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Lustre™ 1.6 Operations Manual

Sun Microsystems, Inc. www.sun.com Part No. 820-3681-10 Lustre manual version: Lustre_1.6_man_v1.16 May 2009 Submit comments about this document by clicking the Feedback[+] link at: http://docs.sun.com

Copyright© 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved. U.S. Government Rights - Commercial software. Government users are subject to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its supplements. Sun, Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo and Lustre are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries, exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd. Products covered by and information contained in this service manual are controlled by U.S. Export Control laws and may be subject to the export or import laws in other countries. Nuclear, missile, chemical biological weapons or nuclear maritime end uses or end users, whether direct or indirect, are strictly prohibited. Export or reexport to countries subject to U.S. embargo or to entities identified on U.S. export exclusion lists, including, but not limited to, the denied persons and specially designated nationals lists is strictly prohibited. DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE DISCLAIMED, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH DISCLAIMERS ARE HELD TO BE LEGALLY INVALID. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license and obtain more information about Creative Commons licensing, visit Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 2nd Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California 94105, USA.

Please Recycle

Please Recycle


Preface Part I


Lustre Architecture 1.

Introduction to Lustre 1.1

Introducing the Lustre File System 1.1.1



Lustre Key Features

Lustre Components 1.2.1













Lustre Clients









1–6 1–6



Lustre Systems


Files in the Lustre File System

Lustre File System and Striping


Lustre Storage



OSS Storage


MDS Storage


Lustre System Capacity



Lustre Configurations


Lustre Networking


Lustre Failover and Rolling Upgrades


Additional Lustre Features


1–15 1–16


Understanding Lustre Networking



Introduction to LNET


Supported Network Types


Designing Your Lustre Network


2–1 2–2 2–3


Identify All Lustre Networks


Identify Nodes to Route Between Networks


Identify Network Interfaces to Include/Exclude from LNET


Determine Cluster-wide Module Configuration


Determine Appropriate Mount Parameters for Clients

Configuring LNET 2.4.1





Module Parameters


Using Usocklnd

OFED InfiniBand Options


Module Parameters - Routing







LNET Routers

Downed Routers

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009






2–4 2–4



Starting and Stopping LNET 2.5.1

Starting LNET

2.5.2 Part II



Starting Clients

Stopping LNET



Lustre Administration 3.

Lustre Installation 3.1


Preparing to Install Lustre



Supported Operating System, Platform and Interconnect


Required Tools and Utilities


High-Availability Software


Debugging Tools


Environmental Requirements


Memory Requirements

3–3 3–4

3–4 3–5


Determining the MDS’s Memory

OSS Memory Requirements


Installing Lustre from RPMs


Installing Lustre from Source Code 3.3.1


Patching the Kernel



3–8 3–12


Introducing the Quilt Utility


Get the Lustre Source and Unpatched Kernel

Patch the Kernel




Create and Install the Lustre Packages



Installing Lustre with a Third-Party Network Stack





Configuring Lustre 4.1



Configuring Lustre



Simple Lustre Configuration Example

Module Setup

Lustre Configuration Utilities

Basic Lustre Administration


4–9 4–9



Specifying the File System Name


Mounting a Server


Unmounting a Server


Working with Inactive OSTs


Finding Nodes in the Lustre File System


Mounting a Server Without Lustre Service


Specifying Failout/Failover Mode for OSTs


Running Multiple Lustre File Systems


Running the Writeconf Command


Removing and Restoring OSTs


4–12 4–13 4–13 4–14 4–15 4–15




Removing an OST from the File System

Restoring an OST to the File System


Changing a Server NID


Aborting Recovery




More Complex Configurations 4.3.1





Operational Scenarios



Unmounting a Server (without Failover)


Unmounting a Server (with Failover)


Changing the Address of a Failover Node

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


4–24 4–24





Service Tags 5.1

Introduction to Service Tags


Using Service Tags 5.2.1

Installing Service Tags


Discovering and Registering Lustre Components


Information Registered with Sun

Simple TCP Network 6.1.1



5–2 5–3




Lustre with Combined MGS/MDT


Installation Summary

Configuration Generation and Application


Lustre with Separate MGS and MDT Installation Summary

Configuration Generation and Application

Configuring Lustre with a CSV File

Multi-homed Servers



More Complicated Configurations 7.1



Configuring Lustre - Examples 6.1



6–3 6–3







Start Servers



Start Clients


Elan to TCP Routing





Start servers


Start clients



7–5 7–5




7.4 8.

Load Balancing with InfiniBand 7.3.1



Start servers


Start clients

7–6 7–7 7–7


What is Failover?



The Power Management Software


Power Equipment




Connection Handling During Failover


Roles of Nodes in a Failover



MDS Failover


Configuring MDS and OSTs for Failover

8–6 8–6

Configuring Lustre for Failover


Starting/Stopping a Resource


Active/Active Failover Configuration


Hardware Requirements for Failover

Setting Up Failover with Heartbeat V1 Installing the Software

Using MMP

8–6 8–7

Hardware Preconditions 8.6






OST Failover







Multi-Rail Configurations with LNET

Failover 8.1


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

8–8 8–8



Configuring Heartbeat 8–16




Setting Up Failover with Heartbeat V2 8.7.1

Installing the Software


Configuring the Hardware


8.8 9.

8–17 8–18

Hardware Preconditions

Configuring Lustre

Configuring Heartbeat



8–19 8–19


Initial startup




8–22 8–22

Considerations with Failover Software and Solutions

Configuring Quotas 9.1



Working with Quotas 9.1.1


Enabling Disk Quotas



Administrative and Operational Quotas


Creating Quota Files and Quota Administration


Resetting the Quota


Quota Allocation


Known Issues with Quotas




9–6 9–10

Granted Cache and Quota Limits

Quota Limits

Quota File Formats

Lustre Quota Statistics



9–11 9–11


Interpreting Quota Statistics





RAID 10.1

10–1 Considerations for Backend Storage 10.1.1

Selecting Storage for the MDS and OSS


Reliability Best Practices


Understanding Double Failures with Hardware and Software RAID5 10–3


Performance Tradeoffs




Creating an External Journal


Lustre Software RAID Support

10–5 10–6


Enabling Software RAID on Lustre




What is Kerberos?


Lustre Setup with Kerberos 11.2.1



Insights into Disk Performance Measurement




10.2 11.


11–1 11–2

Configuring Kerberos for Lustre


Kerberos Distributions Supported on Lustre

Preparing to Set Up Lustre with Kerberos

Configuring Lustre for Kerberos

Configuring Kerberos

Setting the Environment

Building Lustre

Running GSS Daemons

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

11–6 11–8

11–9 11–10








Basic Flavors


Security Flavor

Customized Flavor

Specifying Security Flavors

Mounting Clients

Rules, Syntax and Examples

Authenticating Normal Users

11–12 11–13 11–14

11–14 11–15 11–16



Network Bonding




Using Lustre with Multiple NICs versus Bonding NICs


Bonding Module Parameters


Setting Up Bonding 13.5.1





13–5 13–9

Bonding References

Upgrading Lustre



Configuring Lustre with Bonding 13.6.1


Types of Lustre-Kerberos Flavors





Lustre Interoperability



Upgrading from Lustre 1.4.12 to Latest 1.6.x Version



Prerequisites to Upgrading Lustre



Supported Upgrade Paths


Starting Clients


Upgrading a Single File system


Upgrading Multiple File Systems with a Shared MGS


14–4 14–4 14–7






Upgrading Lustre 1.6.x to the Next Minor Version


Downgrading from Latest 1.6.x Version to Lustre 1.4.12


Downgrade Requirements


Downgrading a File System

Lustre SNMP Module



Installing the Lustre SNMP Module


Building the Lustre SNMP Module


Using the Lustre SNMP Module

Backup and Restore








14–2 14–2



Lustre Backups



File System-level Backups



Device-level Backups


Performing File-level Backups

15–2 15–2

Backing Up an MDS File

Backing Up an OST File


Restoring from a File-level Backup


LVM Snapshots on Lustre Target Disks

15–3 15–4

15–4 15–6


Creating LVM-based Lustre File System As a Backup


Backing Up New Files to the Backup File System


Creating LVM Snapshot Volumes


Restoring From Old Snapshot


Delete Old Snapshots







Installing POSIX


Running POSIX Tests Against Lustre


Isolating and Debugging Failures

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

16–2 16–4









Bonnie++ Benchmark


IOR Benchmark


IOzone Benchmark

Lustre I/O Kit 18.1


17–3 17–5


Lustre I/O Kit Description and Prerequisites 18.1.1

Downloading an I/O Kit


Prerequisites to Using an I/O Kit

Running I/O Kit Tests







18.2.3 18.3



18–2 18–2


Running obdfilter_survey Against a Local Disk

Running obdfilter_survey Against a Network

Running obdfilter_survey Against a Network Disk 18–8

Output Files

Script Output

Visualizing Results


PIOS Test Tool

18–6 18–7

18–9 18–10 18–10







PIOS I/O Modes



PIOS Parameters



PIOS Examples





LNET Self-Test 18.4.1




Basic Concepts of LNET Self-Test










Sample Script



LNET Self-Test Concepts



LNET Self-Test Commands


18–20 18–20

18–21 18–21




Batch and Test

Other Commands

Lustre Recovery

18–22 18–24 18–27 18–30



Recovering Lustre


Types of Failure

19–1 19–2


Client Failure


MDS Failure (and Failover)


OST Failure


Network Partition

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009



19–3 19–4


Part III

Lustre Tuning, Monitoring and Troubleshooting 20.

Lustre Tuning 20.1


Module Options 20.1.1


LNET Tunables



I/O Scheduler



Transmit and receive buffer size:




Planning for Inodes


Sizing the MDT


Overriding Default Formatting Options



Number of Inodes for MDT

Inode Size for MDT

Number of Inodes for OST

Network Tuning


DDN Tuning

20–6 20–6

20–6 20–7




Setting Readahead and MF


Setting Segment Size


Setting Write-Back Cache


Setting maxcmds


Further Tuning Tips


20–9 20–9

20–10 20–10

Large-Scale Tuning for Cray XT and Equivalents 20.6.1



Options to Format MDT and OST File Systems



OSS Service Thread Count

MDS Threads



Network Tunables


Lockless I/O Tunables


Data Checksums








Lustre Monitoring and Troubleshooting 21.1

Monitoring Lustre


Troubleshooting Lustre



Error Numbers



Error Messages



Lustre Logs





Submitting a Lustre Bug



Common Lustre Problems and Performance Tips



Recovering from an Unavailable OST



Write Performance Better Than Read Performance


OST Object is Missing or Damaged


OSTs Become Read-Only


Identifying a Missing OST


Changing Parameters


Viewing Parameters


Default Striping


Erasing a File System



21–10 21–10

21–12 21–13

21–14 21–14

21.4.10 Reclaiming Reserved Disk Space


21.4.11 Considerations in Connecting a SAN with Lustre


21.4.12 Handling/Debugging "Bind: Address already in use" Error 21.4.13 Replacing An Existing OST or MDS 21.4.14 Handling/Debugging Error "- 28" 21.4.15 Triggering Watchdog for PID NNN

21–17 21–17 21–18

21.4.16 Handling Timeouts on Initial Lustre Setup


21.4.17 Handling/Debugging "LustreError: xxx went back in time" 21.4.18 Lustre Error: "Slow Start_Page_Write"


21.4.19 Drawbacks in Doing Multi-client O_APPEND Writes 21.4.20 Slowdown Occurs During Lustre Startup


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009





21.4.21 Log Message ‘Out of Memory’ on OST


21.4.22 Number of OSTs Needed for Sustained Throughput 21.4.23 Setting SCSI I/O Sizes 22.

LustreProc 22.1




/proc Entries for Lustre



Finding Lustre


Lustre Timeouts


Adaptive Timeouts in Lustre

22–2 22–3 22–5

Configuring Adaptive Timeouts

Interpreting Adaptive Timeout Information


LNET Information


Free Space Distribution



22–11 22–11



Client I/O RPC Stream Tunables



Watching the Client RPC Stream



Client Read-Write Offset Survey



Client Read-Write Extents Survey


Watching the OST Block I/O Stream


Using File Readahead and Directory Statahead


Tuning File Readahead

Tuning Directory Statahead


mballoc History


mballoc3 Tunables



Debug Support

22–18 22–19

22–19 22–20

22–21 22–23

22–25 22–26

RPC Information for Other OBD Devices



Managing Stripe Allocation

Lustre I/O Tunables









Lustre Debugging 23.1

Lustre Debug Messages 23.1.1



Format of Lustre Debug Messages

Tools for Lustre Debugging 23.2.1



Debug Daemon Option to lctl




lctl Debug Daemon Commands



Controlling the Kernel Debug Log



The lctl Tool


Finding Memory Leaks


Printing to /var/log/messages


Tracing Lock Traffic


Sample lctl Run


Adding Debugging to the Lustre Source Code


Debugging in UML



Troubleshooting with strace



Looking at Disk Content

23–8 23–9 23–10





Determine the Lustre UUID of an OST





Ptlrpc Request History


Using LWT Tracing

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009





Part IV

Lustre for Users 24.


Free Space and Quotas



Querying File System Space


Using Quotas


Striping and I/O Options 25.1

File Striping 25.1.1






Advantages of Striping



25–2 25–2


Disadvantages of Striping


Increased Overhead

Increased Risk

Stripe Size





Displaying Files and Directories with lfs getstripe


lfs setstripe – Setting File Layouts






Changing Striping for a Subdirectory


Using a Specific Striping Pattern/File Layout for a Single File


Creating a File on a Specific OST

Free Space Management





Round-Robin Allocator


Weighted Allocator


Adjusting the Weighting Between Free Space and Location

Performing Direct I/O 25.5.1



25–9 25–9


Making File System Objects Immutable





Other I/O Options 25.6.1

End-to-End Client Checksums

25.7 26.





Changing Checksum Algorithms

Striping Using llapi

Lustre Security 26.1





Using ACLs



How ACLs Work



Using ACLs with Lustre





Using Root Squash



Configuring Root Squash


Enabling and Tuning Root Squash


Tips on Using Root Squash

Lustre Operating Tips

26–4 26–4




Adding an OST to a Lustre File System


A Simple Data Migration Script


Adding Multiple SCSI LUNs on Single HBA


Failures Running a Client and OST on the Same Machine


Improving Lustre Metadata Performance While Using Large Directories 27–6

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


27–3 27–5 27–5

Part V

Reference 28.


User Utilities (man1)












Handling Timeouts

28–11 28–19 28–21

Lustre Programming Interfaces (man2) 29.1

User/Group Cache Upcall 29.1.1






Primary and Secondary Groups




Data structures

Using llapi


29–3 29–3

Setting Lustre Properties (man3) 30.1

























Configuration Files and Module Parameters (man5) 31.1



Module Options 31.2.1


31–1 31–2

LNET Options


Network Topology

networks ("tcp")

routes (“”)

forwarding ("")



31–5 31–7






RapidArray LND






Portals LND (Linux)


Portals LND (Catamount)



Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

31–10 31–11

31–12 31–14


31–15 31–18




System Configuration Utilities (man8) 32.1









New Utilities in Lustre 1.6


32–2 32–5

32–8 32–13 32–16






Utilities to Manage Large Clusters


Application Profiling Utilities


More /proc Statistics for Application Profiling


Testing / Debugging Utilities


Flock Feature





32.5.11 lst


32–18 32–18





32.5.10 llstat







32.5.12 plot-llstat


32.5.13 routerstat


32.5.14 ll_recover_lost_found_objs





System Limits



Maximum Stripe Count



Maximum Stripe Size



Minimum Stripe Size



Maximum Number of OSTs and MDTs


Maximum Number of Clients


Maximum Size of a File System


Maximum File Size


Maximum Number of Files or Subdirectories in a Single Directory


MDS Space Consumption


33–2 33–3



33.10 Maximum Length of a Filename and Pathname


33.11 Maximum Number of Open Files for Lustre File Systems 33.12 OSS RAM Size for a Single OST A. Version Log


B. Lustre Knowledge Base Glossary Index




Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009





Preface The Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual provides detailed information and procedures to install, configure and tune Lustre. The manual covers topics such as failover, quotas, striping and bonding. The Lustre manual also contains troubleshooting information and tips to improve Lustre operation and performance.

Using UNIX Commands This document might not contain information about basic UNIX ® commands and procedures such as shutting down the system, booting the system, and configuring devices. Refer to the following for this information: ■

Software documentation that you received with your system

Solaris™ Operating System documentation, which is at: http://docs.sun.com


Shell Prompts Shell


C shell


C shell superuser


Bourne shell and Korn shell


Bourne shell and Korn shell superuser


Typographic Conventions Typeface




The names of commands, files, and directories; on-screen computer output

Edit your.login file. Use ls -a to list all files. % You have mail.


What you type, when contrasted with on-screen computer output

% su Password:


Book titles, new words or terms, words to be emphasized. Replace command-line variables with real names or values.

Read Chapter 6 in the User’s Guide. These are called class options. You must be superuser to do this. To delete a file, type rm filename.

Note – Characters display differently depending on browser settings. If characters do not display correctly, change the character encoding in your browser to Unicode UTF-8. A '\' (backslash) continuation character is used to indicate that commands are too long to fit on one text line.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Third-Party Web Sites Sun is not responsible for the availability of third-party web sites mentioned in this document. Sun does not endorse and is not responsible or liable for any content, advertising, products, or other materials that are available on or through such sites or resources. Sun will not be responsible or liable for any actual or alleged damage or loss caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods, or services that are available on or through such sites or resources.



xxviii Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Revision History


Part Number




Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual



November 2008

First Sun re-brand of Lustre manual.

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual



March 2008

Second Sun manual version.

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual



May 2008

Third Sun manual version.

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual



July 2008

Fourth Sun manual version.

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual



September 2008

Fifth Sun manual version.

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual



November 2008

Sixth Sun manual version.

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual



May 2009

Seventh Sun manual version.



Lustre Architecture

Lustre is a storage-architecture for clusters. The central component is the Lustre file system, a shared file system for clusters. The Lustre file system is currently available for Linux and provides a POSIX-compliant UNIX file system interface. The Lustre architecture is used for many different kinds of clusters. It is best known for powering seven of the ten largest high-performance computing (HPC) clusters in the world with tens of thousands of client systems, petabytes (PBs) of storage and hundreds of gigabytes per second (GB/sec) of I/O throughput. Many HPC sites use Lustre as a site-wide global file system, servicing dozens of clusters on an unprecedented scale.



Introduction to Lustre This chapter describes Lustre software and components, and includes the following sections: ■

Introducing the Lustre File System

Lustre Components

Lustre Systems

Files in the Lustre File System

Lustre Configurations

Lustre Networking

Lustre Failover and Rolling Upgrades

Additional Lustre Features



Introducing the Lustre File System Lustre is a storage architecture for clusters. The central component is the Lustre file system, a shared file system for clusters. Currently, the Lustre file system is available for Linux and provides a POSIX-compliant UNIX file system interface. In 2008, a complementary Solaris version is planned. The Lustre architecture is used for many different kinds of clusters. It is best known for powering seven of the ten largest high-performance computing (HPC) clusters in the world, with tens of thousands of client systems, petabytes (PB) of storage and hundreds of gigabytes per second (GB/sec) of I/O throughput. Many HPC sites use Lustre as a site-wide global file system, serving dozens of clusters on an unprecedented scale. The scalability of a Lustre file system reduces the need to deploy many separate file systems (such as one for each cluster). This offers significant storage management advantages, for example, avoiding maintenance of multiple data copies staged on multiple file systems. Hand in hand with aggregating file system capacity with many servers, I/O throughput is also aggregated and scales with additional servers. Moreover, throughput (or capacity) can be easily adjusted after the cluster is installed by adding servers dynamically. Because Lustre is open source software, it has been adopted by numerous partners and integrated with their offerings. Both Red Hat and SUSE offer kernels with Lustre patches for easy deployment.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Lustre Key Features The key features of Lustre include: ■

Scalability: On Lustre, individual nodes, cluster size and disk storage are all scalable. For nodes, Lustre scales up and down well. For clusters, we currently support a production environment with 25,000 clients, and many clusters in the 10,000-20,000 client range are supported. Another installation supports 450 OSSs with up to 1,000 OSTs. For disk storage, several 1 PB Lustre file systems have been in use since 2006, with a 2 billion file maximum.

Performance: On clusters, Lustre offers current performance of 100 GB/s in production deployments, 130 GB/s sustained in a test environment, and 13,000 creates/s sustained. On nodes, Lustre offers current single node performance of 2 GB/s client throughout (max) and 2.5 GB/s OSS throughput (max).

POSIX compliance: The full POSIX test suite passes on Lustre clients. In a cluster, POSIX means that most operations are atomic and clients never see stale data or metadata.

High-availability: Lustre offers shared storage partitions for OSS targets (OSTs), and a shared storage partition for MDS target (MDT).

Security: In Lustre, it is an option to have TCP connections only from privileged ports. Group membership handling is server-based. POSIX ACLs are supported.

Open source: Lustre is licensed under the GNU GPL

Chapter 1

Introduction to Lustre



Lustre Components A Lustre cluster consists of the following basic components: ■

Metadata Server (MDS)

Metadata Targets (MDT)

Object Storage Servers (OSS)

Object Storage Target (OST)

Lustre clients



Lustre components in a basic cluster

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


MDS The MDS is a server that makes metadata available to Lustre clients via MDTs. Each MDS manages the names and directories in the file system, and provides the network request handling for one or more local MDTs.1


MDT The MDT stores metadata (such as filenames, directories, permissions and file layout) on an MDS. There is one MDT per file system. An MDT on a shared storage target can be available to many MDSs, although only one should actually use it. If an active MDS fails, a passive MDS can serve the MDT and make it available to clients. This is referred to as MDS failover.


OSS The OSS provides file I/O service, and network request handling for one or more local OSTs. Typically, an OSS serves between 2 and 8 OSTs, up to 8 TB2 each. The MDT, OSTs and Lustre clients can run concurrently (in any mixture) on a single node. However, a typical configuration is an MDT on a dedicated node, two or more OSTs on each OSS node, and a client on each of a large number of compute nodes.


OST The OST stores file data (chunks of user files) on one or more OSSs. A single Lustre file system can have multiple OSTs, each serving a subset of file data. There is not necessarily a 1:1 correspondence between a file and an OST. To optimize performance, a file may be spread over many OSTs. A Logical Object Volume (LOV), manages file striping across many OSTs.

1. For historical reasons, the term “MDS” has traditionally referred to both the MDS and a single MDT. This manual version (and future versions) use the more specific meaning. 2. Lustre observes the IEC standard for base 2 and base 10 naming.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Lustre



Lustre Clients Lustre clients are computational, visualization or desktop nodes that mount the Lustre file system.3 The Lustre client software consists of an interface between the Linux Virtual File System and the Lustre servers. Each target has a client counterpart: Metadata Client (MDC), Object Storage Client (OSC), and a Management Client (MGC). A group of OSCs are wrapped into a single LOV. Working in concert, the OSCs provide transparent access to the file system. Clients which mount the Lustre file system see a single, coherent, synchronized namespace at all times. Different clients can write to different parts of the same file at the same time, while other clients can read from the file. Lustre includes several additional components, LNET and the MGS.


LNET Lustre Networking (LNET) is an API that handles metadata and file I/O data for file system servers and clients. LNET supports multiple, heterogeneous interfaces on clients and servers. Lustre Network Drivers (LNDs) are available for a number of commodity and high-end networks, including TCP/IP, Quadrics Elan, Myrinet (MX and GM) and Cray.


MGS The MGS stores configuration information for all Lustre file systems in a cluster. Each Lustre target contacts the MGS to provide information, and Lustre clients contact the MGS to retrieve information. The MGS requires its own disk for storage. However, there is a provision that allows the MGS to share a disk ("co-locate") with a single MDT. The MGS is not considered "part" of an individual file system; it provides configuration information to other Lustre components.

3. Lustre clients require Lustre software to mounta a Lustre file system.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Lustre Systems Lustre components work together as coordinated systems to manage file and directory operations in the file system. FIGURE 1-2

Lustre system interaction in a file system

The characteristics of the Lustre system include: Typical number of systems


Required attached storage

Desirable hardware characteristics



1 GB/sec I/O, 1,000 metadata ops/sec





500-2.5 GB/sec

File system capacity/OSS count

Good bus bandwidth


2 (2-100 in future)

3,000-15,000 metadata ops/sec

1-2% of file system capacity

Adequate CPU power, plenty of memory

Chapter 1

Introduction to Lustre


At scale, the Lustre cluster can include up to 1,000 OSSs and 100,000 clients. FIGURE 1-3


Lustre cluster at scale

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Files in the Lustre File System Traditional UNIX disk file systems use inodes, which contain lists of block numbers where file data for the inode is stored. Similarly, for each file in a Lustre file system, one inode exists on the MDT. However, in Lustre, the inode on the MDT does not point to data blocks, but instead, points to one or more objects associated with the files. This is illustrated in FIGURE 1-4. These objects are implemented as files on the OST file systems and contain file data. FIGURE 1-4

MDS inodes point to objects, ext3 inodes point to data

Chapter 1

Introduction to Lustre


FIGURE 1-5 shows how a file open operation transfers the object pointers from the

MDS to the client when a client opens the file, and how the client uses this information to perform I/O on the file, directly interacting with the OSS nodes where the objects are stored. FIGURE 1-5

File open and file I/O in Lustre

If only one object is associated with an MDS inode, that object contains all of the data in that Lustre file. When more than one object is associated with a file, data in the file is "striped" across the objects. The benefits of the Lustre arrangement are clear. The capacity of a Lustre file system equals the sum of the capacities of the storage targets. The aggregate bandwidth available in the file system equals the aggregate bandwidth offered by the OSSs to the targets. Both capacity and aggregate I/O bandwidth scale simply with the number of OSSs.


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Lustre File System and Striping Striping allows parts of files to be stored on different OSTs, as shown in FIGURE 1-6. A RAID 0 pattern, in which data is "striped" across a certain number of objects, is used; the number of objects is called the stripe_count. Each object contains "chunks" of data. When the "chunk" being written to a particular object exceeds the stripe_size, the next "chunk" of data in the file is stored on the next target. FIGURE 1-6

Files striped with a stripe count of 2 and 3 with different stripe sizes

File striping presents several benefits. One is that the maximum file size is not limited by the size of a single target. Lustre can stripe files over up to 160 targets, and each target can support a maximum disk use of 8 TB by a file. This leads to a maximum disk use of 1.48 PB by a file in Lustre. Note that the maximum file size is much larger (2^64 bytes), but the file cannot have more than 1.48 PB of allocated data; hence a file larger than 1.48 PB must have many sparse sections. While a single file can only be striped over 160 targets, Lustre file systems have been built with almost 5000 targets, which is enough to support a 40 PB file system. Another benefit of striped files is that the I/O bandwidth to a single file is the aggregate I/O bandwidth to the objects in a file and this can be as much as the bandwidth of up to 160 servers.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Lustre



Lustre Storage The storage attached to the servers is partitioned, optionally organized with logical volume management (LVM) and formatted as file systems. Lustre OSS and MDS servers read, write and modify data in the format imposed by these file systems.

OSS Storage Each OSS can manage multiple object storage targets (OSTs), one for each volume; I/O traffic is load-balanced against servers and targets. An OSS should also balance network bandwidth between the system network and attached storage to prevent network bottlenecks. Depending on the server's hardware, an OSS typically serves between 2 and 25 targets, with each target up to 8 terabytes (TBs) in size.

MDS Storage For the MDS nodes, storage must be attached for Lustre metadata, for which 1-2 percent of the file system capacity is needed. The data access pattern for MDS storage is different from the OSS storage: the former is a metadata access pattern with many seeks and read-and-writes of small amounts of data, while the latter is an I/O access pattern, which typically involves large data transfers. High throughput to MDS storage is not important. Therefore, we recommend that a different storage type be used for the MDS (for example FC or SAS drives, which provide much lower seek times). Moreover, for low levels of I/O, RAID 5/6 patterns are not optimal, a RAID 0+1 pattern yields much better results. Lustre uses journaling file system technology on the targets, and for a MDS, an approximately 20 percent performance gain can sometimes be obtained by placing the journal on a separate device. Typically, the MDS requires CPU power; we recommend at least four processor cores.


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Lustre System Capacity Lustre file system capacity is the sum of the capacities provided by the targets. As an example, 64 OSSs, each with two 8-TB targets, provide a file system with a capacity of nearly 1 PB. If this system uses sixteen 1-TB SATA disks, it may be possible to get 50 MB/sec from each drive, providing up to 800 MB/sec of disk bandwidth. If this system is used as storage backend with a system network like InfiniBand that supports a similar bandwidth, then each OSS could provide 800 MB/sec of end-to-end I/O throughput. Note that the OSS must provide inbound and outbound bus throughput of 800 MB/sec simultaneously. The cluster could see aggregate I/O bandwidth of 64x800, or about 50 GB/sec. Although the architectural constraints described here are simple, in practice it takes careful hardware selection, benchmarking and integration to obtain such results. In a Lustre file system, storage is only attached to server nodes, not to client nodes. If failover capability is desired, then this storage must be attached to multiple servers. In all cases, the use of storage area networks (SANs) with expensive switches can be avoided, because point-to-point connections between the servers and the storage arrays normally provide the simplest and best attachments.


Lustre Configurations Lustre file systems are easy to configure. First, the Lustre software is installed, and then MDT and OST partitions are formatted using the standard UNIX mkfs command. Next, the volumes carrying the Lustre file system targets are mounted on the server nodes as local file systems. Finally, the Lustre client systems are mounted (in a manner similar to NFS mounts).

Chapter 1

Introduction to Lustre


The configuration commands listed below are for the Lustre cluster shown in FIGURE 1-7. On the MDS (mds.your.org@tcp0): mkfs.lustre --mdt --mgs --fsname=large-fs /dev/sda mount -t lustre /dev/sda /mnt/mdt

On OSS1: mkfs.lustre --ost --fsname=large-fs --mgsnode=mds.your.org@tcp0 /dev/sdb mount -t lustre /dev/sdb/mnt/ost1

On OSS2: mkfs.lustre --ost --fsname=large-fs --mgsnode=mds.your.org@tcp0 /dev/sdc mount -t lustre /dev/sdc/mnt/ost2 FIGURE 1-7


A simple Lustre cluster

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Lustre Networking In clusters with a Lustre file system, the system network connects the servers and the clients. The disk storage behind the MDSs and OSSs connects to these servers using traditional SAN technologies, but this SAN does not extend to the Lustre client system. Servers and clients communicate with one another over a custom networking API known as Lustre Networking (LNET). LNET interoperates with a variety of network transports through Network Abstraction Layers (NAL). Key features of LNET include: ■

RDMA, when supported by underlying networks such as Elan, Myrinet and InfiniBand.

Support for many commonly-used network types such as InfiniBand and IP.

High availability and recovery features enabling transparent recovery in conjunction with failover servers.

Simultaneous availability of multiple network types with routing between them.

LNET includes LNDs to support many network type including: ■

InfiniBand: OpenFabrics versions 1.0 and 1.2, Mellanox Gold, Cisco, Voltaire, and Silverstorm

TCP: Any network carrying TCP traffic, including GigE, 10GigE, and IPoIB

Quadrics: Elan3, Elan4

Myrinet: GM, MX

Cray: Seastar, RapidArray

The LNDs that support these networks are pluggable modules for the LNET software stack. LNET offers extremely high performance. It is common to see end-to-end throughput over GigE networks in excess of 110 MB/sec, InfiniBand double data rate (DDR) links reach bandwidths up to 1.5 GB/sec, and 10GigE interfaces provide end-to-end bandwidth of over 1 GB/sec.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Lustre



Lustre Failover and Rolling Upgrades Lustre offers a robust, application-transparent failover mechanism that delivers call completion. This failover mechanism, in conjunction with software that offers interoperability between versions, is used to support rolling upgrades of file system software on active clusters. The Lustre recovery feature allows servers to be upgraded without taking down the system. The server is simply taken offline, upgraded and restarted (or failed over to a standby server with the new software). All active jobs continue to run without failures, they merely experience a delay. Lustre MDSs are configured as an active/passive pair, while OSSs are typically deployed in an active/active configuration that provides redundancy without extra overhead, as shown in FIGURE 1-8. Often the standby MDS is the active MDS for another Lustre file system, so no nodes are idle in the cluster. FIGURE 1-8


Lustre failover configurations for OSSs and MDSs

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Although a file system checking tool (lfsck) is provided for disaster recovery, journaling and sophisticated protocols re-synchronize the cluster within seconds, without the need for a lengthy fsck. Lustre version interoperability between successive minor versions is guaranteed. As a result, the Lustre failover capability is used regularly to upgrade the software without cluster downtime.

Note – Lustre does not provide redundancy for data; it depends exclusively on redundancy of backing storage devices. The backing OST storage should be RAID 5 or, preferably, RAID 6 storage. MDT storage should be RAID 1 or RAID 0+1.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Lustre



Additional Lustre Features Additional features of the Lustre file system are described below. ■

Interoperability: Lustre runs on many CPU architectures (x86, IA-64, x86-64 (EM64 and AMD64, Power PC architectures [clients only], and mixed-endian clusters; clients and servers are interoperable between these platforms. Lustre strives to provide interoperability between adjacent software releases. Versions 1.4.x (x > 7) and version 1.6.x can interoperate with mixed clients and servers.4

Access control list (ACL): Currently, the Lustre security model follows a UNIX file system, enhanced with POSIX ACLs. Noteworthy additional features include root squash and connecting from privileged ports only.

Quotas: User and group quotas are available for Lustre.

OSS addition: The capacity of a Lustre file system and aggregate cluster bandwidth can be increased without interrupting any operations by adding a new OSS with OSTs to the cluster.

Controlled striping: The default stripe count and stripe size can be controlled in various ways. The file system has a default setting that is determined at format time. Directories can be given an attribute so that all files under that directory (and recursively under any sub-directory) have a striping pattern determined by the attribute. Finally, utilities and application libraries are provided to control the striping of an individual file at creation time.

Snapshots: Lustre file servers use volumes attached to the server nodes. The Lustre software includes a utility (using LVM snapshot technology) to create a snapshot of all volumes and group snapshots together in a snapshot file system that can be mounted with Lustre.

Backup tools: Lustre 1.6 includes two utilities supporting backups. One tool scans file systems and locates files modified since a certain timeframe. This utility makes modified files’ pathnames available so they can be processed in parallel by other utilities (such as rsync) using multiple clients. Another useful tool is a modified version of GNU tar (gtar) which can back up and restore extended attributes (i.e. file striping) for Lustre.5

Other current features of Lustre are described in detail in this manual. Future features are described in the Lustre roadmap.

4. Future Lustre releases may require "server first" or "all nodes at once" upgrade scenarios. 5. Files backed up using the modified version of gtar are restored per the backed up striping information. The backup procedure does not use default striping rules.


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Understanding Lustre Networking This chapter describes Lustre Networking (LNET) and supported networks, and includes the following sections:


Introduction to LNET

Supported Network Types

Designing Your Lustre Network

Configuring LNET

Introduction to LNET In a Lustre network, servers and clients communicate with one another using LNET, a custom networking API which abstracts away all transport-specific interaction. In turn, LNET operates with a variety of network transports through Lustre Network Drivers . The following terms are important to understanding LNET. ■

LND: Lustre Network Driver. A modular sub-component of LNET that implements one of the network types. LNDs are implemented as individual kernel modules (or a library in userspace) and, typically, must be compiled against the network driver software.

Network: A group of nodes that communicate directly with each other. The network is how LNET represents a single cluster. Multiple networks can be used to connect clusters together. Each network has a unique type and number (for example, tcp0, tcp1, or elan0).

NID: Lustre Network Identifier. The NID uniquely identifies a Lustre network endpoint, including the node and the network type. There is an NID for every network which a node uses.


Key features of LNET include: ■

RDMA, when supported by underlying networks such as Elan, Myrinet, and InfiniBand

Support for many commonly-used network types such as InfiniBand and TCP/IP

High availability and recovery features enabling transparent recovery in conjunction with failover servers

Simultaneous availability of multiple network types with routing between them

LNET is designed for complex topologies, superior routing capabilities and simplified configuration.


Supported Network Types LNET supports the following network types:



openib (Mellanox-Gold InfiniBand)

cib (Cisco Topspin)

iib (Infinicon InfiniBand)

vib (Voltaire InfiniBand)

o2ib (OFED - InfiniBand and iWARP)

ra (RapidArray)

Elan (Quadrics Elan)

GM and MX (Myrinet)

Cray Seastar

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Designing Your Lustre Network Before you configure Lustre, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the Lustre network topologies.


Identify All Lustre Networks A network is a group of nodes that communicate directly with one another. As previously mentioned in this manual, Lustre supports a variety of network types and hardware, including TCP/IP, Elan, varieties of InfiniBand, Myrinet and others. The normal rules for specifying networks apply to Lustre networks. For example, two TCP networks on two different subnets (tcp0 and tcp1) would be considered two different Lustre networks.


Identify Nodes to Route Between Networks Any node with appropriate interfaces can route LNET between different networks—the node may be a server, a client, or a standalone router. LNET can route across different network types (such as TCP-to-Elan) or across different topologies (such as bridging two InfiniBand or TCP/IP networks).


Identify Network Interfaces to Include/Exclude from LNET If not explicitly specified, LNET uses either the first available interface or a pre-defined default for a given network type. If there are interfaces that LNET should not use (such as administrative networks, IP over IB, and so on), then the included interfaces should be explicitly listed.

Chapter 2

Understanding Lustre Networking



Determine Cluster-wide Module Configuration The LNET configuration is managed via module options, typically specified in /etc/modprobe.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf.local (depending on the distribution). To ease the maintenance of large clusters, you can configure the networking setup for all nodes using a single, unified set of options in the modprobe.conf file on each node. For more information, see the ip2nets option in Modprobe.conf. Users of liblustre should set the accept=all parameter. For details, see Module Parameters.


Determine Appropriate Mount Parameters for Clients In mount commands, clients use the NID of the MDS host to retrieve their configuration information. Since an MDS may have more than one NID, a client should use the appropriate NID for its local network. If you are unsure which NID to use, there is a lctl command that can help.

MDS On the MDS, run: lctl list_nids

This displays the server's NIDs.

Client On a client, run: lctl which_nid

This displays the closest NID for the client.


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Client with SSH Access From a client with SSH access to the MDS, run: mds_nids=`ssh the_mds lctl list_nids` lctl which_nid $mds_nids

This displays, generally, the correct NID to use for the MDS in the mount command.

Note – In the mds_nids command above, be sure to use the correct mark (`), not a straight quotation mark ('). Otherwise, the command will not work.


Configuring LNET This section describes how to configure LNET.

Note – We recommend that you use dotted-quad IP addressing rather than host names. We have found this aids in reading debug logs, and helps greatly when debugging configurations with multiple interfaces.


Module Parameters LNET network hardware and routing are configured via module parameters of the LNET and LND-specific modules. Parameters should be specified in the /etc/modprobe.conf or /etc/modules.conf file, for example: options lnet networks=tcp0,elan0

This specifies that the node should use a TCP interface and an Elan interface. All LNET routers that bridge two networks are equivalent. Their configuration is not primary or secondary. All available routers balance their overall load. Router fault tolerance only works from Linux nodes. To do this, LNET routing must correspond exactly with the Linux nodes' map of alive routers. There is no hard limit on the number of LNET routers.

Chapter 2

Understanding Lustre Networking


Note – When multiple interfaces are available during the network setup, Lustre choose the 'best' route. Once the network connection is established, Lustre expects the network to stay connected. In a Lustre network, connections do not fail over to the other interface, even if multiple interfaces are available on the same node. Under Linux 2.6, the LNET configuration parameters can be viewed under /sys/module/; generic and acceptor parameters under lnet and LND-specific parameters under the corresponding LND name.

Note – Depending on the Linux distribution, options with included commas may need to be escaped using single and/or double quotes. Worst-case quotes look like: options lnet'networks="tcp0,elan0"' 'routes="tcp [2,10]@elan0"' Additional quotes may confuse some distributions. Check for messages such as: lnet: Unknown parameter ‘'networks'

After modprobe LNET, remove the additional single quotes (modprobe.conf in this case). Additionally, the refusing connection - no matching NID message generally points to an error in the LNET module configuration.

Note – By default, Lustre ignores the loopback (lo0) interface. Lustre does not ignore IP addresses aliased to the loopback. In this case, specify all Lustre networks. The liblustre network parameters may be set by exporting the environment variables LNET_NETWORKS, LNET_IP2NETS and LNET_ROUTES. Each of these variables uses the same parameters as the corresponding modprobe option. Note, it is very important that a liblustre client includes ALL the routers in its setting of LNET_ROUTES. A liblustre client cannot accept connections, it can only create connections. If a server sends remote procedure call (RPC) replies via a router to which the liblustre client has not already connected, then these RPC replies are lost.

Note – Liblustre is not for general use. It was created to work with specific hardware (Cray) and should never be used with other hardware.


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Using Usocklnd Lustre now offers usocklnd, a socket-based LND that uses TCP in userspace. By default, liblustre is compiled with usocklnd as the transport, so there is no need to specially enable it. Use the following environmental variables to tune usocklnd’s behavior. Variable



Turns the TCP Nagle algorithm on or off. Setting N to 0 (the default value), turns the algorithm off. Setting N to 1 turns the algorithm on.


Changes the socket buffer size. Setting N to 0 (the default value), specifies the default socket buffer size. Setting N to another value (must be a positive integer) causes usocklnd to try to set the socket buffer size to the specified value.


Specifies the maximum number of concurrent sends. The default value is 256. N should be set to a positive value.

USOCK_PEERTXCREDITS=N Specifies the maximum number of concurrent sends per peer. The default value is 8. N should be set to a positive value and should not be greater than the value of the USOCK_TXCREDITS parameter. USOCK_NPOLLTHREADS=N

Defines the degree of parallelism of usocklnd, by equaling the number of threads devoted to processing network events. The default value is the number of CPUs in the system. N should be set to a positive value.


The maximum number of times that usocklnd loops processing events before the next polling occurs. The default value is 1, meaning that every network event has only one chance to be processed before polling occurs the next time. N should be set to a positive value.


Specifies the network timeout (measured in seconds). Network options that are not completed in N seconds time out and are canceled. The default value is 50 seconds. N should be a positive value.

USOCK_POLL_TIMEOUT=N Specifies the polling timeout; how long usocklnd ‘sleeps’ if no network events occur. N results in a slightly lower overhead of checking network timeouts and longer delay of evicting timed-out events. The default value is 1 second. N should be set to a positive value.


This tunable is only used for typed network connections. Currently, liblustre clients do not use this usocklnd facility.

Chapter 2

Understanding Lustre Networking


OFED InfiniBand Options For the SilverStorm/Infinicon InfiniBand LND (iiblnd), the network and HCA may be specified, as in this example: options lnet networks="o2ib3(ib3)"

This specifies that the node is on o2ib network number 3, using HCA ib3.


Module Parameters - Routing The following parameter specifies a colon-separated list of router definitions. Each route is defined as a network number, followed by a list of routers. route=

Examples: options lnet 'networks="o2ib0"' 'routes="tcp0 192.168.10.[1-8]@o2ib0"'

This is an example for IB clients to access TCP servers via 8 IB-TCP routers. options lnet 'ip2nets="tcp0 10.10.0.*; o2ib0(ib0) 192.168.10.[1-128]"' \

'routes="tcp 192.168.10.[1-8]@o2ib0; o2ib 10.10.0.[1-8]@tcp0"

This specifies bi-directional routing; TCP clients can reach Lustre resources on the IB networks and IB servers can access the TCP networks. For more information on ip2nets, see Modprobe.conf.

Note – Configure IB network interfaces on a different subnet than LAN interfaces.

Caution – For options ip2nets, routes and networks, several best practices must be followed or configuration errors occur: Best Practice 1: If you add a comment to any of the options mentioned above, position the semicolon after the comment. If you fail to do so, some nodes are not properly initialized because LNET silently ignores everything following the '#' character (which begins the comment), until it reaches the next semicolon. This is subtle; no error message is generated to alert you to the problem. This example shows the correct syntax: options lnet ip2nets="pt10 192.168.0.[89,93] # comment with semicolon AFTER comment; \ pt11 192.168.0.[92,96] # comment

In this example, the following is ignored: comment with semicolon AFTER comment 2-8

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This example shows the wrong syntax: options lnet ip2nets="pt10 192.168.0.[89,93]; # comment with semicolon BEFORE comment \ pt11 192.168.0.[92,96];

In this example, the following is ignored: comment with semicolon BEFORE comment pt11 192.168.0.[92,96]. Because LNET silently ignores pt11 192.168.0.[92,96], these nodes are not properly initialized. Best Practice 2: Do not add an excessive number of comments to these options. The Linux kernel has a limit on the length of string module options; it is usually 1KB, but may differ in vendor kernels. If you exceed this limit, errors result and the configuration specified by the user is not processed properly.

Using Routing Parameters Across a Cluster To ease Lustre administration, the same routing parameters can be used across different parts of a routed cluster. For example, the bi-directional routing example above can be used on an entire cluster (TCP clients, TCP-IB routers, and IB servers): ■

TCP clients would ignore o2ib0(ib0) 192.168.10.[1-128] in ip2nets since they have no such interfaces. Similarly, IB servers would ignore tcp0 192.168.0.*. But TCP-IB routers would use both since they are multi-homed.

TCP clients would ignore the route "tcp 192.168.10.[1-8]@o2ib0" since the target network is a local network. For the same reason, IB servers would ignore "o2ib 10.10.0.[1-8]@tcp0".

TCP-IB routers would ignore both routes, because they are multi-homed. Moreover, the routers would enable LNet forwarding since their NIDs are specified in the 'routes' parameters as being routers.

live_router_check_interval, dead_router_check_interval, auto_down, check_routers_before_use and router_ping_timeout In a routed Lustre setup with nodes on different networks such as TCP/IP and Elan, the router checker checks the status of a router. The auto_down parameter enables/disables (1/0) the automatic marking of router state. The live_router_check_interval parameter specifies a time interval in seconds after which the router checker will ping the live routers. In the same way, you can set the dead_router_check_interval parameter for checking dead routers.

Chapter 2

Understanding Lustre Networking


You can set the timeout for the router checker to check the live or dead routers by setting the router_ping_timeout parmeter. The Router pinger sends a ping message to a dead/live router once every dead/live_router_check_interval seconds, and if it does not get a reply message from the router within router_ping_timeout seconds, it considers the router to be down. The last parameter is check_routers_before_use, which is off by default. If it is turned on, you must also give dead_router_check_interval a positive integer value. The router checker gets the following variables for each router: ■

Last time that it was disabled

Duration of time for which it is disabled

The initial time to disable a router should be one minute (enough to plug in a cable after removing it). If the router is administratively marked as "up", then the router checker clears the timeout. When a route is disabled (and possibly new), the "sent packets" counter is set to 0. When the route is first re-used (that is an elapsed disable time is found), the sent packets counter is incremented to 1, and incremented for all further uses of the route. If the route has been used for 100 packets successfully, then the sent-packets counter should be with a value of 100. Set the timeout to 0 (zero), so future errors no longer double the timeout.

Note – The router_ping_timeout is consistent with the default LND timeouts. You may have to increase it on very large clusters if the LND timeout is also increased. For larger clusters, we suggest increasing the check interval.


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LNET Routers All LNET routers that bridge two networks are equivalent. They are not configured as primary or secondary, and load is balanced across all available routers. Router fault tolerance only works from Linux nodes, that is, service nodes and application nodes if they are running Compute Node Linux (CNL). For this, LNET routing must correspond exactly with the Linux nodes’ map of alive routers.1 There are no hard requirements regarding the number of LNET routers, although there should enough to handle the required file serving bandwidth (and a 25% margin for headroom).

Comparing 32-bit and 64-bit LNET Routers By default, at startup, LNET routers allocate 544M (i.e. 139264 4K pages) of memory as router buffers. The buffers can only come from low system memory (i.e. ZONE_DMA and ZONE_NORMAL). On 32-bit systems, low system memory is, at most, 896M no matter how much RAM is installed. The size of the default router buffer puts big pressure on low memory zones, making it more likely that an out-of-memory (OOM) situation will occur. This is a known cause of router hangs. Lowering the value of the large_router_buffers parameter can circumvent this problem, but at the cost of penalizing router performance, by making large messages wait for longer for buffers. On 64-bit architectures, the ZONE_HIGHMEM zone is always empty. Router buffers can come from all available memory and out-of-memory hangs do not occur. Therefore, we recommend using 64-bit routers.

1. Catamount applications need an environmental variable set to configure LNET routing, which must correspond exactly to the Linux nodes’ map of alive routers. The Catamount application must establish connections to all routers before the server replies (load-balanced over available routers), to be guaranteed to be routed back to them.

Chapter 2

Understanding Lustre Networking



Downed Routers There are two mechanisms to update the health status of a peer or a router: ■

LNET can actively check health status of all routers and mark them as dead or alive automatically. By default, this is off. To enable it set auto_down and if desired check_routers_before_use. This initial check may cause a pause equal to router_ping_timeout at system startup, if there are dead routers in the system.

When there is a communication error, all LNDs notify LNET that the peer (not necessarily a router) is down. This mechanism is always on, and there is no parameter to turn it off. However, if you set the LNET module parameter auto_down to 0, LNET ignores all such peer-down notifications.

Several key differences in both mechanisms:


The router pinger only checks routers for their health, while LNDs notices all dead peers, regardless of whether they are a router or not.

