, ten, of 411 Howe Avenue; Adrlanne Blake, three, of Bloom-field Avenue; Vincent Patno. eleven, of Lucille Place: Jean Do Kardo, twelve, of $21 Harrison Btreet. Teddy Budsyskl, fifteen, of 16 Vreeland Avenue; Julia Blake, eleven, of 174 Randolph Btreet; Marie Jaworakl, eight, ot $14 Broad, way; Barbara Roberta, flva, of 16 Spring Btreet; Jackie Jaworakl. three, of $66 Broadway; Richard Times k. five, ot 40 Marconi Street.

Clifton; Martin Rata. ala. of 48 Tennyson Place; Eleanor throe, ten, of 6 Hammond Avenue; Rose Marie Martconda, sight, of 382 Sherman Street. Dorothy Beta, nine, of Monroe Btreet: Dorothy Cunningham, eleven, of 11 Myrtle Avenue; James Mason, twelve, of Park Avenua; Lynne Koeeon, nine, of 146 Van Houtaa Avanua; Claslne Cooper, twelve, of 116 Burgess Place; Robert Schats, six, of Pleasant Avenua; Robert Bartelt, fourteen, ot Hamilton Avenue; William Lososky, thirteen, of Van Houten Avenue; William Hutchinson, eleven, of 11 Terry Btreet; Beverly Jane Beta, five, of 142 Hamilton Avenue. Susanna Jacolone, five, of Washington Place; Dorothy Hutchinson, of 11 Tarry Btreet; Jackie Hoars, six, of 7 Union Avenue; Julia Tonic, fifteen, of 222 Rutherford Boulevard; Atolls Johnson.

thirteen, of $71 Oak Btreet; Robert Kofeky, eleven, of 127 Madison Street; Joan Chlko. alx, of 181 Linden Btreet; Wilma Dunnlgnn, two, of 111 Bummer Street; Philip Thomson, eight, of 111 Blot no Btreet: Marion Ferguson. six. of II Spring Street: Julia Carter, thirteen, of 67 Sherman Street: Jams Columbo, fourteen. of 109 Madison Street.

Mae Dlebler, fourteen, of PUBLIC NOTltfc PUBLIC SALE OP CITY PROPBITY Sale to be held in the Tea Collector's Office, city Hell. Peulleon Avenue, puuic. Nt JnT. Tburad? busts in AprU 30th. 19J9, liw clock.

In the foreuoon. 8J to be wader th direction of MueUr, CoUeo-tor of Tut, pursuant to the pro vision of Chapter 133, P. L. 191 amended (R. 6.

of K. J- 4060-36 nd In accordance with reoiuUm the Board of Commissioners of the Cur of Psssete dulr adopted on AprU ilth. I9e. ail of the nbt. tide and interact of the City of Faaaale, in and to the following dasertbad lands and premises with tie appurtenance that is to see: Ail tha certain let, tree, piece or parcel a land end premiere, lying, situate and being In the City of Pae-xaic.

County at Faemlo end State of YboTnINO nt the noB northerly earner at property now ar formerly of Da rid O. Ackermea ee shown on tbs Aeeeeeirant Map of the City of Pxreatc aa Lot 70, in Slock 30. said point ia also on the dividing Una of property of David Ackerman and the City of Passaic dtrtaaoe 126 tew oorth-eeeterly end et r.rht angles to Boulevard. the Intersection ot said dividing line of David Ackerman end City ot Paaeatc with the northaaetarly eld a of Boulevard to 3MJ1 test southeasterly from the intersection of the northeasterly side of Boulevard and tha southeasterly side of Pasealc Arenas. and thence il northeasterly and along the dividing line extended 70 feet to a point; thence 3 aouth-aaaterly and parallel with the Boulevard 7 feet; thence til eouthweetariy and parallel jnm the final eouree 70 (eat: thence 4i north saeterlT and parallel with the Boulevard 76 few to the point or piace of hastening Premises will be sold free and clew of all tanas and a nnu and other municipal liens to and Including April 60th.

1936, Purchaser st the Kras of the sale WUl be required to per the selling r3S as follow: Ten percent (16 eaah as deposit nnd tne balance 7 thin ten 101 days. A Bargain and Sale Dead WUl be delivered to purchaser upon delivery of cash or certified check. The purehaser shall be required to pay the advert lain few and the cow (or drawing a Barcnta and Sale Deed to the City Counsel of the City of Faeaale. which deed to to be delivered upon payment of the bstancs In oaan. advertisem*nt few end fee for drawing deed, at the af-lire of the City Counsel.

Tbs Board at Commissioners of the CRy of Pasaaic rearrvae the right to re)ect any and all bide not in accordance with the terms and condition of JOSEPH MTEIXER. Tas Collector of the City of Pasaaic Ptg. Peso, 1J AprU 13-18 8t sfi Ten Pitt Playert Named To Oppose Grid Giants PITTSBURGH. UP) For charity's saka, ten of Plttt'a varsity first stringers will battle ones more on tha gridiron under Dr. John Bain Sutherland a leadership.

They have accepted Invitation! to play with Sutherland's Eastern collegiate all-stars againat tha New, York Gtanta Sept. 7, probably In the New Tork metropolitan area. Tha ten are ends Bill Daddlo and Fabian Hoffman, tackles Elmer Merkovaky and Walter Raa-koweky. guards Albln Leaouaky and Steve Petro, center Bob Dannies, quarterback John Chlckerneo, half back Harold Btebblns and fullback Marshall Goldberg. Although predicting nothing like victory In the game.

