50+ Friendship Quotes for Girls Only Best Friends Will Understand (2024)

Friendship islike awarm cup oftea onachilly day—comforting, familiar, and oh-so-nourishing. It’s those late-night giggles, secret-sharing sessions, and the unwritten pact tobeeach other’s ride-or-die. Whether you’re sipping chai inMumbai orsavoring matcha inKyoto, true friendship transcends borders, cultures, and time zones.

So, let’s celebrate the magic offriendship with 50+heartwarming friendship quotes for girls that capture the essence ofthose bonds forged over laughter, tears, and countless inside jokes.

  • «Areal friend isone who walks inwhen the rest ofthe world walks out.»— Walter Winchell
  • «Lots ofpeople want toride with you inthe limo, but what you want issomeone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.»— Oprah Winfrey
  • "Friendship...is born atthe moment when one man says toanother ’What! You too? Ithought that noone but myself...’«— C.S. Lewis
  • «Atrue friend issomeone who sees the pain inyour eyes while everyone else believes the smile onyour face.»— Unknown
  • «Friendship isthe only cement that will ever hold the world together.»— Woodrow Wilson

Friendship isn’t merely acollection ofwitty friendship quotes for girls orheartwarming sentiments. It’s adance—a graceful waltz where two souls twirl, stumble, and find their rhythm. Imagine your best friend asyour favorite dance partner. You sway through life’s highs and lows, sometimes stepping oneach other’s toes, but always finding your way back tothe beat. Inthis dance, the pauses between steps matter just asmuch asthe spins. It’s inthose quiet moments that you share secrets, dreams, and the unspoken language ofunderstanding.

  • "Agood friend islike afour-leaf clover. Hard tofind and lucky tohave."— Jenna Evans Welch
  • "Afriend who understands your tears ismuch more valuable than alot offriends who only know your smile.“— Unknown
  • “She’s your best friend because she believes inyou when you don’t believe inyourself.”— Unknown
  • “It’s not what wehave inlife, but who wehave inour life that matters.”— Unknown
  • “Best friends are people who make your problems their problems, just soyou don’t have togothrough them alone.”— Unknown
  • “Mybest friend isthe one who brings out the best inme.”— Henry Ford
  • “Truly great friends are hard tofind, difficult toleave, and impossible toforget.”— G. Randolf
  • “Choose your friends wisely—they will make orbreak you.”— Unknown
  • “Friendship isnot about whom you have known the longest; itisabout who came and never left your side.”— Mikaela Tiu

Aside from these friendship quotes for girls, it’s worth mentioning that every friendship has its secret code. It’s the language ofraised eyebrows, inside jokes, and eyebrow-raising emojis. Remember that time you both burst into laughter atthe mere mention of“pineapple pizza”? Orhow you can convey anentire saga with asingle GIF? That’s your code—a treasure chest ofshared memories and encrypted feelings. So, when you text your bestie “🌟👭🌟,” they know it’s not just random stars—it’s acosmic hug across the digital universe.

  • «Friends are astrange, volatile, contradictory, yet sticky phenomenon. They are made, crafted, shaped, molded, created byfocused effort and intent. And yet, true friendship, once recognized, inits essence iseffortless. Best friends are formed bytime. Everyone issomeone’s friend, even when they think they are all alone.
    Ifthe friendship isnot working, your heart will know. It’s when you start being less than perfectly honest and perfectly earnest inyour dealings. And it’s when the things you dotogether nolonger feel right. However, sometimes ittakes more effort tomake itwork after all. Stick around long enough tobecome someone’s best friend.»— Vera Nazarian
  • “That was the thing about best friends. Like sisters and mothers, they could piss you off and make you cry and break your heart, but inthe end, when the chips were down, they were there, making you laugh even inyour darkest hours.” ― Kristen Hannah
  • “That was what abest friend did: hold upamirror and show you your heart.” ― Kristen Hannah
  • “True love isfinding your soulmate inyour best friend” ― Faye Hall
  • “Actually, Ithink it’s the opposite. Weknow each other sowell there isn’t anything left tosay. Sometimes it’s nice just sitting here with you all, thinking. It’s only best friends who can becomfortable with silence, wouldn’t you say?” ― Benjamin Wood
  • “Because with true friends, noone iskeeping score. But itstill feels good torepay them— even inthe tiniest increments.” ― Emery Lord
  • “That was our friendship: equal parts irritation and cooperation.” ― Ransom Riggs
  • “Ten minutes with agenuine friend isbetter than years spent with anyone less.” ― Crystal Woods
  • “That’s the problem with best friends. Sometimes they know you better than you know yourself.” ― Cecily von Ziegesar
  • “Atrue best friend loves you even when itseems like you’ve gone off the deep end.” ― Liz Fenton
  • “Abest friend isthe one person that doesn’t leave you worse off bytheir actions oryours.” ― Shannon L. Alder
  • “Afriend isnot the shadow that mimics you, but the one who casts all shadows away.” ― Shannon L. Alder
  • “Atrue friend isone you can goextended periods without seeing ortalkingto, yet the moment that you are back intouch, it’s like notime has passed atall.” ― Ellie Wade
  • “Weare inthis together, remember? When you fall apart, Iwill pick youup, just asyou have done for meamillion times before.” ― Annabel den Dekker
  • “Relationships can limit orfree you, surprise orinspire you, but they are one ofthe most important things inlife and one ofthe least understood” ― Dr.Purushothaman Kollam
  • “They knew. Some people are lucky like that. They meet their best friend, the love oftheir life, and are wise enough tonever letgo.” ― Carley Fortune
  • “Sometimes all you need isawalk with your friend with their arm around your shoulder.” ― Garima Soni
  • “The cheapest luxury inthis world isthe time you get toenjoy with your friends.” ― Garima Soni
50+ Friendship Quotes for Girls Only Best Friends Will Understand (7)