The router pinger actively checks the router health by sending pings, but LNDs only notice a dead peer when there is network traffic going on.

The router pinger can bring a router from alive to dead or vice versa, but LNDs can only bring a peer down.

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Starting and Stopping LNET Lustre automatically starts and stops LNET, but it can also be manually started in a standalone manner. This is particularly useful to verify that your networking setup is working correctly before you attempt to start Lustre.


Starting LNET To start LNET, run: $ modprobe lnet $ lctl network up

To see the list of local NIDs, run: $ lctl list_nids

This command tells you if the local node's networks are set up correctly. If the networks are not correctly setup, see the modules.conf "networks=" line and make sure the network layer modules are correctly installed and configured. To get the best remote NID, run: $ lctl which_nid

where is the list of available NIDs. This command takes the "best" NID from a list of the NIDs of a remote host. The "best" NID is the one that the local node uses when trying to communicate with the remote node.

Starting Clients To start a TCP client, run: mount -t lustre mdsnode:/mdsA/client /mnt/lustre/

To start an Elan client, run: mount -t lustre 2@elan0:/mdsA/client /mnt/lustre

Chapter 2

Understanding Lustre Networking



Stopping LNET Before the LNET modules can be removed, LNET references must be removed. In general, these references are removed automatically when Lustre is shut down, but for standalone routers, an explicit step is needed to stop LNET. Run: lctl network unconfigure

Note – Attempting to remove Lustre modules prior to stopping the network may result in a crash or an LNET hang. if this occurs, the node must be rebooted (in most cases). Make sure that the Lustre network and Lustre are stopped prior to unloading the modules. Be extremely careful using rmmod -f. To unconfigure the LNET network, run: modprobe -r

Tip – To remove all Lustre modules, run: $ lctl modules | awk '{print $2}' | xargs rmmod


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009



Lustre Administration

Lustre administration includes the steps necessary to meet pre-installation requirements, and install and configure Lustre. It also includes advanced topics such as failover, quotas, bonding, benchmarking, Kerberos and POSIX.



Lustre Installation Lustre installation involves two procedures, meeting the installation prerequisites and installing the Lustre software, either from RPMs or from source code. This chapter includes these sections: ■

Preparing to Install Lustre

Installing Lustre from RPMs

Installing Lustre from Source Code

Lustre can be installed from either packaged binaries (RPMs) or freely-available source code. Installing from the package release is straightforward, and recommended for new users. Integrating Lustre into an existing kernel and building the associated Lustre software is an involved process. For either installation method, the following are required: ■

Linux kernel patched with Lustre-specific patches

Lustre modules compiled for the Linux kernel

Lustre utilities required for Lustre configuration

Note – When installing Lustre and creating components on devices, a certain amount of space is reserved, so less than 100% of storage space will be available. Lustre servers use the ext3 file system to store user-data objects and system data. By default, ext3 file systems reserve 5% of space that cannot be used by Lustre. Additionally, Lustre reserves up to 400 MB on each OST for journal use1. This reserved space is unusable for general storage. For this reason, you will see up to 400MB of space used on each OST before any file object data is saved to it.

1. Additionally, a few bytes outside the journal are used to create accounting data for Lustre.



Preparing to Install Lustre To sucessfully install and run Lustre, make sure the following installation prerequisites have been met:


Supported Operating System, Platform and Interconnect

Required Tools and Utilities

High-Availability Software

Debugging Tools

Environmental Requirements

Memory Requirements

Supported Operating System, Platform and Interconnect Lustre supports the following operating systems, platforms2 and interconnects. Make sure you are using a supported configuration. Configuration Component

Supported Type

Operating system

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and 5 SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 and 10 Linux 2.6, and a higher kernel than 2.6.15


x86, IA-64, x86-64 (EM64 and AMD64) PowerPC architectures (for clients only) and mixed-endian clusters


TCP/IP Quadrics Elan 3 and 4 Myri-10G and Myrinet - 2000 Mellanox InfiniBand (Voltaire, OpenIB, Silverstorm and any OFED-supported InfiniBand adapter)

2. We encourage the use of 64-bit platforms.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Note – Lustre clients running on architectures with different endianness are supported. One limitation is that the PAGE_SIZE kernel macro on the client must be as large as the PAGE_SIZE of the server. In particular, ia64 clients with large pages (up to 64kB pages) can run with i386 servers (4kB pages). If you are running i386 clients with ia64 servers, you must compile the ia64 kernel with a 4kB PAGE_SIZE (so the server page size is not larger than the client page size).


Required Tools and Utilities The Lustre software includes several tools needed for setup and monitoring; several third-party utilities are also required.

Note – Most of these tools and utilities are provided in the Lustre RPMs. The Lustre utilites include: ■

lctl - Low-level configuration utility that can be used to troubleshoot and debug Lustre.

lfs - Used to read/set information about the Lustre file system’s usage, such as striping, quota, OSTs, etc.

mkfs.lustre - Formats Lustre target disks.

mount.lustre - Lustre-specific helper for mount(8).

LNET self-test - Helps determine that LNET and the network software and hardware are performing as expected.

Lustre requires several third-party tools be installed: ■

e2fsprogs: Lustre requires very modern versions of e2fsprogs that understand extents. Use e2fsprogs-1.38- or later, available with the Lustre file downloads.

Note – Lustre-patched e2fsprogs utility only needs to be installed on machines that mount backend (ldiskfs) file systems, such as the OSS, MDS and MGS nodes. It does not need to be loaded on clients. ■

Perl - Various userspace utilities are written in Perl. Any modern Perl should work with Lustre.

Build tool/Compiler - If you plan to build Lustre from source code, then you need a GCC compiler; use GCC 3.0 or later. If you are installing Lustre from RPMs, you do not need a compiler.

Chapter 3

Lustre Installation



High-Availability Software If you plan to enable failover server functionality with Lustre (either on an OSS or MDS), you must add high-availability (HA) software to your cluster software. You can use any HA software package with Lustre.3 Heartbeat supports a redundant system with access to the Shared (Common) Storage with dedicated connectivity; it can determine the system’s general state. For more information, see Failover.


Debugging Tools Lustre is a complex system and you may encounter problems when using it. You should have debugging tools on hand to help figure out how and why a problem occurred. The e2fsprogs package (available on the Lustre download site), includes the Lustre debugfs tool, which can be can used to interactively debug an ext3/ldiskfs4 file system. The debugfs utility can either be used either to check status of or modify information in the file system. There are also several third-party tools you can use, such as GDB, coupled with crash. These tools can be used to investigate live systems and kernel core dumps. There are also useful kernel patches/ modules, such as netconsole and netdump, that allow core dumps to be made across the network. For more information about these third-party tools, see the following websites: Third-party Tool










3. In this manual, the Linux-HA (Heartbeat) package is referenced, but you can use any HA software. 4. ldiskfs is the Sun development version of ext4.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Environmental Requirements Make sure the following environmental requirements are met before installing Lustre.

Pdsh or SSH Access Although not strictly required to run Lustre, we recommend that all cluster nodes have remote shell client access (preferably Pdsh5, although SSH6 is acceptable), to facilitate the use of Lustre configuration and monitoring scripts. For more information, see Pdsh.

Consistent Clocks Lustre uses client clocks for timestamps. If clocks are out-of-sync between clients and servers, timeouts and client evictions will occur. Drifting clocks can also be a problem. It can also be difficult to debug multi-node issues or correlate logs (which depend on timestamps). We recommend that you use Network Time Protocol (NTP) to keep client and server clocks in sync with each other. All machines in the cluster should synchronize their time from a local time server (or servers) at a suitable time interval. For more information about NTP, see: http://www.ntp.org/

Universal UID / GID Maintain uniform file access permissions on all cluster nodes by using the same user IDs (UID) and group IDs (GID) on all clients. If use of supplemental groups is required, verify that the group_upcall requirements have been met. See User/Group Cache Upcall.

5. Parallel Distributed SHell 6. Secure SHell

Chapter 3

Lustre Installation



Memory Requirements This section describes the memory requirements of Lustre.

Determining the MDS’s Memory Use the following factors to determine the MDS’s memory: ■

Number of clients

Size of the directories

Extent of load

The amount of memory used by the MDS is a function of how many clients are on the system, and how many files they are using in their working set. This is driven, primarily, by the number of locks a client can hold at one time. The default maximum number of locks for a compute node is 100*num_cores, and interactive clients can hold in excess of 10,000 locks at times. For the MDS, this works out to approximately 2 KB per file, including the Lustre DLM lock and kernel data structures for it, just for the current working set. There is, by default, 400 MB for the file system journal, and additional RAM usage for caching file data for the larger working set that is not actively in use by clients, but should be kept "HOT" for improved access times. Having file data in cache can improve metadata performance by a factor of 10x or more compared to reading it from disk. Approximately 1.5 KB/file is needed to keep a file in cache. For example, for a single MDT on an MDS with 1,000 clients, 16 interactive nodes, and a 2 million file working set (of which 400,000 files are cached on the clients): file system journal

= 400 MB

1000 * 4-core clients * 100 files/core * 2kB

= 800 MB

16 interactive clients * 10,000 files * 2kB

= 320 MB

1,600,000 file extra working set * 1.5kB/file

= 2400 MB

This suggests a minimum RAM size of 4 GB, but having more RAM is always prudent given the relatively low cost of this single component compared to the total system cost. If there are directories containing 1 million or more files, you may benefit significantly from having more memory. For example, in an environment where clients randomly access one of 10 million files, having extra memory for the cache significantly improves performance.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

OSS Memory Requirements When planning the hardware for an OSS node, consider the memory usage of several components in the Lustre system. Although Lustre versions 1.4 and 1.6 do not cache file data in memory on the OSS node, there are a number of large memory consumers that need to be taken into account. Also consider that future Lustre versions will cache file data on the OSS node, so these calculations should only be taken as a minimum requirement. By default, each Lustre ldiskfs file system has 400 MB for the journal size. This can pin up to an equal amount of RAM on the OSS node per file system. In addition, the service threads on the OSS node pre-allocate a 1 MB I/O buffer for each ost_io service thread, so these buffers do not need to be allocated and freed for each I/O request. Also, a reasonable amount of RAM needs to be available for file system metadata. While no hard limit can be placed on the amount of file system metadata, if more RAM is available, then the disk I/O is needed less often to retrieve the metadata. Finally, if you are using TCP or other network transport that uses system memory for send/receive buffers, this must also be taken into consideration. Also, if the OSS nodes are to be used for failover from another node, then the RAM for each journal should be doubled, so the backup server can handle the additional load if the primary server fails. OSS Memory Usage for a 2 OST server (major consumers): ■

400MB journal size * 2 OST devices = 800MB

1.5MB per OST IO thread * 256 threads = 384MB

e1000 RX descriptors, RxDescriptors=4096 for 9000 byte MTU = 128MB

This consumes over 1,300 MB just for the pre-allocated buffers, and does not include memory for the OS or file system metadata. For a non-failover configuration, 2 GB of RAM would be the minimum. For a failover configuration, 3 GB of RAM would be the minimum.

Chapter 3

Lustre Installation



Installing Lustre from RPMs Once all prerequisites have been met, you are ready to install Lustre. This procedure describes how to install Lustre from the RPM packages. This is the easier installation method, and is recommended for new users. Alternately, you can install Lustre directly from the source code. For more information on this installation method, see Installing Lustre from Source Code.

Note – In all Lustre installations, the server kernel (on the MDS, MGS and OSSs) must be patched; it is optional whether to patch the kernel on the Lustre clients. You can run the patched server kernel on the clients, but it is not necessary unless the clients will be used for multiple purposes, for example, to run as a client and an OST.

Caution – Lustre contains kernel modifications which interact with storage devices and may introduce security issues and data loss if not installed, configured or administered properly. Before installing Lustre, exercise caution and back up ALL data. 1. Verify that all of the Lustre installation requirements have been met. For more information on these prerequisites, see Preparing to Install Lustre. 2. Download the Lustre RPMs/tarballs. a. Navigate to the Lustre download site and select your platform. The files required to install Lustre (kernels, modules and utilities RPMs) are listed for the selected platform. b. Download the required files, using either the Sun Download Manager (SDM) or downloading the files individually.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Tip – When considering where to install Lustre clients and servers, remember that for best performance in a production environment, dedicated clients are always best. Running the MDS and a client on the same machine can cause recovery and deadlock issues, and the performance of other Lustre clients to suffer. Running the OSS and a client on the same machine can cause issues with low memory and memory pressure. The client consume all of the memory and tries to flush pages to disk. The OSS needs to allocate pages to receive data from the client, but cannot perform this operation, due to low memory. This can result in OOM kill and other issues. Regarding servers, the MDS and MGS can be run together on the same machine. If you are setting up a non-production Lustre environment, conducting testing, performing quick sanity tests, etc., it is okay to run Lustre clients and servers on the same node. 3. Install the Lustre packages. Some Lustre packages are installed on servers (MDS and OSSs), and others are installed on Lustre clients. Also, Lustre packages should be installed in a specific order. a. For each Lustre package, determine if it needs to be installed on servers and/or clients. TABLE 3-1 lists the Lustre packages. Use this table to determine where to install a specific package. Depending on your platform, not all of the listed files need to be installed.

Chapter 3

Lustre Installation



Lustre packages, descriptions and installation guidance

Lustre Package


Install on servers

Install on patchless clients

Install on patched clients

Lustre kernel RPMs X


Lustre-patched kernel package for use on SuSE Server 9 and 10, i686 platforms.



Lustre OFED package. Install if the network interconnect is InfiniBand (IB).



Lustre-patched kernel package.





Lustre module RPMs lustre-modules-

Lustre modules for the patched kernel.


Lustre modules for patchless clients.



Lustre utilities lustre-




Lustre utilities package. This includes userspace utilities to configure and run Lustre. Lustre-patched backing file system kernel module package for the ext3 file system


Utilities package used to maintain the ext3 backing file system.


Lustre utilities for patchess clients




* Only install this kernel RPM if you want to patch the client kernel. You do not have to patch the clients to run Lustre.


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b. Install the kernel, modules and ldiskfs packages. Use the rpm -ivh command to install the kernel, module and ldiskfs packages. For example: $ rpm -ivh kernel-lustre-smp- \ kernel-ib- \ lustre-modules- \ lustre-ldiskfs-

c. Install the utilities/userspace packages. Use the rpm -ivh command to install the utilities packages. For example: $ rpm -ivh lustre-

d. Install the e2fsprogs package. Use the rpm -i command to install the e2fsprogs package. For example: $ rpm -i e2fsprogs-

If you want to add any optional packages to your Lustre file system, install them now. 4. Verify that the boot loader (grub.conf or lilo.conf) has been updated to load the patched kernel. 5. Reboot the patched clients and the servers. a. If you applied the patched kernel to any clients, reboot them. Unpatched clients do not need to be rebooted. b. Reboot the servers. Once all the machines have rebooted, the next steps are to configure Lustre Networking (LNET) and the Lustre file system. See Configuring Lustre.

Chapter 3

Lustre Installation



Installing Lustre from Source Code Installing Lustre from source involves several procedures - patching the core kernel, configuring it to work with Lustre, and creating Lustre and kernel RPMs from source code. The easier installation method is to install Lustre from packaged binaries (RPMs). For more information on this installation method, see Installing Lustre from RPMs.

Caution – Lustre contains kernel modifications which interact with storage devices and may introduce security issues and data loss if not installed, configured and administered correctly. Before installing Lustre, be cautious and back up ALL data.

Note – When using third-party network hardware with Lustre, the third-party modules (typically, the drivers) must be linked against the Linux kernel. The LNET modules in Lustre also need these references. To meet these requirements, a specific process must be followed to install and recompile Lustre. See Installing Lustre with a Third-Party Network Stack, which provides an example to install Lustre 1.6.6 using the Myricom MX 1.2.7 driver. The same process can be used for other third-party network stacks.


Patching the Kernel If you are using non-standard hardware, plan to apply a Lustre patch, or have another reason not to use packaged Lustre binaries, you have to apply several Lustre patches to the core kernel and run the Lustre configure script against the kernel.


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Introducing the Quilt Utility To simplify the process of applying Lustre patches to the kernel, we recommend that you use the Quilt utility. Quilt manages a stack of patches on a single source tree. A series file lists the patch files and the order in which they are applied. Patches are applied, incrementally, on the base tree and all preceding patches. Patches can be applied from the stack (quilt push) or removed from the stack (quilt pop). You can query the contents of the series file (quilt series), the contents of the stack (quilt applied, quilt previous, quilt top), and the patches that are not applied at a particular moment (quilt next, quilt unapplied). You can edit and refresh (update) patches with Quilt, as well as revert inadvertent changes, and fork or clone patches and show the diffs before and after work. A variety of Quilt packages (RPMs, SRPMs and tarballs) are available from various sources. Use the most recent version you can find. Quilt depends on several other utilities, e.g., the coreutils RPM that is only available in RedHat 9. For other RedHat kernels, you have to get the required packages to successfully install Quilt. If you cannot locate a Quilt package or fulfill its dependencies, you can build Quilt from a tarball, available here: http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/quilt For additional information on using Quilt, including its commands, see the introduction to Quilt and the quilt(1) man page.

Get the Lustre Source and Unpatched Kernel The Lustre Group supports several Linux unpatched kernels for use with Lustre and provides a series of patches for each one. The Lustre patches are maintained in the kernel_patch directory bundled with the Lustre source code. The unpatched kernels are also available for download. 1. Verify that all of the Lustre installation requirements have been met. For more information on these prerequisites, see Preparing to Install Lustre. 2. Get the Lustre source code. Navigate to the Lustre download site, select the Lustre version you want and Source as the platform. The files required to install Lustre from source code (unpatched kernels, Lustre source and e2fsprogs) are listed. 3. Download the Lustre source code (lustre-.tar.gz).

Chapter 3

Lustre Installation


4. Download the unpatched kernel you want to use. If you do not know the kernel’s filename, check the which_patch file. a. In the Lustre source file, navigate to the which_patch file (lustre/kernel_patches/which_patch) and get the filename of the kernel you want to use. The which_patch file lists the kernels supported in this release. b. Download the selected kernel from the same location where you downloaded the Lustre source in Step 2. 5. To save time later, download the e2fsprogs tarball (e2fsprogs-tar.gz).

Patch the Kernel This procedure describes how to use Quilt to apply the Lustre patches to the kernel. To illustrate the steps in this procedure, a RHEL 5 kernel is patched for Lustre 1. Unpack the Lustre source and kernel to separate source trees. Lustre source and the unpatched kernel were previously downloaded in Get the Lustre Source and Unpatched Kernel. a. Unpack the Lustre source. For this procedure, we assume that the resulting source tree is in /tmp/lustre- b. Unpack the kernel. For this procedure, we assume that the resulting source tree (also known as the destination tree) is in /tmp/kernels/linux-2.6.18 2. Select a config file for your kernel, located in the kernel_configs directory (lustre/kernel_patches/kernel_config). The kernel_config directory contains the .config files, which are named to indicate the kernel and architecture with which they are associated. For example, the configuration file for the 2.6.18 kernel shipped with RHEL 5 (suitable for i686 SMP systems) is kernel-2.6.18-2.6-rhel5-i686-smp.config 3. Select the series file for your kernel, located in the series directory (lustre/kernel_patches/series). The series file contains the patches that need to be applied to the kernel. 4. Set up the necessary symlinks between the kernel patches and the Lustre source. This example assumes that the Lustre source files are unpacked under /tmp/lustre- and you have chosen the 2.6-rhel5.series file). Run:


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

$ cd /tmp/kernels/linux-2.6.18 $ rm -f patches series $ ln -s /tmp/lustre-\ rhel5.series ./series $ ln -s /tmp/lustre- .

5. Use Quilt to apply the patches in the selected series file to the unpatched kernel. Run: $ cd /tmp/kernels/linux-2.6.18 $ quilt push -av

The patched destination tree acts as a base Linux source tree for Lustre.


Create and Install the Lustre Packages After patching the kernel, configure it to work with Lustre, create the Lustre packages (RPMs) and install them. 1. Configure the patched kernel to run with Lustre. Run: $ $ $ $ $ $ $

cd cp /boot/config-‘uname -r‘ .config make oldconfig || make menuconfig make include/asm make include/linux/version.h make SUBDIRS=scripts make include/linux/utsrelease.h

2. Run the Lustre configure script against the patched kernel and create the Lustre packages. $ cd $ ./configure --with-linux= $ make rpms

This creates a set of .rpms in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/ with an appended date-stamp. The SuSE path is /usr/src/packages.

Note – You do not need to run the Lustre configure script against an unpatched kernel. Example: lustre-\ 2.6.18_53.xx.xx.el5_lustre.

Chapter 3

Lustre Installation


lustre-debuginfo-\ 2.6.18_53.xx.xx.el5_lustre. lustre-modules-\ 2.6.18_53.xx.xxel5_lustre. lustre-source-\ 2.6.18_53.xx.xx.el5_lustre.

Note – If the steps to create the RPMs fail, contact Lustre Support by opening a bug.

Note – Lustre supports several features and packages that extend the core functionality of Lustre. These features/packages can be enabled at the build time by issuing appropriate arguments to the configure command. For a list of supported features and packages, run ./configure –help in the Lustre source tree. The configs/ directoryof the kernel source contains the config files matching each the kernel version. Copy one to .config at the root of the kernel tree. 3. Create the kernel package. Navigate to the kernel source directory and run: $ make rpm

Example: kernel-

Note – Step 3 is only valid for RedHat and SuSE kernels. If you are using a stock Linux kernel, you need to get a script to create the kernel RPM.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

4. Install the Lustre packages. Some Lustre packages are installed on servers (MDS and OSSs), and others are installed on Lustre clients.7 For guidance on where to install specific packages, see TABLE 3-1. Also, Lustre packages should be installed in a specific order. a. Install the kernel, modules and ldiskfs packages. Navigate to the directory where the RPMs are stored, and use the rpm -ivh command to install the kernel, module and ldiskfs packages. $ rpm -ivh kernel-lustre-smp- \ kernel-ib- \ lustre-modules- \ lustre-ldiskfs-

b. Install the utilities/userspace packages. Use the rpm -ivh command to install the utilities packages. For example: $ rpm -ivh lustre-

c. Install the e2fsprogs package. Make sure the e2fsprogs package downloaded in Step 5 is unpacked, and use the rpm -i command to install it. For example: $ rpm -i e2fsprogs-

If you want to add any optional packages to your Lustre file system, install them now. 5. Verify that the boot loader (grub.conf or lilo.conf) has been updated to load the patched kernel. 6. Reboot the patched clients and the servers. a. If you applied the patched kernel to any clients, reboot them. Unpatched clients do not need to be rebooted. b. Reboot the servers. Once all the machines have rebooted, the next steps are to configure Lustre Networking (LNET) and the Lustre file system. See Configuring Lustre.

7. It is optional whether to run the patched server kernel on the clients. It is not necessary unless the clients will be used for multiple purposes, for example, to run as a client and an OST.

Chapter 3

Lustre Installation



Installing Lustre with a Third-Party Network Stack When using third-party network hardware, you must follow a specific process to install and recompile Lustre. This section provides an installation example, describing how to install Lustre 1.6.6 while using the Myricom MX 1.2.7 driver. The same process is used for other third-party network stacks, by replacing MX-specific references in Step 2 with the stack-specific build and using the proper --with option when configuring the Lustre source code. 1. Compile and install the Lustre kernel. a. Install the necessary build tools. GCC and related tools must also be installed. For more information, see Required Tools and Utilities. $ yum install rpm-build redhat-rpm-config $ mkdir -p rpmbuild/{BUILD,RPMS,SOURCES,SPECS,SRPMS} $ echo '%_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild' > .rpmmacros

b. Install the patched Lustre source code. This RPM is available at the Lustre download page. $ rpm -ivh kernel-lustre-source-2.6.18-92.1.10.el5_lustre.1.6.6.x86_64.rpm

c. Build the Linux kernel RPM. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

cd /usr/src/linux-2.6.18-92.1.10.el5_lustre.1.6.6 make distclean make oldconfig dep bzImage modules cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config make oldconfig || make menuconfig make include/asm make include/linux/version.h make SUBDIRS=scripts make rpm

d. Install the Linux kernel RPM. If you are building a set of RPMs for a cluster installation, this step is not necessary. Source RPMs are only needed on the build machine. $ rpm -ivh ~/rpmbuild/kernel-lustre-2.6.18-92.1.10.el5_lustre.1.6.6.x86_64.rpm $ mkinitrd /boot/2.6.18-92.1.10.el5_lustre.1.6.6

e. Update the boot loader (/etc/grub.conf) with the new kernel boot information. $ /sbin/shutdown 0 -r


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

2. Compile and install the MX stack. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

cd /usr/src/ gunzip mx_1.2.7.tar.gz (can be obtained from www.myri.com/scs/) tar -xvf mx_1.2.7.tar cd mx-1.2.7 ln -s common include ./configure --with-kernel-lib make make install

3. Compile and install the Lustre source code. a. Install the Lustre source (this can be done via RPM or tarball). The source file is available at the Lustre download page. This example shows installation via the tarball. $ cd /usr/src/ $ gunzip lustre-1.6.6.tar.gz $ tar -xvf lustre-1.6.6.tar

b. Configure and build the Lustre source code. The ./configure --help command shows a list of all of the --with options. All third-party network stacks are built in this manner. $ $ $ $

cd lustre-1.6.6 ./configure --with-linux=/usr/src/linux --with-mx=/usr/src/mx-1.2.7 make make rpms

The make rpms command output shows the location of the generated RPMs 4. Use the rpm -ivh command to install the RPMS. $ rpm -ivh lustre-1.6.6-2.6.18_92.1.10.el5_lustre.1.6.6smp.x86_64.rpm $ rpm -ivh lustre-modules-1.6.6-2.6.18_92.1.10.el5_lustre.1.6.6smp.x86_64.rpm $ rpm -ivh lustre-ldiskfs-3.0.6-2.6.18_92.1.10.el5_lustre.1.6.6smp.x86_64.rpm

5. Add the following lines to the /etc/modprobe.conf file. options kmxlnd hosts=/etc/hosts.mxlnd options lnet networks=mx0(myri0),tcp0(eth0)

6. Populate the myri0 configuration with the proper IP addresses. vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/myri0

Chapter 3

Lustre Installation


7. Add the following line to the /etc/hosts.mxlnd file. $ IP HOST BOARD EP_ID

8. Start Lustre. Once all the machines have rebooted, the next steps are to configure Lustre Networking (LNET) and the Lustre file system. See Configuring Lustre.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009



Configuring Lustre This chapter describes how to configure Lustre and includes the following sections: ■

Configuring Lustre

Basic Lustre Administration

Operational Scenarios



Configuring Lustre A Lustre file system consists of four types of subsystems – a Management Server (MGS), a Metadata Target (MDT), Object Storage Targets (OSTs) and clients. We recommend running these components on different systems, although, technically, they can co-exist on a single system. Together, the OSSs and MDS present a Logical Object Volume (LOV) which is an abstraction that appears in the configuration. It is possible to set up the Lustre system with many different configurations by using the administrative utilities provided with Lustre. Some sample scripts are included in the directory where Lustre is installed. If you have installed the Lustre source code, the scripts are located in the lustre/tests sub-directory. These scripts enable quick setup of some simple, standard Lustre configurations.

Note – We recommend that you use dotted-quad IP addressing (IPv4) rather than host names. This aids in reading debug logs, and helps greatly when debugging configurations with multiple interfaces. 1. Define the module options for Lustre networking (LNET), by adding this line to the /etc/modprobe.conf file1. options lnet networks=

This step restricts LNET to use only the specified network interfaces and prevents LNET from using all network interfaces. As an alternative to modifying the modprobe.conf file, you can modify the modprobe.local file or the configuration files in the modprobe.d directory.

Note – For details on configuring networking and LNET, see Configuring LNET. 2. Create a combined MGS/MDT file system on the block device. On the MDS node, run: mkfs.lustre --fsname= --mgs --mdt

The default file system name (fsname) is lustre.

Note – If you plan to generate multiple file systems, the MGS should be on its own dedicated block device.

1. The modprobe.conf file is a Linux file that lives in /etc/modprobe.conf and specifies what parts of the kernel are loaded.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

3. Mount (start) the combined MGS/MDT file system on the block device. On the MDS node, run: mount -t lustre

4. Create one or more OSTs2 for an OSS. For each OST, run this command on the OSS node: mkfs.lustre --ost --fsname= --mgsnode=

You can have as many OSTs per OSS as the hardware/drivers allow. You should only use only 1 OST per block device. Optionally, you can create an OST which uses the raw block device and does not require partitioning.

Note – If the block device has more than 8 TB of storage, it must be partitioned (because of the ext3 file system limitation). Lustre can support block devices with multiple partitions, but they are not recommended because of resulting bottlenecks. 5. Mount the OSTs. For each OST, run this command on the OSS node where the OST was created: mount -t lustre

6. Mount the file system on the client. On the client node, run: mount -t lustre :/

7. Verify that the file system started and is working by running the UNIX commands df, dd and ls on the client node. a. Run the df command. [root@client1 /] df -h

b. Run the dd command. [root@client1 /] cd /lustre [root@client1 /lustre] dd if=/dev/zero of=/lustre/zero.dat bs=4M count=2

c. Run the ls command. [root@client1 /lustre] ls -lsah

If you have a problem mounting the file system, check the syslogs for errors.

2. When you create an OST, you are defining a storage device ('sd'), a device number (a, b, c, d), and a partition (1, 2, 3) where the OST node lives.

Chapter 4

Configuring Lustre


Tip – Now that you have configured Lustre, you can collect and register your service tags. For more information, see Service Tags.

Simple Lustre Configuration Example If you are configuring Lustre for the first time or want to follow the steps in a simple test installation, use this configuration example, where: Variable




network type


MGS node

block device


OSS 1 node


file system


OSS 2 node


mount point


client node


mount point






1. Define the module options for Lustre networking (LNET), by adding this line to the /etc/modprobe.conf file. options lnet networks=tcp

2. Create a combined MGS/MDT file system on the block device. On the MDS node, run: [root@mds /]# mkfs.lustre --fsname=temp --mgs --mdt /dev/loop0

This command generates this output: Permanent disk data: Target: temp-MDTffff Index: unassigned Lustre FS: temp Mount type: ldiskfs Flags: 0x75 (MDT MGS needs_index first_time update ) Persistent mount opts: errors=remount-ro,iopen_nopriv,user_xattr Parameters: mdt.group_upcall=/usr/sbin/l_getgroups


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

checking for existing Lustre data: not found device size = 16MB 2 6 18 formatting backing filesystem ldiskfs on /dev/loop0 target name temp-MDTffff 4k blocks 0 options -i 4096 -I 512 -q -O dir_index,uninit_groups -F mkfs_cmd = mkfs.ext2 -j -b 4096 -L temp-MDTffff -i 4096 -I 512 -q -O dir_index,uninit_groups -F /dev/loop0 Writing CONFIGS/mountdata

3. Mount (start) the combined MGS/MDT file system on the block device. On the MDS node, run: [root@mds /]# mount -t lustre /dev/loop0 /mnt/mdt

This command generates this output: Lustre: temp-MDT0000: new disk, initializing Lustre: 3009:0:(lproc_mds.c:262:lprocfs_wr_group_upcall()) \ temp-MDT0000: group upcall set to /usr/sbin/l_getgroups Lustre: temp-MDT0000.mdt: set parameter \ group_upcall=/usr/sbin/l_getgroups Lustre: Server temp-MDT0000 on device /dev/loop0 has started

4. Create the OSTs. In this example, the OSTs (ost1 and ost2) are being created on different OSSs (oss1 and oss2). a. Create ost1. On the oss1 node, run: [root@oss1 /]# mkfs.lustre --ost --fsname=temp --mgsnode= /dev/loop0

This command generates this output: Permanent disk data: Target: temp-OSTffff Index: unassigned Lustre FS: temp Mount type: ldiskfs Flags: 0x72 (OST needs_index first_time update) Persistent mount opts: errors=remount-ro,extents,mballoc Parameters: mgsnode=

Chapter 4

Configuring Lustre


checking for existing Lustre data: not found device size = 16MB 2 6 18 formatting backing filesystem ldiskfs on /dev/loop1 target name temp-OSTffff 4k blocks 0 options -I 256 -q -O dir_index,uninit_groups -F mkfs_cmd = mkfs.ext2 -j -b 4096 -L temp-OSTffff -I 256 -q -O dir_index,uninit_groups -F /dev/loop1 Writing CONFIGS/mountdata

b. Create ost2. On the oss2 node, run: [root@oss2 /]# mkfs.lustre --ost --fsname=temp --mgsnode= /dev/loop0

This command generates this output: Permanent disk data: Target: temp-OSTffff Index: unassigned Lustre FS: temp Mount type: ldiskfs Flags: 0x72 (OST needs_index first_time update ) Persistent mount opts: errors=remount-ro,extents,mballoc Parameters: mgsnode= checking for existing Lustre data: not found device size = 16MB 2 6 18 formatting backing filesystem ldiskfs on /dev/loop1 target name temp-OSTffff 4k blocks 0 options -I 256 -q -O dir_index,uninit_groups -F mkfs_cmd = mkfs.ext2 -j -b 4096 -L temp-OSTffff -I 256 -q -O dir_index,uninit_groups -F /dev/loop1 Writing CONFIGS/mountdata


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5. Mount the OSTs. Mount each OST (ost1 and ost2), on the OSS where the OST was created. a. Mount ost1. On the oss1 node, run: root@oss1 /] mount -t lustre /dev/loop0 /mnt/ost1

This command generates this output: LDISKFS-fs: file extents enabled LDISKFS-fs: mballoc enabled Lustre: temp-OST0000: new disk, initializing Lustre: Server temp-OST0000 on device /dev/loop0 has started

Shortly afterwards, this output appears: Lustre: temp-OST0000: received MDS connection from Lustre: MDS temp-MDT0000: temp-OST0000_UUID now active, resetting orphans

b. Mount ost2. On the oss2 node, run: [root@oss2 /] mount -t lustre /dev/loop0 /mnt/ost2

This command generates this output: LDISKFS-fs: file extents enabled LDISKFS-fs: mballoc enabled Lustre: temp-OST0001: new disk, initializing Lustre: Server temp-OST0001 on device /dev/loop0 has started

Shortly afterwards, this output appears: Lustre: temp-OST0001: received MDS connection from Lustre: MDS temp-MDT0000: temp-OST0001_UUID now active, resetting orphans

6. Mount the file system on the client. On the client node, run: root@client1 /] mount -t lustre /lustre

This command generates this output: Lustre: Client temp-client has started

Chapter 4

Configuring Lustre


7. Verify that the file system started and is working by running the UNIX commands df, dd and ls on the client node. a. Run the df command: [root@client1 /] df -h

This command generates output similar to this: Filesystem Size Used /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 7.2G 2.4G dev/sda1 99M 29M tmpfs 62M 0 30M 8.5M



Mounted on

4.5G 65M 62M 20M

35% 31% 0% 30%

/ /boot /dev/shm /lustre

b. Run the dd command: [root@client1 /] cd /lustre [root@client1 /lustre] dd if=/dev/zero of=/lustre/zero.dat bs=4M count=2

This command generates output similar to this: 2+0 records in 2+0 records out 8388608 bytes (8.4 MB) copied, 0.159628 seconds, 52.6 MB/s

c. Run the ls command: [root@client1 /lustre] ls -lsah

This command generates output similar to this: total 8.0M 4.0K drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Oct 16 15:27 . 8.0K drwxr-xr-x 25 root root 4.0K Oct 16 15:27 .. 8.0M -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8.0M Oct 16 15:27 zero.dat


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Module Setup Make sure the modules (like LNET) are installed in the appropriate /lib/modules directory. The mkfs.lustre utility tries to automatically load LNET (via the Lustre module) with the default network settings (using all available network interfaces). To change this default setting, use the network=... option to specify the network(s) that LNET should use: modprobe -v lustre "networks=XXX"

For example, to load Lustre with multiple-interface support (meaning LNET will use more than one physical circuit for communication between nodes), load the Lustre module with the following network=... option: modprobe -v lustre "networks=tcp0(eth0),o2ib0(ib0)"

where: tcp0 is the network itself (TCP/IP) eth0 is the physical device (card) that is used (Ethernet) o2ib0 is the interconnect (InfiniBand)

Lustre Configuration Utilities Several configuration utilities are available to help you configure Lustre. For man pages and reference information, see: ■





The System Configuration Utilities (man8) chapter also includes information on other utilities, such as lustre_rmmod.sh, e2scan, l_getgroups, llobdstat, llstat, lst, plot-llstat, routerstat, and ll_recover_lost_found_objs, as well as utilities to manage large clusters, perform application profiling, and test and debug Lustre.

Chapter 4

Configuring Lustre



Basic Lustre Administration Once you have the Lustre system up and running, use the basic administration procedures in this section to specify a file system name, start and stop servers, find nodes in a file system, remove an OST, etc. This section contains the following procedures:


Specifying the File System Name

Mounting a Server

Unmounting a Server

Working with Inactive OSTs

Finding Nodes in the Lustre File System

Mounting a Server Without Lustre Service

Specifying Failout/Failover Mode for OSTs

Running Multiple Lustre File Systems

Running the Writeconf Command

Removing and Restoring OSTs

Changing a Server NID

Aborting Recovery


Unmounting a Server (without Failover)

Unmounting a Server (with Failover)

Changing the Address of a Failover Node

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Specifying the File System Name The file system name is limited to 8 characters. We have encoded the file system and target information in the disk label, so you can mount by label. This allows system administrators to move disks around without worrying about issues such as SCSI disk reordering or getting the /dev/device wrong for a shared target. Soon, file system naming will be made as fail-safe as possible. Currently, Linux disk labels are limited to 16 characters. To identify the target within the file system, 8 characters are reserved, leaving 8 characters for the file system name: -MDT0000 or -OST0a19 To mount by label, use this command: $ mount -t lustre

This is an example of mount-by-label: $ mount -t lustre -L testfs-MDT0000 /mnt/mdt

Caution – Mount-by-label should NOT be used in a multi-path environment. Although the file system name is internally limited to 8 characters, you can mount the clients at any mount point, so file system users are not subjected to short names. Here is an example: mount -t lustre uml1@tcp0:/shortfs /mnt/

Chapter 4

Configuring Lustre



Mounting a Server Starting a Lustre server is straightforward and only involves the mount command. Lustre servers can be added to /etc/fstab: mount -t lustre

The mount command generates output similar to this: /dev/sda1 on /mnt/test/mdt type lustre (rw) /dev/sda2 on /mnt/test/ost0 type lustre (rw) on /mnt/testfs type lustre (rw)

In this example, the MDT, an OST (ost0) and file system (testfs) are mounted. LABEL=testfs-MDT0000 /mnt/test/mdt lustre defaults,_netdev,noauto 0 0 LABEL=testfs-OST0000 /mnt/test/ost0 lustre defaults,_netdev,noauto 0 0

In general, it is wise to specify noauto and let your high-availability (HA) package manage when to mount the device. If you are not using failover, make sure that networking has been started before mounting a Lustre server. RedHat, SuSE, Debian (and perhaps others) use the _netdev flag to ensure that these disks are mounted after the network is up. We are mounting by disk label here—the label of a device can be read with e2label. The label of a newly-formatted Lustre server ends in FFFF, meaning that it has yet to be assigned. The assignment takes place when the server is first started, and the disk label is updated.

Caution – Do not do this when the client and OSS are on the same node, as memory pressure between the client and OSS can lead to deadlocks.

Caution – Mount-by-label should NOT be used in a multi-path environment.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Unmounting a Server Stopping a Lustre server is simple and only requires the umount command. umount

For example, to stop ost0 on mount point /mnt/test, run: $ umount /mnt/test/ost0

Gracefully stopping a server with the umount command preserves the state of the connected clients. The next time the server is started, it waits for clients to reconnect, and then goes through the recovery procedure. If the -f (“force”) flag is given, then the server evicts all clients and stops WITHOUT recovery. Upon restart, the server does not wait for recovery. Any currently connected clients receive I/O errors until they reconnect.

Note – If you are using loopback devices, use the -d flag. This flag cleans up loop devices and can always be safely specified.


Working with Inactive OSTs To mount a client or an MDT with one or more inactive OSTs, run commands similar to this: client> mount -o exclude=testfs-OST0000 -t lustre uml1:/testfs\ /mnt/testfs client> cat /proc/fs/lustre/lov/testfs-clilov-*/target_obd

To activate an inactive OST on a live client or MDT, use the lctl activate command on the OSC device. For example, lctl --device 7 activate

Note – A colon-separated list can also be specified. For example, exclude=testfs-OST0000:testfs-OST0001.

Chapter 4

Configuring Lustre



Finding Nodes in the Lustre File System There may be situations in which you need to find all nodes in your Lustre file system or get the names of all OSTs. To get a list of all Lustre nodes, run this command on the MGS: # cat /proc/fs/lustre/mgs/MGS/live/*

Note – This command must be run on the MGS. In this example, file system lustre has three nodes, lustre-MDT0000, lustre-OST0000, and lustre-OST0001. cfs21:/tmp# cat /proc/fs/lustre/mgs/MGS/live/* fsname: lustre flags: 0x0 gen: 26 lustre-MDT0000 lustre-OST0000 lustre-OST0001

To get the names of all OSTs, run this command on the MDS: # cat /proc/fs/lustre/lov/-mdtlov/target_obd

Note – This command must be run on the MDS. In this example, there are two OSTs, lustre-OST0000 and lustre-OST0001, which are both active. cfs21:/tmp# cat /proc/fs/lustre/lov/lustre-mdtlov/target_obd 0: lustre-OST0000_UUID ACTIVE 1: lustre-OST0001_UUID ACTIVE


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Mounting a Server Without Lustre Service If you are using a combined MGS/MDT, but you only want to start the MGS and not the MDT, run this command: mount -t lustre -o nosvc

The variable is the combined MGS/MDT. In this example, the combined MGS/MDT is testfs-MDT0000 and the mount point is mnt/test/mdt. $ mount -t lustre -L testfs-MDT0000 -o nosvc /mnt/test/mdt


Specifying Failout/Failover Mode for OSTs Lustre uses two modes, failout and failover, to handle an OST that has become unreachable because it fails, is taken off the network, is unmounted, etc. ■

In failout mode, Lustre clients immediately receive errors (EIOs) after a timeout, instead of waiting for the OST to recover.

In failover mode, Lustre clients wait for the OST to recover.

By default, the Lustre file system uses failover mode for OSTs. To specify failout mode instead, run this command: $ mkfs.lustre --fsname= --ost --mgsnode= \ -- param="failover.mode=failout"

In this example, failout mode is specified for the OSTs on MGS uml1, file system testfs. $ mkfs.lustre --fsname=testfs --ost --mgsnode=uml1 \ -- param="failover.mode=failout" /dev/sdb

Caution – Before running this command, unmount all OSTS that will be affected by the change in the failover/failout mode.

Note – After initial file system configuration, use the tunefs.lustre utility to change the failover/failout mode. For example, to set the failout mode, run: $ tunefs.lustre --param failover.mode=failout

Chapter 4

Configuring Lustre



Running Multiple Lustre File Systems There may be situations in which you want to run multiple file systems. This is doable, as long as you follow specific naming conventions. By default, the the mkfs.lustre command creates a file system named lustre. To specify a different file system name3, run: mkfs.lustre --fsname=

Note – The MDT, OSTs and clients in the new file system must share the same name (prepended to the device name). For example, for a new file system named foo, the MDT and two OSTs would be named foo-MDT0000, foo-OST0000, and foo-OST0001. To mount a client on the file system, run: mount -t lustre mgsnode:/

For example, to mount a client on file system foo at mount point /dev/sda, run: mount -t lustre mgsnode:/foo /dev/sda

Note – The MGS is universal; there is only one MGS per Lustre installation, not per file system.

Note – There is only one file system per MDT. Therefore, specify --mdt --mgs on one file system and --mdt --mgsnode= on the other file systems.

3. Note that the file system name is limited to 8 characters.


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A Lustre installation with two file systems (foo and bar) could look like this, where the MGS node is mgsnode@tcp0 and the mount points are /dev/sda and /dev/sdb. mgsnode# mkfs.lustre --mgs /dev/sda mdtfoonode# mkfs.lustre --fsname=foo ossfoonode# mkfs.lustre --fsname=foo ossfoonode# mkfs.lustre --fsname=foo mdtbarnode# mkfs.lustre --fsname=bar ossbarnode# mkfs.lustre --fsname=bar ossbarnode# mkfs.lustre --fsname=bar

--mdt --ost --ost --mdt --ost --ost

--mgsnode=mgsnode@tcp0 --mgsnode=mgsnode@tcp0 --mgsnode=mgsnode@tcp0 --mgsnode=mgsnode@tcp0 --mgsnode=mgsnode@tcp0 --mgsnode=mgsnode@tcp0

/dev/sda /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sda /dev/sda /dev/sdb

To mount a client on file system foo at mount point /dev/sda, run: mount -t lustre mgsnode@tcp0:/foo /dev/sda

To mount a client on file system bar at mount point /dev/sdb, run: mount -t lustre mgsnode@tcp0:/bar /dev/sdb


Running the Writeconf Command If the system’s configuration logs are in a state where the file system cannot be started or if you are changing a server NID, use the writeconf command to erase all of the file system’s configuration logs (including all lctl conf_param settings). After the writeconf command is run, the configuration logs are re-generated as servers restart, and the current server NIDs are used. To run the writeconf command: 1. Unmount all servers and clients. 2. On the MDT, run: $ mdt> tunefs.lustre --writeconf

3. Remount all servers. You must mount the MDT first.

Caution – Lustre 1.8 introduces the OST pools feature, which enables a group of OSTs to be named for file striping purposes. If you use OST pools, be aware that running the writeconf command erases all pools information (as well as any other parameters set via lctl conf_param). We recommend that the pools definitions (and conf_param settings) be executed via a script, so they can be reproduced easily after a writeconf is performed.

Chapter 4

Configuring Lustre



Removing and Restoring OSTs OSTs can be removed from and restored to a Lustre file system.

Removing an OST from the File System When removing an OST, remember that the MDT does not communicate directly with OSTs. Rather, each OST has a corresponding OSC which communicates with the MDT. It is necessary to determine the device number of the OSC that corresponds to the OST. Then, you use this device number to deactivate the OSC on the MDT. To remove an OST from the file system: 1. For the OST to be removed, determine the device number of the corresponding OSC on the MDT. a. List all OSCs on the node, along with their device numbers. Run: lctl dl | grep " osc "

This is sample lctl dl | grep " osc " output: 11 12 13 14


osc osc osc osc

lustre-OST-0000-osc-cac94211 4ea5b30f-6a8e-55a0-7519-2f20318ebdb4 5 lustre-OST-0001-osc-cac94211 4ea5b30f-6a8e-55a0-7519-2f20318ebdb4 5 lustre-OST-0000-osc lustre-MDT0000-mdtlov_UUID 5 lustre-OST-0001-osc lustre-MDT0000-mdtlov_UUID 5

b. Determine the device number of the OSC that corresponds to the OST to be removed. 2. Temporarily deactivate the OSC on the MDT so no new objects are allocated on the corresponding OST. On the MDT, run: $ mdt> lctl --device deactivate

For example, based on the command output in Step 1, to deactivate device 13 (the MDT’s OSC for OST-0000), the command would be: $ mdt> lctl --device 13 deactivate

Note – Do not deactivate the OST on the clients. Do so causes errors (EIOs), and the copy out to fail.

Caution – "Do not use lctl conf_param to deactivate the OST. It permanently sets a parameter in the file system configuration.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

3. Use lfs find to discover all files that have objects residing on the deactivated OST. 4. Copy (not move) the files to a new directory in the file system. Copying the files forces object re-creation on the active OSTs. 5. Move (not copy) the files back to their original directory in the file system. Moving the files causes the original files to be deleted, as the copies replace them. 6. Once all files have been moved, permanently deactivate the OST on the clients and the MDT. On the MGS, run: $ mgs> lctl conf_param .osc.active=0

Restoring an OST to the File System Restoring an OST to the file system is as easy as activating it. When the OST is active, it is automatically added to the normal stripe rotation and files are written to it. To restore an OST: 1. Make sure the OST to be restored is running. 2. Reactivate the OST. Run: $ mgs> lctl conf_param .osc.active=1


Changing a Server NID To change a server NID: 1. Update the LNET configuration in the /etc/modprobe.conf file so the list of server NIDs (lctl list_nids) is correct. 2. Use the writeconf command to erase the configuration logs for the file system. On the MDT, run: $ mdt> tunefs.lustre --writeconf

After the writeconf command is run, the configuration logs are re-generated as servers restart, and the current server NIDs are used. 3. If the MGS’s NID was changed, communicate the new MGS location to each server. Run: tunefs.lustre --erase-param --mgsnode= --writeconf /dev/..

Chapter 4

Configuring Lustre



Aborting Recovery When starting a target, to abort the recovery process, run: $ mount -t lustre -L -o abort_recov

Note – The recovery process is blocked until all OSTs are available.