Sutherland aald that what wa lack In axpertenca, we'll make up In enthusiasm." His all-stars will wear Pitt's blue and gold colors. LEGAL ADVERTIsem*nT To Creditors of Joseph Lesko sod State of Elisabeth Lesko: You are hereby notified that on Saturday, the 22nd day at April next ensuing. I shall purchase of Joseph Lesko and Estate ot Elisabeth Lesko. merchants, whose place of buainem la at No. $6 Paaeatc Street.

Garfield. New Jersey, the whole ot their stock Including the futures In aald store at said place of bualneaa' tha sale will be consummated on tha data above named, at ten o'clock In the forenoon. and the transfer of said stock of goods than made, and tha consideration therefor thrn paid. AU claims outstanding against Joseph Lseko and Estate of Elisabeth Laako should be filed at ones. Touts respectfully.

JOSEPH VRABLOC. Mall claims tor ARTHUR J. MES8INEO, Attorney for Joseph Vnthllk, DO Pasaaic Street, Oarfleld. New Jersey. Ptg.

Fees. 0426 April 12-21 2t first meettno notice The first meeting of creditors In the matter of PETER AMBROBE VASILYK. bankrupt, of the City of Clifton, County of Pasaaic. and State of New Jersey, will be held at Bankruptcy Court Room 600. 140 Market Street.

Pateraon, N. on April 26. 1939. at tan o'clock A. at which time creditors may prova their claims, alect a trustee, examine the bankrupt.

and transact other proper butl- QUA, Claim, with ltamlaad statement of account, miut Itvally pro any orlatniU not or Instrument muat be annexed they muet be proved and filed with the referee on or before October 96, 1939, which lx month from tha date of the firet meeting. Dated: April 11. 1939 JOHN GRIUftHAW. JK, Referee In Bankruptcy 140 Market Street, Fateraon. N.

J. Ptg. Fees. $3 00 April 12 It FIRST MEETTNO NOTICE The first meeting of creditor. In the matter of MARIE WILJ4ELM1NA TASILYK, bankrupt, of the City of Clifton.

County of Paaaelo. and State of New Jersey, will toe held at Bankruptcy Court Room 200, 140 Market Street. Patemon, N. on April 20. 1039.

at ten-o'clock A. at which time ci editor, may prove their claims, elect a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact other proper bual- with Item teed statement of account, muat ba legally proved any original note or Instrument muat be annexed they muat ba proved end filed with the referee on or before October 2d. 1939. which Is all months from tha date of the first meeting. Dated: April II, 1979 JOHN GRIMSHAW.

JR, Referee In Bankruptcy, 140 Market Street, Paterson. Ptg. Pom. MOO April 12 It SPECIAL MASTER SALE IN CHANCERY OP NEW JERSEY. Between Martin Waneryk, complainant.

and George Dxtduch et ala, defendants. On Bill for Partition. Pstlen A Amllcke. Solicitors for complainant. By virtue of a decree of the Cow.

of Chancery of Naw Jersey, made in the a boys stated cause, bearing data tha first day of March, 1930, I. Andrew Poulda. Jr. ona of the Special Master, of this court, will aapoa. for sle and aell at public vendue to tha highest bidder, on Friday, the 14th day of April.

1989, at two oclock In tha afternoon of tbat day. at tha Sheriffs fflo la tha County Court House at Paterson, tn the County cf Pasaaic and State of New Jersey Premiere In City of Pasaaic. County of Paaeatc and State of New Jersey Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Eighth Street, distant north Irons Pensaic Street 176 feet, thence (It Beat parallel to Paneele Street, 100 feet; thence (21 North Parallel to E-ghlb Street feet, thence (8l Meet parallel to Paaanlc Street 100 feet: thence 41 South following the easterly aid a of Eighth Street 26 feet to place of beginning. Known na lot 16 Block XR" on Map of Dundee Co. Including also the Inchoate right of dower of the defendant Agnaa Deiduch, wife of the defendant, Oeorge Drtduch.

together with all and singular tha hereditaments and appurtenances to tha aald premises belonging or In any wiae appertaining. Lien and encumbrances againat the seid premiere and terms end conditions of sale will he made known et the time of sale Dated, March 14. 1979 ANDREW FOCLDH. J. Specie Master In Chancery, 625 Main Avenua.

Pasaaic. Ptg. Fees, 622 6S Herald-Newa March 23-28, AprU 6-12 tt ON THE w. c. sun CIUniJR MeCABTHY In YOU CANT MSAT AN NUItMT MAN" a ON THE gTAGE 4 BIG ACTS 4 Master of Caraawntas AL SNtUf.n M'KuG StAMtlhlt TODAY rO-FSATlEE toimv ONL (oruuu wIn Old Mexico with Wtl.I.IAM BRYB Beaaall HaySaa (xmwf Ha.4 tSLAL AfTkACTlGN fontfE PLAYHOUSa 1 1 1 inaremman MOW maMti 1 yr rnsuenot rsxecian Tong to ns al vss eisL nowsrrsia" CBAstuI itet RNfT4 Lou ml PLACIN' OWELL OOIMO 'AlIKtf SUIUMA 0IIMMON9' alUlix jssasasa THUKABAr ALL DAT rSDIAT sad SATtEDAT MIDNITE DHOW POUSII PICTURE DZIEN UPRAGNIONY DAY OF HOPE A A One (he Boat Isooriass is Am TWO dnusl 10 Iks jfa*gnljfaual IFerlAFax Radio HOTEL.

The Herald-News from Passaic, New Jersey (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

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Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.