More Complex Configurations If a node has multiple network interfaces, it may have multiple NIDs. When a node is specified, all of its NIDs must be listed, delimited by commas (,) so other nodes can choose the NID that is appropriate for their network interfaces. When multiple nodes are specified, they are delimited by a colon (:) or by repeating a keyword (--mgsnode= or --failnode=). To obtain all NIDs from a node (while LNET is running), run: lctl list_nids


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Failover This example has a combined MGS/MDT failover pair on uml1 and uml2, and a OST failover pair on uml3 and uml4. There are corresponding Elan addresses on uml1 and uml2. uml1> mkfs.lustre --fsname=testfs --mdt --mgs \ --failnode=uml2,2@elan /dev/sda1 uml1> mount -t lustre /dev/sda1 /mnt/test/mdt uml3> mkfs.lustre --fsname=testfs --ost --failnode=uml4 \ --mgsnode=uml1,1@elan --mgsnode=uml2,2@elan /dev/sdb uml3> mount -t lustre /dev/sdb /mnt/test/ost0 client> mount -t lustre uml1,1@elan:uml2,2@elan:/testfs /mnt/testfs uml1> umount /mnt/mdt uml2> mount -t lustre /dev/sda1 /mnt/test/mdt uml2> cat /proc/fs/lustre/mds/testfs-MDT0000/recovery_status

Where multiple NIDs are specified, comma-separation (for example, uml2,2@elan) means that the two NIDs refer to the same host, and that Lustre needs to choose the "best" one for communication. Colon-separation (for example, uml1:uml2) means that the two NIDs refer to two different hosts, and should be treated as failover locations (Lustre tries the first one, and if that fails, it tries the second one.)

Note – If you have an MGS or MDT configured for failover, perform these steps: 1. On the OST, list the NIDs of all MGS nodes at mkfs time. OST# mkfs.lustre --fsname sunfs --ost --mgsnode= --mgsnode= /dev/{device} 2. On the client, mount the file system. client# mount -t lustre /cfs/client/

Chapter 4

Configuring Lustre



Operational Scenarios In the operational scenarios below, the management node is the MDS. The management service is started as the initial part of the startup of the primary MDT.

Tip – All targets that are configured for failover must have some kind of shared storage among two server nodes.

IP Network, Single MDS, Single OST, No Failover On the MDS, run: mkfs.lustre --mdt --mgs --fsname= mount -t lustre

On the OSS, run: mkfs.lustre --ost --mgs --fsname= mount -t lustre

On the client, run: mount -t lustre :/


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

IP Network, Failover MDS For failover, storage holding target data must be available as shared storage to failover server nodes. Failover nodes are statically configured as mount options. On the MDS, run: mkfs.lustre --mdt --mgs --fsname= \ --failover= mount -t lustre

On the OSS, run: mkfs.lustre --ost --mgs --fsname= \ --mgsnode=, mount -t lustre

On the client, run: mount -t lustre [,]:/ \

IP Network, Failover MDS and OSS On the MDS, run: mkfs.lustre --mdt --mgs --fsname= \ --failover= mount -t lustre

On the OSS, run: mkfs.lustre --ost --mgs --fsname= \ --mgsnode=[,] \ --failover= mount -t lustre

On the client, run: mount -t lustre [,]:/ \

Chapter 4

Configuring Lustre



Unmounting a Server (without Failover) To stop a server (MDS or OSS) without failover, run: umount

This stops the server unconditionally, and cleans up client connections and export information. When the server restarts, the clients create a new connection to it.


Unmounting a Server (with Failover) To stop a server (MDS or OSS) with failover, run: umount -f

This stops the server and preserves client export information. When the server restarts, the clients reconnect and resume in-progress transactions.


Changing the Address of a Failover Node To change the address of a failover node (e.g, to use node X instead of node Y), run this command on the OSS/OST partition: tunefs.lustre --erase-params --failnode=


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009



Service Tags This chapter describes the use of service tags with Lustre, and includes the following sections: Introduction to Service Tags Using Service Tags


Introduction to Service Tags Service tags are part of an IT asset inventory management system provided by Sun. A service tag is a unique identifier for a piece of hardware or software (gear) that enables usage data about the tagged item to be shared over a local network in standard XML format. The service tag program is used for a number of Sun products, including hardware, software and services, and has now been implemented for Lustre. Service tags are provided for each MGS, MDS, OSS node and Lustre client. Using service tags enables automatic discovery and tracking of these system components, so administrators can better manage their Lustre environment.

Note – Service tags are used solely to provide an inventory list of system and software information to Sun; they do not contain any personal information. Service tag components that communicate information are read-only and contained. They are not capable of accepting information and they cannot communicate with any other services on your system. For more information on service tags, see the Service Tag wiki and Service Tag FAQ.



Using Service Tags To begin using service tags with your Lustre system, download the service tag package and registration client. The entire service tag process can be easily managed from the Sun Inventory webpage.


Installing Service Tags Service tag packages (for RedHat and SuSE Linux) are downloadable from the Sun Lustre downloads page. To download and install the service tags package: 1. Navigate to the Sun Lustre download page and download the service tag package, sun-servicetag-1.1.4-1.i386.rpm1, for Lustre. 2. Install the service tag package on all Lustre nodes (MGSs, MDSs, OSSs and clients). The service tag package includes several init.d scripts which are started on reboot (/etc/init.d/stosreg and /etc/init.d/psn start). This package also adds entries in the [x]inetd’s configuration scripts to provide remote access to the nodes needed to collect information. The script restarts [x]inetd (killall -HUP xinetd 1>/dev/null 2>&1). 3. If this is a new installation, format the OSTs, MDTs, MGSs and Lustre clients. 4. Mount the OSTs, MDTs, MGSs and Lustre clients, and verify that the Lustre file system is running normally.

1. This is the current service tag package. The version number is subject to change.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Discovering and Registering Lustre Components After installing the service tag package on all of your Lustre nodes, discover and register the Lustre components. To perform this procedure, Lustre must be fully configured and running. 1. Navigate to the Sun Lustre download page and download the Registration client, eis-regclient.jar. 2. Install the Registration client on one node (the collection node) that can reach all Lustre clients and servers over a TCP/IP network. 3. Install Java Virtual Machine (Java VM) on the collection node. Java VM is available at the Sun Java download site. 4. Start the Registration client, run: $ java -jar eis-regclient.jar

The Registration Client utility launches. FIGURE 5-1

Registration Client

Chapter 5

Service Tags


Note – The Registration client requires an X display to run. If the node from which you want to do the registration has no native X display, you can use SSH’s X forwarding to display the Registration client interface on your local machine. The registration process includes up to five steps. The first step is to discover the service tags created when you started Lustre. The Registration client looks for Sun products on your local subnet, by default. Alternately, you can specify another subnet, specific hosts or IP addresses. 5. Select an option to locate service tags and click Next. The Product Data screen displays Sun products (that support service tags) as they are located. For each product, the system name, product name, and version (if applicable) are listed. FIGURE 5-2

Product Data

If the list of located products does not look complete, select Back and enter a more accurate search.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Note – Located service tags are not limited to Lustre components. The Registration client locates any Sun product on your system that is supported in the Sun inventory management program. 6. Register the service tags or save them for later use. There are two options for registering service tags. ■

Click Next to continue with the remaining steps 3-5 of the registration process, including authentication to the Inventory management website and uploading your service tags. Save the collected service tags and register them on another machine. This option is good if the system used to collect the service tags does not have Web access. Click Save As and enter a file where the tags should be saved. You can then move this file (using network copy, a USB key, etc.) to a machine with Web access. On the Web-access machine, navigate to Sun Inventory and click Discover & Register to start the Registration client. Select the ‘Locate Product on Other Subnets, Specific System or Load Previously Saved Data’ option and check the ‘File Name’ box. Enter (or navigate to) the file where the collected service tags were saved, click Next and follow the remaining steps 3-5 to complete the registration process, including authentication to the Inventory management website and uploading your service tags.

7. If you wish, navigate to Sun Inventory and log into your account to view and manage your IT assets.

Note – For more information about service tags, see https://inventory.sun.com, which links to the http://wikis.sun.com/display/ServiceTag/Home wiki. This wiki includes an FAQ about Sun’s service tag program.

Chapter 5

Service Tags



Information Registered with Sun The service tag registration process collects the following product, registration agentry and system information. Data Name


Product Information Lustre-specific information

Node type (client, MDS, OSS or MGS)

Instance identifier

Unique identifier for that instance of the gear

Product name

Name of the gear

Product identifier

Unique identifier for the gear being registered

Product vendor

Vendor of the gear

Product version

Version of the gear

Parent name

Parent gear of the registered gear

Parent identifier

Unique identifier for the parent of the gear

Customer tag

Optional, customer-defined value

Time stamp

Day and time that the gear is registered


Where the gear identifiers came from


Name of the gear's container

Registration Agentry Information Agentry Identifier

Unique value for that instance of the agentry

Agentry Version

Value of the agentry

Registry Identifier

File version containing product registration information

System Information



System hostname


Operating System


Operating system version


Physical hardware architecture


Hardware platform


Hardware manufacturer

CPU manufacturer

CPU manufacturer


System host ID

Serial number

System chassis serial number

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009



Configuring Lustre - Examples This chapter provides Lustre configuration examples and includes the following section: ■


Simple TCP Network

Simple TCP Network This chapter presents several examples of Lustre configurations on a simple TCP network.


Lustre with Combined MGS/MDT Below is an example is of a Lustre setup “datafs” having combined MDT/MGS with four OSTs and a number of Lustre clients.

Installation Summary ■

Combined (co-located) MDT/MGS

Four OSTs

Any number of Lustre clients


Configuration Generation and Application 1. Install the Lustre RPMS (per Lustre Installation) on all nodes that are going to be part of the Lustre file system. Boot the nodes in Lustre kernel, including the clients. 2. Change modprobe.conf by adding the following line to it. options lnet networks=tcp

3. Configuring Lustre on MGS and MDT node. $ mkfs.lustre --fsname datafs --mdt --mgs /dev/sda

4. Make a mount point on MDT/MGS for the file system and mount it. $ mkdir -p /mnt/data/mdt $ mount -t lustre /dev/sda /mnt/data/mdt

5. Configuring Lustre on all four OSTs. mkfs.lustre mkfs.lustre mkfs.lustre mkfs.lustre

--fsname --fsname --fsname --fsname

datafs datafs datafs datafs

--ost --ost --ost --ost

--mgsnode=mds16@tcp0 --mgsnode=mds16@tcp0 --mgsnode=mds16@tcp0 --mgsnode=mds16@tcp0

/dev/sda /dev/sdd /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb

Note – While creating the file system, make sure you are not using disk with the operating system. 6. Make a mount point on all the OSTs for the file system and mount it. $ mkdir -p /mnt/data/ost0 $ mount -t lustre /dev/sda /mnt/data/ost0 $ mkdir -p /mnt/data/ost1 $ mount -t lustre /dev/sdd /mnt/data/ost1 $ mkdir -p /mnt/data/ost2 $ mount -t lustre /dev/sda1 /mnt/data/ost2 $ mkdir -p /mnt/data/ost3 $ mount -t lustre /dev/sdb /mnt/data/ost3 $ mount -t lustre mdt16@tcp0:/datafs /mnt/datafs


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Lustre with Separate MGS and MDT The following example describes a Lustre file system “datafs” having an MGS and an MDT on separate nodes, four OSTs, and a number of Lustre clients.

Installation Summary ■



Four OSTs

Any number of Lustre clients

Configuration Generation and Application 1. Install the Lustre RPMs (per Lustre Installation) on all the nodes that are going to be a part of the Lustre file system. Boot the nodes in the Lustre kernel, including the clients. 2. Change the modprobe.conf by adding the following line to it. options lnet networks=tcp

3. Start Lustre on the MGS node. $ mkfs.lustre --mgs /dev/sda

4. Make a mount point on MGS for the file system and mount it. $ mkdir -p /mnt/mgs $ mount -t lustre /dev/sda1 /mnt/mgs

5. Start Lustre on the MDT node. $ mkfs.lustre --fsname=datafs --mdt --mgsnode=mgsnode@tcp0 \ /dev/sda2

6. Make a mount point on MDT/MGS for the file system and mount it. $ mkdir -p /mnt/data/mdt $ mount -t lustre /dev/sda /mnt/data/mdt

7. Start Lustre on all the four OSTs. mkfs.lustre mkfs.lustre mkfs.lustre mkfs.lustre

--fsname --fsname --fsname --fsname

datafs datafs datafs datafs

--ost --ost --ost --ost

--mgsnode=mds16@tcp0 --mgsnode=mds16@tcp0 --mgsnode=mds16@tcp0 --mgsnode=mds16@tcp0

Chapter 6

/dev/sda /dev/sdd /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb

Configuring Lustre - Examples


8. Make a mount point on all the OSTs for the file system and mount it $ mkdir -p /mnt/data/ost0 $ mount -t lustre /dev/sda /mnt/data/ost0 $ mkdir -p /mnt/data/ost1 $ mount -t lustre /dev/sdd /mnt/data/ost1 $ mkdir -p /mnt/data/ost2 $ mount -t lustre /dev/sda1 /mnt/data/ost2 $ mkdir -p /mnt/data/ost3 $ mount -t lustre /dev/sdb /mnt/data/ost3 $ mount -t lustre mdsnode@tcp0:/datafs /mnt/datafs

Configuring Lustre with a CSV File A new utility (script) - /usr/sbin/lustre_config can be used to configure Lustre 1.6. This script enables you to automate formatting and setup of disks on multiple nodes. Describe your entire installation in a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file and pass it to the script. The script contacts multiple Lustre targets simultaneously, formats the drives, updates modprobe.conf, and produces HA configuration files using definitions in the CSV file. (The lustre_config -h option shows several samples of CSV files.)

Note – The CSV file format is a file type that stores tabular data. Many popular spreadsheet programs, such as Microsoft Excel, can read from/write to CSV files.

How lustre_config Works The lustre_config script parses each line in the CSV file and executes remote commands, like mkfs.lustre, to format each Lustre target in the Lustre cluster. Optionally, the lustre_config script can also:


Verify network connectivity and hostnames in the cluster

Configure Linux MD/LVM devices

Modify /etc/modprobe.conf to add Lustre networking information

Add the Lustre server information to /etc/fstab

Produce configurations for Heartbeat or CluManager

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

How to Create a CSV File Five different types of line formats are available to create a CSV file. Each line format represents a target. The list of targets with the respective line formats are described below: Linux MD device The CSV line format is: hostname, MD, md name, operation mode, options, raid level, component devices Where: Variable

Supported Type


Hostname of the node in the cluster.


Marker of the MD device line.

md name

MD device name, for example: /dev/md0

operation mode

Operations mode, either create or remove. Default is create.


A ‘catchall’ for other mdadm options, for example, -c 128

raid level

RAID level: 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 10, linear and multipath.


Hostname of the node in the cluster.

component devices

Block devices to be combined into the MD device. Multiple devices are separated by space or by using shell extensions, for example: /dev/sd{a,b,c}

Chapter 6

Configuring Lustre - Examples


Linux LVM PV (Physical Volume) The CSV line format is: hostname, PV, pv names, operation mode, options Where: Variable

Supported Type


Hostname of the node in the cluster.


Marker of the PV line.

pv names

Devices or loopback files to be initialized for later use by LVM or to wipe the label, for example: /dev/sda Multiple devices or files are separated by space or by using shell expansions, for example: /dev/sd{a,b,c}

operation mode

Operations mode, either create or remove. Default is create.


A ‘catchall’ for other pvcreate/pvremove options, for example: -vv

Linux LVM VG (Volume Group) The CSV line format is: hostname, VG, vg name, operation mode, options, pv paths Where:



Supported Type


Hostname of the node in the cluster.


Marker of the VG line.

vg name

Name of the volume group, for example: ost_vg

operation mode

Operations mode, either create or remove. Default is create.


A ‘catchall’ for other vgcreate/rgremove options, for example: -s 32M

pv paths

Physical volumes to construct this VG, required by the create mode; multiple PVs are separated by space or by using shell expansions, for example: /dev/sd[k-m]1

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Linux LVM LV (Logical Volume) The CSV line format is: hostname, LV, lv name, operation mode, options, lv size, vg name Where: Variable

Supported Type


Hostname of the node in the cluster.


Marker of the LV line.

lv name

Name of the logical volume to be created (optional) or path of the logical volume to be removed (required by the remove mode).

operation mode

Operations mode, either create or remove. Default is create.


A ‘catchall’ for other lvcreate/lvremove options, for example: -i 2 -l 128

lv size

Size [kKmMgGtT] to be allocated for the new LV. Default is megabytes (MB).

vg name

Name of the VG in which the new LV is created.

Chapter 6

Configuring Lustre - Examples


Lustre target The CSV line format is: hostname, module_opts, device name, mount point, device type, fsname, mgs nids, index, format options, mkfs options, mount options, failover nids Where: Variable

Supported Type


Hostname of the node in the cluster. It must match uname -n


Lustre networking module options. Use the newline character (\n) to delimit multiple options.

device name

Lustre target (block device or loopback file).

mount point

Lustre target mount point.

device type

Lustre target type (mgs, mdt, ost, mgs|mdt, mdt|mgs).


Lustre file system name (limit is 8 characters).

mgs nids

NID(s) of the remote mgs node, required for MDT and OST targets; if this item is not given for an MDT, it is assumed that the MDT is also an MGS (according to mkfs.lustre).


Lustre target index.

format options

A ‘catchall’ contains options to be passed to mkfs.lustre. For example: device-size, --param, and so on.

mkfs options

Format options to be wrapped with --mkfsoptions= and passed to mkfs.lustre.

mount options

If this script is invoked with -m option, then the value of this item is wrapped with --mountfsoptions= and passed to mkfs.lustre; otherwise, the value is added into /etc/ fstab

failver nids

NID(s) of the failover partner node.

Note – In one node, all NIDs are delimited by commas (','). To use comma-separated NIDs in a CSV file, they must be enclosed in quotation marks, for example: "lustre-mgs2,2@elan" When multiple nodes are specified, they are delimited by a colon (':'). If you leave a blank, it is set to default.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

The lustre_config.csv file looks like: {mdtname}.{domainname},options lnet networks= tcp,/dev/sdb,/mnt/mdt,mgs|mdt {ost2name}.{domainname},options lnet networks= tcp,/dev/sda,/mnt/ost1,ost,, {ost1name}.{domainname},options lnet networks= tcp,/dev/sda,/mnt/ost0,ost,,

Note – Provide a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for all nodes that are a part of the file system in the first parameter of all the rows starting in a new line. For example: mdt1.clusterfs.com,options lnet networks= tcp,/dev/sdb,/mnt/mdt,mgs|mdt - AND ost1.clusterfs.com,options lnet\ networks=tcp,/dev/sda,/mnt/ ost1,ost,,

Chapter 6

Configuring Lustre - Examples


Using CSV with lustre_config Once you created the CSV file, you can start to configure the file system by using the lustre_config script. 1. List the available parameters. At the command prompt. Type: $ lustre_config lustre_config: Missing csv file! Usage: lustre_config [options] This script is used to format and set up multiple lustre servers from a csv file. Options: -h help and examples -a select all the nodes from the csv file to operate on -w hostname,hostname,... select the specified list of nodes (separated by commas) to operate on rather than all the nodes in the csv file -x hostname,hostname,... exclude the specified list of nodes (separated by commas) -t HAtype produce High-Availability software configurations The argument following -t is used to indicate the High-Availability software type. The HA software types which are currently supported are: hbv1 (Heartbeat version 1) and hbv2 (Heartbeat version 2). -n no net - don’t verify network connectivity and hostnames in the cluster -d configure Linux MD/LVM devices before formatting the Lustre targets -f force-format the Lustre targets using --reformat option OR you can specify --reformat in the ninth field of the target line in the csv file -m no fstab change - don’t modify /etc/fstab to add the new Lustre targets. If using this option, then the value of "mount options" item in the csv file will be passed to mkfs.lustre,else the value will be added into the /etc/fstab -v verbose mode csv file is a spreadsheet that contains configuration parameters (separated by commas) for each target in a Lustre cluster


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Example 1: Simple Lustre configuration with CSV (use the following command): $ lustre_config -v -a -f lustre_config.csv

This command starts the execution and configuration on the nodes or targets in lustre_config.csv, prompting you for the password to log in with root access to the nodes. To avoid this prompt, configure a shell like pdsh or SSH. After completing the above steps, the script makes Lustre target entries in the /etc/fstab file on Lustre server nodes, such as: /dev/sdb






2. Run mount /dev/sdb and mount /dev/sda to start the Lustre services.

Note – Use the /usr/sbin/lustre_createcsv script to collect information on Lustre targets from running a Lustre cluster and generating a CSV file. It is a reverse utility (compared to lustre_config) and should be run on the MGS node. Example 2: More complicated Lustre configuration with CSV: For RAID and LVM-based configuration, the lustre_config.csv file looks like this: # Configuring RAID 5 on mds16.clusterfs.com mds16.clusterfs.com,MD,/dev/md0,,-c 128,5,/dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd # configuring multiple RAID5 on oss161.clusterfs.com oss161.clusterfs.com,MD,/dev/md0,,-c 128,5,/dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd oss161.clusterfs.com,MD,/dev/md1,,-c 128,5,/dev/sde /dev/sdf /dev/sdg # configuring LVM2-PV from the RAID5 from the above steps on oss161.clusterfs.com oss161.clusterfs.com,PV,/dev/md0 /dev/md1 # configuring LVM2-VG from the PV and RAID5 from the above steps on oss161.clusterfs.com oss161.clusterfs.com,VG,oss_data,,-s 32M,/dev/md0 /dev/md1 # configuring LVM2-LV from the VG, PV and RAID5 from the above steps on oss161.clusterfs.com oss161.clusterfs.com,LV,ost0,,-i 2 -I 128,2G,oss_data oss161.clusterfs.com,LV,ost1,,-i 2 -I 128,2G,oss_data

Chapter 6

Configuring Lustre - Examples


# configuring LVM2-PV on oss162.clusterfs.com oss162.clusterfs.com,PV, /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde /dev/sdf /dev/sdg # configuring LVM2-VG from the PV from the above steps on oss162.clusterfs.com oss162.clusterfs.com,VG,vg_oss1,,-s 32M,/dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd oss162.clusterfs.com,VG,vg_oss2,,-s 32M,/dev/sde /dev/sdf /dev/sdg # configuring LVM2-LV from the VG and PV from the above steps on oss162.clusterfs.com oss162.clusterfs.com,LV,ost3,,-i 3 -I 64,1G,vg_oss2 oss162.clusterfs.com,LV,ost2,,-i 3 -I 64,1G,vg_oss1 #configuring Lustre file system on MDS/MGS, OSS and OST with RAID and LVM created above mds16.clusterfs.com,options lnet networks= tcp,/dev/md0,/mnt/mdt,mgs|mdt,,,,,,, oss161.clusterfs.com,options lnet networks= tcp,/dev/oss_data/ost0,/mnt/ost0,ost,,,,,, oss161.clusterfs.com,options lnet networks= tcp,/dev/oss_data/ost1,/mnt/ost1,ost,,,,,, oss162.clusterfs.com,options lnet networks= tcp,/dev/pv_oss1/ost2,/mnt/ost2,ost,,,,,, oss162.clusterfs.com,options lnet networks= tcp,/dev/pv_oss2/ost3,/mnt/ost3,ost,,,,,, $ lustre_config -v -a -d -f lustre_config.csv

This command creates RAID and LVM, and then configures Lustre on the nodes or targets specified in lustre_config.csv. The script prompts you for the password to log in with root access to the nodes. After completing the above steps, the script makes Lustre target entries in the /etc/fstab file on Lustre server nodes, such as: For MDS | MDT: /dev/md0 /mnt/mdtlustre defaults00

For OSS: /pv_oss1/ost2 /mnt/ost2lustre defaults00

3. Start the Lustre services, run: mount /dev/sdb mount /dev/sda


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009



More Complicated Configurations This chapter describes more complicated Lustre configurations and includes the following sections:


Multi-homed Servers

Elan to TCP Routing

Load Balancing with InfiniBand

Multi-Rail Configurations with LNET

Multi-homed Servers If you are using multiple networks with Lustre, certain configuration settings are required. Throughout this section, a worked example is used to illustrate these settings. In this example, servers megan and oscar each have three TCP NICs (eth0, eth1, and eth2) and an Elan NIC. The eth2 NIC is used for management purposes and should not be used by LNET. TCP clients have a single TCP interface and Elan clients have a single Elan interface.


Modprobe.conf Options under modprobe.conf are used to specify the networks available to a node. You have the choice of two different options – the networks option, which explicitly lists the networks available and the ip2nets option, which provides a list-matching lookup. Only one option can be used at any one time. The order of LNET lines in modprobe.conf is important when configuring multi-homed servers. If a server node can be reached using more than one network, the first network specified in modprobe.conf will be used. 7-1

Networks On the servers: options lnet networks=tcp0(eth0, eth1),elan0

Elan-only clients: options lnet networks=elan0 TCP-only clients: options lnet networks=tcp0

Note – In the case of TCP-only clients, the first available non-loopback IP interface is used for tcp0 since the interfaces are not specified.

ip2nets The ip2nets option is typically used to provide a single, universal modprobe.conf file that can be run on all servers and clients. An individual node identifies the locally available networks based on the listed IP address patterns that match the node's local IP addresses. Note that the IP address patterns listed in the ip2nets option are only used to identify the networks that an individual node should instantiate. They are not used by LNET for any other communications purpose. The servers megan and oscar have eth0 IP addresses and .4. They also have IP over Elan (eip) addresses of and .4. TCP clients have IP addresses Elan clients have eip addresses of 132.6.[2-3].2, .4, .6, .8. modprobe.conf is identical on all nodes: options lnet 'ip2nets="tcp0(eth0,eth1)192.168.0.[2,4]; tcp0 \ 192.168.0.*; elan0 132.6.[1-3].[2-8/2]"'

Note – LNET lines in modprobe.conf are only used by the local node to determine what to call its interfaces. They are not used for routing decisions. Because megan and oscar match the first rule, LNET uses eth0 and eth1 for tcp0 on those machines. Although they also match the second rule, it is the first matching rule for a particular network that is used. The servers also match the (only) Elan rule. The [2-8/2] format matches the range 2-8 stepping by 2; that is 2,4,6,8. For example, clients at would not find a matching Elan network.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Start Servers For the combined MGS/MDT with TCP network, run: $ mkfs.lustre --fsname spfs --mdt --mgs /dev/sda $ mkdir -p /mnt/test/mdt $ mount -t lustre /dev/sda /mnt/test/mdt

- OR For the MGS on the separate node with TCP network, run: $ mkfs.lustre --mgs /dev/sda $ mkdir -p /mnt/mgs $ mount -t lustre /dev/sda /mnt/mgs

For starting the MDT on node mds16 with MGS on node mgs16, run: $ mkfs.lustre --fsname=spfs --mdt --mgsnode=mgs16@tcp0 /dev/sda $ mkdir -p /mnt/test/mdt $ mount -t lustre /dev/sda2 /mnt/test/mdt

For starting the OST on TCP-based network, run: $ mkfs.lustre --fsname spfs --ost --mgsnode=mgs16@tcp0 /dev/sda$ $ mkdir -p /mnt/test/ost0 $ mount -t lustre /dev/sda /mnt/test/ost0

Chapter 7

More Complicated Configurations



Start Clients TCP clients can use the host name or IP address of the MDS, run: mount –t lustre megan@tcp0:/mdsA/client /mnt/lustre

Use this command to start the Elan clients, run: mount –t lustre 2@elan0:/mdsA/client /mnt/lustre

Note – If the MGS node has multiple interfaces (for instance, cfs21 and 1@elan), only the client mount command has to change. The MGS NID specifier must be an appropriate nettype for the client (for example, a TCP client could use uml1@tcp0, and an Elan client could use 1@elan). Alternatively, a list of all MGS NIDs can be given, and the client chooses the correctd one. For example: $ mount -t lustre mgs16@tcp0,1@elan:/testfs /mnt/testfs


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Elan to TCP Routing Servers megan and oscar are on the Elan network with eip addresses and .4. Megan is also on the TCP network at and routes between TCP and Elan. There is also a standalone router (router1), at Elan and TCP Clients are on either Elan or TCP.


Modprobe.conf modprobe.conf is identical on all nodes, run: options lnet 'ip2nets="tcp0 192.168.0.*; elan0 132.6.1.*"' \ 'routes="tcp [2,10]@elan0; elan 192.168.0.[2,10]@tcp0"'


Start servers To start router1, run: modprobe lnet lctl network configure

To start megan and oscar, run: $ $ $ $


mkfs.lustre --fsname spfs --mdt --mgs /dev/sda mkdir -p /mnt/test/mdt mount -t lustre /dev/sda /mnt/test/mdt mount -t lustre mgs16@tcp0,1@elan:/testfs /mnt/testfs

Start clients For the TCP client, run: mount -t lustre megan:/mdsA/client /mnt/lustre/

For the Elan client, run: mount -t lustre 2@elan0:/mdsA/client /mnt/lustre

Chapter 7

More Complicated Configurations



Load Balancing with InfiniBand There is one OSS with two InfiniBand HCAs. Lustre clients have only one InfiniBand HCA using native Lustre drivers of o2ibind. Load balancing is done on both HCAs on the OSS with the help of LNET.


Modprobe.conf Lustre users have options available on following networks. ■

Dual HCA OSS server options lnet ip2nets= "o2ib0(ib0),o2ib1(ib1)[101-102]

Client with the odd IP address options lnet ip2nets=o2ib0(ib0) 192.168.10.[103-253/2]

Client with the even IP address options lnet ip2nets=o2ib1(ib0) 192.168.10.[102-254/2]


Start servers To start the MGS and MDT server, run: modprobe lnet

To start MGS and MDT, run: $ $ $ $

mkfs.lustre --fsname lustre --mdt --mgs /dev/sda mkdir -p /mnt/test/mdt mount -t lustre /dev/sda /mnt/test/mdt mount -t lustre mgs@o2ib0:/lustre /mnt/mdt

To start the OSS, run: $ $ $ $


mkfs.lustre --fsname lustre --ost --mgsnode=mds@o2ib0 /dev/sda mkdir -p /mnt/test/mdt mount -t lustre /dev/sda /mnt/test/ost mount -t lustre mgs@o2ib0:/lustre /mnt/ost

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Start clients For the IB client, run: mount -t lustre, /mnt/lustre


Multi-Rail Configurations with LNET To aggregate bandwidth across both rails of a dual-rail IB cluster (o2iblnd)1 using LNET, consider these points: ■

LNET can work with multiple rails, however, it does not load balance across them. The actual rail used for any communication is determined by the peer NID.

Multi-rail LNET configurations do not provide an additional level of network fault tolerance. The configurations described below are for bandwidth aggregation only. Network interface failover is planned as an upcoming Lustre feature.

A Lustre node always uses the same local NID to communicate with a given peer NID. The criteria used to determine the local NID are: ■

Fewest hops (to minimize routing), and

Appears first in the "networks" or "ip2nets" LNET configuration strings

As an example, consider a two-rail IB cluster running the OFA stack (OFED) with these IPoIB address assignments. Servers Clients

ib0 192.168.0.* 192.168.[2-127].*

ib1 192.168.1.* 192.168.[128-253].*

1. Multi-rail configurations are only supported by o2iblnd; other IB LNDs do not support multiple interfaces.

Chapter 7

More Complicated Configurations


You could create these configurations: ■

A cluster with more clients than servers. The fact that an individual client cannot get two rails of bandwith is unimportant because the servers are the actual bottleneck.

ip2nets="o2ib0(ib0), o2ib1(ib1)192.168.[0-1].* #all servers;\ o2ib0(ib0) 192.168.[2-253].[0-252/2]#even clients;\ o2ib1(ib1) 192.168.[2-253].[1-253/2]#odd clients"

This configuration gives every server two NIDs, one on each network, and statically load-balances clients between the rails. ■

A single client that must get two rails of bandwidth, and it does not matter if the maximum aggregate bandwidth is only (# servers) * (1 rail).


o2ib0(ib0) 192.168.[0-1].[0-252/2] o2ib1(ib1) 192.168.[0-1].[1-253/2] o2ib0(ib0),o2ib1(ib1) 192.168.[2-253].*

#even servers;\ #odd servers;\ #clients"

This configuration gives every server a single NID on one rail or the other. Clients have a NID on both rails. ■

All clients and all servers must get two rails of bandwidth.


o2ib0(ib0),o2ib2(ib1) 192.168.[0-1].[0-252/2] #even servers;\ o2ib1(ib0),o2ib3(ib1) 192.168.[0-1].[1-253/2] #odd servers;\ o2ib0(ib0),o2ib3(ib1) 192.168.[2-253].[0-252/2)#even clients;\ o2ib1(ib0),o2ib2(ib1) 192.168.[2-253].[1-253/2)#odd clients"

This configuration includes two additional proxy o2ib networks to work around Lustre's simplistic NID selection algorithm. It connects "even" clients to "even" servers with o2ib0 on rail0, and "odd" servers with o2ib3 on rail1. Similarly, it connects "odd" clients to "odd" servers with o2ib1 on rail0, and "even" servers with o2ib2 on rail1.


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Failover This chapter describes failover in a Lustre system and includes the following sections:


What is Failover?

OST Failover

MDS Failover

Configuring MDS and OSTs for Failover

Setting Up Failover with Heartbeat V1

Using MMP

Setting Up Failover with Heartbeat V2

Considerations with Failover Software and Solutions

What is Failover? A computer system is “highly available” when the services it provides are available with minimal downtime. In a highly-available system, if a failure condition occurs, such as loss of a server or a network or software fault, the services provided remain unaffected. Generally, we measure availability by the percentage of time the system is required to be available. Availability is accomplished by providing replicated hardware and/or software, so failure of the system will be covered by a paired system. The concept of “failover” is the method of switching an application and its resources to a standby server when the primary system fails or is unavailable. Failover should be automatic and, in most cases, completely application-transparent.


In Lustre, failover means that a client that tries to do I/O to a failed OST continues to try (forever) until it gets an answer. A userspace sees nothing strange, other than that I/O takes (potentially) a very long time to complete. Lustre failover requires two nodes (a failover pair), which must be connected to a shared storage device. Lustre supports failover for both metadata and object storage servers. Failover is achieved most simply by powering off the node in failure (to be absolutely sure of no multi-mounts of the MDT) and mounting the MDT on the partner. When the primary comes back, it MUST NOT mount the MDT while secondary has it mounted. The secondary can then unmount the MDT and the master mount it. The Lustre file system only supports failover at the server level. Lustre does not provide the tool set for system-level components that is needed for a complete failover solution (node failure detection, power control, and so on).1 Lustre failover is dependant on either a primary or backup OST to recover the file system. You need to set up an external HA mechanism. The recommended choice is the Heartbeat package, available at: www.linux-ha.org Heartbeat is responsible to detect failure of the primary server node and control the failover. The HA software controls Lustre using its built-in "file system" mechanism to unmount and mount file systems. Although Heartbeat is recommended, Lustre works with any HA software that supports resource (I/O) fencing. The hardware setup requires a pair of servers with a shared connection to a physical storage (like SAN, NAS, hardware RAID, SCSI and FC). The method of sharing storage should be essentially transparent at the device level, that is, the same physical LUN should be visible from both nodes. To ensure high availability at the level of physical storage, we encourage the use of RAID arrays to protect against drive-level failures. To have a fully-automated, highly-available Lustre system, you need power management software and HA software, which must provide the following ■

Resource fencing - Physical storage must be protected from simultaneous access by two nodes.

Resource control - Starting and stopping the Lustre processes as a part of failover, maintaining the cluster state, and so on.

Health monitoring - Verifying the availability of hardware and network resources, responding to health indications given by Lustre.

1. This functionality has been available for some time in third-party tools.


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For proper resource fencing, the Heartbeat software must be able to completely power off the server or disconnect it from the shared storage device. It is imperative that no two active nodes access the same storage device, at the risk of severely corrupting data. When Heartbeat detects a server failure, it calls a process (STONITH) to power off the failed node; and then starts Lustre on the secondary node using its built-in "file system" resource manager. Servers providing Lustre resources are configured in primary/secondary pairs for the purpose of failover. When a server umount command is issued, the disk device is set read-only. This allows the second node to start service using that same disk, after the command completes. This is known as a soft failover, in which case both the servers can be running and connected to the net. Powering off the node is known as a hard failover.


The Power Management Software The Linux-HA package includes a set of power management tools, known as STONITH (Shoot The Other Node In The Head). STONITH has native support for many power control devices, and is extensible. It uses expect scripts to automate control. PowerMan, by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), is a tool for manipulating remote power control (RPC) devices from a central location. Several RPC varieties are supported natively by PowerMan. The latest versions of PowerMan are available at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/powerman For more information on PowerMan, go to: https://computing.llnl.gov/linux/powerman.html


Power Equipment A multi-port, Ethernet addressable RPC is relatively inexpensive. For recommended products, refer to the list of supported hardware on the PowerMan site. Linux Network Iceboxes are also very good tools. They combine the remote power control and the remote serial console into a single unit.

Chapter 8




Heartbeat The Heartbeat package is one of the core components of the Linux-HA project. Heartbeat is highly-portable, and runs on every known Linux platform, as well as FreeBSD and Solaris. For more information, see: http://linux-ha.org/HeartbeatProgram To download Linux-HA, go to: http://linux-ha.org/download Lustre supports both Heartbeat V1 and Heartbeat V2. V1 has a simpler configuration and works very well. V2 adds monitoring and supports more complex cluster topologies. For additional information, we recommend that you refer to the Linux-HA website.


Connection Handling During Failover A connection is alive when it is active and in operation. When a connection request is sent, a connection is not established until either a reply arrives or a connection disconnects or fails. If there is no traffic on a given connection, periodically check the connection to ensure its status. If an active connection disconnects, it leads to at least one timeout request. New and old requests are in sleep until: ■

The reply arrives (in case of re-activation of the connection and during the re-send request asynchronously).

The application gets a signal (such as TERM or KILL).

The server evicts the client, which gives an I/O error (EIO) for these requests or the connection becomes "failed."

A timeout is effectively infinite. Lustre waits as long as it needs to avoid giving the application an EIO.

Note – A client process waits indefinitely until the OST is back alive, unless either the process is killed (which should be possible after the Lustre recovery timeout is exceeded, 100s by default), or the OST is explicitly marked "inactive" on the clients: lctl --device deactivate After the OSC is marked inactive, all I/O to this OST should immediately return with -EIO, and not hang.


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Note – Under heavy load, clients may have to wait a long time for requests sent to the server to complete (100s of seconds in some cases). It is difficult for clients to distinguish between heavy server load (common) and server death (unlikely). In the case where a server dies and fails over, the clients have to wait for their requests to time out, then they resend and wait again (in the common case the server is just overloaded), then they try to contact another server listed as a failover server for that node. If a connection goes to the "failed" condition, which happens immediately in "failout" OST mode, new and old requests receive EIOs. In non-failout mode, a connection can only get into this state by using lctl deactivate, which is the only option for the client in the event of an OST failure. Failout means that if an OST becomes unreachable (because it has failed, been taken off the network, unmounted, turned off, etc.), then I/O to get objects from that OST cause a Lustre client to get an EIO.


Roles of Nodes in a Failover A failover pair of nodes can be configured in two ways – active / active and active / passive. An active node actively serves data while a passive node is idle, standing by to take over in the event of a failure. In the following example, using two OSTs (both of which are attached to the same shared disk device), the following failover configurations are possible: ■

active / passive - This configuration has two nodes out of which only one is actively serving data all the time. In case of a failure, the other node takes over.If the active node fails, the OST in use by the active node will be taken over by the passive node, which now becomes active. This node serves most services that were on the failed node.

active / active - This configuration has two nodes actively serving data all the time. In case of a failure, one node takes over for the other. To configure this for the shared disk, the shared disk must provide multiple partitions; each OST is the primary server for one partition and the secondary server for the other partition. The active / passive configuration doubles the hardware cost without improving performance, and is seldom used for OST servers.

Chapter 8




OST Failover The OST has two operating modes: failover and failout. The default mode is failover. In this mode, the clients reconnect after a failure, and the transactions, which were in progress, are completed. Data on the OST is written synchronously, and the client replays uncommitted transactions after the failure. In the failout mode, when any communication error occurs, the client attempts to reconnect, but is unable to continue with the transactions that were in progress during the failure. Also, if the OST actually fails, data that has not been written to the disk (still cached on the client) is lost. Applications usually see an EIO for operations done on that OST until the connection is reestablished. However, the LOV layer on the client avoids using that OST. Hence, the operations such as file creates and fsstat still succeed. The failover mode is the current default, while the failout mode is seldom used.


MDS Failover The MDS has only one failover mode: active/passive, as only one MDS may be active at a given time. The failover setup is two MDSs, each with access to the same MDT. Either MDS can mount the MDT, but not both at the same time.


Configuring MDS and OSTs for Failover


Configuring Lustre for Failover To add a failover partner to a Lustre configuration, use the --failnode option. This may be done at creation time with with mkfs.lustre or at a later time with tunefs.lustre. For a failover example, see More Complicated Configurations. For an explanation of the mkfs.lustre and tunefs.lustre utilities, see mkfs.lustre and tunefs.lustre.


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Starting/Stopping a Resource You can start a resource with the mount command and stop it with the umount command. For details, see Unmounting a Server.


Active/Active Failover Configuration With OST servers it is possible to have a load-balanced active/active configuration. Each node is the primary node for a group of OSTs, and the failover node for other groups. To expand the simple two-node example, we add ost2 which is primary on nodeB, and is on the LUNs nodeB:/dev/sdc1 and nodeA:/dev/sdd1. This demonstrates that the /dev/ identity can differ between nodes, but both devices must map to the same physical LUN. In this type of failover configuration, you can mount two OSTs on two different nodes, and format them from either node. With failover, two OSSs provide the same service to the Lustre network in parallel. In case of disaster or a failure in one of the nodes, the other OSS can provide uninterrupted file system services. For an active/active configuration, mount one OST on one node and another OST on the other node. You can format them from either node.

Chapter 8




Hardware Requirements for Failover This section describes hardware requirements that must be met to configure Lustre for failover.

Hardware Preconditions ■

The setup must consist of a failover pair where each node of the pair has access to shared storage. If possible, the storage paths should be identical (nodeA:/dev/sda == nodeB:/dev/sda).

Note – A failover pair is a combination of two or more separate nodes. Each node has access to the same shared disk. ■

Shared storage can be arranged in an active/passive (MDS, OSS) or active/active (OSS only) configuration. Each shared resource has a primary (default) node. Heartbeat assumes that the non-primary node is secondary for that resource.

The two nodes must have one or more communication paths for Heartbeat traffic. A communication path can be: ■

Dedicated Ethernet

Serial live (serial crossover cable)

Failure of all Heartbeat communication is not good. This condition is called “split-brain”. Heartbeat software resolves this situation by powering down one node. ■

The two nodes must have a method to control one another's state; RPC hardware is the best choice. There must be a script to start and stop a given node from the other node. STONITH provides soft power control methods (SSH, meatware), but these cannot be used in a production situation.

Heartbeat provides a remote ping service that is used to monitor the health of the external network. If you wish to use the ipfail service, then you must have a very reliable external address to use as the ping target. Typically, this is a firewall route or another very reliable network endpoint external to the cluster.

In Lustre, a disk failure is an unrecoverable error. For this reason, you must have reliable back-end storage with RAID.

Note – If a disk fails, requiring you to change the disk or resync the RAID, you can deactivate the affected OST, using lctl on the clients and MDT. This allows access functions to complete without errors (files on the affected OST will be of 0-length, however, you can save rest of your files).


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Setting Up Failover with Heartbeat V1 This section describes how to set up failover with Heartbeat V1.


Installing the Software 1. Install Lustre (see Installing Lustre from RPMs). 2. Install the RPMs that are required to configure Heartbeat. The following packages are needed for Heartbeat V1. We used the 1.2.3-1 version. RedHat supplies v1.2.3-2. Heartbeat is available as an RPM or source. These are the Heartbeat packages, in order: ■

heartbeat-stonith -> heartbeat-stonith-1.2.3-1.i586.rpm

heartbeat-pils -> heartbeat-pils-1.2.3-1.i586.rpm

heartbeat itself -> heartbeat-1.2.3-1.i586.rpm

You can find the above RPMs at: http://linux-ha.org/download/index.html#1.2.3 3. Satisfy the installation prerequisites. Heartbeat 1.2.3 installation requires following: ■



libnet-> libnet-

libpopt -> popt-1.7-274.i586.rpm

librpm -> rpm-4.1.1-222.i586.rpm

glib -> glib-2.6.1-2.i586.rpm

glib-devel -> glib-devel-2.6.1-2.i586.rpm

Chapter 8



Configuring Heartbeat This section describes basic configuration of Heartbeat with and without STONITH.

Note – LNET does not support virtual IP addresses. The IP address specified in the haresources file should be a 'dummy' address (valid, but unused). With later releases of Heartbeat, you may avoid the use of virtual IPs, but it is required in earlier releases. Basic Configuration - Without STONITH The http://linux-ha.org website has several guides covering basic setup and initial testing of Heartbeat; We suggest that you read them. 1. Configure and test the Heartbeat setup before adding STONITH. Let us assume there are two nodes, nodeA and nodeB. nodeA owns ost1 and nodeB owns ost2. Both the nodes are with dedicated Ethernet – eth0 having serial crossover link – /dev/ttySO. Consider that both nodes are pinging to a remote host – for health. 2. Create /etc/ha.d/ha.cf ■

This file must be identical on both the nodes.

Follow the specific order of the directives.

Sample ha.cf file

# Suggested fields - logging debugfile /var/log/ha-debug logfile /var/log/ha-log logfacility local0

# Required fields - Timing keepalive 2 deadtime 30 initdead 120

# If using serial Heartbeat baud 19200 serial /dev/ttyS0

# For Ethernet broadcast udpport 694 bcast eth0

# Use manual failback auto_failback off


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

# Cluster members - name must match `hostname` node oss161.clusterfs.com oss162. clusterfs.com

# remote health ping ping respawn hacluster /usr/lib/heartbeat/ipfail

3. Create /etc/ha.d/haresources ■

This file must be identical on both the nodes.

It specifies a virtual IP address and a service.

Sample haresources oss161.clusterfs.com \ Filesystem::/dev/sda::/ost1::lustre oss162.clusterfs.com \ Filesystem::/dev/sda::/ost1::lustre

4. Create /etc/ha.d/authkeys ■

Copy the example from /usr/share/doc/heartbeat-.

chmod the file '0600' – Heartbeat does not start if the permissions on this file are incorrect.

Sample authkeys files auth 1 1 sha1 PutYourSuperSecretKeyHere

a. Start Heartbeat. [root@oss161 ha.d]# service heartbeat start Starting High-Availability services: [ OK ]

Chapter 8



b. Monitor the syslog on both nodes. After the initial deadtime interval, you should see the nodes discovering each other's state, and then they start the Lustre resources they own. You should see the startup command in the log: Aug 9 09:50:44 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: update_dc: Set DC to () Aug 9 09:50:44 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: do_election_count_vote: Election check: vote from oss162.clusterfs.com Aug 9 09:50:44 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: update_dc: Set DC to () Aug 9 09:50:44 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: do_election_check: Still waiting on 2 non-votes (2 total) Aug 9 09:50:44 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: do_election_count_vote: Updated voted hash for oss161.clusterfs.com to vote Aug 9 09:50:44 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: do_election_count_vote: Election ignore: our vote (oss161.clusterfs.com) Aug 9 09:50:44 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: do_election_check: Still waiting on 1 non-votes (2 total) Aug 9 09:50:44 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: do_state_transition: State transition S_ELECTION -> S_PENDING [ input=I_PENDING cause= C_FSA_INTERNAL origin=do_election_count_vote ] Aug 9 09:50:44 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: update_dc: Set DC to () Aug 9 09:50:44 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: do_dc_release: DC role released Aug 9 09:50:45 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: do_election_count_vote: Election check: vote from oss162.clusterfs.com Aug 9 09:50:45 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: update_dc: Set DC to () Aug 9 09:50:46 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: update_dc: Set DC to oss162.clusterfs.com (1.0.9) Aug 9 09:50:47 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: update_dc: Set DC to oss161.clusterfs.com (1.0.9) Aug 9 09:50:47 oss161 cib: [4729]: info: cib_replace_notify: Local-only Replace: 0.0.1 from Aug 9 09:50:47 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: do_state_transition: State transition S_PENDING -> S_NOT_DC [ input=I_NOT_DC cause= C_HA_MESSAGE origin=do_cl_join_finalize_respond ] Aug 9 09:50:47 oss161 crmd: [4733]: info: populate_cib_nodes: Requesting the list of configured nodes Aug 9 09:50:48 oss161 crmd: [4733]: notice: populate_cib_nodes: Node: oss162.clusterfs.com (uuid: 00e8c292-2a28-4492-bcfc-fb2625ab1c61) Sep 7 10:42:40 d1_q_0 heartbeat: info: Running \ /etc/ha.d/resource.d/ost1 start


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In this example, ost1 is the shared resource. Common things to watch out for: ■

If you configure two nodes as primary for one resource, then you will see both nodes attempt to start it. This is very bad. Shut down immediately and correct your HA resources files. If the commutation between nodes is not correct, both nodes may also attempt to mount the same resource, or will attempt to STONITH each other. There should be many error messages in syslog indicating a communication fault. When in doubt, you can set a Heartbeat debug level in ha.cf—levels above 5 produce huge volumes of data.

c. Try some manual failover/ failback. Heartbeat provides two tools for this purpose (by default they are installed in /usr/lib/heartbeat) – ■

hb_standby [local|foreign] - Causes a node to yield resources to another node—if a resource is running on its primary node it is local, otherwise it is foreign. hb_takeover [local|foreign] - Causes a node to grab resources from another node.

Basic Configuration - With STONITH STONITH automates the process of power control with the expect package. Expect scripts are very dependent on the exact set of commands provided by each hardware vendor, and as a result any change made in the power control hardware/firmware requires tweaking STONITH. Much must be deduced by running the STONITH package by hand. STONITH has some supplied packages, but can also run with an external script. There are two STONITH modes: ■

Single STONITH command for all nodes found in ha.cf: -------/etc/ha.d/ha.cf------------------stonith

STONITH command per-node: -------/etc/ha.d/ha.cf-------------------stonith_host

You can use an external script to kill each node: stonith_host nodeA external foo /etc/ha.d/reset-nodeB stonith_host nodeB external foo /etc/ha.d/reset-nodeA

Here, foo is a placeholder for an unused parameter.

Chapter 8



To get the proper syntax, run: $ stonith -L

The above command lists supported models. To list required parameters and specify the config file name, run: $ stonith -l -t

To attempt a test, run: $ stonith -l -t

This command also gives data on what is required. To test, use a real hostname. The external STONITH scripts should take the parameters {start|stop|status} and return 0 or 1. STONITH _only happens when the cluster cannot do things in an orderly manner. If two cluster nodes can communicate, they usually shut down properly. This means many tests do not produce a STONITH, for example: ■

Calling init 0 or shutdown or reboot on a node, orderly halt, no STONITH

Stopping the heartbeat service on a node, again, orderly halt, no STONITH

You have to do something drastic (for example, killall -9 heartbeat) like pulling cables, or so on before you trigger STONITH. Also, the alert script does a software failover, which halts Lustre but does not halt or STONITH the system. To use STONITH, edit the fail_lustre.alert script and add your preferred shutdown command after the line: `/usr/lib/heartbeat/hb_standby local &`;


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A simple method to halt the system is the sysrq method. Run: $ !/bin/bash

This script forces a boot. Run: $ 'echo s' = sync $ 'echo u' = remount read-only $ 'echo b' = reboot $ SYST="/proc/sysrq-trigger" if [ ! -f $SYST ]; then echo "$SYST not found!" exit 1 fi $ sync, unmount, sync, reboot echo s > $SYST echo u > $SYST echo s > $SYST echo b > $SYST exit 0

Chapter 8




Using MMP The multiple mount protection (MMP) feature protects the file system from being mounted more than one time simultaneously. If the file system is mounted, MMP also protects changes by e2fsprogs to the file system. This feature is very important in a shared storage environment (for example, when an OST and a failover OST share a partition). The backing file system for Lustre, ldiskfs, supports the MMP mechanism. A block in the file system is updated by a kmmpd daemon at one second intervals, and a monotonically increasing sequence number is written in this block. If the file system is cleanly unmounted, then a special "clean" sequence is written in this block. When mounting a file system, ldiskfs checks if the MMP block has a clean sequence or not. Even if the MMP block holds a clean sequence, ldiskfs waits for some interval to guard against the following situations: ■

Under heavy I/O, it may take longer for the MMP block to be updated

If another node is also trying to mount the same file system, there may be a ’race’

With MMP enabled, mounting a clean file system takes at least 10 seconds. If the file system was not cleanly unmounted, then mounting the file system may require additional time.

Note – The MMP feature is only supported on Linux kernel versions >= 2.6.9.

Note – The MMP feature is automatically enabled by mkfs.lustre for new file systems at format time if failover is being used and the kernel and e2fsprogs support it. Otherwise, the Lustre administrator has to manually enable this feature when the file system is unmounted. If failover is being used, the MMP feature is automatically enabled by mkfs.lustre. - To determine if MMP is enabled: dumpe2fs -h |grep features Example: dumpe2fs -h /dev/{mdtdev} | grep 'Inode count' - To manually disable MMP: tune2fs -O ^mmp - To manually enable MMP: tune2fs -O mmp If ldiskfs detects that a file system is being mounted multiple times, it reports the time when the MMP block was last updated, the node name and the device name.


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Setting Up Failover with Heartbeat V2 This section describes how to set up failover with Heartbeat V2.


Installing the Software 1. Install Lustre (see Installing Lustre from RPMs). 2. Install RPMs required for configuring Heartbeat. The following packages are needed for Heartbeat (v2). We used the 2.0.4 version of Heartbeat. Heartbeat packages, in order: ■

heartbeat-stonith -> heartbeat-stonith-2.0.4-1.i586.rpm

heartbeat-pils -> heartbeat-pils-2.0.4-1.i586.rpm

heartbeat itself -> heartbeat-2.0.4-1.i586.rpm

You can find all the RPMs at the following location: http://linux-ha.org/download/index.html#2.0.4 3. Satisfy the installation prerequisites. To install Heartbeat 2.0.4-1, you require: ■



libnet-> libnet-

libpopt -> popt-1.7-274.i586.rpm

librpm -> rpm-4.1.1-222.i586.rpm

libtld- > libtool-ltdl-1.5.16.multilib2-3.i386.rpm

lingnutls -> gnutls-1.2.10-1.i386.rpm

Libzo -> lzo2-2.02-1.1.fc3.rf.i386.rpm

glib -> glib-2.6.1-2.i586.rpm

glib-devel -> glib-devel-2.6.1-2.i586.rpm

Chapter 8




Configuring the Hardware Heartbeat v2 runs well with an un-altered v1 configuration. This makes upgrading simple. You can test the basic function and quickly roll back if issues appear. Heartbeat v2 does not require a virtual IP address to be associated with a resource. This is good since we do not use virtual IPs. Heartbeat v2 supports multi-node clusters (of more than two nodes), though it has not been tested for a multi-node cluster. This section describes only the two-node case. The multi-node setup adds a score value to the resource configuration. This value is used to decide the proper node for a resource when failover occurs. Heartbeat v2 adds a resource manager (crm). The resource configuration is maintained as an XML file. This file is re-written by the cluster frequently. Any alterations to the configuration should be made with the HA tools or when the cluster is stopped.

Hardware Preconditions ■

The basic cluster assumptions are the same as those for Heartbeat v1. For the sake of clarity, here are the preconditions:

The setup must consist of a failover pair where each node of the pair has access to shared storage. If possible, the storage paths should be identical (d1_q_0:/dev/sda == d2_q_0:/dev/sda).

Shared storage can be arranged in an active/passive (MDS,OSS) or active/active (OSS only) configuration. Each shared resource will have a primary (default) node. The secondary node is assumed.

The two nodes must have one or more communication paths for heartbeat traffic. A communication path can be: ■

Dedicated Ethernet

Serial live (serial crossover cable)

Failure of all heartbeat communication is not good. This condition is called “split-brain” and the heartbeat software will resolve this situation by powering down one node.


The two nodes must have a method to control each other's state. The Remote Power Control hardware is the best. There must be a script to start and stop a given node from the other node. STONITH provides soft power control methods (ssh, meatware) but these cannot be used in a production situation.

Heartbeat provides a remote ping service that is used to monitor the health of the external network. If you wish to use the ipfail service, you must have a very reliable external address to use as the ping target.

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Configuring Lustre Configuring Lustre for Heartbeat V2 is identical to the V1 case.

Configuring Heartbeat For details on all configuration options, refer to the Linux HA website: http://linux-ha.org/ha.cf As mentioned earlier, you can run Heartbeat V2 using the V1 configuration. To convert from the V1 configuration to V2, use the haresources2cib.py script (typically found in /usr/lib/heartbeat). If you are starting with V2, we recommend that you create a V1-style configuration and converting it, as the V1 style is human-readable. The heartbeat XML configuration is located at /var/lib/heartbeat/cib.xml and the new resource manager is enabled with the crm yes directive in /etc/ha.d/ha.cf. For additional information on CiB, refer to: http://linux-ha.org/ClusterInformationBase/UserGuide Heartbeat log daemon Heartbeat V2 adds a logging daemon, which manages logging on behalf of cluster clients. The UNIX syslog API makes calls that can block, Heartbeat requires log writes to complete as a sign of health. This daemon prevents a busy syslog from triggering a false failover. The logging configuration has been moved to /etc/logd.cf, while the directives are essentially unchanged. Basic configuration (No STONITH or monitor) Assuming two nodes, d1_q_0 and d21_q_0: ■

d1_q_0 owns ost-alpha

d2_q_0 owns ost-beta

dedicated Ethernet - eth0

serial crossover link - /dev/ttySO

remote host for health ping -

Chapter 8



Use this procedure: 1. Create the basic ha.cf and haresources files. haresources no longer requires the dummy virtual IP address. This is an example of /etc/ha.d/haresouces oss161.clusterfs.com \ Filesystem::/dev/sda::/ost1::lustre oss162.clusterfs.com \ Filesystem::/dev/sda::/ost1::lustre

Once you have these files created, you can run the conversion tool: $ /usr/lib/heartbeat/haresources2cib.py -c basic.ha.cf \ basic.haresources > basic.cib.xml

2. Examine the cib.xml file The first section in the XML file is . The default values should be fine for most installations. The actual resources are defined in the section. The default behavior of Heartbeat is an automatic failback of resources when a server is restored. To avoid this, you must add a parameter to the definition. You may also like to reduce the timeouts. In addition, the current version of the script does not correctly name the parameters.

a. Copy the modified resource file to /var/lib/heartbeat/crm/cib.xml b. Start the Heartbeat software. c. After startup, Heartbeat re-writes the cib.xml, adding a section and status information. Do not alter those fields.


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Basic Configuration – Adding STONITH As per Basic configuration (No STONITH or monitor), the best way to do this is to add the STONITH options to ha.cf and run the conversion script. For more information, see: http://linux-ha.org/ExternalStonithPlugins


Operation In normal operation, Lustre should be controlled by the Heartbeat software. Start Heartbeat at the boot time. It starts Lustre after the initial dead time.

Initial startup 1. Stop the Heartbeat software (if running). If this is a new Lustre file system: $ mkfs.lustre --fsname=spfs --ost --failnode=oss162 \ --mgsnode=mds16@tcp0 /dev/sdb (one)

2. mount -t lustre /dev/sdb /mnt/spfs/ost/ 3. /etc/init.d/heartbeat start on one node. 4. tail -f /var/log/ha-log to see progress. 5. After initdead, this node should start all Lustre objects. 6. /etc/init.d/heartbeat start on second node. 7. After heartbeat is up on both the nodes, failback the resources to the second node. On the second node, run: $ /usr/lib/heartbeart/hb_takeover local

You should see the resources stop on the first node, and start up on the second node

Chapter 8



Testing 1. Pull power from one node. 2. Pull networking from one node. 3. After Mon is setup, pull the connection between the OST and the backend storage.

Failback Normally, do the failback manually after determining that the failed node is now good. Lustre clients can work during a failback, but they are momentarily blocked.

Note – When formatting the MGS, the --failnode option is not available. This is because MGSs do not need to be told about a failover MGS; they do not communicate with other MGSs at any time. However, OSSs, MDSs and Lustre clients need to know about failover MGSs. MDSs and OSSs are told about failover MGSs with the --mgsnode parameter and/or using multi-NID mgsspec specifications. At mount time, clients are told about all MGSs with a multi-NID mgsspec specification. For more details on the multi-NID mgsspec specification and how to tell clients about failover MGSs, see the mount.lustre man page.


Considerations with Failover Software and Solutions The failover mechanisms used by Lustre and tools such as Hearbeat are soft failover mechanisms. They check system and/or application health at a regular interval, typically measured in seconds. This, combined with the data protection mechanisms of Lustre, is usually sufficient for most user applications. However, these soft mechanisms are not perfect. The Heartbeat poll interval is typically 30 seconds. To avoid a false failover, Heartbeat waits for a deadtime interval before triggering a failover. In normal case, a user I/O request should block and recover after the failover completes. But this may not always be the case, given the delay imposed by Heartbeat.


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Likewise, the Lustre health_check mechanism does not provide perfect protection against any or all failures. It is a sample taken at a time interval, not something that brackets each and every I/O request.2 There are a few places where health_check could generate a bad status: ■

On a device basis if there are requests that have not been processed in a very long time (more than the maximum allowed timeout), a CERROR is printed: {service}: unhealthy - request has been waiting Ns

Ns is the number of seconds. The CERROR displays a true value for Ns, for example ''... request has been waiting 100s'' ■

If the backing file system has gone read-only due to file system errors

On a per-device basis if any of the above failed, it is reported in the /proc/fs/lustre/health_check file: device {device} reported unhealthy

If ANY device or service on the node is unhealthy, it also prints: NOT HEALTHY

If ALL devices and services on the node are healthy, it prints: healthy

There will be cases where a user job will die prior to the HA software triggering a failover. You can certainly shorten timeouts, add monitoring, and take other steps to decrease this probability. But there is a serious trade-off – shortening timeouts increases the probability of false-triggering a busy system. Increasing monitoring takes the system resources, and can likewise cause a false trigger. Unfortunately, hard failover solutions capable of catching failures in the sub-second range generally require special hardware. As a result, they are quite expensive.

Tip – Failover of the Lustre client is dependent on the obd_timeout parameter. The Lustre client does not attempt failover until the request times out. Then, the client tries resending the request to the original server (if again, an obd_timeout occurs). After that, the Lustre client refers to the import list for that target and tries to connect (in a round-robin manner) until one of the nodes replies. The timeouts for the connection are much lower (obd_timeout / 20, 5).

2. This is true for every HA monitor, not just the Lustre health_check.

Chapter 8




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Configuring Quotas This chapter describes how to configure quotas and includes the following section: ■


Working with Quotas

Working with Quotas Quotas allow a system administrator to limit the amount of disk space a user or group can use in a directory. Quotas are set by root, and can be specified for individual users and/or groups. Before a file is written to a partition where quotas are set, the quota of the creator's group is checked. If a quota exists, then the file size counts towards the group's quota. If no quota exists, then the owner's user quota is checked before the file is written. Similarly, inode usage for specific functions can be controlled if a user over-uses the allocated space. Lustre quota enforcement differs from standard Linux quota support in several ways: ■

Quotas are administered via the lfs command (post-mount).

Quotas are distributed (as Lustre is a distributed file system), which has several ramifications.

Quotas are allocated and consumed in a quantized fashion.

Client does not set the usrquota or grpquota options to mount. When a quota is enabled, it is enabled for all clients of the file system and turned on automatically at mount.


Caution – Although quotas are available in Lustre, root quotas are NOT enforced. lfs setquota -u root (limits are not enforced) lfs quota -u root (usage includes internal Lustre data that is dynamic in size and does not accurately reflect mount point visible block and inode usage)


Enabling Disk Quotas Use this procedure to enable (configure) disk quotas in Lustre. To enable quotas: 1. If you have re-complied your Linux kernel, be sure that CONFIG_QUOTA and CONFIG_QUOTACTL are enabled (quota is enabled in all the Linux 2.6 kernels supplied for Lustre). 2. Start the server. 3. Mount the Lustre file system on the client and verify that the lquota module has loaded properly by using the lsmod ommand. $ lsmod [root@oss161 ~]# lsmod Module Size obdfilter 220532 fsfilt_ldiskfs 52228 ost 96712 mgc 60384 ldiskfs 186896 lustre 401744 lov 289064 lquota 107048 mdc 95016 ksocklnd 111812

Used by 1 1 1 1 2 fsfilt_ldiskfs 0 1 lustre 4 obdfilter 1 lustre 1

The Lustre mount command no longer recognizes the usrquota and grpquota options. If they were previously specified, remove them from /etc/fstab. When quota is enabled on the file system, it is automatically enabled for all file system clients.

Note – Lustre with the Linux kernel 2.4 does not support quotas.


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To enable quotas automatically when the file system is started, you must set the mdt.quota_type and ost.quota_type parameters, respectively, on the MDT and OSTs. The parameters can be set to the string u (user), g (group) or ug for both users and groups. You can enable quotas at mkfs time (mkfs.lustre --param mdt.quota_type= ug) or with tunefs.lustre. As an example: tunefs.lustre --param ost.quota_type=ug $ost_dev

Administrative and Operational Quotas Lustre has two kinds of quota files: ■

Administrative quotas (for the MDT), which contain limits for users/groups for the entire cluster.

Operational quotas (for the MDT and OSTs), which contain quota information dedicated to a cluster node.

Lustre 1.6.5 introduces a new quota format (v2), for administrative quota files, with continued support for the old quota format (v1).1 The mdt.quota_type parameter also handles ‘1’ and ‘2’ options to specify the version of Lustre quota that will be used. For example: --param mdt.quota_type=ug1 --param mdt.quota_type=u2

In a future Lustre release, the v2 format will be added to operational quotas, with continued support for the v1 format. When v2 support is added, then the ost.quota_type parameter will handle the ‘1’ and ‘2’ options. For more information about the v1 and v2 formats, see Quota File Formats.

1. By default, Lustre 1.6.5 uses the v2 format for administrative quotas. Previous releases use quota v1.

Chapter 9

Configuring Quotas



Creating Quota Files and Quota Administration Once each quota-enabled file system is remounted, it is capable of working with disk quotas. However, the file system is not yet ready to support quotas. If umount has been done regularly, run the lfs command with the quotaon option. If umount has not been done: 1. Take Lustre ''offline''. That is, verify that no write operations (append, write, truncate, create or delete) are being performed (preparing to run lfs quotacheck). Operations that do not change Lustre files (such as read or mount) are okay to run.

Caution – When lfs quotacheck is run, Lustre must NOT be performing any write operations. Failure to follow this caution may cause the statistic information of quota to be inaccurate. For example, the number of blocks used by OSTs for users or groups will be inaccurate, which can cause unexpected quota problems. 2. Run the lfs command with the quotacheck option: # lfs quotacheck -ug /mnt/lustre

By default, quota is turned on after quotacheck completes. Available options are: ■

u — checks the user disk quota information

g — checks the group disk quota information

The quotacheck command scans the entire file system (sub-quotachecks are run on both the MDS and the OSTs) to recompute disk usage (for both inodes and blocks) on a per-UID/GID basis. If there are many files in Lustre, quotacheck may take a long time to complete.

Note – User and group quotas are separate. If either quota limit is reached, a process with the corresponding UID/GID is not allowed to allocate more space on the file system.

Note – For Lustre 1.6 releases prior to version 1.6.5, and 1.4 releases prior to version 1.4.12, if the underlying ldiskfs file system has not unmounted gracefully (due to a crash, for example), re-run quotacheck to obtain accurate quota information. Lustre 1.6.5 and 1.4.12 use journaled quota, so it is not necessary to run quotacheck after an unclean shutdown. In certain failure situations (such as when a broken Lustre installation or build is used), re-run quotacheck after examining the server kernel logs and fixing the root problem.


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The lfs command now includes these command options to work with quotas: ■

quotaon — announces to the system that disk quotas should be enabled on one or more file systems. The file system quota files must be present in the root directory of the specified file system.

quotaoff — announces to the system that the specified file systems should have all disk quotas turned off.

setquota — used to specify the quota limits and tune the grace period. By default, the grace period is one week.

Usage: setquota [ -u | -g ] setquota -t [ -u | -g ] lfs > setquota -u bob 307200 309200 10000 11000 /mnt/lustre

In the above example, the quota is set to 300 MB (309200*1024) and the hard limit is 11,000 files on user bob. Therefore, the inode hard limit should be 11000.

Note – For the Lustre command $ lfs setquota/quota ... the qunit for block is KB (1024) and the qunit for inode is 1. Quota displays the quota allocated and consumed for each Lustre device. This example shows the result of the previous setquota: # lfs quota -u bob /mnt/lustre Disk quotas for user bob (uid 500): Filesystem blocks /mnt/lustre 0 lustre-MDT0000_UUID lustre-OST0000_UUID lustre-OST0001_UUID

quota 307200 0 0 0 0 0 0

limit grace files quota limit grace 309200 0 10000 11000 102400 0 0 5000 102400 102400

Chapter 9

Configuring Quotas



Resetting the Quota To reset the quota that was previously established for a user, run: # setquota -u $user 0 0 0 0 /srv/testfs

Then run: # setquota -u $user a b c d /srv/testfs

Caution – Do not use # lfs setquota to reset the previously-established quota.


Quota Allocation The Linux kernel sets a default quota size of 1 MB. (For a block, the default is 100 MB. For files, the default is 5000.) Lustre handles quota allocation in a different manner. A quota must be properly set or users may experience unnecessary failures. The file system block quota is divided up among the OSTs within the file system. Each OST requests an allocation which is increased up to the quota limit. The quota allocation is then quantized to reduce the number of quota-related request traffic. By default, Lustre supports both user and group quotas to limit disk usage and file counts. The quota system in Lustre is completely compatible with the quota systems used on other file systems. The Lustre quota system distributes quotas from the quota master. Generally, the MDS is the quota master for both inodes and blocks. All OSTs and the MDS are quota slaves to the OSS nodes. The minimum transfer unit is 100 MB, to avoid performance impacts for quota adjustments. The file system block quota is divided up among the OSTs and the MDS within the file system. Only the MDS uses the file system inode quota. This means that the minimum quota for block is 100 MB* (the number of OSTs + the number of MDSs), which is 100 MB* (number of OSTs + 1). The minimum quota for inode is the inode qunit. If you attempt to assign a smaller quota, users maybe not be able to create files. The default is established at file system creation time, but can be tuned via /proc values (described below). The inode quota is also allocated in a quantized manner on the MDS.


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This sets a much smaller granularity. It is specified to request a new quota in units of 100 MB and 500 inodes, respectively. If we look at the example again: # lfs quota -u bob /mnt/lustre Disk quotas for user bob (uid 500): Filesystem blocks quota limit grace files quota limit grace /mnt/lustre 207432 307200 30920 1041 10000 11000 lustre-MDT0000_UUID 992 0 102400 1041 05000 lustre-OST0000_UUID 103204* 0 102400 lustre-OST0001_UUID 103236* 0 102400

The total quota of 30,920 is alloted to user bob, which is further disributed to two OSTs and one MDS with a 102,400 block quota.

Note – Values appended with “*” show the limit that has been over-used (exceeding the quota), and receives this message Disk quota exceeded. For example: \ $ cp: writing `/mnt/lustre/var/cache/fontconfig/ beeeeb3dfe132a8a0633a017c99ce0-x86.cache’: Disk quota exceeded. The requested quota of 300 MB is divided across the OSTs. Each OST has an initial allocation of 100 MB blocks, with iunit limiting to 5000.

Note – It is very important to note that the block quota is consumed per OST and the MDS per block and inode (there is only one MDS for inodes). Therefore, when the quota is consumed on one OST, the client may not be able to create files regardless of the quota available on other OSTs.

Chapter 9

Configuring Quotas


Additional information: Grace period — The period of time (in seconds) within which users are allowed to exceed their soft limit. There are four types of grace periods: ■

user block soft limit

user inode soft limit

group block soft limit

group inode soft limit

The grace periods are applied to all users. The user block soft limit is for all users who are using a blocks quota. Soft limit — Once you are beyond the soft limit, the quota module begins to time, but you still can write block and inode. When you are always beyond the soft limit and use up your grace time, you get the same result as the hard limit. For inodes and blocks, it is the same. Usually, the soft limit MUST be less than the hard limit; if not, the quota module never triggers the timing. If the soft limit is not needed, leave it as zero (0). Hard limit — When you are beyond the hard limit, you get -EQUOTA and cannot write inode/block any more. The hard limit is the absolute limit. When a grace period is set, you can exceed the soft limit within the grace period if are under the hard limits. Lustre quota allocation is controlled by two values quota_bunit_sz and quota_iunit_sz referring to KBs and inodes respectively. These values can be accessed on the MDS as /proc/fs/lustre/mds/*/quota_* and on the OST as /proc/fs/lustre/obdfilter/*/quota_*. The /proc values are bounded by two other variables quota_btune_sz and quota_itune_sz. By default, the *tune_sz variables are set at 1/2 the *unit_sz variables, and you cannot set *tune_sz larger than *unit_sz. You must set bunit_sz first if it is increasing by more than 2x, and btune_sz first if it is decreasing by more than 2x. Total number of inodes — To determine the total number of inodes, use lfs df -i (and also /proc/fs/lustre/*/*/filestotal). For more information on using the lfs df -i command and the command output, see Querying File System Space. Unfortunately, the statfs interface does not report the free inode count directly, but instead reports the total inode and used inode counts. The free inode count is calculated for df from (total inodes - used inodes). It is not critical to know a file system’s total inode count. Instead, you should know (accurately), the free inode count and the used inode count for a file system. Lustre manipulates the total inode count in order to accurately report the other two values. The values set for the MDS must match the values set on the OSTs.


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The quota_bunit_sz parameter displays bytes, however lfs setquota uses KBs. The quota_bunit_sz parameter must be a multiple of 1024. A proper minimum KB size for lfs setquota can be calculated as: Size in KBs = (quota_bunit_sz * ( number of OSTS + 1 )) / 1024 We add one (1) to the number of OSTs as the MDS also consumes KBs. As inodes are only consumed on the MDS, the minimum inode size for lfs setquota is equal to quota_iunit_sz.

Note – Setting the quota below this limit may prevent the user from all file creation. To turn on the quotas for a user and a group, run: $ lfs quotaon -ug /mnt/lustre

To turn off the quotas for a user and a group, run: $ lfs quotaoff -ug /mnt/lustre

To set the quotas for a user as 1 GB block quota and 10,000 file quota, run: $ lfs setquota -u {username} 0 1000000 0 10000 /mnt/lustre

To list the quotas of a user, run: $ lfs quota -u {username} /mnt/lustre

To see the grace time for quota, run: $ lfs quota -t –{u|g} {quota user|group} /mnt/lustre

Chapter 9

Configuring Quotas



Known Issues with Quotas Using quotas in Lustre can be complex and there are several known issues.

Granted Cache and Quota Limits In Lustre, granted cache does not respect quota limits. In this situation, OSTs grant cache to Lustre client to accelerate I/O. Granting cache causes writes to be successful in OSTs, even if they exceed the quota limits, and will overwrite them. The sequence is: 1. A user writes files to Lustre. 2. If the Lustre client has enough granted cache, then it returns ‘success’ to users and arranges the writes to the OSTs. 3. Because Lustre clients have delivered success to users, the OSTs cannot fail these writes. Because of granted cache, writes always overwrite quota limitations. For example, if you set a 400 GB quota on user A and use IOR to write for userA from a bundle of clients, you will write much more data than 400 GB, and cause an out-of-quota error (-EDQUOT).

Note – The effect of granted cache on quota limits can be mitigated, but not eradicated. Reduce the max_dirty_buffer in the clients (just like echo XXXX > /proc/fs/lustre/osc/lustre-OST*/max_dirty_mb).


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Quota Limits Available quota limits depend on the Lustre version you are using.

Lustre version 1.4.11 and earlier (for 1.4.x releases) and Lustre version 1.6.4 and earlier (for 1.6.x releases) support quota limits less than 4TB.

Lustre versions 1.4.12 and 1.6.5 support quota limits of 4TB and greater in Lustre configurations with OST storage limits of 4TB and less.

Future Lustre versions are expected to support quota limits of 4TB and greater with no OST storage limits.

Lustre Version

Quota Limit Per User/Per Group

OST Storage Limit

1.4.11 and earlier

< 4TB



=> 4TB



No storage limit

Quota File Formats Lustre 1.6.5 introduces a new quota file format (v2) for administrative quotas, with 64-bit limits that support large-limits handling. The old quota file format (v1), with 32-bit limits, is also supported. In a future Lustre release, the v2 format will be added for operational quotas. A few notes regarding the current quota file formats: ■

Lustre 1.6 uses mdt.quota_type to force a specific quota version (2 or 1).2 ■

For the v2 quota file format, (OBJECTS/admin_quotafile_v2.{usr,grp})

For the v1 quota file format, (OBJECTS/admin_quotafile.{usr,grp})

If quotas do not exist or look broken, quotacheck creates quota files of a required name and format. ■

If Lustre is using the v2 quota file format, then quotacheck converts old v1 quota files to new v2 quota files. This conversion is triggered automatically and is transparent to users. If an old quota file does not exist or looks broken, then the new v2 quota file will be empty. In case of an error, details can be found in the kernel log of the MDS.

During conversion of a v1 quota file to a v2 quota file, the v2 quota file is marked as broken, to avoid its later usage in case of a crash.

Quota module refuses to use broken quota files (keeping quota off).

2. Lustre 1.4 uses a quota file dependent on quota32 configuration options.

Chapter 9

Configuring Quotas



Lustre Quota Statistics Lustre includes statistics that monitor quota activity, such as the kinds of quota RPCs sent during a specific period, the average time to complete the RPCs, etc. These statistics are useful to measure performance of a Lustre file system. Each quota statistic consists of a quota event and min_time, max_time and sum_time values for the event.


Quota Event



Quota slaves send a acquiring_quota request and wait for its return.


Quota slaves send a releasing_quota request and wait for its return.


Quota slaves send an acquiring_quota request and do not wait for its return.


Quota slaves send a releasing_quota request and do not wait for its return.

wait_for_blk_quota (lquota_chkquota)

Before data is written to OSTs, the OSTs check if the remaining block quota is sufficient. This is done in the lquota_chkquota function.

wait_for_ino_quota (lquota_chkquota)

Before files are created on the MDS, the MDS checks if the remaining inode quota is sufficient. This is done in the lquota_chkquota function.

wait_for_blk_quota (lquota_pending_commit)

After blocks are written to OSTs, relative quota information is updated. This is done in the lquota_pending_commit function.

wait_for_ino_quota (lquota_pending_commit)

After files are created, relative quota information is updated. This is done in the lquota_pending_commit function.

wait_for_pending_blk_quota_req (qctxt_wait_pending_dqacq)

On the MDS or OSTs, there is one thread sending a quota request for a specific UID/GID for block quota at any time. At that time, if other threads need to do this too, they should wait. This is done in the qctxt_wait_pending_dqacq function.

wait_for_pending_ino_quota_req (qctxt_wait_pending_dqacq)

On the MDS, there is one thread sending a quota request for a specific UID/GID for inode quota at any time. If other threads need to do this too, they should wait. This is done in the qctxt_wait_pending_dqacq function.

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Quota Event


nowait_for_pending_blk_quota_req (qctxt_wait_pending_dqacq)

On the MDS or OSTs, there is one thread sending a quota request for a specific UID/GID for block quota at any time. When threads enter qctxt_wait_pending_dqacq, they do not need to wait. This is done in the qctxt_wait_pending_dqacq function.

nowait_for_pending_ino_quota_req (qctxt_wait_pending_dqacq)

On the MDS, there is one thread sending a quota req for a specific UID/GID for inode quota at any time. When threads enter qctxt_wait_pending_dqacq, they do not need to wait. This is done in the qctxt_wait_pending_dqacq function.


The quota_ctl statistic is generated when lfs setquota, lfs quota and so on, are issued.


Each time qunit is adjusted, it is counted.

Interpreting Quota Statistics Quota statistics are an important measure of a Lustre file system’s performance. Interpreting these statistics correctly can help you diagnose problems with quotas, and may indicate adjustments to improve system performance. For example, if you run this command on the OSTs: cat /proc/fs/lustre/lquota/lustre-OST0000/stats

You will get a result similar to this: snapshot_time 1219908615.506895 secs.usecs async_acq_req 1 samples [us]32 32 32 async_rel_req 1 samples [us]5 5 5 nowait_for_pending_blk_quota_req(qctxt_wait_pending_dqacq) 1 samples [us] 2 2 2 quota_ctl 4 samples [us]80 3470 4293 adjust_qunit 1 samples [us]70 70 70 ....

In the first line, snapshot_time indicates when the statistics were taken. The remaining lines list the quota events and their associated data. In the second line, the async_acq_req event occurs one time. The min_time, max_time and sum_time statistics for this event are 32, 32 and 32, respectively. The unit is microseconds (µs). In the fifth line, the quota_ctl event occurs four times. The min_time, max_time and sum_time statistics for this event are 80, 3470 and 4293, respectively. The unit is microseconds (µs).

Chapter 9

Configuring Quotas


Involving Lustre Support in Quotas Analysis Quota statistics are collected in /proc/fs/lustre/lquota/.../stats. Each MDT and OST has one statistics proc file. If you have a problem with quotas, but cannot successfully diagnose the issue, send the statistics files in the folder to Lustre Support for analysis. To prepare the files: 1. Initialize the statistics data to 0 (zero). Run: lctl set_param lquota.${FSNAME}-MDT*.stats=0 lctl set_param lquota.${FSNAME}-OST*.stats=0

2. Perform the quota operation that causes the problem or degraded performance. 3. Collect all “stats” in /proc/fs/lustre/lquota/ and send them to Lustre Support.

Note – Proc quota entries are collected in /proc/fs/lustre/obdfilter/lustre-OSTXXXX/quota* and /proc/fs/lustre/mds/lustre-MDTXXXX/quota*, and copied to /proc/fs/lustre/lquota. To maintain compatibility, the old quota proc entries in the /proc/fs/lustre/obdfilter/lustre-OSTXXXX/ and /proc/fs/lustre/mds/lustre-MDTXXXX/ folders are not deleted in the current Lustre release, but they may be deprecated in the future. Only use the quota entries in /proc/fs/lustre/lquota/


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009



RAID This chapter describes software and hardware RAID, and includes the following sections:


Considerations for Backend Storage

Insights into Disk Performance Measurement

Lustre Software RAID Support

Considerations for Backend Storage Lustre's architecture allows it to use any kind of block device as backend storage. The characteristics of such devices, particularly in the case of failures vary significantly and have an impact on configuration choices. This section surveys issues and recommendations regarding backend storage.


Selecting Storage for the MDS and OSS MDS The MDS does a large amount of small writes. For this reason, we recommend that you use RAID1 for MDT storage. If you require more capacity for an MDT than one disk provides, we recommend RAID1 + 0 or RAID10. LVM is not recommended at this time for performance reasons.


OSS A quick calculation (shown below), makes it clear that without further redundancy, RAID5 is not acceptable for large clusters and RAID6 is a must. Take a 1 PB file system (2,000 disks of 500 GB capacity). The MTF1 of a disk is about 1,000 days. This means that the expected failure rate is 2000/1000 = 2 disks per day. Repair time at 10% of disk bandwidth is close to 1 day (500 GB at 5 MB/sec = 100,000 sec = 1 day). If we have a RAID 5 stripe that is 10 disks wide, then during 1 day of rebuilding, the chance that a second disk in the same array fails is about 9 / 1000 ~= 1/100. This means that, in the expected period of 50 days, a double failure in a RAID 5 stripe leads to data loss. So, RAID 6 or another double parity algorithm is necessary for OST storage. For better performance, we recommend that you use many smaller OSTs, instead of fewer, large-size OSTs. Following this recommendation will provide you with more IOPS, by having independent RAID sets instead of a single one. Suggestion: Use RAID 5 with 5 or 9 disks, or RAID 6 with 6 or 10 disks, each on a different controller. Ideally, the RAID configuration should allow 1 MB Lustre RPCs to fit evenly on one RAID stripe without requiring an expensive read-modify-write cycle. = * ( - ) ea.bak

Note – The getfattr command is part of the "attr" package in most distributions. If the getfattr command returns errors like Operation not supported, then the kernel does not correctly support EAs. STOP and use a different backup method or contact us for assistance. 4. Verify that the ea.bak file has properly backed up the EA data on the MDS. Without this EA data, the backup is not useful. Look at this file with "more" or a text editor. It should have an item for each file like: # file: ROOT/mds_md5sum3.txt trusted.lov= 0s0AvRCwEAAABXoKUCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAEAAADD5QoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAEAAAA=

5. Back up all file system data, run: tar czvf {backup file}.tgz

6. Change directory out of the mounted file system, run: cd -

7. Unmount the file system, run: umount /mnt/mds

Chapter 15

Backup and Restore


Backing Up an OST File Follow the same procedure as Backing Up an MDS File (except skip Step 4) and, for each OST device file system, replace mds with ost in the commands.


Restoring from a File-level Backup To restore data from a file-level backup, you need to format the device, restore the file data and then restore the EA data. 1. Format the device. To get the optimal ext3 parameters, run: $ mkfs.lustre --fsname {fsname} --reformat --mgs|mdt|ost /dev/sda

Caution – Only reformat the node which is being restored. If there are multiple services on the node, do not perform this step as it can cause all devices on the node to be reformatted. In that situation, follow these steps: For MDS file systems, run: mke2fs -j -J size=400 -I {inode_size} -i 4096 {dev} where {inode_size} is at least 512 and possibly larger if the default stripe count is > 10 (inode_size = power_of_2_>=_than(384 + stripe_count * 24))2 For OST file systems, run: mke2fs -j -J size=400 -I 256 -i 16384 {dev}” 2. Enable ext3 file system directory indexing. tune2fs -O dir_index {dev}

2. In the mke2fs command, the -I option is the size of the inode and the -i option is the ratio of inodes to space in the file system: inode_count = device_size / inode_ratio. Set the -i option to 4096 so Extended Attributes (EAs) can fit on the inode as well. Otherwise, you have to make an indirect allocation to hold the EAs, which impacts performance owing to the additional seeks.


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3. Mount the file system. ■

For 2.4 kernels, run: mount -t ext3 {dev} /mnt/mds

For 2.6 kernels, run: mount -t ldiskfs {dev} /mnt/mds

4. Change to the new file system mount point, run: cd /mnt/mds

5. Restore the file system backup, run: tar xzvpf {backup file}

6. Restore the file system EAs, run: setfattr --restore=ea.bak (not required for OST devices)

7. Remove the recovery logs (now invalid), run: rm OBJECTS/* CATALOGS

Note – If the file system is in use during the restore process, run the lfsck tool (part of e2fsprogs) to ensure that the file system is coherent. It is not necessary to run this tool if the backup of all device file systems occurs at the same time after stopping the entire Lustre file system. After completing the file system should be immediately usable without running lfsck. There may be few I/O errors reading from files that are present on the MDS, but not on the OSTs. However, the files that are created after the MDS backup are not visible or accessible.

Chapter 15

Backup and Restore



LVM Snapshots on Lustre Target Disks Another disk-based backup option is to leverage the Linux LVM snapshot mechanism to maintain multiple incremental backups of a Lustre file system. But LVM snapshots cost CPU cycles as new files are written, so taking snapshots of the main Lustre file system will probably result in unacceptable performance losses. To get around this problem, create a new, backup file system and periodically back up new/changed files. Take periodic snapshots of this backup file system to create a series of compact "full" backups.


Creating LVM-based Lustre File System As a Backup To create an LVM-based backup Lustre file system. 1. Create LVM volumes for the MDT and OSTs. First, create LVM devices for your MDT and OST targets. Do not use the entire disk for the targets, as some space is required for the snapshots. The snapshots size start out as 0, but they increase in size as you make changes to the backup file system. In general, if you expect to change 20% of your file system between backups, then the most recent snapshot will be 20% of your target size, the next older one will be 40%, and so on. cfs21:~# pvcreate /dev/sda1 Physical volume "/dev/sda1" successfully created cfs21:~# vgcreate volgroup /dev/sda1 Volume group "volgroup" successfully created cfs21:~# lvcreate -L200M -nMDT volgroup Logical volume "MDT" created cfs21:~# lvcreate -L200M -nOST0 volgroup Logical volume "OST0" created cfs21:~# lvscan ACTIVE '/dev/volgroup/MDT' [200.00 MB] inherit ACTIVE '/dev/volgroup/OST0' [200.00 MB] inherit


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

2. Format LVM volumes as Lustre targets. In this example, the backup file system is called “main” and designates the current, most up-to-date backup. cfs21:~# mkfs.lustre --mdt --fsname=main /dev/volgroup/MDT No management node specified, adding MGS to this MDT. Permanent disk data: Target: main-MDTffff Index: unassigned Lustre FS: main Mount type: ldiskfs Flags: 0x75 (MDT MGS needs_index first_time update ) Persistent mount opts: errors=remount-ro,iopen_nopriv,user_xattr Parameters: checking for existing Lustre data device size = 200MB formatting backing filesystem ldiskfs on /dev/volgroup/MDT target name main-MDTffff 4k blocks 0 options -i 4096 -I 512 -q -O dir_index -F mkfs_cmd = mkfs.ext2 -j -b 4096 -L main-MDTffff -i 4096 -I 512 -q -O dir_index -F /dev/volgroup/MDT Writing CONFIGS/mountdata cfs21:~# mkfs.lustre --ost --mgsnode=cfs21 --fsname=main /dev/volgroup/OST0 Permanent disk data: Target: main-OSTffff Index: unassigned Lustre FS: main Mount type: ldiskfs Flags: 0x72 (OST needs_index first_time update ) Persistent mount opts: errors=remount-ro,extents,mballoc Parameters: mgsnode= checking for existing Lustre data device size = 200MB formatting backing filesystem ldiskfs on /dev/volgroup/OST0 target name main-OSTffff 4k blocks 0 options -I 256 -q -O dir_index -F mkfs_cmd = mkfs.ext2 -j -b 4096 -L main-OSTffff -I 256 -q -O dir_index -F /dev/ volgroup/OST0 Writing CONFIGS/mountdata cfs21:~# mount -t lustre /dev/volgroup/MDT /mnt/mdt

Chapter 15

Backup and Restore


cfs21:~# mount -t lustre /dev/volgroup/OST0 /mnt/ost cfs21:~# mount -t lustre cfs21:/main /mnt/main


Backing Up New Files to the Backup File System This is your nightly backups of your real on-line Lustre file system. cfs21:~# cp /etc/passwd /mnt/main cfs21:~# cp /etc/fstab /mnt/main cfs21:~# ls /mnt/main fstab passwd


Creating LVM Snapshot Volumes Whenever you want to make a "checkpoint" of your Lustre file system, you create LVM snapshots of all the target disks in "main". You must decide the maximum size of a snapshot ahead of time,however you can dynamically change this later. The size of a daily snapshot is dependent on the amount of data you change daily in your on-line file system. It is also likely that a two-day old snapshot will be twice as big as a one-day old snapshot. You can create as many snapshots as you have room for in your volume group. You can also dynamically add disks to the volume group if needed. The snapshots of the target disks (MDT, OSTs) should be taken at the same point in time, making sure that cronjob updating "main" is not running, since that is the only job writing to the disks. cfs21:~# modprobe dm-snapshot cfs21:~# lvcreate -L50M -s -n MDTb1 /dev/volgroup/MDT Rounding up size to full physical extent 52.00 MB Logical volume "MDTb1" created cfs21:~# lvcreate -L50M -s -n OSTb1 /dev/volgroup/OST0 Rounding up size to full physical extent 52.00 MB Logical volume "OSTb1" created

After the snapshots are taken, you can continue to back up new/changed files to "main". The snapshots will not contain the new files. cfs21:~# cp /etc/termcap /mnt/main cfs21:~# ls /mnt/main fstab passwd termcap


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Restoring From Old Snapshot 1. Rename the snapshot Rename the snapshot file system from "main" to "back" so that you can mount it without unmounting "main". This is not a requirement. Use the --reformat flag to tunefs.lustre to force the name change. cfs21:~# tunefs.lustre --reformat --fsname=back --writeconf /dev/volgroup/MDTb1 checking for existing Lustre data found Lustre data Reading CONFIGS/mountdata Read previous values: Target: main-MDT0000 Index: 0 Lustre FS: main Mount type: ldiskfs Flags: 0x5 (MDT MGS ) Persistent mount opts: errors=remount-ro,iopen_nopriv,user_xattr Parameters: Permanent disk data: Target: back-MDT0000 Index: 0 Lustre FS: back Mount type: ldiskfs Flags: 0x105 (MDT MGS writeconf ) Persistent mount opts: errors=remount-ro,iopen_nopriv,user_xattr Parameters: Writing CONFIGS/mountdata cfs21:~# tunefs.lustre --reformat --fsname=back --writeconf /dev/volgroup/OSTb1 checking for existing Lustre data found Lustre data Reading CONFIGS/mountdata Read previous values: Target: main-OST0000 Index: 0 Lustre FS: main Mount type: ldiskfs Flags: 0x2 (OST ) Persistent mount opts: errors=remount-ro,extents,mballoc Parameters: mgsnode=

Chapter 15

Backup and Restore


Permanent disk data: Target: back-OST0000 Index: 0 Lustre FS: back Mount type: ldiskfs Flags: 0x102 (OST writeconf ) Persistent mount opts: errors=remount-ro,extents,mballoc Parameters: mgsnode= Writing CONFIGS/mountdata When renaming an FS, we must also erase the last_rcvd file from the snapshots cfs21:~# mount -t ldiskfs /dev/volgroup/MDTb1 /mnt/mdtback cfs21:~# rm /mnt/mdtback/last_rcvd cfs21:~# umount /mnt/mdtback cfs21:~# mount -t ldiskfs /dev/volgroup/OSTb1 /mnt/ostback cfs21:~# rm /mnt/ostback/last_rcvd cfs21:~# umount /mnt/ostback

2. Mount the snapshot file system cfs21:~# mount -t lustre /dev/volgroup/MDTb1 /mnt/mdtback cfs21:~# mount -t lustre /dev/volgroup/OSTb1 /mnt/ostback cfs21:~# mount -t lustre cfs21:/back /mnt/back

Note the old directory contents, as of the snapshot time. cfs21:~/cfs/b1_5/lustre/utils# ls /mnt/back fstab passwds


Delete Old Snapshots To reclaim disk space, you can erase old snapshots, as your backup policy dictates. lvremove /dev/volgroup/MDTb1

\You can also extend or shrink snapshot volumes if you find your daily deltas are smaller or larger than you had planned for. lvextend -L10G /dev/volgroup/MDTb1


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009



POSIX This chapter describes POSIX and includes the following sections: ■

Installing POSIX

Running POSIX Tests Against Lustre

Isolating and Debugging Failures

Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) is a set of standard, operating system interfaces based on the Unix OS. POSIX defines file system behavior on single Unix node. It is not a standard for clusters. POSIX specifies the user and software interfaces to the OS. Required program-level services include basic I/O (file, terminal, and network) services. POSIX also defines a standard threading library API which is supported by most modern operating systems. POSIX in a cluster means that most of the operations are atomic. Clients can not see the metadata. POSIX offers strict mandatory locking which gives guarantee of semantics. Users do not have control on these locks. The current Lustre POSIX is comparable with NFS. Lustre 1.8 promises strong security with features like GSS/Kerberos 5. This enables graceful handling of users from multiple realms which, in turn, introduce multiple UID and GID databases.

Note – Although used mainly with UNIX systems, the POSIX standard can apply to any operating system.



Installing POSIX To install POSIX (used for testing Lustre): 1. Download all POSIX files from: http://downloads.clusterfs.com/public/tools/benchmarks/posix/ ■





Caution – Do not configure or mount a Lustre file system yet. 2. Run the install.sh script and select /home/tet for the root directory for the test suite installation. 3. Install users and groups. Accept the defaults for the packages to be installed. 4. To avoid a bug in the installation scripts where the test directory is not created properly, create a temporary directory to hold the POSIX tests when they are built. $ mkdir -p /mnt/lustre/TESTROOT;chown vsx0.vsxg0

5. Log in as the test user. su - vsx0 6. Build the test suite, run: ../setup.sh Most of the defaults are correct, except the root directory from which to run the test sets. For this setting, specify /mnt/lustre/TESTROOT. Do NOT install pseudo languages.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

7. When the system displays this prompt: Install scripts into TESTROOT/BIN..?

Do not immediately respond. Using another terminal (as stopping the script does not work), replace the files /home/tet/test_sets/scen.exec and /home/tet/test_sets/scen.bld with myscen.exec and myscen.bld (downloaded earlier). $ cp .../myscen.bld /home/tet/test_sets/scen.bld $ cp .../myscen.exec /home/tet/test_sets/scen.exec

This limits the tests run only to the relevant file systems and avoids additional hours of other tests on sockets, math, stdio, libc, shell, and so on. 8. Continue with the installation. a. Build the test sets. It proceeds to build and install all of the file system tests. b. Run the test sets. Even though it is running them on a local file system, this is a valuable baseline to compare with the behavior of Lustre. It should put the results into /home/tet/test_sets/results/0002e/journal. Rename or symlink this directory to /home/tet/test_sets/results/ext3/journal (or to the name of the local file system on which the test was run). Running the full test takes about five minutes. Do not re-run any failed test. Results are in a lengthy table at /home/tet/test_sets/results/report. 9. Save the test suite to run further tests on a Lustre file system. Tar up the tests, so that you do not have to rebuild each time.

Chapter 16




Running POSIX Tests Against Lustre To run the POSIX tests against Lustre: 1. As root, set up your Lustre file system, mounted on /mnt/lustre (for instance, sh llmount.sh) and untar the POSIX tests back to their home. $ tar --same-owner -xzpvf /path/to/tarball/TESTROOT.tgz -C \ /mnt/lustre

As the vsx0 user, you can re-run the tests as many times as you want. If you are newly logged in as the vsx0 user, you need to source the environment with '. profile' so that your path and environment is set up correctly. 2. Run the POSIX tests, run: $ . /home/tet/profile $ tcc -e -s scen.exec -a /mnt/lustre/TESTROOT -p

New results are placed in new directories at /home/tet/test_sets/results Each result is given a directory name similar to 0004e (an incrementing number which ends with e (for test execution) or b (for building tests). 3. To look at a formatted report, run: $ vrpt results/0004e/journal | less

Some tests are "Unsupported", "Untested" or "Not In Use", which does not necessarily indicate a problem. 4. To compare two test results, run: $ vrptm results/ext3/journal results/0004e/journal | less

This is more interesting than looking at the result of a single test as it helps to find test failures that are specific to the file system, instead of the Linux VFS or kernel. Up to six test results can be compared at one time. It is often useful to rename the results directory to have more interesting names so that they are meaningful in the future.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Isolating and Debugging Failures In the case of Lustre failures, you need to capture information about what is happening at runtime. For example some tests may cause kernel panics, depending on your Lustre configuration. By default, debugging is not enabled in the POSIX test suite. You need to turn on the VSX debugging options. There are two debug options of note in the config file tetexec.cfg, under the TESTROOT directory: VSX_DBUG_FILE=output_file If you are running the test under UML with hostfs support, use a file on the hostfs as the debug output file. In the case of a crash, the debug output can be safely written to the debug file.

Note – The default value for this option puts the debug log under your test directory in /mnt/lustre/TESTROOT, which is not useful in case of kernel panic and Lustre (or your machine) crashes. VSX_DBUG_FLAGS=xxxxx The following example makes VSX output all debug messages: VSX_DBUG_FLAGS=t:d:n:f:F:L:l,2:p:P VSX is based on the TET framework which provides common libraries for VSX. You can also have TET print out verbose debug messages by inserting the -T option when running the tests. For example: $ tcc -Tall5 -e -s scen.exec -a /mnt/lustre/TESTROOT -p 2>&1 | tee /tmp/POSIX-command-line-output.log

VSX prints out detailed messages in the report for failed tests. This includes the test strategy, operations done by the test suite, and the failures. Each subtest (for instance, 'access', 'create') usually contains many single tests. The report shows exactly which single testing fails. In this case, you can find more information directly from the VSX source code.

Chapter 16



For example, if the fifth single test of subtest chmod failed; you could look at the source: $ /home/tet/test_sets/tset/POSIX.os/files/chmod/chmod.c

Which contains a single test array: public struct tet_testlist tet_testlist[] = { test1, 1, test2, 2, test3, 3, test4, 4, test5, 5, test6, 6, test7, 7, test8, 8, test9, 9, test10, 10, test11, 11, test12, 12, test13, 13, test14, 14, test15, 15, test16, 16, test17, 17, test18, 18, test19, 19, test20, 20, test21, 21, test22, 22, test23, 23, NULL, 0 };


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If this single test is causing problems (as in the case of a kernel panic) or if you are trying to isolate a single failure, it may be useful to narrow the tet_testlist array down to the single test in question and then recompile the test suite. Then, you can create a new tarball of the resulting TESTROOT directory, with an appropriate name (like TESTROOT-chmod-5-only.tgz) and re-run the POSIX suite. It may also be helpful to edit the scen.exec file to run only test set in question. "total tests in POSIX.os 1" /tset/POSIX.os/files/chmod/T.chmod

Note – Rebuilding individual POSIX tests is not straightforward due to the reliance on tcc. You may have to substitute the edited source files into the source tree (following the installation described above) and let the existing POSIX install scripts do the work. The installation scripts (specifically, /home/tet/test_sets/run_testsets.sh) contain relevant commands to build the test suite, similar to tcc -p -b -s $HOME/scen.bld $* but it does not work outside the script.

Chapter 16




Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009



Benchmarking The benchmarking process involves identifying the highest standard of excellence and performance, learning and understanding these standards, and finally adapting and applying them to improve the performance. Benchmarks are most often used to provide an idea of how fast any software or hardware runs. Complex interactions between I/O devices, caches, kernel daemons, and other OS components result in behavior that is difficult to analyze. Moreover, systems have different features and optimizations, so no single benchmark is always suitable. The variety of workloads that these systems experience also adds in to this difficulty. One of the most widely researched areas in storage subsystem is file system design, implementation, and performance. This chapter describes benchmark suites to test Lustre and includes the following sections: ■

Bonnie++ Benchmark

IOR Benchmark

IOzone Benchmark



Bonnie++ Benchmark Bonnie++ is a benchmark suite that having aim of performing a number of simple tests of hard drive and file system performance. Then you can decide which test is important and decide how to compare different systems after running it. Each Bonnie++ test gives a result of the amount of work done per second and the percentage of CPU time utilized. There are two sections to the program's operations. The first is to test the I/O throughput in a fashion that is designed to simulate some types of database applications. The second is to test creation, reading, and deleting many small files in a fashion similar to the usage patterns. Bonnie++ is a benchmark tool that test hard drive and file system performance by sequential I/O and random seeks. Bonnie++ tests file system activity that has been known to cause bottlenecks in I/O-intensive applications. To install and run the Bonnie++ benchmark: 1. Download the most recent version of the Bonnie++ software: http://www.co*ker.com.au/bonnie++/ 2. Install and run the Bonnie++ software (per the ReadMe file accompanying the software). Sample output: Version 1.03 --Sequential Output-- --Sequential Input- --Random--Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks-MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP /sec %CP mds 2G 3811822 21245 10 51967 10 90.00 ------Sequential Create------ --------Random Create--------Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-files /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP 16 510 0 +++++ +++ 283 1 465 0 +++++ +++ 291 1 mds,2G,,,38118,22,21245,10,,,51967,10,90.0,0,16,510,0,+++++,+++,28 3,1,465,0,+++++,+++,291,1


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Version 1.03 --Sequential Output-- --Sequential Input- --Random--Per Chr- --Block-- -Rewrite- -Per Chr- --Block-- --Seeks-MachineSize K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP K/sec %CP /sec %CP mds 2G 27460 92 41450 25 21474 10 19673 60 52871 10 88.0 0 ------Sequential Create------ --------Random Create--------Create-- --Read--- -Delete-- -Create-- --Read--- -Delete-files /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP /sec %CP 16 29681 99 +++++ +++ 30412 90 29568 99 +++++ +++ 28077 82 mds,2G,27460,92,41450,25,21474,10,19673,60,52871,10,88.0,0,16,2968 1,99,+++++,+++,30412,90,29568,99,+++++,+++,28077,82


IOR Benchmark Use the IOR_Survey script to test the performance of Lustre file systems. It uses IOR (Interleaved or Random), a script used for testing performance of parallel file systems using various interfaces and access patterns. IOR uses MPI for process synchronization. Under the control of compile-time defined constants (and, to a lesser extent, environment variables), I/O is done via MPI-IO. The data are written and read using independent parallel transfers of equal-sized blocks of contiguous bytes that cover the file with no gaps and that do not overlap each other. The test consists of creating a new file, writing it with data, then reading the data back. The IOR benchmark, developed by LLNL, tests system performance by focusing on parallel/sequential read/write operations that are typical of scientific applications. To install and run the IOR benchmark: 1. Satisfy the prerequisites to run IOR. a. Download lam 7.0.6 (local area multi-computer): http://www.lam-mpi.org/7.0/download.php b. Obtain a Fortran compiler for the Fedora Core 4 operating system. c. Download the most recent version of the IOR software: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ior-sio

Chapter 17



2. Install the IOR software (per the ReadMe file and User Guide accompanying the software). 3. Run the IOR software. In user mode, use the lamboot command to start the lam service and use appropriate Lustre-specific commands to run IOR (described in the IOR User Guide). Sample Output: IOR-2.9.0: MPI Coordinated Test of Parallel I/O Run began: Fri Sep 29 11:43:56 2006 Command line used: ./IOR -w -r -k -O lustrestripecount 10 –o test Machine: Linux mds Summary: api = POSIX test filename = test access = single-shared-file clients = 1 (1 per node) repetitions = 1 xfersize = 262144 bytes blocksize = 1 MiB aggregate filesize= 1 MiB access bw(MiB/s) block(KiB)xfer(KiB) open(s)wr/rd(s)close(s)iter ------ --------- --------- -------- -------------------------write 173.89 1024.00 256.00 0.0000300.0057010.0000160 read 278.49 1024.00 256.00 0.0000090.0035660.0000120 Max Write: 173.89 MiB/sec (182.33 MB/sec) Max Read: 278.49 MiB/sec (292.02 MB/sec) Run finished: Fri Sep 29 11:43:56 2006


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IOzone Benchmark IOZone is a file system benchmark tool which generates and measures a variety of file operations. Iozone has been ported to many machines and runs under many operating systems. Iozone is useful to perform a broad file system analysis of a vendor’s computer platform. The benchmark tests file I/O performance for the operations like read, write, re-read, re-write, read backwards, read strided, fread, fwrite, random read/write, pread/pwrite variants, aio_read, aio_write, mm, etc. The IOzone benchmark tests file I/O performance for the following operations: read, write, re-read, re-write, read backwards, read strided, fread, fwrite, random read/write, pread/pwrite variants, aio_read, aio_write, and mmap. To install and run the IOzone benchmark: 1. Download the most recent version of the IOZone software from this location: http://www.iozone.org 2. Install the IOZone software (per the ReadMe file accompanying the IOZone software).

Chapter 17



3. Run the IOZone software (per the ReadMe file accompanied with the IOZone software). Sample Output Iozone: Performance Test of File I/O Version $Revision: 3.263 $ Compiled for 32 bit mode. Build: linux Contributors:William Norcott, Don Capps, Isom Crawford, Kirby Collins, Al Slater, Scott Rhine, Mike Wisner, Ken Goss, Steve Landherr, Brad Smith, Mark Kelly, Dr. Alain CYR, Randy Dunlap, Mark Montague, Dan Million, Jean-Marc Zucconi, Jeff Blomberg, Erik Habbinga, Kris Strecker, Walter Wong. Run began: Fri Sep 29 15:37:07 2006 Network distribution mode enabled. Command line used: ./iozone -+m test.txt Output is in Kbytes/sec Time Resolution = 0.000001 seconds. Processor cache size set to 1024 Kbytes. Processor cache line size set to 32 bytes. File stride size set to 17 * record size. random random bkwd record stride KB reclen write rewrite read reread read write read rewrite read fwrite frewrite fread freread 512 638351

4 700365

iozone test complete.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

194309 406651 728276 792701 715002 587235 190554 378448 686267 765201




Lustre I/O Kit This chapter describes the Lustre I/O kit and PIOS performance tool, and includes the following sections:


Lustre I/O Kit Description and Prerequisites

Running I/O Kit Tests

PIOS Test Tool

LNET Self-Test

Lustre I/O Kit Description and Prerequisites The Lustre I/O kit is a collection of benchmark tools for a Lustre cluster. The I/O kit can be used to validate the performance of the various hardware and software layers in the cluster and also as a way to find and troubleshoot I/O issues. The I/O kit contains three tests. The first surveys basic performance of the device and bypasses the kernel block device layers, buffer cache and file system. The subsequent tests survey progressively higher layers of the Lustre stack. Typically with these tests, Lustre should deliver 85-90% of the raw device performance. It is very important to establish performance from the “bottom up” perspective. First, the performance of a single raw device should be verified. Once this is complete, verify that performance is stable within a larger number of devices. Frequently, while troubleshooting such performance issues, we find that array performance with all LUNs loaded does not always match the performance of a single LUN when tested in isolation. After the raw performance has been established, other software layers can be added and tested in an incremental manner.



Downloading an I/O Kit You can download the I/O kit from: http://downloads.clusterfs.com/public/tools/lustre-iokit/ In this directory, you will find two packages:


lustre-iokit consists of a set of developed and supported by the Lustre group.

scali-lustre-iokit is a Python tool maintained by Scali team, and is not discussed in this manual.

Prerequisites to Using an I/O Kit The following prerequisites must be met to use the Lustre I/O kit:


password-free remote access to nodes in the system (normally obtained via ssh or rsh)

Lustre file system software

sg3_utils for the sgp_dd utility

Running I/O Kit Tests As mentioned above, the I/O kit contains these test tools:





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sgpdd_survey Use the sgpdd_survey tool to test bare metal performance, while bypassing as much of the kernel as possible. This script requires the sgp_dd package, although it does not require Lustre software. This survey may be used to characterize the performance of a SCSI device by simulating an OST serving multiple stripe files. The data gathered by this survey can help set expectations for the performance of a Lustre OST exporting the device. The script uses sgp_dd to carry out raw sequential disk I/O. It runs with variable numbers of sgp_dd threads to show how performance varies with different request queue depths. The script spawns variable numbers of sgp_dd instances, each reading or writing a separate area of the disk to demonstrate performance variance within a number of concurrent stripe files. The device(s) used must meet one of the two tests described below:

SCSI device: Must appear in the output of sg_map (make sure the kernel module "sg" is loaded)

Raw device: Must appear in the output of raw -qa If you need to create raw devices in order to use the sgpdd_survey tool, note that raw device 0 cannot be used due to a bug in certain versions of the "raw" utility (including that shipped with RHEL4U4.) You may not mix raw and SCSI devices in the test specification.

Caution – The sgpdd_survey script overwrites the device being tested, which results in the LOSS OF ALL DATA on that device. Exercise caution when selecting the device to be tested.

Chapter 18

Lustre I/O Kit


The sgpdd_survey script must be customized according to the particular device being tested and also according to the location where it should keep its working files. Customization variables are described explicitly at the start of the script. When the sgpdd_survey script runs, it creates a number of working files and a pair of result files. All files start with the prefix given by the script variable ${rslt}. ${rslt}_.summary same as stdout ${rslt}__* tmp files ${rslt}_.detail collected tmp files for post-mortem

The summary file and stdout should contain lines like this: total_size 8388608K rsz 1024 thr 1 crg 1 180.45 MB/s 1 x 180.50 \ =/ 180.50 MB/s

The number immediately before the first MB/s is bandwidth, computed by measuring total data and elapsed time. The remaining numbers are a check on the bandwidths reported by the individual sgp_dd instances. If there are so many threads that the sgp_dd script is unlikely to be able to allocate I/O buffers, then "ENOMEM" is printed. If one or more sgp_dd instances do not successfully report a bandwidth number, then "failed" is printed.


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obdfilter_survey The obdfilter_survey script processes sequential I/O with varying numbers of threads and objects (files) by using lctl to drive the echo_client connected to local or remote obdfilter instances or remote obdecho instances. It can be used to characterize the performance of the following Lustre components:

OSTs The script exercises one or more instances of obdfilter directly. The script may run on one or more nodes, for example, when the nodes are all attached to the same multi-ported disk subsystem. Tell the script the names of all obdfilter instances (which should be up and running already). If some instances are on different nodes, specify their hostnames too (for example, node1:ost1). Alternately, you can pass parameter case=disk to the script. (The script automatically detects the local obdfilter instances.) All obdfilter instances are driven directly. The script automatically loads the obdecho module (if required) and creates one instance of echo_client for each obdfilter instance.

Network The script drives one or more instances of the obdecho server via instances of echo_client running on one or more nodes. Pass the parameters case=network and target='''' to the script. For each nework case, the script does the required setup.

Striped File System Over the Network The script drives one or more instances of obdfilter via instances of echo_client running on one or more nodes. Tell the script the names of the OSCs (which should be up and running). Alternately, you can pass the parameter case=netdisk to the script. The script will use all of the local OSCs.

Note – The obdfilter_survey script is NOT scalable to 100s of nodes since it is only intended to measure individual servers, not the scalability of the entire system.

Chapter 18

Lustre I/O Kit


Note – The obdfilter_survey script must be customized, depending on the components under test and where the script’s working files should be kept. Customization variables are clearly described in the script (Customization Variables section). In particular, refer to the maximum supported value ranges for customization variables.

Running obdfilter_survey Against a Local Disk The obdfilter_survey script can be run automatically or manually against a local disk. Obdfilter-survey profiles the overall throughput of storage hardware1, by sending ranges of workloads to the OSTs (that vary in thread counts and I/O sizes). When the obdfilter_survey script is complete, it provides information on the performance abilities of the storage hardware and shows the saturation points. If you use plot scripts on the data, this information is shown graphically. To run the obdfilter_survey script, create a Lustre configuration using normal methods; no special setup is needed. To perform an automatic run: 1. Set up the Lustre file system with the required OSTs. 2. Verify that the obdecho.ko module is present. 3. Run the obdfilter_survey script with the parameter case=disk. For example: $ nobjhi=2 thrhi=2 size=1024 case=disk sh obdfilter-survey

To perform a manual run: 1. List all OSTs you want to test. (You do not have to specify an MDS or LOV.) 2. On all OSSs, run: $ mkfs.lustre --fsname spfs --mdt --mgs /dev/sda

Caution – Write tests are destructive. This test should be run before the Lustre file system is started. If you do this, you will not need to reformat to restart Lustre system. However, if the obdfilter_survey test is terminated before it completes, you may have to remove objects from the disk.

1. The sgpdd-survey profiles individual disks. This script is destructive, and should not be run anywhere you want to preserve existing data.


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3. Determine the obdfilter instance names on all Lustre clients. The device names appear in the fourth column of the lctl dl command output. For example: $ pdsh -w oss[01-02] lctl oss01: 0 UP obdfilter oss01: 2 UP obdfilter oss02: 0 UP obdfilter ...

dl |grep obdfilter |sort oss01-sdb oss01-sdb_UUID 3 oss01-sdd oss01-sdd_UUID 3 oss02-sdi oss02-sdi_UUID 3

In this example, the obdfilter instance names are oss01-sdb, oss01-sdd, and oss02-sdi. Since you are driving obdfilter instances directly, set the shell array variable, targets, to the names of the obdfilter instances. For example: targets='oss01:oss01-sdb oss01:oss01-sdd oss02:oss02-sdi'\ ./obdfilter-survey

Running obdfilter_survey Against a Network The obdfilter_survey script can only be run automatically against a network; no manual test is supported. To run the network test, a specific Lustre setup is needed. Make sure that these configuration requirements have been met. ■

Install all Lustre modules, including obdecho.

Start lctl and check the device list, which must be empty.

Use a password-less entry between the client and server machines, to avoid having to type the password.

To perform an automatic run: 1. Run the obdfilter_survey script with the parameters case=netdisk and targets= ''''. For example: $ nobjhi=2 thrhi=2 size=1024 targets="" \ case=network sh obdfilter-survey

On the server side, you can see the statistics at: /proc/fs/lustre/obdecho//stats

where 'echo_srv' is the obdecho server created by the script.

Chapter 18

Lustre I/O Kit


Running obdfilter_survey Against a Network Disk The obdfilter_survey script can be run automatically or manually against a network disk. To run the network disk test, create a Lustre configuration using normal methods; no special setup is needed. To perform an automatic run: 1. Set up the Lustre file system with the required OSTs. 2. Verify that the obdecho.ko module is present. 3. Run the obdfilter_survey script with the parameter case=netdisk. For example: $ nobjhi=2 thrhi=2 size=1024 case=netdisk sh obdfilter-survey

To perform a manual run: 1. Run the obdfilter_survey script and tell the script the names of all echo_client instances (which should be up and running already). $ nobjhi=2 thrhi=2 size=1024 targets=" ..." \ sh obdfilter-survey


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Output Files When the obdfilter_survey script runs, it creates a number of working files and a pair of result files. All files start with the prefix given by ${rslt}. File



Same as stdout


Per-host test script files


Per-OST result files


Collected result files for post-mortem

The obdfilter_survey script iterates over the given number of threads and objects performing the specified tests and checks that all test processes have completed successfully.

Note – The obdfilter_survey script may not clean up properly if it is aborted or if it encounters an unrecoverable error. In this case, a manual cleanup may be required, possibly including killing any running instances of 'lctl' (local or remote), removing echo_client instances created by the script and unloading obdecho.

Chapter 18

Lustre I/O Kit


Script Output The summary file and stdout of the obdfilter_survey script contain lines such as: ost 8 sz 67108864K rsz 1024 obj 8 thr 8 write 613.54 [ 64.00, 82.00]

Where: Variable

Supported Type


Total number of OSTs being tested.

sz 67108864K

Total amount of data read or written (in KB).

rsz 1024

Record size (size of each echo_client I/O, in KB).

obj 8

Total number of objects over all OSTs.

thr 8

Total number of threads over all OSTs and objects.


Test name. If more tests have been specified, they all appear on the same line.


Aggregate bandwidth over all OSTs (measured by dividing the total number of MB by the elapsed time).

[64, 82.00]

Minimum and maximum instantaneous bandwidths on an individual OST.

Note – Although the numbers of threads and objects are specified per-OST in the customization section of the script, the reported results are aggregated over all OSTs.

Visualizing Results It is useful to import the obdfilter_survey script summary data (it is fixed width) into Excel (or any graphing package) and graph the bandwidth versus the number of threads for varying numbers of concurrent regions. This shows how the OSS performs for a given number of concurrently-accessed objects (files) with varying numbers of I/Os in flight. It is also extremely useful to record average disk I/O sizes during each test. These numbers help locate pathologies in the system when the file system block allocator and the block device elevator. The plot-obdfilter script (included) is an example of processing output files to a .csv format and plotting a graph using gnuplot.


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ost_survey The ost_survey tool is a shell script that uses lfs setstripe to perform I/O against a single OST. The script writes a file (currently using dd) to each OST in the Lustre file system, and compares read and write speeds. The ost_survey tool is used to detect misbehaving disk subsystems.

Note – We have frequently discovered wide performance variations across all LUNs in a cluster. To run the ost_survey script, supply a file size (in KB) and the Lustre mount point. For example, run: $ ./ost-survey.sh 10 /mnt/lustre Average read Speed: 6.73 Average write Speed: 5.41 read - Worst OST indx 0 5.84 MB/s write - Worst OST indx 0 3.77 MB/s read - Best OST indx 1 7.38 MB/s write - Best OST indx 1 6.31 MB/s 3 OST devices found Ost index 0 Read speed 5.84 Write speed Ost index 0 Read time 0.17 Write time Ost index 1 Read speed 7.38 Write speed Ost index 1 Read time 0.14 Write time Ost index 2 Read speed 6.98 Write speed Ost index 2 Read time 0.14 Write time

3.77 0.27 6.31 0.16 6.16 0.16

Chapter 18

Lustre I/O Kit 18-11


PIOS Test Tool The PIOS test tool is a parallel I/O simulator for Linux and Solaris. PIOS generates I/O on file systems, block devices and zpools similar to what can be expected from a large Lustre OSS server when handling the load from many clients. The program generates and executes the I/O load in a manner substantially similar to an OSS, that is, multiple threads take work items from a simulated request queue. It forks a CPU load generator to simulate running on a system with additional load. PIOS can read/write data to a single shared file or multiple files (default is a single file). To specify multiple files, use the --fpp option. (It is better to measure with both single and multiple files.) If the final argument is a file, block device or zpool, PIOS writes to RegionCount regions in one file. PIOS issues I/O commands of size ChunkSize. The regions are spaced apart Offset bytes (or, in the case of many files, the region starts at Offset bytes). In each region, RegionSize bytes are written or read, one ChunkSize I/O at a time. Note that: ChunkSize show

debug_kernel pulls the data from the kernel logs, filters it appropriately, and displays or saves it as per the specified options lctl > debug_kernel [output filename]

If the debugging is being done on User Mode Linux (UML), it might be useful to save the logs on the host machine so that they can be used at a later time.


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4. If you already have a debug log saved to disk (likely from a crash), to filter a log on disk: lctl > debug_file [output filename]

During the debug session, you can add markers or breaks to the log for any reason: lctl > mark [marker text]

The marker text defaults to the current date and time in the debug log (similar to the example shown below): DEBUG MARKER: Tue Mar 5 16:06:44 EST 2002

5. To completely flush the kernel debug buffer: lctl > clear

Note – Debug messages displayed with lctl are also subject to the kernel debug masks; the filters are additive.


Finding Memory Leaks Memory leaks can occur in a code where you allocate a memory, but forget to free it when it becomes non-essential. You can use the leak_finder.pl tool to find memory leaks. Before running this program, you must turn on the debugging to collect all malloc and free entries. Run: sysctl -w lnet.debug=+malloc

Dump the log into a user-specified log file using lctl (as shown in The lctl Tool). Run the leak finder on the newly-created log dump: perl leak_finder.pl

The output is: malloced 8bytes at a3116744 (called pathcopy) (lprocfs_status.c:lprocfs_add_vars:80) freed 8bytes at a3116744 (called pathcopy) (lprocfs_status.c:lprocfs_add_vars:80)

The tool displays the following output to show the leaks found: Leak:32bytes allocated at a23a8fc (service.c:ptlrpc_init_svc:144,debug file line 241)

Chapter 23

Lustre Debugging



Printing to /var/log/messages To dump debug messages to the console, set the corresponding debug mask in the printk flag: sysctl -w lnet.printk=-1

This slows down the system dramatically. It is also possible to selectively enable or disable this for particular flags using: sysctl -w lnet.printk=+vfstrace sysctl -w lnet.printk=-vfstrace


Tracing Lock Traffic Lustre has a specific debug type category for tracing lock traffic. Use: lctl> filter all_types lctl> show dlmtrace lctl> debug_kernel [filename]


Sample lctl Run bash-2.04# ./lctl lctl > debug_kernel /tmp/lustre_logs/log_all

Debug log: 324 lines, 324 kept, 0 dropped. lctl > filter trace

Disabling output of type "trace" lctl > debug_kernel /tmp/lustre_logs/log_notrace

Debug log: 324 lines, 282 kept, 42 dropped. lctl > show trace

Enabling output of type "trace" lctl > filter portals

Disabling output from subsystem "portals" lctl > debug_kernel /tmp/lustre_logs/log_noportals

Debug log: 324 lines, 258 kept, 66 dropped. 23-10

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Adding Debugging to the Lustre Source Code In the Lustre source code, the debug infrastructure provides a number of macros which aid in debugging or reporting serious errors. All of these macros depend on having the DEBUG_SUBSYSTEM variable set at the top of the file: #define DEBUG_SUBSYSTEM S_PORTALS Macro



A panic-style assertion in the kernel which causes Lustre to dump its circular log to the /tmp/lustre-log file. This file can be retrieved after a reboot. LBUG freezes the thread to allow capture of the panic stack. A system reboot is needed to clear the thread.


Validates a given expression as true, otherwise calls LBUG. The failed expression is printed on the console, although the values that make up the expression are not printed.


Similar to LASSERT but allows a free-format message to be printed, like printf/printk.


The basic, most commonly used debug macro that takes just one more argument than standard printf - the debug type. This message adds to the debug log with the debug mask set accordingly. Later, when a user retrieves the log for troubleshooting, they can filter based on this type. CDEBUG(D_INFO, "This is my debug message: the number is %d\n", number).


Behaves similarly to CDEBUG, but unconditionally prints the message in the debug log and to the console. This is appropriate for serious errors or fatal conditions: CERROR("Something very bad has happened, and the return code is %d.\n", rc);


Add messages to aid in call tracing (takes no arguments). When using these macros, cover all exit conditions to avoid confusion when the debug log reports that a function was entered, but never exited.


Used when tracing MDS and VFS operations for locking. These macros build a thin trace that shows the protocol exchanges between nodes.


Prints information about the given ptlrpc_request structure.


Allows insertion of failure points into the Lustre code. This is useful to generate regression tests that can hit a very specific sequence of events. This works in conjunction with "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc={fail_loc}" to set a specific failure point for which a given OBD_FAIL_CHECK will test.

Chapter 23

Lustre Debugging 23-11





Similar to OBD_FAIL_CHECK. Useful to simulate hung, blocked or busy processes or network devices. If the given fail_loc is hit, OBD_FAIL_TIMEOUT waits for the specified number of seconds.


Similar to OBD_FAIL_CHECK. Useful to have multiple processes execute the same code concurrently to provoke locking races. The first process to hit OBD_RACE sleeps until a second process hits OBD_RACE, then both processes continue.


A flag set on a lustre.fail_loc breakpoint to cause the OBD_FAIL_CHECK condition to be hit only one time. Otherwise, a fail_loc is permanent until it is cleared with "sysctl -w lustre.fail_loc=0".


Has OBD_FAIL_CHECK fail randomly; on average every (1 / lustre.fail_val) times.


Has OBD_FAIL_CHECK succeed lustre.fail_val times, and then fail permanently or once with OBD_FAIL_ONCE.


Has OBD_FAIL_CHECK fail lustre.fail_val times, and then succeed.

Debugging in UML Lustre developers use gdb in User Mode Linux (UML) to debug Lustre. The lmc and lconf tools can be used to configure a Lustre cluster, load the required modules, start the services, and set up all the devices. lconf puts the debug symbols for the newly-loaded module into /tmp/gdb-localhost.localdomain on the host machine. These symbols can be loaded into gdb using the source command in gdb. symbol-file delete symbol-file /usr/src/lum/linux source /tmp/gdb-{hostname} b panic b stop


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Troubleshooting with strace The operating system makes strace (program trace utility) available. Use strace to trace program execution. The strace utility pauses programs made by a process and records the system call, arguments, and return values. This is a very useful tool, especially when you try to troubleshoot a failed system call. To invoke strace on a program: $ strace

Sometimes, a system call may fork child processes. In this situation, use the -f option of strace to trace the child processes: $ strace -f

To redirect the strace output to a file (to review at a later time): $ strace -o

Use the -ff option, along with -o, to save the trace output in filename.pid, where pid is the process ID of the process being traced. Use the -ttt option to timestamp all lines in the strace output, so they can be correlated to operations in the lustre kernel debug log. If the debugging is done in UML, save the traces on the host machine. In this example, hostfs is mounted on /r: $ strace -o /r/tmp/vi.strace

Chapter 23

Lustre Debugging 23-13


Looking at Disk Content In Lustre, the inodes on the metadata server contain extended attributes (EAs) that store information about file striping. EAs contain a list of all object IDs and their locations (that is, the OST that stores them). The lfs tool can be used to obtain this information for a given file via the getstripe sub-command. Use a corresponding lfs setstripe command to specify striping attributes for a new file or directory. The lfs getstripe utility is written in C; it takes a Lustre filename as input and lists all the objects that form a part of this file. To obtain this information for the file /mnt/lustre/frog in Lustre file system, run: $ lfs getstripe /mnt/lustre/frog $ OBDs: 0 : OSC_localhost_UUID 1: OSC_localhost_2_UUID 2: OSC_localhost_3_UUID obdix objid 0 17 1 4

The debugfs tool is provided by the e2fsprogs package. It can be used for interactive debugging of an ext3/ldiskfs file system. The debugfs tool can either be used to check status or modify information in the file system. In Lustre, all objects that belong to a file are stored in an underlying ldiskfs file system on the OST's. The file system uses the object IDs as the file names. Once the object IDs are known, the debugfs tool can be used to obtain the attributes of all objects from different OST's. A sample run for the /mnt/lustre/frog file used in the example above is shown here: $ debugfs -c /tmp/ost1 debugfs: cd O debugfs: cd 0 debugfs: cd d debugfs: stat debugfs: quit ## Suppose object id is 36, then $ debugfs /tmp/ost1 debugfs: cd O debugfs: cd 0 debugfs: cd d4 debugfs: stat 36 debugfs: dump 36 /tmp/obj.36 debugfs: quit


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/* for files in group 0 */ /* for getattr on object */ follow the steps below:

/* objid % 32 */ /* for getattr on obj 4*/ /* dump contents of obj 4 */


Determine the Lustre UUID of an OST To determine the Lustre UUID of an obdfilter disk (for example, if you mix up the cables on your OST devices or the SCSI bus numbering suddenly changes and the SCSI devices get new names), use debugfs to get the last_rcvd file.


Tcpdump Lustre provides a modified version of tcpdump which helps to decode the complete Lustre message packet. This tool has more support to read packets from clients to OSTs, than to decode packets between clients and MDSs. The tcpdump module is available from Lustre CVS at www.sourceforge.net It can be checked out as: cvs co -d :ext:@cvs.lustre.org:/cvsroot/lustre tcpdump


Ptlrpc Request History Each service always maintains request history, which is useful for first occurrence troubleshooting. Ptlrpc history works as follows: 1. Request_in_callback() adds the new request to the service's request history. 2. When a request buffer becomes idle, add it to the service's request buffer history list. 3. Cull buffers from the service's request buffer history if it has grown above "req_buffer_history_max" and remove its reqs from the service's request history. Request history is accessed/controlled via the following /proc files under the service directory. ■

req_buffer_history_len Number of request buffers currently in the history

req_buffer_history_max Maximum number of request buffers to keep

req_history The request history

Chapter 23

Lustre Debugging 23-15

Requests in the history include "live" requests that are actually being handled. Each line in "req_history" looks like: :::::





Request sequence number

target NID

Destination NID of the incoming request

client ID

Client PID and NID




Size of the request message


• New (waiting to be handled or could not be unpacked) • Interpret (unpacked or being handled) • Complete (handled)

svc specific

Service-specific request printout. Currently, the only service that does this is the OST (which prints the opcode if the message has been unpacked successfully

Using LWT Tracing Lustre offers a very lightweight tracing facility called LWT. It prints fixed size requests into a buffer and is much faster than LDEBUG. The LWT tracking facility is very successful to debug difficult problems. LWT trace-based records that are dumped contain: ■

Current CPU

Process counter

Pointer to file

Pointer to line in the file

4 void * pointers

An lctl command dumps the logs to files.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


IV Lustre for Users

This part includes chapters on Lustre striping and I/O options, security and operating tips.



Free Space and Quotas This chapter describes free space and using quotas, and includes the following sections: ■

Querying File System Space

Using Quotas



Querying File System Space The lfs df command is used to determine available disk space on a file system. It displays the amount of available disk space on the mounted Lustre file system and shows space consumption per OST. If multiple Lustre file systems are mounted, a path may be specified, but is not required. Option



Human-readable print sizes in human readable format (for example: 1K, 234M, 5G).

-i, --inodes

Lists inodes instead of block usage.

Note – The df -i and fs df -i commands show the minimum number of inodes that can be created in the file system. Depending on the configuration, it may be possible to create more inodes than initially reported by df -i. Later, df -i operations will show the current, estimated free inode count. If the underlying file system has fewer free blocks than inodes, then the total inode count for the file system reports only as many inodes as there are free blocks. This is done because Lustre may need to store an external attribute for each new inode, and it is better to report a free inode count that is the guaranteed, minimum number of inodes that can be created.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Examples [lin-cli1] $ lfs df UUID 1K-blockS Used mds-lustre-0_UUID 9174328 1020024 ost-lustre-0_UUID 94181368 56330708 ost-lustre-1_UUID 94181368 56385748 ost-lustre-2_UUID 94181368 54352012 filesystem summary:282544104 167068468 [lin-cli1] $ lfs df -h UUID bytes mds-lustre-0_UUID 8.7G ost-lustre-0_UUID 89.8G ost-lustre-1_UUID 89.8G ost-lustre-2_UUID 89.8G filesystem summary: 269.5G [lin-cli1] $ lfs df -i UUID Inodes mds-lustre-0_UUID 2211572 ost-lustre-0_UUID 737280 ost-lustre-1_UUID 737280 ost-lustre-2_UUID 737280 filesystem summary: 2211572

Used 996.1M 53.7G 53.8G 51.8G 159.3G

Available 8154304 37850660 37795620 39829356 39829356

Available 7.8G 36.1G 36.0G 38.0G 110.1G

IUsed 41924 12183 12232 12214 41924

Use% Mounted on 11% /mnt/lustre[MDT:0] 59% /mnt/lustre[OST:0] 59% /mnt/lustre[OST:1] 57% /mnt/lustre[OST:2] 57% /mnt/lustre

Use% 11% 59% 59% 57% 59%

IFree 2169648 725097 725048 725066 2169648

Chapter 24

Mounted on /mnt/lustre[MDT:0] /mnt/lustre[OST:0] /mnt/lustre[OST:1] /mnt/lustre[OST:2] /mnt/lustre

IUse% Mounted on 1% /mnt/lustre[MDT:0] 1% /mnt/lustre[OST:0] 1% /mnt/lustre[OST:1] 1% /mnt/lustre[OST:2] 1% /mnt/lustre[OST:2]

Free Space and Quotas



Using Quotas The lfs quota command displays disk usage and quotas. By default, only user quotas are displayed (or with the -u flag). A root user can use the -u flag, with the optional user parameter, to view the limits of other users. Users without root user authority can use the -g flag, with the optional group parameter, to view the limits of groups of which they are members.

Note – If a user has no files in a file system on which they have a quota, the lfs quota command shows quota: none for the user. The user's actual quota is displayed when the user has files in the file system. Examples To display quotas as user “bob,” run: $ lfs quota -u


The above command displays disk usage and limits for user "bob." To display quotas as root user for user “bob,” run: $ lfs quota -u bob /mnt/lustre

The system can also show the below information about disk usage by “bob.” To display your group's quota as “tom”: $ lfs -g tom /mnt/lustre

To display the group's quota of “tom”: $ lfs quota -g tom /mnt/lustre

Note – As for ext3, Lustre makes a sparse file in case you truncate at an offset past the end of the file. Space is utilized in the file system only when you actually write the data to these blocks.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009



Striping and I/O Options This chapter describes file striping and I/O options, and includes the following sections:


File Striping

Displaying Files and Directories with lfs getstripe

lfs setstripe – Setting File Layouts

Free Space Management

Performing Direct I/O

Other I/O Options

Striping Using llapi

File Striping Lustre stores files of one or more objects on OSTs. When a file is comprised of more than one object, Lustre stripes the file data across them in a round-robin fashion. Users can configure the number of stripes, the size of each stripe, and the servers that are used. One of the most frequently-asked Lustre questions is “How should I stripe my files, and what is a good default?” The short answer is that it depends on your needs. A good rule of thumb is to stripe over as few objects as will meet those needs and no more.



Advantages of Striping There are two reasons to create files of multiple stripes: bandwidth and size.

Bandwidth There are many applications which require high-bandwidth access to a single file – more bandwidth than can be provided by a single OSS. For example, scientific applications which write to a single file from hundreds of nodes or a binary executable which is loaded by many nodes when an application starts. In cases like these, stripe your file over as many OSSs as it takes to achieve the required peak aggregate bandwidth for that file. In our experience, the requirement is “as quickly as possible,” which usually means all OSSs.

Note – This assumes that your application is using enough client nodes, and can read/write data fast enough to take advantage of this much OSS bandwidth. The largest useful stripe count is bounded by the I/O rate of your clients/jobs divided by the performance per OSS.

Size The second reason to stripe is when a single OST does not have enough free space to hold the entire file. There is never an exact, one-to-one mapping between clients and OSTs. Lustre uses a round-robin algorithm for OST stripe selection until free space on OSTs differ by more than 20%. However, depending on actual file sizes, some stripes may be mostly empty, while others are more full. For a more detailed description of stripe assignments, see Free Space Management. After every ostcount+1 objects, Lustre skips an OST. This causes Lustre’s "starting point" to precess around, eliminating some degenerated cases where applications that create very regular file layouts (striping patterns) would have preferentially used a particular OST in the sequence.


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Disadvantages of Striping There are two disadvantages to striping which should deter you from choosing a default policy that stripes over all OSTs unless you really need it: increased overhead and increased risk.

Increased Overhead Increased overhead comes in the form of extra network operations during common operations such as stat and unlink, and more locks. Even when these operations are performed in parallel, there is a big difference between doing 1 network operation and 100 operations. Increased overhead also comes in the form of server contention. Consider a cluster with 100 clients and 100 OSSs, each with one OST. If each file has exactly one object and the load is distributed evenly, there is no contention and the disks on each server can manage sequential I/O. If each file has 100 objects, then the clients all compete with one another for the attention of the servers, and the disks on each node seek in 100 different directions. In this case, there is needless contention.

Increased Risk Increased risk is evident when you consider the example of striping each file across all servers. In this case, if any one OSS catches on-fire, a small part of every file is lost. By comparison, if each file has exactly one stripe, you lose fewer files, but you lose them in their entirety. Most users would rather lose some of their files entirely than all of their files partially.


Stripe Size Choosing a stripe size is a small balancing act, but there are reasonable defaults. The stripe size must be a multiple of the page size. For safety, Lustre’s tools enforce a multiple of 64 KB (the maximum page size on ia64 and PPC64 nodes), so users on platforms with smaller pages do not accidentally create files which might cause problems for ia64 clients. Although you can create files with a stripe size of 64 KB, this is a poor choice. Practically, the smallest recommended stripe size is 512 KB because Lustre sends 1 MB chunks over the network. This is a good amount of data to transfer at one time. Choosing a smaller stripe size may hinder the batching.

Chapter 25

Striping and I/O Options


Generally, a good stripe size for sequential I/O using high-speed networks is between 1 MB and 4 MB. Stripe sizes larger than 4 MB do not parallelize as effectively because Lustre tries to keep the amount of dirty cached data below 32 MB per server (with the default configuration). Writes which cross an object boundary are slightly less efficient than writes which go entirely to one server. Depending on your application's write patterns, you can assist it by choosing a stripe size with that in mind. If the file is written in a very consistent and aligned way, make the stripe size a multiple of the write() size. The choice of stripe size has no effect on a single-stripe file.


Displaying Files and Directories with lfs getstripe Use lfs to print the index and UUID for each OST in the file system, along with the OST index and object ID for each stripe in the file. For directories, the default settings for files created in that directory are printed. lfs getstripe

Use lfs find to inspect an entire tree of files. lfs find [--recursive | -r] ...

If a process creates a file, use the lfs getstripe command to determine which OST(s) the file resides on. Using ‘cat’ as an example, run: $ cat > foo

In another terminal, run: $ lfs getstripe /barn/users/jacob/tmp/foo OBDS


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

You can also use ls -l /proc//fd/ to find open files using Lustre, run: $ lfs getstripe $(readlink /proc/$(pidof cat)/fd/1)

OBDS: 0: databarn-ost1_UUID ACTIVE 1: databarn-ost2_UUID ACTIVE 2: databarn-ost3_UUID ACTIVE 3: databarn-ost4_UUID ACTIVE /barn/users/jacob/tmp/foo obdidx objid 2 835487

objid 0xcbf9f

group 0

This shows that the file lives on obdidx 2, which is databarn-ost3. To see which node is serving that OST, run: $ cat /proc/fs/lustre/osc/*databarn-ost3*/ost_conn_uuid NID_oss1.databarn.87k.net_UUID

The above condition/operation also works with connections to the MDS. For that, replace osc with mdc and ost with mds in the above commands.

Chapter 25

Striping and I/O Options



lfs setstripe – Setting File Layouts Use the lfs setstripe command to create new files with a specific file layout (stripe pattern) configuration. lfs setstripe [--size|-s stripe-size] [--count|-c stripe-cnt] [--index|-i start-ost]

stripe-size If you pass a stripe-size of 0, the file system’s default stripe size is used. Otherwise, the stripe-size must be a multiple of 64 KB. stripe-start If you pass a starting-ost of -1, a random first OST is chosen. Otherwise, the file starts on the specified OST index, starting at zero (0). stripe-count If you pass a stripe-count of 0, the file system’s default number of OSTs is used. A stripe-count of -1 means that all available OSTs should be used.

Note – If you pass a starting-ost of 0 and a stripe-count of 1, all files are written to OST #0, until space is exhausted. This is probably not what you meant to do. If you only want to adjust the stripe-count and keep the other parameters at their default settings, do not specify any of the other parameters: lfs setstripe -c


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Changing Striping for a Subdirectory In a directory, the lfs setstripe command sets a default striping configuration for files created in the directory. The usage is the same as lfs setstripe for a regular file, except that the directory must exist prior to setting the default striping configuration. If a file is created in a directory with a default stripe configuration (without otherwise specifying striping), Lustre uses those striping parameters instead of the file system default for the new file. To change the striping pattern (file layout) for a sub-directory, create a directory with desired file layout as described above. Sub-directories inherit the file layout of the root/parent directory.

Note – Striping of new files and sub-directories is done per the striping parameter settings of the root directory. Once you set striping on the root directory, then, by default, it applies to any new child directories created in that root directory (unless they have their own striping settings).


Using a Specific Striping Pattern/File Layout for a Single File To use a specific striping pattern (file layout) for a specific file: lfs setstripe creates a file with a given stripe pattern (file layout) lfs setstripe fails if the file already exists

Chapter 25

Striping and I/O Options



Creating a File on a Specific OST You can use lfs setstripe to create a file on a specific OST. In the following example, the file "bob" will be created on the first OST (id 0). $ lfs setstripe --count 1 --index 0 bob $ dd if=/dev/zero of=bob count=1 bs=100M 1+0 records in 1+0 records out $ lfs getstripe bob

OBDS: 0: home-OST0000_UUID ACTIVE [...] bob obdidx objid 0 33459243


objid 0x1fe8c2b

group 0

Free Space Management In Lustre 1.6, the MDT assigns file stripes to OSTs based on location (which OSS) and size considerations (free space) to optimize file system performance. Emptier OSTs are preferentially selected for stripes, and stripes are preferentially spread out between OSSs to increase network bandwidth utilization. The weighting factor between these two optimizations is user-adjustable. There are two stripe allocation methods, round-robin and weighted. The allocation method is determined by the amount of free-space imbalance on the OSTs. The weighted allocator is used when any two OSTs are imbalanced by more than 20%. Until then, a faster round-robin allocator is used. (The round-robin order maximizes network balancing.)


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Round-Robin Allocator When OSTs have approximately the same amount of free space (within 20%), an efficient round-robin allocator is used. The round-robin allocator alternates stripes between OSTs on different OSSs. Here are several sample round-robin stripe orders (the same letter represents the different OSTs on a single OSS): 3: AAA

one 3-OST OSS


two 3-OST OSSs


one 3-OST OSS (A) and one 4-OST OSS (B)



Weighted Allocator When the free space difference between the OSTs is significant, then a weighting algorithm is used to influence OST ordering based on size and location. Note that these are weightings for a random algorithm, so the "emptiest" OST is not, necessarily, chosen every time. On average, the weighted allocator fills the emptier OSTs faster.


Adjusting the Weighting Between Free Space and Location This priority can be adjusted via the /proc/fs/lustre/lov/lustre-mdtlov/qos_prio_free proc file. The default is 90%. Use the following command to permanently change this weighting on the MGS: lctl conf_param -MDT0000.lov.qos_prio_free=90

Increasing the value puts more weighting on free space. When the free space priority is set to 100%, then location is no longer used in stripe-ordering calculations, and weighting is based entirely on free space.

Chapter 25

Striping and I/O Options


Note that setting the priority to 100% means that OSS distribution does not count in the weighting, but the stripe assignment is still done via a weighting—if OST2 has twice as much free space as OST1, then OST2 is twice as likely to be used, but it is not guaranteed to be used.


Performing Direct I/O Starting with 1.4.7, Lustre supports the O_DIRECT flag to open. Applications using the read() and write() calls must supply buffers aligned on a page boundary (usually 4 K). If the alignment is not correct, the call returns -EINVAL. Direct I/O may help performance in cases where the client is doing a large amount of I/O and is CPU-bound (CPU utilization 100%).


Making File System Objects Immutable An immutable file or directory is one that cannot be modified, renamed or removed. To do this: chattr +i

To remove this flag, use chattr –i


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Other I/O Options This section describes other I/O options, including end-to-end client checksums.


End-to-End Client Checksums To guard against data corruption on the network, a Lustre client can perform end-to-end data checksums. This computes a 32-bit checksum of the data read or written on both the client and server, and ensures that the data has not been corrupted in transit over the network. The ldiskfs backing file system does NOT do any persistent checksumming, so it does not detect corruption of data in the OST file system. In Lustre 1.6.5, the checksumming feature is enabled, by default, on individual client nodes. If the client or OST detects a checksum mismatch, then an error is logged in the syslog of the form: LustreError: BAD WRITE CHECKSUM: changed in transit before arrival at OST: from inum 8991479/2386814769 object 1127239/0 extent [102400-106495]

If this happens, the client will re-read or re-write the affected data up to 5 times to get a good copy of the data over the network. If it is still not possible, then an I/O error is returned to the application. To enable checksums on a client, run: echo 1 > /proc/fs/lustre/llite//checksum_pages

To disable checksums on a client, run: echo 0 > /proc/fs/lustre/llite//checksum_pages

To check the status of checksum, run: lctl get_param osc.*.checksums

If it is set to 1, checksumming is enabled. If it is set to 0, checksumming is disabled.

Chapter 25

Striping and I/O Options 25-11

Changing Checksum Algorithms By default, Lustre uses the adler32 checksum algorithm, because it is robust and has a lower impact on performance than crc32. The Lustre administrator can change the checksum algorithm via /proc, depending on what is supported in the kernel. To check which checksum algorithm is being used by Lustre, run: $ cat /proc/fs/lustre/osc/-OST-osc-*/checksum_type

To change the checksum algorithm being used by Lustre, run: $ echo /proc/fs/lustre/osc/-OST- \ osc-*/checksum_type

In the following example, the cat command is used to determine that Lustre is using the adler32 checksum algorithm. Then the echo command is used to change the checksum algorithm to crc32. A second cat command confirms that the crc32 checksum algorithm is now in use. $ cat /proc/fs/lustre/osc/lustre-OST0000-osc- \ ffff81012b2c48e0/checksum_type crc32 [adler] $ echo crc32 > /proc/fs/lustre/osc/lustre-OST0000-osc- \ ffff81012b2c48e0/checksum_type $ cat /proc/fs/lustre/osc/lustre-OST0000-osc- \ ffff81012b2c48e0/checksum_type [crc32] adler


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Striping Using llapi Use llapi_file_create to set Lustre properties for a new file. For a synopsis and description of llapi_file_create and examples of how to use it, see Setting Lustre Properties (man3). You can set striping from inside programs like ioctl. To compile the sample program, you need to download libtest.c and liblustreapi.c files from the Lustre source tree. A simple C program to demonstrate striping API – libtest.c /* -*- mode: c; c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -** vim:expandtab:shiftwidth=8:tabstop=8: * * lustredemo - simple code examples of liblustreapi functions */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include

#include #include #define MAX_OSTS 1024 #define LOV_EA_SIZE(lum, num) (sizeof(*lum) + num * sizeof(*lum->lmm_objects)) #define LOV_EA_MAX(lum) LOV_EA_SIZE(lum, MAX_OSTS) /* This program provides crude examples of using the liblustre API functions */ /* Change these definitions to suit */ #define #define #define #define #define #define

TESTDIR "/tmp" /* Results directory */ TESTFILE "lustre_dummy" /* Name for the file we create/destroy */ FILESIZE 262144 /* Size of the file in words */ DUMWORD "DEADBEEF" /* Dummy word used to fill files */ MY_STRIPE_WIDTH 2 /* Set this to the number of OST required */ MY_LUSTRE_DIR "/mnt/lustre/ftest"

int close_file(int fd) {

Chapter 25

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if (close(fd) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "File close failed: %d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); return -1; } return 0; } int write_file(int fd) { char *stng = int cnt = 0;


for( cnt = 0; cnt < FILESIZE; cnt++) { write(fd, stng, sizeof(stng)); } return 0; } /* Open a file, set a specific stripe count, size and starting OST Adjust the parameters to suit */ int open_stripe_file() { char *tfile = TESTFILE; int stripe_size = 65536; /* System default is 4M */ int stripe_offset = -1; /* Start at default */ int stripe_count = MY_STRIPE_WIDTH; /*Single stripe for this demo*/ int stripe_pattern = 0; /* only RAID 0 at this time */ int rc, fd; /* */ rc = llapi_file_create(tfile, stripe_size,stripe_offset,stripe_count,stripe_pattern); /* result code is inverted, we may return -EINVAL or an ioctl error. We borrow an error message from sanity.c */ if (rc) { fprintf(stderr,"llapi_file_create failed: %d (%s) \n", rc, strerror(-rc)); return -1; } /* llapi_file_create closes the file descriptor, we must re-open */ fd = open(tfile, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_LOV_DELAY_CREATE, 0644); if (fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s file: %d (%s)\n", tfile, errno, strerror(errno)); return -1; } return fd; } /* output a list of uuids for this file */


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

int get_my_uuids(int fd) { struct obd_uuid uuids[1024], *uuidp; int obdcount = 1024; int rc,i;

/* Output var */

rc = llapi_lov_get_uuids(fd, uuids, &obdcount); if (rc != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "get uuids failed: %d (%s)\n",errno, strerror(errno)); } printf("This file system has %d obds\n", obdcount); for (i = 0, uuidp = uuids; i < obdcount; i++, uuidp++) { printf("UUID %d is %s\n",i, uuidp->uuid); } return 0; } /* Print out some LOV attributes. List our objects */ int get_file_info(char *path) { struct lov_user_md *lump; int rc; int i; lump = malloc(LOV_EA_MAX(lump)); if (lump == NULL) { return -1; } rc = llapi_file_get_stripe(path, lump); if (rc != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "get_stripe failed: %d (%s)\n",errno, strerror(errno)); return -1; } printf("Lov magic %u\n", lump->lmm_magic); printf("Lov pattern %u\n", lump->lmm_pattern); printf("Lov object id %llu\n", lump->lmm_object_id); printf("Lov object group %llu\n", lump->lmm_object_gr); printf("Lov stripe size %u\n", lump->lmm_stripe_size); printf("Lov stripe count %hu\n", lump->lmm_stripe_count); printf("Lov stripe offset %u\n", lump->lmm_stripe_offset); for (i = 0; i < lump->lmm_stripe_count; i++) { printf("Object index %d Objid %llu\n", lump->lmm_objects[i].l_ost_idx, lump->lmm_objects[i].l_object_id); }

free(lump); return rc;

Chapter 25

Striping and I/O Options 25-15

} /* Ping all OSTs that belong to this filesysem */ int ping_osts() { DIR *dir; struct dirent *d; char osc_dir[100]; int rc; sprintf(osc_dir, "/proc/fs/lustre/osc"); dir = opendir(osc_dir); if (dir == NULL) { printf("Can't open dir\n"); return -1; } while((d = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if ( d->d_type == DT_DIR ) { if (! strncmp(d->d_name, "OSC", 3)) { printf("Pinging OSC %s ", d->d_name); rc = llapi_ping("osc", d->d_name); if (rc) { printf(" bad\n"); } else { printf(" good\n"); } } } } return 0; } int main() { int file; int rc; char filename[100]; char sys_cmd[100]; sprintf(filename, "%s/%s",MY_LUSTRE_DIR, TESTFILE); printf("Open a file with striping\n"); file = open_stripe_file(); if ( file < 0 ) { printf("Exiting\n"); exit(1);

} printf("Getting uuid list\n");


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

rc = get_my_uuids(file); rintf("Write to the file\n"); rc = write_file(file); rc = close_file(file); printf("Listing LOV data\n"); rc = get_file_info(filename); printf("Ping our OSTs\n"); rc = ping_osts(); /* the results should match lfs getstripe */ printf("Confirming our results with lfs getsrtipe\n"); sprintf(sys_cmd, "/usr/bin/lfs getstripe %s/%s", MY_LUSTRE_DIR, TESTFILE); system(sys_cmd); printf("All done\n"); exit(rc); }

Makefile for sample application: gcc -g -O2 -Wall -o lustredemo libtest.c -llustreapi clean: rm -f core lustredemo *.o run: make rm -f /mnt/lustre/ftest/lustredemo rm -f /mnt/lustre/ftest/lustre_dummy cp lustredemo /mnt/lustre/ftest/

Chapter 25

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Lustre Security This chapter describes Lustre security and includes the following section:


Using ACLs

Using Root Squash

Using ACLs An access control list (ACL), is a set of data that informs an operating system about permissions or access rights that each user or group has to specific system objects, such as directories or files. Each object has a unique security attribute that identifies users who have access to it. The ACL lists each object and user access privileges such as read, write or execute.


How ACLs Work Implementing ACLs varies between operating systems. Systems that support the Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) family of standards share a simple yet powerful file system permission model, which should be well-known to the Linux/Unix administrator. ACLs add finer-grained permissions to this model, allowing for more complicated permission schemes. For a detailed explanation of ACLs on Linux, refer to the SuSE Labs article, Posix Access Control Lists on Linux: http://www.suse.de/~agruen/acl/linux-acls/online/ We have implemented ACLs according to this model. Lustre supports the standard Linux ACL tools, setfacl, getfacl, and the historical chacl, normally installed with the ACL package.


Note – ACL support is a system-range feature, meaning that all clients have ACL enabled or not. You cannot specify which clients should enable ACL.


Using ACLs with Lustre Lustre supports POSIX Access Control Lists (ACLs). An ACL consists of file entries representing permissions based on standard POSIX file system object permissions that define three classes of user (owner, group and other). Each class is associated with a set of permissions [read (r), write (w) and execute (x)]. ■

Owner class permissions define access privileges of the file owner.

Group class permissions define access privileges of the owning group.

Other class permissions define access privileges of all users not in the owner or group class.

The ls -l command displays the owner, group, and other class permissions in the first column of its output (for example, -rw-r- -- for a regular file with read and write access for the owner class, read access for the group class, and no access for others). Minimal ACLs have three entries. Extended ACLs have more than the three entries. Extended ACLs also contain a mask entry and may contain any number of named user and named group entries. Lustre ACL support depends on the MDS, which needs to be configured to enable ACLs. Use --mountfsoptions to enable ACL support when creating your configuration: $ mkfs.lustre --fsname spfs --mountfsoptions=acl --mdt –mgs /dev/sda

Alternately, you can enable ACLs at run time by using the --acl option with mkfs.lustre: $ mount -t lustre -o acl /dev/sda /mnt/mdt

To check ACLs on the MDS: $ lctl get_param -n mdc.home-MDT0000-mdc-*.connect_flags | grep acl acl

To mount the client with no ACLs: $ mount -t lustre -o noacl ibmds2@o2ib:/home /home


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Lustre ACL support is a system-wide feature; either all clients enable ACLs or none do. Activating ACLs is controlled by MDS mount options acl / noacl (enable/disableACLs). Client-side mount options acl/noacl are ignored. You do not need to change the client configuration, and the “acl” string will not appear in the client /etc/mtab. The client acl mount option is no longer needed. If a client is mounted with that option, then this message appears in the MDS syslog: ...MDS requires ACL support but client does not

The message is harmless but indicates a configuration issue, which should be corrected. If ACLs are not enabled on the MDS, then any attempts to reference an ACL on a client return an Operation not supported error.


Examples These examples are taken directly from the POSIX paper referenced above. ACLs on a Lustre file system work exactly like ACLs on any Linux file system. They are manipulated with the standard tools in the standard manner. Below, we create a directory and allow a specific user access. [root@client lustre]# umask 027 [root@client lustre]# mkdir rain [root@client lustre]# ls -ld rain drwxr-x--- 2 root root 4096 Feb 20 06:50 rain [root@client lustre]# getfacl rain # file: rain # owner: root # group: root user::rwx group::r-x other::--[root@client lustre]# setfacl -m user:chirag:rwx rain [root@client lustre]# ls -ld rain drwxrwx---+ 2 root root 4096 Feb 20 06:50 rain [root@client lustre]# getfacl --omit-heade rain user::rwx user:chirag:rwx group::r-x mask::rwx other::---

Chapter 26

Lustre Security



Using Root Squash Lustre 1.6 introduces root squash functionality, a security feature which controls super user access rights to an Lustre file system. Before the root squash feature was added, Lustre users could run rm -rf * as root, and remove data which should not be deleted. Using the root squash feature prevents this outcome. The root squash feature works by re-mapping the user ID (UID) and group ID (GID) of the root user to a UID and GID specified by the system administrator, via the Lusre cofiguration management server (MGS). The root squash feature also enables the Lustre administrator to specify a set of client for which UID/GID re-mapping does not apply.


Configuring Root Squash Root squash functionality is managed by two configuration parameters, root_squash and nosquash_nids. ■

The root_squash parameter specifies the UID and GID with which the root user accesses the Lustre file system.

The nosquash_nids parameter specifies the set of clients to which root squash does not apply. LNET NID range syntax is used for this parameter (see the NID range syntax rules described in Enabling and Tuning Root Squash). For example: nosquash_nids=172.16.245.[0-255/2]@tcp

In this example, root squash does not apply to TCP clients on subnet that have an even number as the last component of their IP address.


Enabling and Tuning Root Squash The default value for nosquash_nids is NULL, which means that root squashing applies to all clients. Setting the root squash UID and GID to 0 turns root squash off. Root squash parameters can be set when the MDT is created (mkfs.lustre --mdt). For example: mkfs.lustre --reformat --fsname=Lustre --mdt --mgs \ --param "mdt.root_squash=500:501" \ --param "mdt.nosquash_nids='0@elan1 192.168.1.[10,11]'" /dev/sda1


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Root squash parameters can also be changed on an umounted device with tunefs.lustre. For example: tunefs.lustre --param "mdt.root_squash=65534:65534" \ --param "mdt.nosquash_nids=" /dev/sda1

Root squash parameters can also be changed with the lctl conf_param command. For example: lctl conf_param Lustre.mdt.root_squash="1000:100" lctl conf_param Lustre.mdt.nosquash_nids="*@tcp"

Note – When using the lctl conf_param command, keep in mind: * lctl conf_param must be run on a live MGS * lctl conf_param causes the parameter to change on all MDSs * lctl conf_param is to be used once per a parameter The nosquash_nids list can be cleared with: lctl conf_param Lustre.mdt.nosquash_nids="NONE"

- OR lctl conf_param Lustre.mdt.nosquash_nids="clear"

If the nosquash_nids value consists of several NID ranges (e.g. 0@elan, 1@elan1), the list of NID ranges must be quoted with single (') or double ('') quotation marks. List elements must be separated with a space. For example: mkfs.lustre ... --param "mdt.nosquash_nids='0@elan1 1@elan2'" /dev/sda1 lctl conf_param Lustre.mdt.nosquash_nids="24@elan 15@elan1"

These are examples of incorrect syntax: mkfs.lustre ... --param "mdt.nosquash_nids=0@elan1 1@elan2" /dev/sda1 lctl conf_param Lustre.mdt.nosquash_nids=24@elan 15@elan1

To check root squash parameters, use the lctl get_param command: lctl get_param mdt.Lustre-MDT0000.root_squash lctl get_param mdt.Lustre-MDT000*.nosquash_nids

Note – An empty nosquash_nids list is reported as NONE.

Chapter 26

Lustre Security



Tips on Using Root Squash Lustre configuration management limits root squash in several ways. ■

The lctl conf_param value overwrites the parameter’s previous value. If the new value uses an incorrect syntax, then the system continues with the old parameters and the previously-correct value is lost on remount. That is, be careful doing root squash tuning.

mkfs.lustre and tunefs.lustre do not perform syntax checking. If the root squash parameters are incorrect, they are ignored on mount and the default values are used instead.

Root squash parameters are parsed with rigorous syntax checking. The root_squash parameter should be specified as ':'. The nosquash_nids parameter should follow LNET NID range list syntax. LNET NID range syntax: :== [ ' ' ] :== '@' :== '*' | | :== ... :== | :== '[' [ ',' ] ']' :== | '-' | '-' '/' :== | :== "lo" | "tcp" | "o2ib" | "cib" | "openib" | "iib" | "vib" | "ra" | "elan" | "gm" | "mx" | "ptl" :== |

Note – For networks using numeric addresses (e.g. elan), the address range must be specified in the syntax. For networks using IP addresses, the address range must be in the . For example, if elan is using numeric addresses, is incorrect.


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Lustre Operating Tips This chapter describes tips to improve Lustre operations and includes the following sections: ■

Adding an OST to a Lustre File System

A Simple Data Migration Script

Adding Multiple SCSI LUNs on Single HBA

Failures Running a Client and OST on the Same Machine

Improving Lustre Metadata Performance While Using Large Directories



Adding an OST to a Lustre File System To add an OST to existing Lustre file system: 1. Add a new OST by passing on the following commands, run: $ mkfs.lustre --fsname=spfs --ost --mgsnode=mds16@tcp0 /dev/sda $ mkdir -p /mnt/test/ost0 $ mount -t lustre /dev/sda /mnt/test/ost0

2. Migrate the data (possibly). The file system is quite unbalanced when new empty OSTs are added. New file creations are automatically balanced. If this is a scratch file system or files are pruned at a regular interval, then no further work may be needed. Files existing prior to the expansion can be rebalanced with an in-place copy, which can be done with a simple script. The basic method is to copy existing files to a temporary file, then move the temp file over the old one. This should not be attempted with files which are currently being written to by users or applications. This operation redistributes the stripes over the entire set of OSTs. For a sample data migration script, see A Simple Data Migration Script. A very clever migration script would do the following: ■

Examine the current distribution of data.

Calculate how much data should move from each full OST to the empty ones.

Search for files on a given full OST (using lfs getstripe).

Force the new destination OST (using lfs setstripe).

Copy only enough files to address the imbalance.

If a Lustre administrator wants to explore this approach further, per-OST disk-usage statistics can be found under /proc/fs/lustre/osc/*/rpc_stats


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A Simple Data Migration Script #!/bin/bash # set -x # A script to copy and check files. # To avoid allocating objects on one or more OSTs, they should be # deactivated on the MDS via "lctl --device {device_number} deactivate", # where {device_number} is from the output of "lctl dl" on the MDS. # To guard against corruption, the file is chksum'd # before and after the operation. # CKSUM=${CKSUM:-md5sum} usage() { echo "usage: $0 [-O ] " 1>&2 echo " -O can be specified multiple times" 1>&2 exit 1 } while getopts "O:" opt $*; do case $opt in O) OST_PARAM="$OST_PARAM -O $OPTARG";; \?) usage;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) MVDIR=$1 if [ $# -ne 1 -o ! -d $MVDIR ]; then usage fi lfs find -type f $OST_PARAM $MVDIR | while read OLDNAME; do echo -n "$OLDNAME: " if [ ! -w "$OLDNAME" ]; then echo "No write permission, skipping" continue fi

Chapter 27

Lustre Operating Tips


OLDCHK=$($CKSUM "$OLDNAME" | awk '{print $1}') if [ -z "$OLDCHK" ]; then echo "checksum error - exiting" 1>&2 exit 1 fi NEWNAME=$(mktemp "$OLDNAME.tmp.XXXXXX") if [ $? -ne 0 -o -z "$NEWNAME" ]; then echo "unable to create temp file - exiting" 1>&2 exit 2 fi cp -a "$OLDNAME" "$NEWNAME" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "copy error - exiting" 1>&2 rm -f "$NEWNAME" exit 4 fi NEWCHK=$($CKSUM "$NEWNAME" | awk '{print $1}') if [ -z "$NEWCHK" ]; then echo "'$NEWNAME' checksum error - exiting" 1>&2 exit 6 fi if [ $OLDCHK != $NEWCHK ]; then echo "'$NEWNAME' bad checksum - "$OLDNAME" not moved, exiting" 1>&2 rm -f "$NEWNAME" exit 8 else mv "$NEWNAME" "$OLDNAME" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "rename error - exiting" 1>&2 rm -f "$NEWNAME" exit 12 fi fi echo "done" done


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Adding Multiple SCSI LUNs on Single HBA The configuration of the kernels packaged by the Lustre group is similar to that of the upstream RedHat and SuSE packages. Currently, RHEL does not enable CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN because it can cause problems with SCSI hardware. To enable this, set the scsi_mod max_scsi_luns=xx option (typically, xx is 128) in either modprobe.conf (2.6 kernel) or modules.conf (2.4 kernel). To pass this option as a kernel boot argument (in grub.conf or lilo.conf), compile the kernel with CONFIG_SCSI_MULT_LUN=y


Failures Running a Client and OST on the Same Machine There are inherent problems if a client and OST share the same machine (and the same memory pool). An effort to relieve memory pressure (by the client), requires memory to be available to the OST. If the client is experiencing memory pressure, then the OST is as well. The OST may not get the memory it needs to help the client get the memory it needs because it is all one memory pool; this results in deadlock. Running a client and an OST on the same machine can cause these failures: ■

If the client contains a dirty file system in memory and memory pressure, a kernel thread flushes dirty pages to the file system, and it writes to a local OST. To complete the write, the OST needs to do an allocation. Then the blocking of allocation occurs while waiting for the above kernel thread to complete the write process and free up some memory. This is a deadlock condition.

If the node with both a client and OST crashes, then the OST waits for the mounted client on that node to recover. However, since the client is now in crashed state, the OST considers it to be a new client and blocks it from mounting until the recovery completes.

As a result, running OST and client on same machine can cause a double failure and prevent a complete recovery.

Chapter 27

Lustre Operating Tips



Improving Lustre Metadata Performance While Using Large Directories To improve metadata performance while using large directories, follow these tips:


Have more RAM on the MDS – On the MDS, more memory translates into bigger caches, thereby increasing the metadata performance.

Patch the core kernel on the MDS with the 3G/1G patch (if not running a 64-bit kernel), which increases the available kernel address space. This translates into support for bigger caches on the MDS.

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This part includes reference information on Lustre user utilities, configuration files and module parameters, programming interfaces, system configuration utilities, and system limits.



User Utilities (man1) This chapter describes user utilities and includes the following sections: ■




Handling Timeouts



lfs The lfs utility can be used to create a new file with a specific striping pattern, determine the default striping pattern, and gather the extended attributes (object numbers and location) of a specific file.

Synopsis lfs lfs check lfs df [-i] [-h] [path] lfs find [[!] --atime|-A [-+]N] [[!] --mtime|-M [-+]N] [[!] --ctime|-C [-+]N] [--maxdepth|-D N] [--name|-n pattern] [--print|-p] [--print0|-P] [--obd|-O ] [[!] --size|-S [-+]N[kMGTPE]] [--type |-t {bcdflpsD}] [[!] --gid|-g N] [[!] --group|-G ] [[!] --uid|-u N] [[!] --user|-U ] [[!] --pool ] lfs getstripe [--obd|-O ] [--quiet|-q] [--verbose|-v] [--recursive|-r] lfs setstripe [--size|-s stripe-size] [--count|-c stripe-count] [--offset|-o start-ost] [--pool|-p pool-name] lfs setstripe -d lfs poollist mds_svc_UUID@NID_mds_UUID:12 lens 168/64 ref 1 fl RPC:/0/0 rc 0


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Lustre Programming Interfaces (man2) This chapter describes public programming interfaces to control various aspects of Lustre from userspace. These interfaces are generally not guaranteed to remain unchanged over time, although we will make an effort to notify the user community well in advance of major changes. This chapter includes the following section: ■


User/Group Cache Upcall

User/Group Cache Upcall This section describes user and group upcall.

Note – For information on a universal UID/GID, see Universal UID / GID.


Name Use /proc/fs/lustre/mds/mds-service/group_upcall to look up a given user’s group membership.



Description The group upcall file contains the path to an executable that, when properly installed, is invoked to resolve a numeric UID to a group membership list. This utility should complete the mds_grp_downcall_data data structure (see Data structures) and write it to the /proc/fs/lustre/mds/mds-service/group_info pseudo-file. For a sample upcall program, see lustre/utils/l_getgroups.c in the Lustre source distribution.

Primary and Secondary Groups The mechanism for the primary/secondary group is as follows:


The MDS issues an upcall (set per MDS) to map the numeric UID to the supplementary group(s).

If there is no upcall or if there is an upcall and it fails, supplementary groups will be added as supplied by the client (as they are now).

The default upcall is /usr/sbin/l_getgroups, which uses the Lustre group-supplied upcall. It looks up the UID in /etc/passwd, and if it finds the UID, it looks for supplementary groups in /etc/group for that username. You are free to enhance l_getgroups to look at an external database for supplementary groups information.

The default group upcall is set by mkfs.lustre. To set the upcall, use echo {path} > /proc/fs/lustre/mds/{mdsname}/group_upcall or tunefs.lustre --param.

To avoid repeated upcalls, the supplementary group information is cached by the MDS. The default cache time is 300 seconds, but can be changed via /proc/fs/lustre/mds/{mdsname}/group_expire. The kernel waits, at most, 5 seconds (by default, /proc/fs/lustre/mds/{mdsname}/group_acquire_expire changes) for the upcall to complete and will take the "failure" behavior as described above. It is possible to flush cached entries by writing to the /proc/fs/lustre/mds/{mdsname}/group_flush file.

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Parameters ■

Name of the MDS service

Numeric UID

Data structures #include #define MDS_GRP_DOWNCALL_MAGIC 0x6d6dd620 struct mds_grp_downcall_data { __u32 mgd_magic; __u32 mgd_err; __u32 mgd_uid; __u32 mgd_gid; __u32 mgd_ngroups; __u32 mgd_groups[0]; };

Chapter 29

Lustre Programming Interfaces (man2)



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Setting Lustre Properties (man3) This chapter describes how to use llapi to set Lustre file properties.


Using llapi Several llapi commands are available to set Lustre properties, llapi_file_create, llapi_file_get_stripe, and llapi_file_open. These commands are described in the following sections: llapi_file_create llapi_file_get_stripe llapi_file_open llapi_quotactl


llapi_file_create Use llapi_file_create to set Lustre properties for a new file.

Synopsis #include #include int llapi_file_create(char *name, long stripe_size, int stripe_offset, int stripe_count, int stripe_pattern);


Description The llapi_file_create() function sets a file descriptor’s Lustre striping information. The file descriptor is then accessed with open ().



llapi_file_create() If the file already exists, this parameter returns to ‘EEXIST’. If the stripe parameters are invalid, this parameter returns to ‘EINVAL’. stripe_size This value must be an even multiple of system page size, as shown by getpagesize (). The default Lustre stripe size is 4MB. stripe_offset Indicates the starting OST for this file. stripe_count Indicates the number of OSTs that this file will be striped across. stripe_pattern Indicates the RAID pattern.

Note – Currently, only RAID 0 is supported. To use the system defaults, set these values: stripe_size = 0, stripe_offset = -1, stripe_count = 0, stripe_pattern = 0


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Examples System default size is 4MB. char *tfile = TESTFILE; int stripe_size = 65536

To start at default, run: int stripe_offset = -1

To start at the default, run: int stripe_count = 1

To set a single stripe for this example, run: int stripe_pattern = 0

Currently, only RAID 0 is supported. int stripe_pattern = 0; int rc, fd; rc = llapi_file_create(tfile, stripe_size,stripe_offset, stripe_count,stripe_pattern);

Result code is inverted, you may return with ’EINVAL’ or an ioctl error. if (rc) { fprintf(stderr,"llapi_file_create failed: %d (%s) 0, rc, strerror(-rc)); return -1; }

llapi_file_create closes the file descriptor. You must re-open the descriptor. To do this, run: fd = open(tfile, O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_LOV_DELAY_CREATE, 0644); if (fd < 0) \ { fprintf(stderr, "Can’t open %s file: %s0, tfile, strerror(errno)); return -1; }

Chapter 30

Setting Lustre Properties (man3)



llapi_file_get_stripe Use llapi_file_get_stripe to get striping information.

Synopsis int llapi_file_get_stripe(const char *path, struct lov_user_md *lum)

Description The llapi_file_get_stripe function returns the striping information to the caller. If it returns a zero (0), the operation was successful; a negative number means there was a failure.



path The path of the file. lum The returned striping information. return A value of zero (0) mean the operation was successful. A value of a negative number means there was a failure. stripe_count Indicates the number of OSTs that this file will be striped across. stripe_pattern Indicates the RAID pattern.


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llapi_file_open The llapi_file_open command opens or creates a file with the specified striping parameters.

Synopsis int llapi_file_open(const char *name, int flags, int mode, unsigned long stripe_size, int stripe_offset, int stripe_count, int stripe_pattern)

Description The llapi_file_open function opens or creates a file with the specified striping parameters. If it returns a zero (0), the operation was successful; a negative number means there was a failure.



name The name of the file. flags This opens flags. mode This opens modes. stripe_size The stripe size of the file. stripe_offset The stripe offset (stripe_index) of the file. stripe_count The stripe count of the file. stripe_pattern The stripe pattern of the file.

Chapter 30

Setting Lustre Properties (man3)



llapi_quotactl Use llapi_quotactl to manipulate disk quotas on a Lustre file system.

Synopsis #include #include #include #include int llapi_quotactl(char" " *mnt," " struct if_quotactl" " *qctl) struct if_quotactl { __u32 __u32 __u32 __u32 struct obd_dqinfo struct obd_dqblk char struct obd_uuid }; struct obd_dqblk { __u64 dqb_bhardlimit; __u64 dqb_bsoftlimit; __u64 dqb_curspace; __u64 dqb_ihardlimit; __u64 dqb_isoftlimit; __u64 dqb_curinodes; __u64 dqb_btime; __u64 dqb_itime; __u32 dqb_valid; __u32 padding; }; struct obd_dqinfo { __u64 dqi_bgrace; __u64 dqi_igrace; __u32 dqi_flags; __u32 dqi_valid; }; struct obd_uuid { char uuid[40]; };


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qc_cmd; qc_type; qc_id; qc_stat; qc_dqinfo; qc_dqblk; obd_type[16]; obd_uuid;

Description The llapi_quotactl() command manipulates disk quotas on a Lustre file system mount. qc_cmd indicates a command to be applied to UID qc_id or GID qc_id.



LUSTRE_Q_QUOTAON Turns on quotas for a Lustre file system. qc_type is USRQUOTA, GRPQUOTA or UGQUOTA (both user and group quota). The quota files must exist. They are normally created with the llapi_quotacheck(3) call. This call is restricted to the super user privilege. LUSTRE_Q_QUOTAOFF Turns off quotas for a Lustre file system. qc_type is USRQUOTA, GRPQUOTA or UGQUOTA (both user and group quota). This call is restricted to the super user privilege. LUSTRE_Q_GETQUOTA Gets disk quota limits and current usage for user or group qc_id. qc_type is USRQUOTA or GRPQUOTA. UUID may be filled with OBD UUID string to query quota information from a specific node. dqb_valid may be set nonzero to query information only from MDS. If UUID is an empty string and dqb_valid is zero then clusterwide limits and usage are returned. On return, obd_dqblk contains the requested information (block limits unit is kilobyte). Quotas must be turned on before using this command. LUSTRE_Q_SETQUOTA Sets disk quota limits for user or group qc_id. qc_type is USRQUOTA or GRPQUOTA. dqb_valid mus be set to QIF_ILIMITS, QIF_BLIMITS or QIF_LIMITS (both inode limits and block limits) dependent on updating limits. obd_dqblk must be filled with limits values (as set in dqb_valid, block limits unit is kilobyte). Quotas must be turned on before using this command. LUSTRE_Q_GETINFO Gets information about quotas. qc_type is either USRQUOTA or GRPQUOTA. On return, dqi_igrace is inode grace time (in seconds), dqi_bgrace is block grace time (in seconds), dqi_flags is not used by the current Lustre version. LUSTRE_Q_SETINFO Sets quota information (like grace times). qc_type is either USRQUOTA or GRPQUOTA. dqi_igrace is inode grace time (in seconds), dqi_bgrace is block grace time (in seconds), dqi_flags is not used by the current Lustre version and must be zeroed.

Chapter 30

Setting Lustre Properties (man3)


Return Values llapi_quotactl() returns: 0

on success


on failure and sets the error number to indicate the error

llapi Errors llapi errors are described below.





qctl is invalid.


Kernel or Lustre modules have not been compiled with the QUOTA option.


Insufficient memory to complete operation.


qc_cmd is invalid.


Cannot process during quotacheck.


UUID does not correspond to OBD or mnt does not exist.


The call is privileged and the caller is not the super user.


No disk quota is found for the indicated user. Quotas have not been turned on for this file system.

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llapi_path2fid Use llapi_path2fid to get the FID from the pathname.

Synopsis #include #include int llapi_path2fid(const char *path, unsigned long long *seq, unsigned long *oid, unsigned long *ver)

Description The llapi_path2fid function returns the FID (sequence : object ID : version) for the pathname.

Return Values llapi_path2fid returns: 0

on success

non-zero value

on failure

Chapter 30

Setting Lustre Properties (man3)



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Configuration Files and Module Parameters (man5) This section describes configuration files and module parameters and includes the following sections:



Module Options

Introduction LNET network hardware and routing are now configured via module parameters. Parameters should be specified in the /etc/modprobe.conf file, for example: alias lustre llite options lnet networks=tcp0,elan0

The above option specifies that this node should use all the available TCP and Elan interfaces. Module parameters are read when the module is first loaded. Type-specific LND modules (for instance, ksocklnd) are loaded automatically by the LNET module when LNET starts (typically upon modprobe ptlrpc). Under Linux 2.6, LNET configuration parameters can be viewed under /sys/module/; generic and acceptor parameters under LNET, and LND-specific parameters under the name of the corresponding LND. Under Linux 2.4, sysfs is not available, but the LND-specific parameters are accessible via equivalent paths under /proc.


Important: All old (pre v.1.4.6) Lustre configuration lines should be removed from the module configuration files and replaced with the following. Make sure that CONFIG_KMOD is set in your linux.config so LNET can load the following modules it needs. The basic module files are: modprobe.conf (for Linux 2.6) alias lustre llite options lnet networks=tcp0,elan0

modules.conf (for Linux 2.4) alias lustre llite options lnet networks=tcp0,elan0

For the following parameters, default option settings are shown in parenthesis. Changes to parameters marked with a W affect running systems. (Unmarked parameters can only be set when LNET loads for the first time.) Changes to parameters marked with Wc only have effect when connections are established (existing connections are not affected by these changes.)


Module Options ■

With routed or other multi-network configurations, use ip2nets rather than networks, so all nodes can use the same configuration.

For a routed network, use the same “routes” configuration everywhere. Nodes specified as routers automatically enable forwarding and any routes that are not relevant to a particular node are ignored. Keep a common configuration to guarantee that all nodes have consistent routing tables.

A separate modprobe.conf.lnet included from modprobe.conf makes distributing the configuration much easier.

If you set config_on_load=1, LNET starts at modprobe time rather than waiting for Lustre to start. This ensures routers start working at module load time. # lctl # lctl> net down


Remember the lctl ping {nid} command - it is a handy way to check your LNET configuration.

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


LNET Options This section describes LNET options.

Network Topology Network topology module parameters determine which networks a node should join, whether it should route between these networks, and how it communicates with non-local networks. Here is a list of various networks and the supported software stacks: Network

Software Stack


OpenIB gen1/Mellanox Gold


Silverstorm (Infinicon)




OpenIB gen2




Myrinet MX


Myrinet GM-2


Quadrics QSNet

Note – Lustre ignores the loopback interface (lo0), but Lustre use any IP addresses aliased to the loopback (by default). When in doubt, explicitly specify networks.

Chapter 31

Configuration Files and Module Parameters (man5)


ip2nets ("") is a string that lists globally-available networks, each with a set of IP address ranges. LNET determines the locally-available networks from this list by matching the IP address ranges with the local IPs of a node. The purpose of this option is to be able to use the same modules.conf file across a variety of nodes on different networks. The string has the following syntax. :== [ ] { } :== [ ] { } [ ] :== [ "(" ")" ] :== [ ] :== "tcp" | "elan" | "openib" | ... :== [ "," ] :== "." "." "." :== | "*" | "[" "]" :== [ "," ] :== [ "-" [ "/" ] ] 0 will poll that many times before blocking.


IP-to-hostname resolution file.

Of the described variables, only hosts is required. It must be the absolute path to the MXLND hosts file. For example: options kmxlnd hosts=/etc/hosts.mxlnd

The file format for the hosts file is: IP




The values must be space and/or tab separated where: IP is a valid IPv4 address HOST is the name returned by `hostname` on that machine BOARD is the index of the Myricom NIC (0 for the first card, etc.) EP_ID is the MX endpoint ID


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To obtain the optimal performance for your platform, you may want to vary the remaining options. n_waitd (1) sets the number of threads that process completed MX requests (sends and receives). max_peers (1024) tells MXLND the upper limit of machines that it will need to communicate with. This affects how many receives it will pre-post and each receive will use one page of memory. Ideally, on clients, this value will be equal to the total number of Lustre servers (MDS and OSS). On servers, it needs to equal the total number of machines in the storage system. cksum (0) turns on small message checksums. It can be used to aid in troubleshooting. MX also provides an optional checksumming feature which can check all messages (large and small). For details, see the MX README. ntx (256) is the number of total sends in flight from this machine. In actuality, MXLND reserves half of them for connect messages so make this value twice as large as you want for the total number of sends in flight. credits (8) is the number of in-flight messages for a specific peer. This is part of the flow-control system in Lustre. Increasing this value may improve performance but it requires more memory because each message requires at least one page. board (0) is the index of the Myricom NIC. Hosts can have multiple Myricom NICs and this identifies which one MXLND should use. This value must match the board value in your MXLND hosts file for this host. ep_id (3) is the MX endpoint ID. Each process that uses MX is required to have at least one MX endpoint to access the MX library and NIC. The ID is a simple index starting at zero (0). This value must match the endpoint ID value in your MXLND hosts file for this host. polling (0) determines whether this host will poll or block for MX request completions. A value of 0 blocks and any positive value will poll that many times before blocking. Since polling increases CPU usage, we suggest that you set this to zero (0) on the client and experiment with different values for servers.

Chapter 31

Configuration Files and Module Parameters (man5) 31-21


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System Configuration Utilities (man8) This chapter includes system configuration utilities and includes the following sections: ■





New Utilities in Lustre 1.6



mkfs.lustre The mkfs.lustre utility formats a disk for a Lustre service.

Synopsis mkfs.lustre [options] device

where is one of the following: Option


--ost Object Storage Target (OST) --mdt Metadata Storage Target (MDT) --mgs Configuration Management Service (MGS), one per site. This service can be combined with one --mdt service by specifying both types.

Description mkfs.lustre is used to format a disk device for use as part of a Lustre file system. After formatting, a disk can be mounted to start the Lustre service defined by this command. Option


--backfstype=fstype Forces a particular format for the backing file system (such as ext3, ldiskfs). --comment=comment Sets a user comment about this disk, ignored by Lustre. --device-size=KB Sets the device size for loop and non-loop devices. --dryrun Only prints what would be done; it does not affect the disk.


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--failnode=nid,... Sets the NID(s) of a failover partner. This option can be repeated as needed. --fsname=filesystem_name The Lustre file system of which this service/node will be a part. The default file system name is “lustre”. NOTE: The file system name is limited to 8 characters. --index=index Forces a particular OST or MDT index. --mkfsoptions=opts Formats options for the backing file system. For example, ext3 options could be set here. --mountfsoptions=opts Sets permanent mount options. This is equivalent to the setting in /etc/fstab. --mgsnode=nid,... Sets the NIDs of the MGS node, required for all targets other than the MGS. --param key=value Sets the permanent parameter key to value. This option can be repeated as desired. Typical options might include: --param sys.timeout=40 System obd timeout. --param lov.stripesize=2M Default stripe size. --param lov.stripecount=2 Default stripe count. --param failover.mode=failout Returns errors instead of waiting for recovery. --quiet Prints less information. --reformat Reformats an existing Lustre disk.

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--stripe-count-hint=stripes Used to optimize the MDT’s inode size. --verbose Prints more information.

Examples Creates a combined MGS and MDT for file system testfs on node cfs21: mkfs.lustre --fsname=testfs --mdt --mgs /dev/sda1

Creates an OST for file system testfs on any node (using the above MGS): mkfs.lustre --fsname=testfs --ost --mgsnode=cfs21@tcp0 /dev/sdb

Creates a standalone MGS on, e.g., node cfs22: mkfs.lustre --mgs /dev/sda1

Creates an MDT for file system myfs1 on any node (using the above MGS): mkfs.lustre --fsname=myfs1 --mdt --mgsnode=cfs22@tcp0 /dev/sda2


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tunefs.lustre The tunefs.lustre utility modifies configuration information on a Lustre target disk.

Synopsis tunefs.lustre [options] device

Description tunefs.lustre is used to modify configuration information on a Lustre target disk. This includes upgrading old (pre-Lustre 1.6) disks. This does not reformat the disk or erase the target information, but modifying the configuration information can result in an unusable file system.

Caution – Changes made here affect a file system when the target is mounted the next time.

Options The tunefs.lustre options are listed and explained below. Option


--comment=comment Sets a user comment about this disk, ignored by Lustre. --dryrun Only prints what would be done; does not affect the disk. --erase-params Removes all previous parameter information. --failnode=nid,... Sets the NID(s) of a failover partner. This option can be repeated as needed. --fsname=filesystem_name

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The Lustre file system of which this service will be a part. The default file system name is “lustre”. --index=index Forces a particular OST or MDT index. --mountfsoptions=opts Sets permanent mount options; equivalent to the setting in /etc/fstab. --mgs Adds a configuration management service to this target. --msgnode=nid,... Sets the NID(s) of the MGS node; required for all targets other than the MGS. --nomgs Removes a configuration management service to this target. --quiet Prints less information. --verbose Prints more information. tunefs.lustre --param="failover.node=" /dev/sda Upgrades an old 1.4.x Lustre MDT to Lustre 1.6. The new file system name is "testfs". tunefs.lustre --writeconf --mgs --mdt --fsname=testfs /dev/sda1 Upgrades an old 1.4.x Lustre MDT to Lustre 1.6, and starts with brand-new 1.6 configuration logs. All old servers and clients must be stopped.


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Examples Changing the MGS’s NID address. (This should be done on each target disk, since they should all contact the same MGS.) tunefs.lustre --erase-param --mgsnode= --writeconf /dev/sda

Adding a failover NID location for this target. tunefs.lustre --param="failover.node=" /dev/sda

Upgrading an old 1.4.x Lustre MDT to 1.6. The name of the new file system is testfs. tunefs.lustre --mgs --mdt --fsname=testfs /dev/sda

Upgrading an old 1.4.x Lustre MDT to 1.6, and start with brand-new 1.6 configuration logs. All old servers and clients must be stopped. tunefs.lustre --writeconf --mgs --mdt --fsname=testfs /dev/sda1

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lctl The lctl utility is used to directly control Lustre via an ioctl interface, allowing various configuration, maintenance and debugging features to be accessed.

Synopsis lctl lctl --device

Description The lctl utility can be invoked in interactive mode by issuing the lctl command. After that, commands are issued as shown below. The most common lctl commands are: dl device network list_nids ping {nid} help quit

For a complete list of available commands, type help at the lctl prompt. To get basic help on command meaning and syntax, type help command For non-interactive use, use the second invocation, which runs the command after connecting to the device.


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Network Configuration Option


network | Starts or stops LNET. Or, select a network type for other lctl LNET commands. list_nids Prints all NIDs on the local node. LNET must be running. which_nid From a list of NIDs for a remote node, identifies the NID on which interface communication will occur. ping {nid} Check’s LNET connectivity via an LNET ping. This uses the fabric appropriate to the specified NID. interface_list Prints the network interface information for a given network type. peer_list Prints the known peers for a given network type. conn_list Prints all the connected remote NIDs for a given network type. active_tx This command prints active transmits. It is only used for the Elan network type.

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Device Operations Option


lctl get_param [-n] Gets the Lustre or LNET parameters from the specified . Use the -n option to get only the parameter value and skip the pathname in the output. lctl set_param [-n] Sets the specified value to the Lustre or LNET parameter indicated by the pathname. Use the -n option to skip the pathname in the output. conf_param Sets a permanent configuration parameter for any device via the MGS. This command must be run on the MGS node. activate Re-activates an import after the de-activate operation. deactivate Running lctl deactivate on the MDS stops new objects from being allocated on the OST. Running lctl deactivate on Lustre clients causes them to return -EIO when accessing objects on the OST instead of waiting for recovery. abort_recovery Aborts the recovery process on a re-starting MDT or OST device.

Note – Lustre tunables are not always accessible using procfs interface, as it is platform-specific. As a solution, lctl {get,set}_param has been introduced as a platform-independent interface to the Lustre tunables. Avoid direct references to /proc/{fs,sys}/{lustre,lnet}. For future portability, use lctl {get,set}_param instead.


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Virtual Block Device Operations Lustre can emulate a virtual block device upon a regular file. This emulation is needed when you are trying to set up a swap space via the file. Option


blockdev_attach Attaches a regular Lustre file to a block device. If the device node is non-existent, lctl creates it. We recommend that you create the device node by lctl since the emulator uses a dynamical major number. blockdev_detach Detaches the virtual block device. blockdev_info Provides information on which Lustre file is attached to the device node.

Debug Option


debug_daemon Starts and stops the debug daemon, and controls the output filename and size. debug_kernel [file] [raw] Dumps the kernel debug buffer to stdout or a file. debug_file [output] Converts the kernel-dumped debug log from binary to plain text format. clear Clears the kernel debug buffer. mark Inserts marker text in the kernel debug buffer.

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Options Use the following options to invoke lctl. Option


--device Device to be used for the operation (specified by name or number). See device_list. --ignore_errors | ignore_errors Ignores errors during script processing.

Examples lctl $ lctl lctl > dl 0 UP mgc MGC192.168.0.20@tcp bfbb24e3-7deb-2ffaeab0-44dffe00f692 5 1 UP ost OSS OSS_uuid 3 2 UP obdfilter testfs-OST0000 testfs-OST0000_UUID 3 lctl > dk /tmp/log Debug log: 87 lines, 87 kept, 0 dropped. lctl > quit $ lctl conf_param testfs-MDT0000 sys.timeout=40

get_param $ lctl lctl > get_param obdfilter.lustre-OST0000.kbytesavail obdfilter.lustre-OST0000.kbytesavail=249364 lctl > get_param -n obdfilter.lustre-OST0000.kbytesavail 249364 lctl > get_param timeout timeout=20 lctl > get_param -n timeout 20 lctl > get_param obdfilter.*.kbytesavail obdfilter.lustre-OST0000.kbytesavail=249364 obdfilter.lustre-OST0001.kbytesavail=249364 lctl >


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set_param $ lctl > set_param obdfilter.*.kbytesavail=0 obdfilter.lustre-OST0000.kbytesavail=0 obdfilter.lustre-OST0001.kbytesavail=0 lctl > set_param -n obdfilter.*.kbytesavail=0 lctl > set_param fail_loc=0 fail_loc=0


mount.lustre The mount.lustre utility starts a Lustre client or target service.

Synopsis mount -t lustre [-o options] device dir

Description The mount.lustre utility starts a Lustre client or target service. This program should not be called directly; rather, it is a helper program invoked through mount(8), as shown above. Use the umount(8) command to stop Lustre clients and targets. There are two forms for the device option, depending on whether a client or a target service is started: Option


:/ This is a client mount command used to mount the Lustre file system named by contacting the Management Service at . The format for is defined below. This starts the target service defined by the mkfs.lustre command on the physical disk .

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Options Option


:=[:] The MGS specification may be a colon-separated list of nodes. :=[,] Each node may be specified by a comma-separated list of NIDs.

In addition to the standard mount options, Lustre understands the following client-specific options: Option


flock Enables flock support. noflock Disables flock support. user_xattr Enables get/set user xattr. nouser_xattr Disables user xattr. acl Enables ACL support. noacl Disables ACL support.


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In addition to the standard mount options and backing disk type (e.g. LDISKFS) options, Lustre understands the following server-specific options: Option


nosvc Starts the MGC (and MGS, if co-located) for a target service, not the actual service. mount -t lustre /dev/sda1 /mnt/test/mdt Starts the Lustre target service on /dev/sda1. mount -t lustre -L testfs-MDT0000 -o abort_recov /mnt/test/mdt Starts the testfs-MDT0000 service (by using the disk label), but aborts the recovery process.

Examples Starts a client for the Lustre file system testfs at mount point /mnt/myfilesystem. The Management Service is running on a node reachable from this client via the NID cfs21@tcp0. mount -t lustre cfs21@tcp0:/testfs /mnt/myfilesystem

Starts the Lustre target service on /dev/sda1. mount -t lustre /dev/sda1 /mnt/test/mdt

Starts the testfs-MDT0000 service (using the disk label), but aborts the recovery process. mount -t lustre -L testfs-MDT0000 -o abort_recov /mnt/test/mdt

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New Utilities in Lustre 1.6 This section describes new utilities available in Lustre 1.6.


lustre_rmmod.sh The lustre_rmmod.sh utility removes all Lustre and LNET modules (assuming no Lustre services are running). It is located in /usr/bin.

Note – The lustre_rmmod.sh utility does not work if Lustre modules are being used or if you have manually run the lctl network up command.


e2scan The e2scan utility is an ext2 file system-modified inode scan program. The e2scan program uses libext2fs to find inodes with ctime or mtime newer than a given time and prints out their pathname. Use e2scan to efficiently generate lists of files that have been modified. The e2scan tool is included in e2fsprogs, located at: http://downloads.clusterfs.com/public/tools/e2fsprogs/latest

Synopsis e2scan [options] [-f file] block_device

Description When invoked, the e2scan utility iterates all inodes on the block device, finds modified inodes, and prints their inode numbers. A similar iterator, using libext2fs(5), builds a table (called parent database) which lists the parent node for each inode. With a lookup function, you can reconstruct modified pathnames from root.


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Options Option


-b inode buffer blocks Sets the readahead inode blocks to get excellent performance when scanning the block device. -o output file If an output file is specified, modified pathnames are written to this file. Otherwise, modified parameters are written to stdout. -t inode | pathname Sets the e2scan type if type is inode. The e2scan utility prints modified inode numbers to stdout. By default, the type is set as pathname. The e2scan utility lists modified pathnames based on modified inode numbers. -u Rebuilds the parent database from scratch. Otherwise, the current parent database is used.


Utilities to Manage Large Clusters The following utilities are located in /usr/bin. lustre_config.sh The lustre_config.sh utility helps automate the formatting and setup of disks on multiple nodes. An entire installation is described in a comma-separated file and passed to this script, which then formats the drives, updates modprobe.conf and produces high-availability (HA) configuration files. lustre_createcsv.sh The lustre_createcsv.sh utility generates a CSV file describing the currently-running installation. lustre_up14.sh The lustre_up14.sh utility grabs client configuration files from old MDTs. When upgrading Lustre from 1.4.x to 1.6.x, if the MGS is not co-located with the MDT or the client name is non-standard, this utility is used to retrieve the old client log. For more information, see Upgrading Lustre.

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Application Profiling Utilities The following utilities are located in /usr/bin. lustre_req_history.sh The lustre_req_history.sh utility (run from a client), assembles as much Lustre RPC request history as possible from the local node and from the servers that were contacted, providing a better picture of the coordinated network activity. llstat.sh The llstat.sh utility (improved in Lustre 1.6), handles a wider range of /proc files, and has command line switches to produce more graphable output. plot-llstat.sh The plot-llstat.sh utility plots the output from llstat.sh using gnuplot.


More /proc Statistics for Application Profiling The following utilities provide additional statistics. vfs_ops_stats The client vfs_ops_stats utility tracks Linux VFS operation calls into Lustre for a single PID, PPID, GID or everything. /proc/fs/lustre/llite/*/vfs_ops_stats /proc/fs/lustre/llite/*/vfs_track_[pid|ppid|gid]

extents_stats The client extents_stats utility shows the size distribution of I/O calls from the client (cumulative and by process). /proc/fs/lustre/llite/*/extents_stats, extents_stats_per_process


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offset_stats The client offset_stats utility shows the read/write seek activity of a client by offsets and ranges. /proc/fs/lustre/llite/*/offset_stats

Lustre 1.6 also includes per-client and improved MDT statistics: ■

Per-client statistics tracked on the servers Each MDT and OST now tracks LDLM and operations statistics for every connected client, for comparisons and simpler collection of distributed job statistics. /proc/fs/lustre/mds|obdfilter/*/exports/

Improved MDT statistics More detailed MDT operations statistics are collected for better profiling. /proc/fs/lustre/mds/*/stats


Testing / Debugging Utilities The following utilities are located in /usr/bin. loadgen The loadgen utility is a test program you can use to generate large loads on local or remote OSTs or echo servers. For more information on loadgen and its usage, refer to: https://mail.clusterfs.com/wikis/lustre/LoadGen llog_reader The llog_reader utility translates a Lustre configuration log into human-readable form. lr_reader The lr_reader utility translates a last received (last_rcvd) file into human-readable form.

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Flock Feature Lustre now includes the flock feature, which provides file locking support. Flock describes classes of file locks known as ‘flocks’. Flock can apply or remove a lock on an open file as specified by the user. However, a single file may not, simultaneously, have both shared and exclusive locks. By default, the flock utility is disabled on Lustre. Two modes are available. local mode

In this mode, locks are coherent on one node (a single-node flock), but not across all clients. To enable it, use -o localflock. This is a client-mount option. NOTE: This mode does not impact performance and is appropriate for single-node databases.

consistent mode

In this mode, locks are coherent across all clients. To enable it, use the -o flock. This is a client-mount option. CAUTION: This mode has a noticeable performance impact and may affect stability, depending on the Lustre version used. Consider using a newer Lustre version which is more stable.

A call to use flock may be blocked if another process is holding an incompatible lock. Locks created using flock are applicable for an open file table entry. Therefore, a single process may hold only one type of lock (shared or exclusive) on a single file. Subsequent flock calls on a file that is already locked converts the existing lock to the new lock mode.

Example $ mount -t lustre –o flock mds@tcp0:/lustre /mnt/client

You can check it in /etc/mtab. It should look like, mds@tcp0:/lustre /mnt/client lustre rw,flock 00


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l_getgroups The l_getgroups utility handles Lustre user / group cache upcall.

Synopsis l_getgroups [-v] [-d | mdsname] uid l_getgroups [-v] -s

Options Option


--d Debug - prints values to stdout instead of Lustre. -s Sleep - mlock memory in core and sleeps forever. -v Verbose - Logs start/stop to syslog. mdsname MDS device name.

Description The group upcall file contains the path to an executable file that, when properly installed, is invoked to resolve a numeric UID to a group membership list. This utility should complete the mds_grp_downcall_data structure and write it to the /proc/fs/lustre/mds/mds service/group_info pseudo-file. The l_getgroups utility is the reference implementation of the user or group cache upcall.

Files The l_getgroups files are located at: /proc/fs/lustre/mds/mds-service/group_upcall

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llobdstat The llobdstat utility displays OST statistics.

Synopsis llobdstat ost_name [interval]

Description The llobdstat utility displays a line of OST statistics for a given OST at specified intervals (in seconds). Option


ost_name Name of the OBD for which statistics are requested. interval Time interval (in seconds) after which statistics are refreshed.

Example # llobdstat liane-OST0002 1 /usr/bin/llobdstat on /proc/fs/lustre/obdfilter/liane-OST0002/stats Processor counters run at 2800.189 MHz Read: 1.21431e+07, Write: 9.93363e+08, create/destroy: 24/1499, stat: 34, punch: 18 [NOTE: cx: create, dx: destroy, st: statfs, pu: punch ] Timestamp Read-delta ReadRate Write-delta WriteRate -------------------------------------------------------1217026053 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 1217026054 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 1217026055 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 1217026056 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 1217026057 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 1217026058 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 1217026059 0.00MB 0.00MB/s 0.00MB 0.00MB/s st:1

Files The llobdstat files are located at: /proc/fs/lustre/obdfilter//stats


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llstat The llstat utility displays Lustre statistics.

Synopsis llstat [-c] [-g] [-i interval] stats_file

Description The llstat utility displays statistics from any of the Lustre statistics files that share a common format and are updated at a specified interval (in seconds). To stop statistics printing, type CTRL-C.h

Options Option


-c Clears the statistics file. -i Specifies the interval polling period (in seconds). -g Specifies graphable output format. -h Displays help information. stats_file Specifies either the full path to a statistics file or a shorthand reference, mds or ost

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Example To monitor /proc/fs/lustre/ost/OSS/ost/stats at 1 second intervals, run; llstat -i 1 ost

Files The llstat files are located at: /proc/fs/lustre/mdt/MDS/*/stats /proc/fs/lustre/mds/*/exports/*/stats /proc/fs/lustre/mdc/*/stats /proc/fs/lustre/ldlm/services/*/stats /proc/fs/lustre/ldlm/namespaces/*/pool/stats /proc/fs/lustre/mgs/MGS/exports/*/stats /proc/fs/lustre/ost/OSS/*/stats /proc/fs/lustre/osc/*/stats /proc/fs/lustre/obdfilter/*/exports/*/stats /proc/fs/lustre/obdfilter/*/stats /proc/fs/lustre/llite/*/stats


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lst The lst utility starts LNET self-test.

Synopsis lst

Description LNET self-test helps site administrators confirm that Lustre Networking (LNET) has been correctly installed and configured. The self-test also confirms that LNET, the network software and the underlying hardware are performing as expected. Each LNET self-test runs in the context of a session. A node can be associated with only one session at a time, to ensure that the session has exclusive use of the nodes on which it is running. A single node creates, controls and monitors a single session. This node is referred to as the self-test console. Any node may act as the self-test console. Nodes are named and allocated to a self-test session in groups. This allows all nodes in a group to be referenced by a single name. Test configurations are built by describing and running test batches. A test batch is a named collection of tests, with each test composed of a number of individual point-to-point tests running in parallel. These individual point-to-point tests are instantiated according to the test type, source group, target group and distribution specified when the test is added to the test batch. Modules To run LNET self-test, load following modules: libcfs, lnet, lnet_selftest and any one of the klnds (ksocklnd, ko2iblnd...). To load all necessary modules, run modprobe lnet_selftest, which recursively loads the modules on which lnet_selftest depends. There are two types of nodes for LNET self-test: console and test. Both node types require all previously-specified modules to be loaded. (The userspace test node does not require these modules). Test nodes can either be in kernel or in userspace. A console user can invite a kernel test node to join the test session by running lst add_group NID, but the user cannot actively add a userspace test node to the test-session. However, the console user can passively accept a test node to the test session while the test node runs lst client to connect to the console.

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Utilities LNET self-test includes two user utilities, lst and lstclient. lst is the user interface for the self-test console (run on console node). It provides a list of commands to control the entire test system, such as create session, create test groups, etc. lstclient is the userspace self-test program which is linked with userspace LNDs and LNET. A user can invoke lstclient to join a self-test session: lstclient -sesid CONSOLE_NID group NAME

Example This is an example of an LNET self-test script which simulates the traffic pattern of a set of Lustre servers on a TCP network, accessed by Lustre clients on an IB network (connected via LNET routers), with half the clients reading and half the clients writing. #!/bin/bash export LST_SESSION=$$ lst new_session read/write lst add_group servers 192.168.10.[8,10,12-16]@tcp lst add_group readers 192.168.1.[1-253/2]@o2ib lst add_group writers 192.168.1.[2-254/2]@o2ib lst add_batch bulk_rw lst add_test --batch bulk_rw --from readers --to servers check=simple size=1M lst add_test --batch bulk_rw --from writers --to servers check=full size=4K # start running lst run bulk_rw # display server stats for 30 seconds lst stat servers & sleep 30; kill $? # tear down lst end_session


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brw read brw write


plot-llstat The plot-llstat utility plots Lustre statistics.

Synopsis plot-llstat results_filename [parameter_index]

Description The plot-llstat utility generates a CSV file and instruction files for gnuplot from llstat output. Since llstat is generic in nature, plot-llstat is also a generic script. The value of parameter_index can be 1 for count per interval, 2 for count per second (default setting) or 3 for total count. The plot-llstat utility creates a .dat (CSV) file using the number of operations specified by the user. The number of operations equals the number of columns in the CSV file. The values in those columns are equal to the corresponding value of parameter_index in the output file. The plot-llstat utility also creates a .scr file that contains instructions for gnuplot to plot the graph. After generating the .dat and .scr files, the plot llstat tool invokes gnuplot to display the graph.

Options Option


results_filename Output generated by plot-llstat parameter_index Value of parameter_index can be: 1 - count per interval 2 - count per second (default setting) 3 - total count

Example llstat -i2 -g -c lustre-OST0000 > log plot-llstat log 3

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routerstat The routerstat utility prints Lustre router statistics.

Synopsis routerstat [interval]

Description The routerstat utility watches LNET router statistics. If no interval is specified, then statistics are sampled and printed only one time. Otherwise, statistics are sampled and printed at the specified interval (in seconds).

Options The routerstat output includes the following fields: Field














Files Routerstat extracts statistics data from: /proc/sys/lnet/stats


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ll_recover_lost_found_objs The ll_recover_lost_found_objs utility helps recover Lustre OST objects from a lost and found directory.

Synopsis $ ll_recover_lost_found_objs [-hv] -d directory

Description The ll_recover_lost_found_objs utility recovers objects from a lost and found directory that might be created if an OST has a corrupted directory. Running e2fsck fixes the corrupted OST directory, but it puts all of the objects into a lost and found directory, where they are inaccessible to Lustre. Using ll_recover_lost_found_objs enables you to recover these objects.





Prints a help message


Increases verbosity

-d directory

Sets the lost and found directory path

Example ll_recover_lost_found_objs -d /mnt/ost/lost+found

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System Limits This chapter describes various limits on the size of files and file systems. These limits are imposed by either the Lustre architecture or the Linux VFS and VM subsystems. In a few cases, a limit is defined within the code and could be changed by re-compiling Lustre. In those cases, the selected limit is supported by Lustre testing and may change in future releases. This chapter includes the following sections:


Maximum Stripe Count

Maximum Stripe Size

Minimum Stripe Size

Maximum Number of OSTs and MDTs

Maximum Number of Clients

Maximum Size of a File System

Maximum File Size

Maximum Number of Files or Subdirectories in a Single Directory

MDS Space Consumption

Maximum Length of a Filename and Pathname

Maximum Number of Open Files for Lustre File Systems

OSS RAM Size for a Single OST

Maximum Stripe Count The maximum number of stripe count is 160. This limit is hard-coded, but is near the upper limit imposed by the underlying ext3 file system. It may be increased in future releases. Under normal circ*mstances, the stripe count is not affected by ACLs.



Maximum Stripe Size For a 32-bit machine, the product of stripe size and stripe count (stripe_size * stripe_count) must be less than 2^32. The ext3 limit of 2TB for a single file applies for a 64-bit machine. (Lustre can support 160 stripes of 2 TB each on a 64-bit system.)


Minimum Stripe Size Due to the 64 KB PAGE_SIZE on some 64-bit machines, the minimum stripe size is set to 64 KB.


Maximum Number of OSTs and MDTs You can set the maximum number of OSTs by a compile option. The limit of 1020 OSTs in Lustre release 1.4.7 is increased to a maximum of 8150 OSTs in 1.6.0. Testing is in progress to move the limit to 4000 OSTs. The maximum number of MDSs will be determined after accomplishing MDS clustering.


Maximum Number of Clients Currently, the number of clients is limited to 131072. We have tested up to 22000 clients.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Maximum Size of a File System For i386 systems with 2.6 kernels, the block devices are limited to 16 TB. Each OST or MDT can have a file system up to 8 TB, regardless of whether 32-bit or 64-bit kernels are on the server. (For 2.6 kernels, the 8 TB limit is imposed by ext3). Currently, testing is underway to allow file systems up to 16 TB. You can have multiple OST file systems on a single node. Currently, the largest production Lustre file system has 448 OSTs in a single file system. There is a compile-time limit of 8150 OSTs in a single file system, giving a theoretical file system limit of nearly 64 PB. Several production Lustre file systems have around 200 OSTs in a single file system. The largest file system in production is at least 1.3 PB (184 OSTs). All these facts indicate that Lustre would scale just fine if more hardware is made available.


Maximum File Size Individual files have a hard limit of nearly 16 TB on 32-bit systems imposed by the kernel memory subsystem. On 64-bit systems this limit does not exist. Hence, files can be 64-bits in size. Lustre imposes an additional size limit of up to the number of stripes, where each stripe is 2 TB. A single file can have a maximum of 160 stripes, which gives an upper single file limit of 320 TB for 64-bit systems. The actual amount of data that can be stored in a file depends upon the amount of free space in each OST on which the file is striped.


Maximum Number of Files or Subdirectories in a Single Directory Lustre uses the ext3 hashed directory code, which has a limit of about 25 million files. On reaching this limit, the directory grows to more than 2 GB depending on the length of the filenames. The limit on subdirectories is the same as the limit on regular files in all later versions of Lustre due to a small ext3 format change. In fact, Lustre is tested with ten million files in a single directory. On a properly-configured dual-CPU MDS with 4 GB RAM, random lookups in such a directory are possible at a rate of 5,000 files / second. Chapter 33

System Limits



MDS Space Consumption A single MDS imposes an upper limit of 4 billion inodes. The default limit is slightly less than the device size of 4 KB, meaning 512 MB inodes for a file system with MDS of 2 TB. This can be increased initially, at the time of MDS file system creation, by specifying the --mkfsoptions='-i 2048' option on the --add mds config line for the MDS. For newer releases of e2fsprogs, you can specify '-i 1024' to create 1 inode for every 1 KB disk space. You can also specify '-N {num inodes}' to set a specific number of inodes. The inode size (-I) should not be larger than half the inode ratio (-i). Otherwise, mke2fs will spin trying to write more number of inodes than the inodes that can fit into the device. For more information, see Options to Format MDT and OST File Systems.


Maximum Length of a Filename and Pathname This limit is 255 bytes for a single filename, the same as in an ext3 file system. The Linux VFS imposes a full pathname length of 4096 bytes.


Maximum Number of Open Files for Lustre File Systems Lustre does not impose maximum number of open files, but practically it depends on amount of RAM on the MDS. There are no "tables" for open files on the MDS, as they are only linked in a list to a given client's export. Each client process probably has a limit of several thousands of open files which depends on the ulimit.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


OSS RAM Size for a Single OST For a single OST, there is no strict rule to size the OSS RAM. However, as a guideline, 1GB per OST is a reasonable RAM size. This provides sufficient RAM for the OS, and an appropriate amount (600 MB) for the metadata cache, which is very important for efficient object creation/lookup when there are many objects. The minimum, recommended RAM size is 600 MB per OST, plus 500 MB for the metadata cache. In a failover scenario, you should double these sizes (therefore 1.2 GB per OST). In this case, you have about 1.2GB/OST. It might be difficult to work with 1GB/primary OST as it gives 800MB/2OST which leaves only 100MB for a working set for each OST. This ends up as a maximum of ~ 2.4 million objects on the OST before it starts getting thrashed.

Chapter 33

System Limits



Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009



Version Log Manual Version


Details of Edits




1. Section incorrect - default upcall changed


2. Lustre-1.6_man_v1.13, Section 19.2.2 (obdfilter_survey) is out of date


3. Lockless I/O tunables


4. Service Tags additions to the manual.


5. lst stat command syntax needs more details


6. Replace “star” references in Lustre documentation with “GNU tar”.


7. Update 'Removing on OST' procedure in the Lustre manual.


8. Request information concerning health check values.


9. Monitoring tools.


10. Document file readahead and directory statahead.


11. Document the root squash feature.


12. Some errors in “32.5.13 routerstat” of the Lustre Operations Manual


13. Kernel-ib must be installed on patchless clients


14. 22.1.5 Free Space Distribution of Lustre manual needs updating and clarification.


15. LNET routes statements of any significant size cause errors.


1. Section 3.3.3 can be extended.


2. Lustre-1.6_man_v1.13 Section 19.2.2 is out of date.





Manual Version







Details of Edits


3. /proc/sys/lnet/upcall - threat or menace?


4. Section incorrect - default upcall changed.


1. Update example “routes” parameters in Sec. 5.2.2.


2. URLs for Lustre kernel downloads are unwieldy.


3. mount-by-disklabel: add warning not to use in multipath environment.


4. Document file system incompatibility when using ldiskfs2.


5. Manual update may be needed for change in maximum number of clients.


6. lfs syntax updates in documentation.


7. Errors in 1.6 manual in 10.3 Creating an External Journal.


8. Re-word MGS failover note in Failback.


9. Add statistics to monitor quota activity.


10. Documentation for filefrag using FIEMAP.


11. Document man pages for llobdstat(8), llstat(8), plot-llstat(8), l_getgroups(8), lst(8) and routerstat(8).


12. Update Lustre manual re: lru_size parameter.


13. LBUG information missing.


14. Re-write LNET self-test topic.


15. Update Lustre manual for “lctl{set,get}_param”


1. fsname maximum length not documented.


2. Granted cache affects accuracy of lquota, record it in the manual.


3. Replace ‘striping pattern’ instances with ‘file layout’


4. Update manual content re: forced umount of OST in failover case.


5. Verify URL for PIOS in manual section 19.3 PIOS test tool.


6. Adaptive timeout documentation corrections.


7. mkfs.lustre man page may contain a small error


8. Missing parameters in lctl document.


9. Merge Lustre debugging information.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Manual Version






Details of Edits


10. Need to add Lustre mount parameters to manual.


11. Multi-rail LNET configuration.


12. Lustre protocols and Wireshark


13. Loading lnet_selftest modules.


14. DRBD + Lustre performance measurements


15. Many documentation errors.


1. Additional Lustre manual content - /proc entries.


2. Additional Lustre manual content - atime.


3. Additional Lustre manual content - building kernels.


4. Additional Lustre manual content - Lustre clients.


5. Additional Lustre manual content - compilation.


6. Additional Lustre manual content - Lustre configuration.


7. Additional Lustre manual content - Lustre debugging.


8. Additional Lustre manual content - e2fsck.


9. Additional Lustre manual content - failover.


10. Additional Lustre manual content - evictions.


11. Additional Lustre manual content - file systems.


12. Additional Lustre manual content - hardware.


13. Additional Lustre manual content - kernels.


14. Additional Lustre manual content - network issues.


15. Additional Lustre manual content - Lustre performance.


16. Additional Lustre manual content - quotas.


17. Update the Lustre manual for heartbeat content.


18. ksocklnd module parameter enable_irq_affinity now defaults to zero


19. Multiple mentions of /etc/init.d/lustre in manual.


20. Incorrect flag for tune2fs


1. Updated content in Failover chapter.


Appendix A

Version Log


Manual Version





Details of Edits


2. Man pages for llapi_ functions.


3. DDN updates to the manual.


4. DDN configuration.


5. Update Lustre manual according to changes in BZ 12786.


6. Add lockless I/O tunables content to the Lustre manual.


7. Small error in LNET self-test documentation sample script.


8. LNET self-test


9. Documentation for Lustre checksumming feature.


10. Ltest OSTs seeing out-of-memory condition.


11. Section 7.1.3 Quota Allocation


12. localflock not documented.


13. Lustre group file quota does not error, allows files up to the hard limit.


14. Changing the quota of a user doesn’t work.


15. Documentation errors.


16. Need details about old clients and new file systems.


17. Missing build instructions.


18. Update ip2nets section in Lustre manual and add example shown


19. Free space management


1. Updated content in Disk Performance Measurement section of the RAID chapter.


2. Added lfs option to User Utilities chapter.

14024/ 12186

3. Added supplementary group upcall content to the Lustre Programming Interfaces chapter


4. Added content (new section, Network Tuning) to the Lustre Tuning chapter.


5. Added new chapter, Lustre Debugging, to the Lustre manual

12046/ 13618

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Manual Version




Details of Edits


6. Updated unlink and munlink command information in the Identifying a Missing OST topic in the Lustre Troubleshooting and Tips chapter.


7. Minor error in manual Chapter III -


1. Updated content in the Bonding chapter.


2. Updated content in the Lustre Troubleshooting and Tips chapter.


3. Updated content in the Lustre Security chapter.


4. Added PIOS Test Tool topic to the Lustre I/O Kit chapter.


5. Updated content in Chapter IV - 2. Striping and Other I/O Options, Striping Using ioctl section.


6. Updated content in Chapter III - 2. LustreProc, Section 2.2.3 Client Read-Write Offset Survey and Section 2.2.4 Client Read-Write Extents Survey.


7. Updated content in Chapter V - 4. System Configuration Utilities (man8), Section 4.3.4 Network commands.


8. Updated content in the Lustre Installation chapter.


9. Updated content in Chapter V - 1. User Utilities (man1), Section 1.2 fsck.


10. Updated content in RAID chapter.

12040/ 12070

11. Updated content in Striping and Other I/O Options, lfs setstripe - Setting Striping Patterns section.


12. Updated content in Configuring the Lustre Network chapter.


13. Updated content in the System Limits chapter.


14. Updated content in the User Utilities (man1 chapter.


15. Updated content in the Lustre Configuration chapter.


16. Updated content in Section 4.1.11 of the Lustre Troubleshooting and Tips chapte.r

13810/ 11325/ 12164

17. Updated content in Prerequisites and Lustre Installation chapters.


Appendix A

Version Log


Manual Version





Details of Edits


18. Updated content in the Starting LNET section, Configuring the Lustre Network chapter.


1. Added new chapter (POSIX) to manual.


2. Added new chapter (Benchmarking) to manual.


3. Added new chapter (Lustre Recovery) to manual.

12049/ 12141

4. Updated content in the Configuring Quotas chapter.


5. Updated content in the More Complicated Configurations chapter.


6. Updated content in the LustreProc chapter.

12385/ 12383/ 12039

7. Corrected errors in Section


8. Merged MXLND information from Myricom.


9. Updated content in the Configuring Lustre Examples chapter.


10. Updated content in the RAID chapter.

12170/ 12140

11. Updated content in the Configuration Files Module Parameters chapter.




1. Added mballoc3 content to the LustreProc chapter.

12384/ 10816



1. Updated content in the Expanding the file system by Adding OSTs section.


2. Updated content in the Failover chapter.

13022/ 12168/ 12143

3. Added Mechanics of Lustre Readahead content.


4. Updated content in the Lustre Troubleshooting and Tips chapter.

12164/ 12037/ 12047/ 12045

5. Updated content in the Free Space and Quotas chapter.


6. Updated content in the Lustre Operating Tips chapter.


7. Added a new appendix - Knowledge Base chapter.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Manual Version


Details of Edits




1. Updated content in the Lustre Installation chapter.


2. Updated content in the Failover chapter.


3. Updated content in the Bonding chapter.


4. Updated content in the Striping and I/O Options chapter.

12037/ 12025

5. Updated content in the Lustre Operating Tips chapter.


6. Developmental edit of remaining chapters in semiannual.


7. Added new chapter (Lustre SNMP Module) to the manual.


8. Added new chapter (Backup and Recovery) to the manual.


1. Added content to the Configuring Lustre Network chapter.


2. Added content to the LustreProc chapter.


3. Added content to the Lustre Troubleshooting and Tips chapter.


4. Added content to the Lustre Tuning chapter.


5. Added content to the Prerequisites chapter.


6. Completed re-development of index in manual.


7. Developmental edit of select chapters in manual.


1. Updated section


2. Added enhancements to the DDN Tuning chapter.


3. Updated the User Utilities (man1) chapter.


4. Added lfsck and e2fsck content to the Lustre Programming Interfaces (man2) chapter.


5. Removed MDS Space Utilization content.


6. Added training slide updates to the manual.


7. Added enhancements to 8.1.5 Formatting section.


1. Added striping Using ioctl (Part IV, Chapter 2)


2. Added Client Read/Write Offset and Extents content (Part III, Chapter 2)


3. Added Building RPMs content (Part II, Chapter 2)








Appendix A

Version Log


Manual Version




Details of Edits


4. Added Setting the Striping Pattern content and I/O (Part IV, Chapter 2 - lfs setstripe)


5. Added Free Space Management content (Part III, Chapter 2 - 2.1.1/proc entries)

12175/ 12039/ 12028

6. Added /proc content and I/O (Part III, Chapter 2 2.1.1 /proc entries)


1. Upgraded all chapters Lustre 1.4 to 1.6. 2. Introduction and information of new features of Lustre 1.6 like MountConf, MGS, MGC, and so on. 3. Introduction and information of mkfs.lustre, mount.lustre, and tunefs.lustre utilities. 4. Removed lmc and lconf utilities. 5. Added Chapter II - 10. Upgrading Lustre from 1.4 to 1.6. 6. Removed Appendix Upgrading 1.4.5 to 1.4.6. 7. Added content on permanently removing an OST.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009



Lustre Knowledge Base The Knowledge Base is a collection of tips and general information regarding Lustre. How can I check if a file system is active (the MGS, MDT and OSTs are all online)? How to reclaim the 5 percent of disk space reserved for root? Why are applications hanging? How do I abort recovery? Why would I want to? What does "denying connection for new client" mean? How do I set a default debug level for clients? How can I improve Lustre metadata performance when using large directories (> 0.5 million files)? File system refuses to mount because of UUID mismatch How do I set up multiple Lustre file systems on the same node? Is it possible to change the IP address of a OST? MDS? Change the UUID? How do I replace an OST or MDS? How do I configure recoverable / failover object servers? How do I resize an MDS / OST file system? How do I backup / restore a Lustre file system? How do I control multiple services on one node independently? What extra resources are required for automated failover? Is there a way to tell which OST is being used by a client process? I need multiple SCSI LUNs per HBA - what is the best way to do this?


Can I run Lustre in a heterogeneous environment (32-and 64-bit machines)? How to build and configure Infiniband support for Lustre Can the same Lustre file system be mounted at multiple mount points on the same client system? How do I identify files affected by a missing OST? How-To: New Lustre network configuration How to fix bad LAST_ID on an OST Why can't I run an OST and a client on the same machine? Information on the Socket LND (socklnd) protocol Information on the Lustre Networking (LNET) protocol Explanation of: '... previously skipped # similar messages' in Lustre logs What should I do if I suspect device corruption (Example: disk errors) How do I clean up a device with lctl? What is the default block size for Lustre? How do I determine which Lustre server (MDS/OST) was connected to a particular storage device? Does the mount option "--bind" allow mounting a Lustre file system to multiple directories on the same client system? What operations take place in Lustre when a new file is created? Questions about using Lustre quotas When mounting an MDT filesystm, the kernel crashes. What do I do? How do I determine which Ethernet interfaces Lustre uses?


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

How can I check if a file system is active (the MGS, MDT and OSTs are all online)? You can look at /proc/fs/lustre/lov/*/target_obds for "ACTIVE" vs "INACTIVE" on MDS/clients.

How to reclaim the 5 percent of disk space reserved for root? If your file system normally looks like this: $ df -h /mnt/lustre Filesystem Size databarn 100G

Used 81G

Avail 14G

Use% 81%

Mounted on /mnt/lustre

You might be wondering: where did the other 5 percent go? This space is reserved for the root user. Currently, all Lustre installations run the ext3 file system internally on service nodes. By default, ext3 reserves 5 percent of the disk for the root user. To reclaim this space for use by all users, run this command on your OSSs: tune2fs [-m reserved_blocks_percent] [device]

This command takes effect immediately. You do not need to shut down Lustre beforehand or restart Lustre afterwards.

Why are applications hanging? The most common cause of hung applications is a timeout. For a timeout involving an MDS or failover OST, applications attempting to access the disconnected resource wait until the connection is re-established. In most cases, applications can be interrupted after a timeout with the KILL, INT, TERM, QUIT, or ALRM signals. In some cases, for a command which communicates with multiple services in a single system call, you may have to wait for multiple timeouts.

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


How do I abort recovery? Why would I want to? If an MDS or OST is not gracefully shut down, for example a crash or power outage occurs, the next time the service starts it is in "recovery" mode. This provides a window for any existing clients to re-connect and re-establish any state which may have been lost in the interruption. By doing so, the Lustre software can completely hide failure from user applications. The recovery window ends when either: ■

All clients which were present before the crash have reconnected; or

A recovery timeout expires

This timeout must be long enough to for all clients to detect that the node failed and reconnect. If the window is too short, some critical state may be lost, and any inprogress applications receive an error. To avoid this, the recovery window of Lustre 1.x is conservatively long. If a client which was not present before the failure attempts to connect, it receives an error, and a message about recovery displays on the console of the client and the server. New clients may only connect after the recovery window ends. If the administrator knows that recovery will not succeed, because the entire cluster was rebooted or because there was an unsupported failure of multiple nodes simultaneously, then the administrator can abort recovery. With Lustre 1.4.2 and later, you can abort recovery when starting a service by adding --abort-recovery to the lconf command line. For earlier Lustre versions, or if the service has already started, follow these steps: 1. Find the correct device. The server console displays a message similar to: "RECOVERY: service mds1, 10 recoverable clients, last_transno 1664606" 2. Obtain a list of all Lustre devices. On the MDS or OST, run: lctl device_list

3. Look for the name of the recovering service, in this case "mds1": 3 UP mds mds1 mds1_UUID 2 4. Instruct Lustre to abort recovery, run: lctl --device abort_recovery

The device number is on the left.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

What does "denying connection for new client" mean? When service nodes are performing recovery after a failure, only clients which were connected before the failure are allowed to connect. This enables the cluster to first re-establish its pre-failure state, before normal operation continues and new clients are allowed to connect.

How do I set a default debug level for clients? If using zeroconf (mount -t lustre), you can add a line similar to the following to your modules.conf: post-install portals sysctl -w lnet.debug=0x3f0400

This sets the debug level, whenever the portals module is loaded, to whatever value you specify. The value specified above is a good starting choice, and will become the in-code default in Lustre 1.0.2, as it provides useful information for diagnosing problems without materially impairing the performance of Lustre.)

How can I improve Lustre metadata performance when using large directories (> 0.5 million files)? On the MDS, more memory translates into bigger caches and, therefore, higher performance. One of the requirements for higher metadata performance is to have lots of RAM on the MDS. The other requirement (if not running a 64-bit kernel) is to patch the core kernel on the MDS with the 3G/1G patch to increase the available kernel address space. This, again, translates into having support for bigger caches on the MDS. Usually the address space is split in a 3:1 ratio (3G for userspace and 1G for kernel). The 3G/1G patch changes this ratio to 3G for kernel/1G for user (3:1) or 2G for kernel and 2G for user (2:2).

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


File system refuses to mount because of UUID mismatch When Lustre exports a device for the first time on a target (MDS or OST), it writes a randomly-generated unique identifier (UUID) to the disk from the .xml configuration file. On subsequent exports of that device, the Lustre code verifies that the UUID on disk matches the UUID in the .xml configuration file. This is a safety feature which avoids many potential configuration errors, such as devices being renamed after the addition of new disks or controller cards to the system, cabling errors, etc. This results in messages, such as the following, appearing on the system console, which normally indicates a system configuration error: af0ac_mds_scratch_2b27fc413e does not match last_rcvd UUID 8a9c5_mds_scratch_8d2422aa88

In some cases, it is possible to get the incorrect UUID in the configuration file, for example by regenerating the .xml configuration file a second time. In this case, you must specify the device UUIDs when the configuration file is built with the --ostuuid or --mdsuuid options to match the original UUIDs instead of generating new ones each time. lmc -add ost --node ostnode --lov lov1 --dev /dev/sdc --ostuuid 3dbf8_OST_ostnode_ddd780786b lmc -add mds --node mdsnode --mds mds_scratch --dev /dev/sdc --mdsuuid 8a9c5_mds_scratch_8d2422aa88

How do I set up multiple Lustre file systems on the same node? Assuming you want to have separate file systems with different mount locations, you need a dedicated MDS partition and Logical Object Volume (LOV) for each file system. Each LOV requires a dedicated OST(s). For example, if you have an MDS server node, mds_server, and want to have mount points /mnt/foo and /mnt/bar, the following lines are an example of the setup (leaving out the --add net lines): Two MDS servers using distinct disks: lmc -m test.xml --add mds --node mds_server --mds foo-mds --group \ foo-mds --fstype ldiskfs --dev /dev/sda lmc -m test.xml --add mds --node mds_server --mds bar-mds --group \ bar-mds --fstype ldiskfs --dev /dev/sdb


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Now for the LOVs: lmc -m test.xml --add lov --lov foo-lov --mds foo-mds \ --stripe_sz 1048576 --stripe_cnt 1 --stripe_pattern 0 lmc -m test.xml --add lov --lov bar-lov --mds bar-mds \ --stripe_sz 1048576 --stripe_cnt 1 --stripe_pattern 0

Each LOV needs at least one OST: lmc -m test.xml --add ost --node ost_server --lov foo-lov \ --ost foo-ost1 --group foo-ost1 --fstype ldiskfs --dev /dev/sdc lmc -m test.xml --add ost --node ost_server --lov bar-lov \ --ost bar-ost1 --group bar-ost1 --fstype ldiskfs --dev /dev/sdd

Set up the client mount points: lmc -m test.xml --add mtpt --node foo-client --path /mnt/foo \ --mds foo-mds --lov foo-lov lmc -m test.xml --add mtpt --node bar-client --path /mnt/bar \ --mds bar-mds --lov bar-lov

If the Lustre file system "foo" already exists, and you want to add the file system "bar" without reformatting foo, use the group designator to reformat only the new disks: ost_server> lconf --group bar-ost1 --select bar-ost1 \ --reformat test.xml mds_server> lconf --group bar-mds --select bar-mds \ --reformat test.xml

If you change the --dev that foo-mds uses, you also need to commit that new configuration (foo-mds must not be running): mds_server> lconf --group foo-mds --select foo-mds --write_conf test.xml

Note – If you want both mount points on a client, you can use the same client node name for both mount points.

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


Is it possible to change the IP address of a OST? MDS? Change the UUID? The IP address of any node can be changed, as long as the rest of the machines in the cluster are updated to reflect the new location. Even if you used hostnames in the xml config file, you need to regenerate the configuration logs on your metadata server. It is also possible to change the UUID, but unfortunately it is not very easy as two binary files would need editing.

How do I set striping on a file? To stripe a file across OSTs with stripesize of blocks per stripe, run: lfs setstripe

This creates "new_filename" (which must not already exist). We strongly recommend that the stripe_size value be 1MB or larger (size in bytes). Best performance is seen with one or two stripes per file unless it is a file that has shared IO from a large number of clients, when the maximum number of stripes is best (pass -1 as the stripe count to get maximum striping). The stripe_offset (OST index which holds the first stripe, subsequent stripes are created on sequential stripes) should be "-1" which means allocate stripes in a roundrobin manner. Abusing the stripe_offset value leads to uneven usage of the OSTs and premature file system usage. Most users want to use: lfs setstripe 2097152 -1 N

Or use system-wide default stripe size: lfs setstripe 0 -1 N

You may want to make a simple wrapper script that only accepts the parameter. Usage info via "lfs help setstripe".


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

How do I set striping for a large number of files at one time? You can set a default striping on a directory, and then any regular files created within that directory inherit the default striping configuration. To do this, first create a directory if necessary and then set the default striping in the same manner as you do for a regular file: lfs setstripe -1

If the stripe_size value is zero (0), it uses the system-wide stripe size. If the stripe_count value is zero (0), it uses the default stripe count. If the stripe_count value is -1, it stripes across all available OSTs. The best performance for many clients writing to individual files is at 1 or 2 stripes per file, and maximum stripes for large shared-I/O files (i.e. many clients reading or writing the same file at one time).

If I set the striping of N and B for a directory, do files in that directory inherit the striping or revert to the default? All new files get the new striping parameters, and existing files will keep their current striping (even if overwritten). To "undo" the default striping on a directory (to use system-wide defaults again) set the striping to "0 -1 0".

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


Can I change the striping of a file or directory after it is created? You cannot change the striping of a file after it is created. If this is important (e.g., performance of reads on some widely-shared large input file) you need to create a new file with the desired striping and copy the data into the old file. It is possible to change the default striping on a directory at any time, although you must have write permission on this directory to change the striping parameters.

How do I replace an OST or MDS? The OST file system is simply a normal ext3 file system, so you can use any number of methods to copy the contents to the new OST. If possible, connect both the old OST disk and new OST disk to a single machine, mount them, and then use rsync to copy all of the data between the OST file systems. For example: mount -t ldiskfs /dev/old /mnt/ost_old mount -t ldiskfs /dev/new /mnt/ost_new rsync -aSv /mnt/ost_old/ /mnt/ost_new # note trailing slash on ost_old/

If you are unable to connect both sets of disk to the same computer, use: rsync to copy over the network using rsh (or ssh with "-e ssh"): rsync -aSvz /mnt/ost_old/ new_ost_node:/mnt/ost_new

The same can be done for the MDS, but it needs an additional step: cd /mnt/mds_old; getfattr -R -e base64 -d . > /tmp/mdsea; ; cd /mnt/mds_new; setfattr \ --restore=/tmp/mdsea


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

How do I configure recoverable / failover object servers? There are two object server modes: the default failover (recoverable) mode, and the fail-out mode. In fail-out mode, if a client becomes disconnected from an object server because of a server or network failure, applications which try to use that object server will receive immediate errors. In failover mode, applications attempting to use that resource pause until the connection is restored, which is what most people want. This is the default mode in Lustre 1.4.3 and later. To disable failover mode: 1. If this is an existing Lustre configuration, shut down all client, MDS, and OSS nodes. 2. Change the configuration script to add --failover to all "ost" lines. Change lines like: lmc --add ost ...

to: lmc --add ost ... --failover

and regenerate your Lustre configuration file. 3. Start your object servers. They should report that recovery is enabled to syslog: Lustre: 1394:0:(filter.c:1205:filter_common_setup()) \ databarn-ost3: recovery enabled

4. Update the MDS and client configuration logs. On the MDS, run: lconf --write_conf /path/to/lustre.xml

5. Start the MDS as usual. 6. Mount Lustre on the clients.

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


How do I resize an MDS / OST file system? This is a method to back up the MDS, including the extended attributes containing the striping data. If something goes wrong, you can restore it to a newly-formatted larger file system, without having to back up and restore all OSS data.

Caution – If this data is very important to you, we strongly recommend that you try to back it up before you proceed. It is possible to run out of space or inodes in both the MDS and OST file systems. If these file systems reside on some sort of virtual storage device (e.g., LVM Logical Volume, RAID, etc.) it may be possible to increase the storage device size (this is device-specific) and then grow the file system to use this increased space. 1. Prior to doing any sort of low-level changes like this, back up the file system and/or device. See How do I backup / restore a Lustre file system? 2. After the file system or device has been backed up, increase the size of the storage device as necessary. For LVM this would be: lvextend -L {new size} /dev/{vgname}/{lvname}

or lvextend -L +{size increase} /dev/{vgname}/{lvname}

3. Run a full e2fsck on the file system, using the Lustre e2fsprogs (available at the Lustre download site or http://downloads.clusterfs.com/public/tools/e2fsprogs/. Run: e2fsck -f {dev}

4. Resize the file system to use the increased size of the device. Run: resize2fs -p {dev}


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

How do I backup / restore a Lustre file system? Several types of Lustre backups are available. CLIENT FILE SYSTEM-LEVEL BACKUPS It is possible to back up Lustre file systems from a client (or many clients in parallel working in different directories), via any number of user-level backup tools like tar, cpio, Amanda, and many enterprise-level backup tools. However, due to the very large size of most Lustre file systems, full backups are not always possible. Doing backups of subsets of the file system (subdirectories, per user, incremental by date, etc.) using normal file backup tools is still recommended, as this is the easiest method from which to restore data. TARGET RAW DEVICE-LEVEL BACKUPS In some cases, it is desirable to do full device-level backups of an individual MDS or OST storage device for various reasons (before hardware replacement, maintenance or such). Doing full device-level backups ensures that all of the data is preserved in the original state and is the easiest method of doing a backup. If hardware replacement is the reason for the backup or if there is a spare storage device then it is possible to just do a raw copy of the MDS/OST from one block device to the other as long as the new device is at least as large as the original device using the command: dd if=/dev/{original} of=/dev/{new} bs=1M

If hardware errors are causing read problems on the original device then using the command below allows as much data as possible to be read from the original device while skipping sections of the disk with errors: dd if=/dev/{original} of=/dev/{new} bs=4k conv=sync,noerror

Even in the face of hardware errors, the ext3 file system is very robust and it may be possible to recover file system data after e2fsck is run on the new device. TARGET FILE SYSTEM-LEVEL BACKUPS In other cases, it is desirable to make a backup of just the file data in an MDS or OST file system instead of backing up the entire device (e.g., if the device is very large but has little data in it, if the configuration of the parameters of the ext3 file system need to be changed, to use less space for the backup, etc). In this case it is possible to mount the ext3 file system directly from the storage device and do a file-level backup. Lustre MUST BE STOPPED ON THAT NODE. To back up such a file system properly also requires that any extended attributes (EAs) stored in the file system be backed up, but unfortunately current backup tools do not properly save this data so an extra step is required.

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


1. Make a mountpoint for the mkdir /mnt/mds file system. 2. Mount the file system there. ■

For 2.4 kernels, run: mount -t ext3 {dev} /mnt/mds

For 2.6 kernels, run: mount -t ldiskfs {dev} /mnt/mds

3. Change to the mount point being backed up. Type: cd /mnt/mds

4. Back up the EAs. Type: getfattr -R -d -m '.*' -P . > ea.bak

The getfattr command is part of the "attr" package in most distributions. If the getfattr command returns errors like "Operation not supported" then your kernel does not support EAs correctly. STOP and use a different backup method, or contact us for assistance. 5. Verify that the ea.bak file has properly backed up your EA data on the MDS. Without this EA data your backup is not useful. You can look at this file with "more" or a text editor, and it should have an item for each file like: # file: ROOT/mds_md5sum3.txt trusted.lov0s0AvRCwEAAABXoKUCAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAEAAADD5QoAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAA=

6. Back up all file system data. Type: tar czvf {backup file}.tgz

7. Change out of the mounted file system. Type. cd -

8. Unmount the file system. Type: umount /mnt/mds

Follow the same process on each of the OST device file systems. The backup of the EAs (described in Step 4), is not currently required for OST devices, but this may change in the future. To restore the file-level backup you need to format the device, restore the file data, and then restore the EA data.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

9. Format the new device. The easiest way to get the optimal ext3 parameters is to use lconf --reformat {config}.xml ONLY ON THE NODE being restored. If there are multiple services on the node, then this reformats all of the devices on that node and should NOT be used. Instead, use the step below: ■

For MDS file systems, use: mke2fs -j -J size=400 -I {inode_size} -i 4096 {dev} where {inode_size} is at least 512, and possibly larger if you have a default, stripe count > 10 (inode_size = power_of_2_>=_than(384 + stripe_count * 24)).

For OST file systems, use: mke2fs -j -J size=400 -I 256 -i 16384 {dev}

10. Enable ext3 file system directory indexing. Type: tune2fs -O dir_index {dev}

11. Mount the file system. Type: ■

For 2.4 kernels, run: mount -t ext3 {dev} /mnt/mds

For 2.6 kernels, run: mount -t ldiskfs {dev} /mnt/mds

12. Change to the new file system mount point. Type: cd /mnt/mds

13. Restore the file system backup. Type: tar xzvpf {backup file}

14. Restore the file system EAs. Type: setfattr --restore=ea.bak

15. Remove the (now invalid) recovery logs. Type: rm OBJECTS/* CATALOGS

Again, the restore of the EAs (described in Step 6) is not currently required for OST devices, but this may change in the future. If the file system was used between the time the backup was made and when it was restored, then the "lfsck" tool (part of Lustre e2fsprogs) can be run to ensure the file system is coherent. If all of the device file systems were backed up at the same time after the whole Lustre file system was stopped this is not necessary. The file system should be immediately usable even if lfsck is not run, though there will be IO errors reading from files that are present on the MDS but not the OSTs, and files that were created after the MDS backup will not be accessible/visible.

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


How do I control multiple services on one node independently? You can do this by assigning an OST (or MDS) to a specific group, often with a name that relates to the service itself (e.g. ost1a, ost1b, ...). In the lmc configuration script, put each OST into a separate group, use: lmc --add ost --group ...

When starting up each OST use: lconf --group

{--reformat,--cleanup,etc} foo.xml

to start up each one individually. Unless a group is specified all of the services on the that node will be affected by the command. Beginning with Lustre 1.4.4, managing individual services has been substantially simplified. The group / select mechanics are gone, and you can operate purely on the basis of service names: lconf --service [--reformat --cleanup ...] foo.xml

For example, if you add the service ost1-home, type: lmc --add ost --ost ost1-home ...

You can start it with: lconf --service ost1-home foo.xml

As before, if you do not specify a service, all services configured for that node will be affected by your command.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

What extra resources are required for automated failover? To automate failover with Lustre, you need power management software, remote control power equipment, and cluster management software. Power Management Software PowerMan, by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, is a tool that manipulates remote power control (RPC) devices from a central location. PowerMan natively supports several RPC varieties. Expect-like configurability simplifies the addition of new devices. For more information about PowerMan, go to: http://www.llnl.gov/linux/powerman.html Other power management software is available, but PowerMan is the best we have used so far, and the one with which we are most familiar. Power Equipment A multi-port, Ethernet-addressable RPC is relatively inexpensive. For recommended products, see the list of supported hardware on the PowerMan website. If you can afford them, Linux Network ICEboxes are very good tools. They combine both remote power control and remote serial console in a single unit. Cluster management software There are two options for cluster management software that have been implemented successfully by Lustre customers. Both software options are open source and available free for download. ■


The Heartbeat program is one of the core components of the High-Availability Linux (Linux-HA) project. Heartbeat is highly-portable, and runs on every known Linux platform, as well as FreeBSD and Solaris. For information, see: http://linux-ha.org/heartbeat/ To download, see: http://linux-ha.org/download/ ■

Red Hat Cluster Manager (CluManager)

Red Hat Cluster Manager allows administrators to connect separate systems (called members or nodes) together to create failover clusters that ensure application availability and data integrity under several failure conditions. Administrators can use Red Hat Cluster Manager with database applications, file sharing services, web servers, and more.

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


Note – CluManager requires two 10M LUNs visible to each member of a failover group. For more information, see: http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/enterprise/RHEL-3Manual/cluster-suite/ For more download, see: http://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/enterprise/3/en/RHCS/i386 /SRPMS/ In the future, we hope to publish more information and sample scripts to configure Heartbeat and CluManager with Lustre.

Is there a way to tell which OST is being used by a client process? If a process is doing I/O to a file, use the lfs getstripe command to see the OST to which it is writing. Using cat as an example, run: $ cat > foo

While that is running, on another terminal, run: $ readlink /proc/$(pidof cat)/fd/1 /barn/users/jacob/tmp/foo

You can also ls -l /proc//fd/ to find open files using Lustre. $ lfs getstripe $(readlink /proc/$(pidof cat)/fd/1) OBDS: 0: databarn-ost1_UUID ACTIVE 1: databarn-ost2_UUID ACTIVE 2: databarn-ost3_UUID ACTIVE 3: databarn-ost4_UUID ACTIVE /barn/users/jacob/tmp/foo obdidx objid objid group 2 835487 0xcbf9f 0

The output shows that this file lives on obdidx 2, which is databarn-ost3.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

To see which node is serving that OST, run: $ cat /proc/fs/lustre/osc/*databarn-ost3*/ost_conn_uuid NID_oss1.databarn.87k.net_UUID

The above also works with connections to the MDS - just replace osc with mdc and ost with mds in the above command.

I need multiple SCSI LUNs per HBA - what is the best way to do this? The packaged kernels are configured approximately the same as the upstream RedHat and SuSE packages. Currently, RHEL does not enable CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN because it is said to causes problems with some SCSI hardware. If you need to enable this, you must set 'option scsi_mod max_scsi_luns=xx' (xx is typically 128) in either modprobe.conf (2.6 kernel) or modules.conf (2.4 kernel). Passing this option as a kernel boot argument (in grub.conf or lilo.conf) will not work unless the kernel is compiled with CONFIG_SCSI_MULT_LUN=y

Can I run Lustre in a heterogeneous environment (32-and 64-bit machines)? As of Lustre v1.4.2, this is supported with different word sizes. It is also supported for clients with different endianness (for example, i368 and PPC). One limitation is that the PAGE_SIZE on the client must be at least as large as the PAGE_SIZE of the server. In particular, ia64 clients with large pages (up to 64KB pages) can run with i386 servers (4KB pages). If i386 clients are running with ia64 servers, the ia64 kernel must be compiled with 4kB PAGE_SIZE. How do I clean up a device with lctl? How do I destroy this object using lctl based on the following information: lctl > device_list 0 UP obdfilter ost003_s1 ost003_s1_UUID 3 1 UP ost OSS OSS_UUID 2 2 UP echo_client ost003_s1_client 2b98ad95-28a6-ebb2-10e4-46a3ceef9007

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


1. Try: lconf --cleanup --force

2. If that does not work, start lctl (if it is not running already). Then, starting with the highest-numbered device and working backward, clean up each device: root# lctl> lctl> lctl> lctl> lctl> lctl> lctl> lctl> lctl>

lctl cfg_device ost003_s1_client cleanup force detach cfg_device OSS cleanup force detach cfg_device ost003_s1 cleanup force detach

At this point it should also be possible to unload the Lustre modules.

How to build and configure Infiniband support for Lustre The distributed kernels do not yet include 3rd-party Infiniband modules. As a result, our Lustre packages can not include IB network drivers for Lustre either, however we do distribute the source code. You will need to build your Infiniband software stack against the supplied kernel, and then build new Lustre packages. If this is outside your realm of expertise, and you are a Lustre enterprise-support customer, we can help. ■

Volatire To build Lustre with Voltaire Infiniband sources, add: --with-vib= as an argument to the configure script. To configure Lustre, use: --nettype vib --nid

OpenIB generation 1 / Mellanox Gold To build Lustre with OpenIB Infiniband sources, add --with-openib= as an argument to the configure script.

To configure Lustre, use: --nettype openib --nid ■

Silverstorm A Silverstorm driver for Lustre is available.

OpenIB 1.0 An OpenIB 1.0 driver for Lustre is available.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Currently (v1.4.5) the Voltaire IB module (kvibnal) will _not work on the Altix system. This is due to hardware differences in the Altix system. To build Silverstorm with Lustre, configure Lustre with: --with-iib=

Can the same Lustre file system be mounted at multiple mount points on the same client system? Yes, this is perfectly safe.

How do I identify files affected by a missing OST? If an OST is missing for any reason, you may need to know what files are affected. The file system should still be operational, even though one OST is missing, so from any mounted client node it is possible to generate a list of files that reside on that OST. In such situations, we recommend marking the missing OST as unavailable, so clients and the MDS do not time out trying to contact it. On mixed MDS/client nodes: 1. Generate a list of devices and determine the OST’s device number. $ lctl dl

2. Deactivate the OST (on the OSS at the MDS). $ lctl --device deactivate

If the OST later becomes available it needs to be reactivated. Run: $ lctl --device activate

Determine all files striped over the missing OST. Run: $ lfs find -R -o {OST_UUID} /mountpoint

This returns a simple list of filenames from the affected file system. It is possible to read the valid parts of a striped file (if necessary): $ dd if=filename of=new_filename bs=4k conv=sync,noerror

Otherwise, it is possible to delete these files with "unlink" or "munlink". If you need to need to know specifically which parts of the file are missing data you first need to determine the file layout (striping pattern), which includes the index of the missing OST: Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


$ lfs getstripe -v {filename}

The following computation is used to determine which offsets in the file are affected: [(C*N + X)*S, (C*N + X)*S + S - 1], N = { 0, 1, 2, ...} where: C = stripe count S = stripe size X = index of bad ost for this file Example: for a file with 2 stripes, stripe size = 1M, bad OST is index 0 you would have holes in your file at: [(2*N + 0)*1M, (2*N + 0)*1M + 1M - 1], N = { 0, 1, 2, ...}

If the file system can't be mounted, there isn't anything currently that would parse metadata directly from an MDS. If the bad OST is definitely not starting, options for mounting the file system anyway are to provide a loop device OST in its place, or to replace it with a newly formatted OST. In that case the missing objects are created and will read as zero-filled.

How-To: New Lustre network configuration Updating Lustre's network configuration during an upgrade to version 1.4.6. Outline necessary changes to Lustre configuration for the new networking features in v. 1.4.6. Further details may be found in the Lustre manual excerpts found at: https://wiki.clusterfs.com/cfs/intra/FrontPage?action=AttachFile&do=get&target= LustreManual.pdf Backwards Compatibility The 1.4.6 version of Lustre itself uses the same wire protocols as the previous release, but has a different network addressing scheme and a much simpler configuration for routing. In single-network configurations, LNET can be configured to work with the 1.4.5 networking (portals) so that rolling upgrades can be performed on a cluster. See the 'portals_compatibility' parameter below. When 'portals_compatibility' is enabled, old XML configuration files remain compatible. lconf automatically converts old-style network addresses to the new LNET style. If a rolling upgrade is not required (that is, all clients and servers can be stopped at one time), then follow the standard procedure:


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

1. Shut down all clients and servers 2. Install new packages everywhere 3. Edit the Lustre configuration 4. Update the configuration on the MDS with 'lconf --write_conf' 5. Restart New Network Addressing A NID is a Lustre network address. Every node has one NID for each network to which it is attached. The NID has the form [@], where the is the network address and is an identifier for the network. (network type + instance) Examples: First TCP network: Second TCP network: Elan: 2@elan The "--nid '*' " syntax for the generic client is still valid. Modules/modprobe.conf Network hardware and routing are now configured via module parameters, specified in the usual locations. Depending on your kernel version and Linux distribution, this may be /etc/modules.conf, /etc/modprobe.conf, or /etc/modprobe.conf.local. All old Lustre configuration lines should be removed from the module configuration file. The RPM install should do this, but check to be certain. The base module configuration requires two lines: alias lustre llite options lnet networks=tcp0

A full list of options can be found at Module Parameters on page 37. Detailed examples can be found in the section, 'Configuring the Lustre Network'. Some brief examples: Example 1: Use eth1 instead of eth0: options lnet networks="tcp0(eth1)"

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


Example 2: Servers have two tcp networks and one Elan network. Clients are either TCP or Elan. Servers: options lnet 'networks="tcp0(eth0,eth1),elan0" Elan clients: options lnet networks=elan0 TCP clients: options lnet networks=tcp0 Portals Compatibility If you are upgrading Lustre on all clients and servers at the same time, then you may skip this section. If you need to keep the file system running while some clients are upgraded, the following module parameter controls interoperability with pre-1.4.6 Lustre. Compatibility between versions is not possible if you are using portals routers/gateways. If you use gateways, you must update the clients, gateways, and servers at the same time. portals_compatibility="strong"|"weak"|"none" "strong" is compatible with Lustre 1.4.5, and 1.4.6 running in either 'strong' or 'weak' compatibility mode. Since this is the only mode compatible with 1.4.5, all 1.4.6 nodes in the cluster must use "strong" until the last 1.4.5 node has been upgraded. "weak" is not compatible with 1.4.5, or with 1.4.6 running in "none" mode. "none" is not compatible with 1.4.5, or with 1.4.6 running in 'strong' mode. For more information, see Upgrading Lustre on page 117.

Note – Lustre v.1.4.2 through v.1.4.5 clients are only compatible zero-conf mounting from a 1.4.6 MDS if the MDS was originally formatted with Lustre 1.4.5 or earlier. If the file system was formatted with v.1.4.6 on the MDS, or "lconf --write-conf" was run on the MDS then the backward compatibility is lost. It is still possible to mount 1.4.2 through 1.4.5 clients with "lconf --node {client_node} {config}.xml".


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

How to fix bad LAST_ID on an OST The file system must be stopped on all servers prior to performing this procedure. For hex decimal translations: Use GDB: (gdb) p /x 15028 $2 = 0x3ab4

Or bc: echo "obase=16; 15028" | bc

1. Determine a reasonable value for LAST_ID. Check on the MDS: # mount -t ldiskfs /dev/ /mnt/mds # od -Ax -td8 /mnt/mds/lov_objid

There is one entry for each OST, in OST index order. This is what the MDS thinks the last in-use object is. 2. Determine the OST index for this OST. # od -Ax -td4 /mnt/ost/last_rcvd

It will have it at offset 0x8c. 3. Check on the OST. With debugfs, check LAST_ID: debugfs -c -R 'dump /O/0/LAST_ID /tmp/LAST_ID' /dev/XXX ; od -Ax -td8 /tmp/LAST_ID"

4. Check objects on the OST: mount -rt ldiskfs /dev/{ostdev} /mnt/ost # note the ls below is a number one and not a letter L ls -1s /mnt/ost/O/0/d* | grep -v [a-z] | sort -k2 -n > /tmp/objects.{diskname} tail -30 /tmp/objects.{diskname}

This shows you the OST state. There may be some pre-created orphans, check for zero-length objects. Any zero-length objects with IDs higher than LAST_ID should be deleted. New objects will be pre-created. If the OST LAST_ID value matches that for the objects existing on the OST, then it is possible the lov_objid file on the MDS is incorrect. Delete the lov_objid file on the MDS and it will be re-created from the LAST_ID on the OSTs.

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


If you determine the LAST_ID file on the OST is incorrect (that is, it does not match what objects exist, does not match the MDS lov_objid value), then you have decided on a proper value for LAST_ID. Once you have decided on a proper value for LAST_ID, use this repair procedure. 1. Access: mount -t ldiskfs /dev/{ostdev} /mnt/ost

2. Check the current: od -Ax -td8 /mnt/ost/O/0/LAST_ID

3. Be very safe, only work on backups: cp /mnt/ost/O/0/LAST_ID /tmp/LAST_ID

4. Convert binary to text: xxd /tmp/LAST_ID /tmp/LAST_ID.asc

5. Fix: vi /tmp/LAST_ID.asc

6. Convert to binary: xxd -r /tmp/LAST_ID.asc /tmp/LAST_ID.new

7. Verify: od -Ax -td8 /tmp/LAST_ID.new

8. Replace: cp /tmp/LAST_ID.new /mnt/ost/O/0/LAST_ID

9. Clean up: umount /mnt/ost


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Why can't I run an OST and a client on the same machine? Consider the case of a "client" with dirty file system pages in memory and memory pressure. A kernel thread is woken to flush dirty pages to the file system, and it writes to local OST. The OST needs to do an allocation in order to complete the write. The allocation is blocked, waiting for the above kernel thread to complete the write and free up some memory. This is a deadlock. Also, if the node with both a client and OST crash, then the OST waits, during recovery, for the client that was mounted on that node to recover. However, since the client crashed, it is considered a new client to the OST, and is blocked from mounting until recovery completes. As a result, this is currently considered a double failure and recovery cannot complete successfully.

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


Information on the Socket LND (socklnd) protocol Lustre layers the socket LND (socklnd) protocol above TCP/IP. The first message sent on the TCP/IP bytestream is HELLO, which is used to negotiate connection attributes. The protocol version is determined by looking at the first 4+4 bytes of the hello message, which contain a magic number and the protocol version In KSOCK_PROTO_V1, the hello message is an lnet_hdr_t of type LNET_MSG_HELLO, with the dest_nid (Destination Server/Machine) replaced by net_magicversion_t. This is followed by 'payload_length' bytes of IP addresses (each 4 bytes) which list the interfaces that the sending socklnd owns. The whole message is sent in little-endian (LE) byte order. There is no socklnd level V1 protocol after the initial HELLO meaning everything that follows is unencapsulated LNET messages. In KSOCK_PROTO_V2, the hello message is a ksock_hello_msg_t. The whole message is sent in byte order of sender and the bytesex of 'kshm_magic' is used on arrival to determine if the receiver needs to flip. From then on, every message is a ksock_msg_t also sent in the byte order by sender. This either encapsulates an LNET message (ksm_type == KSOCK_MSG_LNET) or is a NOOP. Every message includes zero-copy request and ACK cookies in every message so that a zero-copy sender can determine when the source buffer can be released without resorting to a kernel patch. The NOOP is provided for delivering a zero-copy ACK when there is no LNET message to back it on. Note that socklnd may connect to its peers via a "bundle" of sockets - one for bidirectional "ping-pong" data and the other two for unidirectional bulk data. However the message protocol on every socket is as described earlier.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

Information on the Lustre Networking (LNET) protocol Lustre layers the socket LND (socklnd) protocol above TCP/IP. Every LNET message is an lnet_hdr_t sent in (little-endian (LE) byte order followed by 'payload_length' bytes of opaque payload data. There are four types of messages. ■

PUT - request to send data contained in the payload

ACK - response to a PUT with ack_wmd != LNET_WIRE_HANDLE_NONE

GET - request to fetch data

REPLY - response to a GET with data in the payload

Typically, ACK and GET messages have 0 bytes of payload.

Explanation of: '... previously skipped # similar messages' in Lustre logs Unlike syslog, which occupies exactly identical lines, the space for Lustre messages is occupied if there are bursts of messages from the same line of code, even if they are not sequential. This avoids duplication of the same event from different clients, or in cases where two or more messages are repeated. All messages are kept in the Lustre kernel debug log, so "lctl dk" at that time would show all messages (in case they are not wrapped). Printing a large number of messages to the kernel console can dramatically slow down the system. As this happens with IRQs disabled and for a slow console, it severely impacts overall system performance when there are large number of messages. For example: LustreError: 559:0:(genops.c:1292:obd_export_evict_by_nid()) evicting b155f37b-b426-ccc2-f0a9-bfbf00000000 at adminstrative request LustreError: 559:0:(genops.c:1292:obd_export_evict_by_nid()) previously skipped 2 similar messages

In this case, the 'similar' messages are reported for the exact line of source, without matching the text. Therefore, this is expected output for evictions of more than one client.

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


What should I do if I suspect device corruption (Example: disk errors) Keep these points in mind when trying to recover from device-induced corruption. ■

Stop using the device as soon as possible (if you have a choice). The longer corruption is present on a device, the greater the risk that it will cause further corruption. Normally, ext3 marks the file system read-only if any corruption is detected or if there are I/O errors when reading or writing metadata to the file system. This can only be cleared by shutting down Lustre on the device (use --force or reboot if necessary).

Proceed carefully If you take incorrect action, you can make an otherwise-recoverable situation worse. ext3 has very robust metadata formats and can often recover a large amount of data even when a significant portion of the device is bad.

Keep a log of all actions and output in a safe place. If you perform multiple file system checks and/or actions to repair the file system, save all logs. They may provide valuable insight into problems encountered. Normally, the first thing to do is a read-only file system check, after the Lustre service (MDS or OST) has been stopped. If it is not possible to stop the service, you can run a read-only file system check when the device is in use. If running a file system check while the device is in use, e2fsck cannot always coordinate data gathered at the start of the run with data gathered later in the run and will report incorrect file system errors. The number of errors is dependent upon the length of check (approximately equal to the device size) and the load on the file system. In this situation, you should run e2fsck multiple times on the device and look for errors that are persistent across runs, and ignore transient errors. To run a read-only file system check, we recommend that you use the latest e2fsck, available at http://www.sun.com/software/products/lustre/get.jsp. On the system with the suspected bad device (in the example below, /dev/sda is used), run: [root@mds]# script /root/e2fsck-1.sda Script started, file is /root/e2fsck-1.sda [root@mds]# e2fsck -fn /dev/sda e2fsck 1.35-lfck8 (05-Feb-2005) Warning: skipping journal recovery because doing a read-only filesystem check Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes [root@mds]# exit Script done, file is /tmp/foo


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

In many cases, the extent of corruption is small (some unlinked files or directories, or perhaps some parts of an inode table have been wiped out). If there are serious file system problems, e2fsck may need to use a backup superblock (reports if it does). This causes all of the "group summary" information to be incorrect. In and of itself, this is not a serious error as this information is redundant and e2fsck can reconstruct this data. If the primary superblock is not valid, then there is some corruption at the start of the device and some amount of data may be lost. The data is somewhat protected from beginning-of-device corruption (which is one of the more common cases) because of the large journal placed at the start of the file system. The amount of time taken to run such a check is usually 4 hours for a 1 TB MDS device or a 2 TB OST device, but varies with the number of files and the amount of data in the file system. If there are severe problems with the file system, it can take 8-12 hours to complete the check. Depending on the type of corruption, it is sometimes helpful to use debugfs to examine the file system directly and learn more about the corruption. [root@mds]# script /root/debugfs.sda [root@mds]# debugfs /dev/sda

debugfs 1.35-lfsk8 (05-Feb-2005) debugfs> stats

{shows superblock and group summary information} debugfs> ls

{shows directory listing} debugfs> stat

{shows inode information for inode number } debugfs> stat name

{shows inode information for inode "name"} debugfs> cd dir

{change into directory "dir", "ROOT" is start of Lustre-visible namespace} debugfs> quit

Once you have assessed the damage (possibly with the assistance of Lustre Support, depending on the nature of the corruption), then fixing it is the next step. Often, it is prudent to make a backup of the file system metadata (time and space permitting) in case there is a problem or if it is unclear whether e2fsck will make the correct action (in most cases it will). To make a metadata backup, run: [root@mds]# e2image /dev/sda /bigplace/sda.e2image

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


In most cases, running e2fsck -fp $device will fix most types of corruption. The e2fsck program has been used for many years and has been tested with a huge number of different corruption scenarios. If you suspect serious corruption, or do not expect e2fsck to fix the problem, then consider running a manual check, e2fsck -f $device. The limitation of the manual check is that it is interactive and can be quite lengthy if there are a lot of problems.

How do I clean up a device with lctl? 1. Run: lconf --cleanup --force

2. If that does not work, then start lctl (if it is not already started). 3. Then starting with the highest-numbered device and working backward, clean up each device. root# lctl> lctl> lctl> lctl> lctl> lctl> lctl> lctl> lctl>

clctl cfg_device ost003_s1_client cleanup force detach cfg_device OSS cleanup force detach cfg_device ost003_s1 cleanup force detach

At this point, you should be possible to unload the Lustre modules.

What is the default block size for Lustre? The on-disk block size for Lustre is 4 KB (same as ext3). Nevertheless, Lustre goes to great lengths to do 1 MB reads and writes to the disk, as large requests are a key to getting very high performance.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

How do I determine which Lustre server (MDS/OST) was connected to a particular storage device In instances when the hardware configuration has changed (e.g., moving equipment and re-connecting it), it is important to connect the right storage devices to the associated Lustre servers. Lustre writes a UUID to every OST and MDS. To view this information: 1. Mount the storage device as ldiskfs mount -t ldiskfs /dev/foo /mnt/tmp

2. Inspect the contents of the last_rcvd file in the root directory strings /mnt/tmp/last_rcvd

The MDS/OST UUID is the first element in the last_rcvd file and is in a human readable form (e.g. mds1_UUID). 3. Unmount the storage device and connect it to the appropriate Lustre server. umount /mnt/tmp

Note – It is not possible to mismatch storage devices with their Lustre servers. If Lustre tries to mount such devices incorrectly, it would report a UUID mismatch to the syslog and refuse to mount.

Does the mount option "--bind" allow mounting a Lustre file system to multiple directories on the same client system? Yes, this is supported. In fact, it is entirely handled by the VFS. No special file system support is required.

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


What operations take place in Lustre when a new file is created? This is a high level description of what operations take place in Lustre when a new file is created. It corresponds to Lustre version 1.4.5. ■

On the Lustre client:

1. Create (/path/file, mode). 2. For every component in path, execute IT_LOOKUP intent (LDLM_ENQUEUE RPC) to MDS. 3. Execute IT_OPEN intent (LDLM_ENQUEUE RPC) to MDS. ■

On the MDS:

1. Lock the parent directory. 2. Create the file. 3. Setattr on the file to set desired owner/mode. 4. Setattr on parent to update ATIME/CTIME. 5. Determine the default striping pattern. 6. Set the file's extended attribute to the desired stripping pattern. 7. For every OST that this file will have stripes on, see if there is a spare. 8. Assign precreated objects (if any) to the file. 9. Update the extended attribute holding OST oids. 10. Reply to client with no lock in reply.


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

On the journal: ext3 journaling is asynchronous unless a handle specifically requests a synchronous operation. file system-modifying operations on the MDS that make up a single file create operation are: ■

Allocate inode (inode bitmap, group descriptor, new inode)

Create directory entry (directory block, parent inode for timestamps)

Update lov_objids file (Lustre file)

Update last_rcvd file (Lustre file)

For a single inode, each of the above items dirties a single block in the journal (7 blocks = 28 KB in total). When many new files are created at one time, dirty blocks are merged in the journal, because each block needs to be dirtied only once per transaction (5s or 1/4 of full journal, whichever occurs earlier). For 1,000 files created in a single directory, this works out to 516 KB, if they are all created within the same transaction. In 2.6 kernels it is possible to tune the ext3 journal commit interval with "-o commit={seconds}". This may be desirable for performance testing. ext3 code reserves a lot more blocks (about 70) for worst-case scenarios (e.g., growing a directory which also results in a split of the directory index, quota updates, adding new indirect blocks for each of the Lustre files modified). These are returned to the journal when the transaction is complete; most are returned unused. To avoid spurious journal commits due to these temporary reservations, calculate the journal size based on this formula (assuming a default of 32 MDS threads): 70 blocks/thread * 32 threads * 4 KB/block * 4 = 35840 KB

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base


What is the Lustre data path? On the OST, data is read directly from the disk into pre-allocated network I/O buffers, in chunks up to 1 MB in size. This data is sent (zero-copy where possible) to the clients, where it is put (again, zero-copy where possible) into the file's data mapping. The clients maintain local writeback and readahead caches for Lustre. On the OST, the file system metadata such as inodes, bitmaps and file allocation information is cached in RAM (up to the maximum amount that the kernel allows). No user data is currently cached on the OST. In cases where only few files are read by many clients, it makes sense to use a RAID device with a lot of local RAM cache so that the multiple read requests can skip the disk access. The networking code bundles up page requests into a maximum of 1 MB in a single RPC to minimize overhead. In each client OSC, this is controlled by the /proc/fs/lustre/osc/*/max_pages_per_rpc field. The size of the writeback cache can be tuned via /proc/fs/lustre/osc/*/max_dirty_mb. The size of the readahead can be tuned via /proc/fs/lustre/llite/max_read_ahead_mb. Total client side cache usage can be limited via /proc/fs/lustre/llite/max_cached_mb.

Questions about using Lustre quotas This section covers various aspects of using Lustre quotas. When I enable quotas with lfs quotaon, will it automatically set default quotas for all users or do I have to set them for each user/group individually? In that case, the default limit will be 0, which means no limit. What happens if a user/group has already more files/disk usage than his quotas allows? Given that it will be 0 initially, no users will be over quotas. To preempt the next question, if a user has a limit set that is less than his existing usage, he will simply start to get -EDQUOT errors on subsequent attempts to write data. We only want group quotas, do we have to enable user quotas as well? We do not know of any particular failure if only group quotas are enabled, but the more your use cases match our testing then the better off you will be. For user quotas, even if you do not want to enforce limits, you can enable quotas but not set any limits. Doing this makes future operation of enabling limits on users easier (when/if you decide to) as usage will already be tracked and accounted for (saving you the need to do that initial accounting). It also provides you with a means to quickly assess how much space is being consumed on a userby-user basis. B-36

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

When mounting an MDT filesystm, the kernel crashes. What do I do? On Lustre versions prior to 1.6.5, use this procedure: 1. Try to mount the file system with o abort_recovery as an option. 2. If this does not work, try to mount the file system as -t ldiskfs. mount -t ldiskfs

3. If that works, try to truncate the last_rcvd file. mount -t ldiskfs /dev/MDSDEV /mnt/mds cp /mnt/mds/last_rcvd /mnt/mds/last_rcvd.sav cp /mnt/mds/last_rcvd /tmp/last_rcvd.sav dd if=/mnt/mds/last_rcvd.sav of=/mnt/mds/last_rcvd bs=8k count=1 umount /mnt/mds mount -t lustre /dev/MSDDEV /mnt/mds

Lustre version 1.6.5 and later should not encounter this problem.

How do I determine which Ethernet interfaces Lustre uses? Use the lctl list_nids command to show the interfaces that Lustre is using. Keep in mind that when socklnd bonding is used (e.g., networks="tcp0(eth0,eth1)"), the LNET NID only picks up the IP address of the first interface in the network’s specification (e.g., the IP address of eth0@tcp), despite LNET trying to make use of both interfaces. Moreover, the Ethernet interface in use is solely determined by the Linux IP routing. For example, if you have two Ethernet interfaces (eth0 and eth1), and you direct LNET to use eth0 only (e.g. networks="tcp(eth0)"), traffic can still use eth1 if Linux IP routing selects it because of misconfigured routing (both interfaces are in the same IP network, the routing table entry for eth1 comes first or by mistake).

Appendix B

Lustre Knowledge Base



Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


A ACL Administrative OST failure

Access Control List - An extended attribute associated with a file which contains authorization directives. A configuration directive given to a cluster to declare that an OST has failed, so errors can be immediately returned.


Cluster File Systems, Inc., a United States corporation founded in 2001 by Peter J. Braam to develop, maintain and support Lustre.


Clustered metadata, a collection of metadata targets implementing a single file system namespace.


Cache Management OBD. A special device which implements remote cache flushed and migration among devices.


Collaborative Cache

Caching OBD. A driver which decides when to use a proxy or a locally-running cache and when to go to a master server. Formerly, this abbreviation was used for the term ‘collaborative cache’. A read cache instantiated on nodes that can be clients or dedicated systems. It enables client-to-client data transfer, thereby enabling enormous scalability benefits for mostly read-only situations. A collaborative cache is not currently implemented in Lustre.


Completion Callback Configlog Configuration Lock

An RPC made by an OST or MDT to another system, usually a client, to indicate that the lock request is now granted. An llog file used in a node, or retrieved from a management server over the network with configuration instructions for Lustre systems at startup time. A lock held by every node in the cluster to control configuration changes. When callbacks are received, the nodes quiesce their traffic, cancel the lock and await configuration changes after which they reacquire the lock before resuming normal operation.

D Default stripe pattern

Information in the LOV descriptor that describes the default stripe count used for new files in a file system. This can be amended by using a directory stripe descriptor or a per-file stripe descriptor.

Direct I/O

A mechanism which can be used during read and write system calls. It bypasses the kernel. I/O cache to memory copy of data between kernel and application memory address spaces.

Directory stripe descriptor

An extended attribute that describes the default stripe pattern for files underneath that directory.


Extended Attribute. A small amount of data which can be retrieved through a name associated with a particular inode. Lustre uses EAa to store striping information (location of file data on OSTs). Examples of extended attributes are ACLs, striping information, and crypto keys.


The process of eliminating server state for a client that is not returning to the cluster after a timeout or if server failures have occurred.

Export Extent Lock


The state held by a server for a client that is sufficient to transparently recover all in-flight operations when a single failure occurs. A lock used by the OSC to protect an extent in a storage object for concurrent control of read/write, file size acquisition and truncation operations.

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

F Failback Failout OST



The failover process in which the default active server regains control over the service. An OST which is not expected to recover if it fails to answer client requests. A failout OST can be administratively failed, thereby enabling clients to return errors when accessing data on the failed OST without making additional network requests. The process by which a standby computer server system takes over for an active computer server after a failure of the active node. Typically, the standby computer server gains exclusive access to a shared storage device between the two servers. Lustre File Identifier. A collection of integers which uniquely identify a file or object. The FID structure contains a sequence, identity and version number.


A group of files that are defined through a directory that represents a file system’s start point.


FID Location Database. This database maps a sequence of FIDs to a server which is managing the objects in the sequence.

Flight Group

Group or I/O transfer operations initiated in the OSC, which is simultaneously going between two endpoints. Tuning the flight group size correctly leads to a full pipe.

G Glimpse callback

An RPC made by an OST or MDT to another system, usually a client, to indicate to tthat an extent lock it is holding should be surrendered if it is not in use. If the system is using the lock, then the system should report the object size in the reply to the glimpse callback. Glimpses are introduced to optimize the acquisition of file sizes.


Global Namespace. A GNS enables clients to access files without knowing their location. It also enables an administrator to aggregate file storage across distributed storage devices and manage it as a single file system.

Group Lock Group upcall



Group Sweeping Scheduling. A disk sched uling strategy in which requests are served in cycles, in a round-robin manner.

I Import Intent Lock


The state held by a client to fully recover a transaction sequence after a server failure and restart. A special locking operation introduced by Lustre into the Linux kernel. An intent lock combines a request for a lock, with the full information to perform the operation(s) for which the lock was requested. This offers the server the option of granting the lock or performing the operation and informing the client of the operation result without granting a lock. The use of intent locks enables metadata operations (even complicated ones), to be implemented with a single RPC from the client to the server. I/O vector. A buffer destined for transport across the network which contains a collection (a/k/a as a vector) of blocks with data.

J Join File

K Kerberos

An authentication mechanism, optionally available in Lustre 1.8 as a GSS backend.




Lustre RAID. A mechanism whereby the LOV stripes I/O over a number of OSTs with redundancy. This functionality is expected to be introduced in Lustre 2.0.


A bug that Lustre writes into a log indicating a serious system failure.

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

LDLM lfind lfs lfsck


Lustre Distributed Lock Manager. A subcommand of lfs to find inodes associated with objects. A Lustre file system utility named after fs (AFS), cfs (CODA), and lfs (Intermezzo). Lustre File System Check. A distributed version of a disk file system checker. Normally, lfsck does not need to be run, except when file systems are damaged through multiple disk failures and other means that cannot be recovered using file system journal recovery. Lustre library. A user-mode Lustre client linked into a user program for Lustre fs access. liblustre clients cache no data, do not need to give back locks on time, and can recover safely from an eviction. They should not participate in recovery.


Lustre lite. This term is in use inside the code and module names to indicate that code elements are related to the Lustre file system.


Lustre log. A log of entries used internally by Lustre. An llog is suitable for rapid transactional appends of records and cheap cancellation of records through a bitmap.

Llog Catalog

Lustre log catalog. An llog with records that each point at an llog. Catalogs were introduced to give llogs almost infinite size. llogs have an originator which writes records and a replicator which cancels record (usually through an RPC), when the records are not needed.


Logical Metadata Volume. A driver to abstract in the Lustre client that it is working with a metadata cluster instead of a single metadata server.


Lustre Network Driver. A code module that enables LNET support over a particular transport, such as TCP and various kinds of InfiniBand, Elan or Myrinet.


Lustre Networking. A message passing network protocol capable of running and routing through various physical layers. LNET forms the underpinning of LNETrpc.


An RPC protocol layered on LNET. This protocol deals with stateful servers and has exactly-once semantics and built in support for recovery.

Load-balancing MDSs

A cluster of MDSs that perform load balancing of on system requests.

Lock Client

A module that makes lock RPCs to a lock server and handles revocations from the server.

Lock Server

A system that manages locks on certain objects. It also issues lock callback requests, calls while servicing or, for objects that are already locked, completes lock requests.



LOV descriptor Lustre

Lustre client

Logical Object Volume. The object storage analog of a logical volume in a block device volume management system, such as LVM or EVMS. The LOV is primarily used to present a collection of OSTs as a single device to the MDT and client file system drivers. A set of configuration directives which describes which nodes are OSS systems in the Lustre cluster, providing names for their OSTs. The name of the project chosen by Peter Braam in 1999 for an object-based storage architecture. Now the name is commonly associated with the Lustre file system. An operating instance with a mounted Lustre file system.

Lustre file

A file in the Lustre file system. The implementation of a Lustre file is through an inode on a metadata server which contains references to a storage object on OSSs.

Lustre lite

A preliminary version of Lustre developed for LLNL in 2002. With the release of Lustre 1.0 in late 2003, Lustre Lite became obsolete.


A library that provides an interface between Lustre OSD and MDD drivers and file systems; this avoids introducing file system-specific abstractions into the OSD and MDD drivers.

M Mballoc

An operating instance with a mounted Lustre file system.


An operating instance with a mounted Lustre file system.


An operating instance with a mounted Lustre file system.


An operating instance with a mounted Lustre file system.

MDS client

Same as MDC.

MDS server

Same as MDS.

MDT Metadata Write-back Cache


Metadata Target. A metadata device made available through the Lustre meta-data network protocol. A cache of metadata updates (mkdir, create, setattr, other operations) which an application has performed, but ave not yet been flushed to a storage device or server. InterMezzo is one of the first network file systems to have a metadata write-back cache.

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Management Service. A software module that manages the startup configuration and changes to the configuration. Also, the server node on which this system runs.

Mount object Mountconf

The Lustre configuration protocol (introduced in version 1.6) which formats disk file systems on servers with the mkfs.lustre program, and prepares them for automatic incorporation into a Lustre cluster.


An older, obsolete term for LND.


Network Identifier. Encodes the type, network number and network address of a network interface on a node for use by Lustre.


A subset of the LNET RPC module that implements a library for sending large network requests, moving buffers with RDMA.


Object Device. The base class of layering software constructs that provides Lustre functionality.


See Storage Object API.

OBD type

Module that can implement the Lustre object or metadata APIs. Examples of OBD types include the LOV, OSC and OSD.


An older name for the OSD device driver.

OBDFS Object device Object storage

Object Based File System. A now obsolete single node object file system that stores data and metadata on object devices. An instance of an object that exports the OBD API. Refers to a storage-device API or protocol involving storage objects. The two most well known instances of object storage are the T10 iSCSI storage object protocol and the Lustre object storage protocol (a network implementation of the Lustre object API). The principal difference between the Lustre and T10 protocols is that Lustre includes locking and recovery control in the protocol and is not tied to a SCSI transport layer.



A cache of open file handles. This is a performance enhancement for NFS.

Orphan objects

Storage objects for which there is no Lustre file pointing at them. Orphan objects can arise from crashes and are automatically removed by an llog recovery. When a client deletes a file, the MDT gives back a cookie for each stripe. The client then sends the cookie and directs the OST to delete the stripe. Finally, the OST sends the cookie back to the MDT to cancel it.

Orphan handling

A component of the metadata service which allows for recovery of open, unlinked files after a server crash. The implementation of this feature retains open, unlinked files as orphan objects until it is determined that no clients are using them.


Object Storage Client. The client unit talking to an OST (via an OSS).


Object Storage Device. A generic, industry term for storage devices with more extended interface than block-oriented devices, such as disks. Lustre uses this name to describe to a software module that implements an object storage API in the kernel. Lustre also uses this name to refer to an instance of an object storage device created by that driver. The OSD device is layered on a file system, with methods that mimic create, destroy and I/O operations on file inodes.


Object Storage Server). A system that runs an object storage service software stack.


Object Storage Server. A server OBD that provides access to local OSTs.


Object Storage Target). An OSD made accessible through a network protocol. Typically, an OST is associated with a unique OSD which, in turn is associated with a formatted disk file system on the server containing the storage objects.

P Pdirops pool


A locking protocol introduced in the VFS by CFS to allow for concurrent operations on a single directory inode. A group of OSTs can be combined into a pool with unique access permissions and stripe characteristics. Each OST is a member of only one pool, while an MDT can serve files from multiple pools. A client accesses one pool on the the file system; the MDT stores files from / for that client only on that pool's OSTs.

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


A concept used by LNET. LNET messages are sent to a portal on a NID. Portals can receive packets when a memory descriptor is attached to the portal. Portals are implemented as integers. Examples of portals are the portals on which certain groups of object, metadata, configuration and locking requests and replies are received.


An older term for LNETrpc.

R Raw operations

VFS operations introduced by Lustre to implement operations such as mkdir, rmdir, link, rename with a single RPC to the server. Other file systems would typically use more operations. The expense of the raw operation is omitting the update of client namespace caches after obtaining a successful result.

Remote user handling Reply

Re-sent request Revocation Callback Rollback Root squash

routing RPC

The concept of re-executing a server request after the server lost information in its memory caches and shut down. The replay requests are retained by clients until the server(s) have confirmed that the data is persistent on disk. Only requests for which a client has received a reply are replayed. A request that has seen no reply can be re-sent after a server reboot. An RPC made by an OST or MDT to another system, usually a client, to revoke a granted lock. The concept that server state is in a crash lost because it was cached in memory and not yet persistent on disk. A mechanism whereby the identity of a root user on a client system is mapped to a different identity on the server to avoid root users on clients gaining broad permissions on servers. Typically, for management purposes, at least one client system should not be subject to root squash. LNET routing between different networks and LNDs. Remote Procedure Call. A network encoding of a request.


S Storage Object API

Storage Objects Stride Stride size Stripe count Striping metadata

The API that manipulates storage objects. This API is richer than that of block devices and includes the create/delete of storage objects, read/write of buffers from and to certain offsets, set attributes and other storage object metadata. A generic concept referring to data containers, similar/identical to file inodes. A contiguous, logical extent of a Lustre file written to a single OST. The maximum size of a stride, typically 4 MB. The number of OSTs holding objects for a RAID0-striped Lustre file. The extended attribute associated with a file that describes how its data is distributed over storage objects. See also default stripe pattern.

T T10 object protocol


An object storage protocol tied to the SCSI transport layer.

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W Wide striping

Strategy of using many OSTs to store stripes of a single file. This obtains maximum bandwidth to a single file through parallel utilization of many OSTs.

Z zeroconf

A method to start a client without an XML file. The mount command gets a client startup llog from a specified MDS. This is an obsolete method in Lustre 1.6 and later.



Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009


Numerics 1.6 utilities, 32-16

A access control list (ACL), 26-1 ACL, using, 26-1 ACLs examples, 26-3 Lustre support, 26-2 active / active configuration, failover, 8-7 adaptive timeouts, 22-5 configuring, 22-6 interpreting, 22-8 adding multiple LUNs on a single HBA, 27-5 allocating quotas, 9-6

B backing up MDS file, 15-3 OST file, 15-4 backup device-level, 15-2 file-level, 15-2 filesystem-level, 15-1 backup and restore, 15-1 benchmark Bonnie++, 17-2 IOR, 17-3 IOzone, 17-5 bonding, 13-1 configuring Lustre, 13-11 module parameters, 13-5

references, 13-11 requirements, 13-2 setting up, 13-5 bonding NICs, 13-4 Bonnie++ benchmark, 17-2 building, 14-2 building a kernel, 3-12 building the Lustre SNMP module, 14-2

C client read/write extents survey, 22-16 offset survey, 22-15 command lfsck, 28-11 mount, 28-21 command lfs, 28-2 complicated configurations, multihomed servers, 71 configuration module setup, 4-9 configuration example, Lustre, 4-4 configuration, more complex failover, 4-21 configuring adaptive timeouts, 22-6 root squash, 26-4 configuring Lustre, 4-2 COW I/O, 18-14


D DDN tuning, 20-7 setting maxcmds, 20-10 setting readahead and MF, 20-8 setting segment size, 20-9 setting write-back cache, 20-9 debugging adding debugging to source code, 23-11 controlling the kernel debug log, 23-7 daemon, 23-5 debugging in UML, 23-12 finding Lustre UUID of an OST, 23-15 finding memory leaks, 23-9 lctl tool, 23-8 looking at disk content, 23-14 messages, 23-2 printing to /var/log/messages, 23-10 Ptlrpc request history, 23-15 sample lctl run, 23-10 tcpdump, 23-15 tools, 23-4 tracing lock traffic, 23-10 debugging tools, 3-4 designing a Lustre network, 2-3 device-level backup, 15-2 device-level restore, 15-4 DIRECT I/O, 18-14 Directory statahead, using, 22-19 downgrade filesystem, 14-11 requirements, 14-11

E Elan (Quadrics Elan), 2-2 Elan to TCP routing modprobe.conf, 7-5, 7-6 start clients, 7-5, 7-7 start servers, 7-5, 7-6 end-to-end client checksums, 25-11 error messages, 21-5

F failover, 8-1 active / active configuration, 8-7 configuring, 4-21 configuring MDS and OSTs, 8-6 connection handling, 8-4 Index-2

Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

hardware requirements, 8-8 Heartbeat, 8-4 MDS, 8-6 OST, 8-6 power equipment, 8-3 power management software, 8-3 role of nodes, 8-5 setup with Heartbeat V1, 8-9 setup with Heartbeat V2, 8-17 software, considerations, 8-22 starting / stopping a resource, 8-7 failover, Heartbeat V1 configuring Heartbeat, 8-10 installing software, 8-9 failover, Heartbeat V2 configuring hardware, 8-18 installing software, 8-17 operating, 8-21 file formats, quotas, 9-11 File readahead, using, 22-19 file striping, 25-1 file-level backup, 15-2 filesystem name, 4-11 filesystem-level backup, 15-1 flock utility, 32-20 free space querying, 24-2 free space management adjusting weighting between free space and location, 25-9 round-robin allocator, 25-9 weighted allocator, 25-9

G GID, 3-5 GM and MX (Myrinet), 2-2 group ID (GID), 3-5

H handling timeouts, 28-22 HBA, adding SCSI LUNs, 27-5 Heartbeat configuration with STONITH, 8-13 without STONITH, 8-10 Heartbeat V1, failover setup, 8-9

Heartbeat V2, failover setup, 8-17

I I/O options end-to-end client checksums, 25-11 I/O tunables, 22-12 improving Lustre metadata performance with large directories, 27-6 Infinicon InfiniBand (iib), 2-2 installing, 14-2 POSIX, 16-2 installing Lustre, required software debugging tools, 3-4 installing the Lustre SNMP module, 14-2 interoperability, lustre, 14-1 interpreting adaptive timeouts, 22-8 IOR benchmark, 17-3 IOzone benchmark, 17-5

K Kerberos Lustre setup, 11-2 Lustre-Kerberos flavors, 11-11 kernel building, 3-12

L lctl, 32-8 lustre-.rpm, 3-3 lctl tool, 23-8 lfs lustre-.rpm, 3-3 lfs command, 28-2 lfs getstripe display files and directories, 25-4 setting file layouts, 25-6 lfsck command, 28-11 llog_reader utility, 32-19 llstat.sh utility, 32-18 LND, 2-1 LNET routers, 2-11 starting, 2-13 loadgen utility, 32-19

locking proc entries, 22-25 lockless tunables, 20-14 logs, 21-5 lr_reader utility, 32-19 LUNs, adding, 27-5 Lustre administration, abort recovery, 4-20 administration, changing a server NID, 4-19 administration, failout mode for an OST, 4-15 administration, filesystem name, 4-11 administration, finding nodes in the filesystem, 4-14 administration, removing an OST, 4-18 administration, running multiple Lustre filesystems, 4-16 administration, start a server without Lustre service, 4-15 administration, starting a server, 4-12 administration, working with inactive OSTs, 413 adminstration, running the writeconf command, 4-17 adminstration, stopping a server, 4-13 configuration example, 4-4 configuring, 4-2 memory requirements, 3-6 operational scenarios, 4-22 recovering, 19-1 lustre downgrading, 14-1 interoperability, 14-1 upgrading, 14-1 Lustre client node, 1-6 Lustre I/O kit downloading, 18-2 obdfilter_survey tool, 18-5 ost_survey tool, 18-11 PIOS I/O modes, 18-14 PIOS tool, 18-12 prerequisites to using, 18-2 running tests, 18-2 sgpdd_survey tool, 18-3 Lustre Network Driver (LND), 2-1 Lustre SNMP module, 14-2, 14-3 lustre-.rpm lctl, 3-3 lfs, 3-3


mkfs.lustre, 3-3 mount.lustre, 3-3 lustre_config.sh utility, 32-17 lustre_createcsv.sh utility, 32-17 lustre_req_history.sh utility, 32-18 lustre_up14.sh utility, 32-17

M man1 lfs, 28-2 lfsck, 28-11 mount, 28-21 man3 user/group cache upcall, 29-1 man5 LNET options, 31-3 module options, 31-2 MX LND, 31-20 OpenIB LND, 31-14 Portals LND (Catamount), 31-18 Portals LND (Linux), 31-15 QSW LND, 31-10 RapidArray LND, 31-11 VIB LND, 31-12 man8 extents_stats utility extents_stats utility, 32-18 lctl, 32-8 llog_reader utility, 32-19 llstat.sh, 32-18 loadgen utility, 32-19 lr_reader utility, 32-19 lustre_config.sh, 32-17 lustre_createcsv.sh utility, 32-17 lustre_req_history.sh, 32-18 lustre_up14.sh utility, 32-17 mkfs.lustre, 32-2 mount.lustre, 32-13 offset_stats utility, 32-19 plot-llstat.sh, 32-18 tunefs.lustre, 32-5 vfs_ops_stats utility vfs_ops_stats utility, 32-18 Management Server (MGS), 1-6 mballoc history, 22-21 mballoc3 tunables, 22-23 MDS


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

failover, 8-6 failover configuration, 8-6 memory, determining, 3-6 MDS file, backing up, 15-3 MDT, 1-5 MDT/OST formatting overriding default formatting options, 20-6 planning for inodes, 20-5 sizing the MDT, 20-5 Mellanox-Gold InfiniBand, 2-2 memory requirements, 3-6 Metadata Target (MDT), 1-5 MGS, 1-6 mkfs.lustre, 32-2 lustre-.rpm, 3-3 MMP, using, 8-16 mod5 SOCKLND kernel TCP/IP LND, 31-8 modprobe.conf, 7-1, 7-5, 7-6 module setup, 4-9 mount command, 28-21 mount.lustre, 32-13 lustre-.rpm, 3-3 multihomed server Lustre complicated configurations, 7-1 modprobe.conf, 7-1 start clients, 7-4 start server, 7-3 multiple mount protection, see MMP, 8-16 multiple NICs, 13-4 MX LND, 31-20 Myrinet, 2-2

N network bonding, 13-1 networks, supported Elan (Quadrics Elan), 2-2 GM and MX (Myrinet), 2-2 iib (Infinicon InfiniBand), 2-2 o2ib (OFED), 2-2 openlib (Mellanox-Gold InfiniBand), 2-2 ra (RapidArray), 2-2 vib (Voltaire InfiniBand), 2-2 NIC bonding, 13-4

multiple, 13-4 NID, server, changing, 4-19 node active / active, 8-5 active / passive, 8-5

O o2ib (OFED), 2-2 obdfilter_survey tool, 18-5 Object Storage Target (OST), 1-5 OFED, 2-2 offset_stats utility, 32-19 OpenIB LND, 31-14 openlib (Mellanox-Gold InfiniBand), 2-2 operating tips data migration script, simple, 27-3 Operational scenarios, 4-22 OSS memory, requirements, 3-7 OST, 1-5 failover, 8-6 failover configuration, 8-6 OST block I/O stream, watching, 22-18 OST file, backing up, 15-4 OST, removing, 4-18 ost_survey tool, 18-11

P performance tips, 21-7 performing direct I/O, 25-10 PIOS examples, 18-18 PIOS I/O mode COW I/O, 18-14 DIRECT I/O, 18-14 POSIX I/O, 18-14 PIOS I/O modes, 18-14 PIOS parameter ChunkSize(c), 18-15 Offset(o), 18-16 RegionCount(n), 18-15 RegionSize(s), 18-15 ThreadCount(t), 18-15 PIOS tool, 18-12 plot-llstat.sh utility, 32-18

Portals LND Catamount, 31-18 Linux, 31-15 POSIX debugging, VSX_DBUG_FILE=output_file, 16-5 debugging, VSX_DBUG_FLAGS=xxxxx, 16-5 installing, 16-2 running tests against Lustre, 16-4 POSIX I/O, 18-14 power equipment, 8-3 power management software, 8-3 proc entries debug support, 22-26 introduction, 22-2 locking, 22-25

Q QSW LND, 31-10 Quadrics Elan, 2-2 querying filesystem space, 24-2 quota limits, 9-11 quota statistics, 9-12 quotas administering, 9-4 allocating, 9-6 creating files, 9-4 enabling, 9-2 file formats, 9-11 granted cache, 9-10 known issues, 9-10 limits, 9-11 resetting, 9-6 statistics, 9-12 working with, 9-1

R ra (RapidArray), 2-2 RAID considerations for backend storage, 10-1 selecting storage for the MDS and OSS, 10-1 RapidArray, 2-2 RapidArray LND, 31-11 readahead, tuning, 22-19 recovering Lustre, 19-1 recovery mode, failure types client failure, 19-2


MDS failure/failover, 19-3 network partition, 19-4 OST failure, 19-3 recovery, aborting, 4-20 resetting quota, 9-6 restore device-level, 15-4 root squash configuring, 26-4 tips, 26-6 tuning, 26-4 root squash, using, 26-4 round-robin allocator, 25-9 routers, LNET, 2-11 routing, elan to TCP, 7-5 RPC stream tunables, 22-12 RPC stream, watching, 22-14 running a client and OST on the same machine, 27-5

S server starting, 4-12 stopping, 4-13 server NID, changing, 4-19 setting maxcmds, 20-10 readahead and MF, 20-8 SCSI I/O sizes, 21-22 segment size, 20-9 write-back cache, 20-9 sgpdd_survey tool, 18-3 simple configuration CSV file, configuring Lustre, 6-4 network, combined MGS/MDT, 6-1 network, separate MGS/MDT, 6-3 TCP network, Lustre simple configurations, 6-1 SOCKLND kernel TCP/IP LND, 31-8 starting LNET, 2-13 statahead, tuning, 22-20 striping advantages, 25-2 disadvantages, 25-3 lfs getstripe, display files and directories, 25-4 lfs getstripe, set file layout, 25-6 size, 25-3


Lustre 1.6 Operations Manual • May 2009

supported networks Elan (Quadrics Elan), 2-2 GM and MX (Myrinet), 2-2 iib (Infinicon InfiniBand), 2-2 o2ib (OFED), 2-2 openlib (Mellanox-Gold InfiniBand), 2-2 ra (RapidArray), 2-2 vib (Voltaire InfiniBand), 2-2

T timeouts, handling, 28-22 tips root squash, 26-6 Troubleshooting number of OSTs needed for sustained throughput, 21-22 troubleshooting changing parameters, 21-12 consideration in connecting a SAN with Lustre, 21-15 default striping, 21-14 drawbacks in doing multi-client O_APPEND writes, 21-21 erasing a file system, 21-14 error messages, 21-5 handling timeouts on initial Lustre setup, 21-19 handling/debugging "bind address already in use" error, 21-16 handling/debugging "Lustre Error xxx went back in time", 21-20 handling/debugging error "28", 21-17 identifying a missing OST, 21-10 log message ’out of memory’ on OST, 21-21 logs, 21-5 Lustre Error "slow start_page_write", 21-20 OST object missing or damaged, 21-8 OSTs become read-only, 21-10 reclaiming reserved disk space, 21-15 replacing an existing OST or MDS, 21-17 setting SCSI I/O sizes, 21-22 slowdown occurs during Lustre startup, 21-21 triggering watchdog for PID NNN, 21-18 viewing parameters, 21-13 write performance better than read performance, 21-8 tunables RPC stream, 22-12

tunables, lockless, 20-14 tunefs.lustre, 32-5 Tuning directory statahead, 22-20 file readahead, 22-19 tuning DDN, 20-7 formatting the MDT and OST, 20-5 large-scale, 20-12 LNET tunables, 20-4 module options, 20-1 module threads, 20-3 root squash, 26-4

U UID, 3-5 upgrade multiple filesystems (shared MGS), 14-7 single filesystem, 14-4 supported paths, 14-3 upgrading starting clients, 14-4 user ID (UID), 3-5 using, 14-3 quotas, 24-4 using the Lustre SNMP module, 14-3 using usocklnd, 2-7 usocklng, using, 2-7 utilities new, v1.6, 32-16

V VIB LND, 31-12 Voltaire InfiniBand (vib), 2-2 VSX_DBUG_FILE=output_file, 16-5 VSX_DBUG_FLAGS=xxxxx, 16-5

W weighted allocator, 25-9 weighting, adjusting between free space and location, 25-9 writeconf, 4-17



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