50+ Friendship Quotes for Girls Only Best Friends Will Understand (8)

One ofthe friendship quotes for girls highlights the fact that true friends don’t just hear; they listen. They lean inwhen you spill your heart out, whether it’s about abreakup, acareer dilemma, oryour newfound obsession with knitting llama-shaped scarves. They don’t interrupt with solutions; instead, they offer empathy, atissue, and maybe acup ofchamomile tea. Because sometimes, the best response isn’t advice—it’s awarm silence that says, “I’m here, and your llama scarves are epic.”

  • «You’re the only personI ever spent time with, went out orstayed infor dinner with, hung out with. Hell, weeven went with each other when visiting our families. That’s like... the most committed relationship I’ve ever beenin.» ― Becca Seymour
  • «Friendship isabeautiful thing. Itisthe sweetest form oflove you can ever have. Idon’t have many friends, but whenI tell you, „I’ll beyour friend ‘till the end“, I’m actually saying „I’ll keep you inmyheart ‘till its very last beat“.
    For those whoI call mybest friend(s)....I’ll beyour friend ‘till the end, nomatter what. Nomatter how many fights weget into. Nomatter how far apart weare. Nomatter ifwelose contact...you’ll forever beinmyheart until its last beat.» ― HowlerTheIcewing
  • «But itwas inthe nearly silent times that the real strength oftheir bond was evident. Afriend who understands everything without being told isthe rarest and best kind offriend.» ― William Joyce
  • «Atrue best friend may get you into trouble, but they will always bethere topull you out ofittoo.» ― Kaylee Stepkoski
  • «Girls will move across the country with aboyfriend they’ve known less than ayear, and people think that’s normal because it’s romantic love. But living with your best friend? Orfor Dee, staying close toher parents and brothers? Idon’t think that’s weird orcodependent. Ithink it’s basic: ifyou find people you love, you want tobenear them.» ― Emery Lord
  • «When Iam around her, Iam quick tolaugh and smile. She makes meforget about myloneliness and the emptiness inside ofme, just for alittle while.» ― Krystalle Bianca
  • «Best friends are life’s truth tellers.» ― T.J. Condon

Inour hyper-connected world, friendship transcends physical boundaries. Your best friend might beoceans away, but their virtual presence isasreal asthe pixels onyour screen. So, send those virtual hugs—those “🤗” that bridge the gap between continents. And when they achieve something remarkable, unleash the emoji bouquet: “🎉🌸🎈.” Because celebrating their victories, nomatter how small, islike sprinkling confetti ontheir heart.

50+ Friendship Quotes for Girls Only Best Friends Will Understand (9)

50+ Friendship Quotes for Girls Only Best Friends Will Understand (10)

  • «But the thing with abest friend isthat you’re never talking about nothing. Even when you’re talking about nothing, it’s something. The times when you think you’re talking about nothing, you’re actually talking about how you have someone with whom you can talk about nothing, and it’s fine.»
    Jeff Zentner
  • «Friendship isnot something that you seek, but something that finds you.» ― Mokokoma Mokhonoana
  • «Afriend will soothe, like acough drop smooth,
    Making the symptoms ofour condition not sobad.
    You will sootheme, like acough drop thick,
    Making the pain goaway while I’m still sick.
    There’s nothing wecan dotoclose our interval,
    But celebrate your flavor that makes asore life bearable.»
    Karl Kristian Flores
  • «Just because I’m not there, doesn’t mean I’m not here for you.» ― Jacquelyn Middleton
  • «True friendship istrading photos from toilets. It’s awillingness tobevulnerable and stupid and irreverent inaway that other people can’t accept and that you can’t accept from other people.» ― Mike Wehner
  • «When the best friends come together, the shining spirit ofsolidarity replaces the brightest star Sirius!» ― Mehmet Murat ildan
  • «Iswear, mybest friend issofine. Isee her every day after work, and I’m always like, „she doesn’t even have totry!“ She’s that perfect!» ― Lionel Suggs
  • «Best friends are people hard tofind, difficult tobe, and impossible tolive without. They are the people you get along with soeasily inthe journey called life.» ― Khushi Parwal
  • «Tomybest friends,
    One day, all ofus will get separated from each other. Wewill miss our conversations ofeverything and nothing and the dreams wehad. Days, months and years will pass until this contact becomes rare.
    One day, our children will see our pictures and ask, «Who are these people»?
    And wewill smile with invisible tears because aheart istouched with astrong word, and you will say: «Itwas them thatI had the best days ofmyLife with.»

Ah, nostalgia—the glue that binds friendships. Picture this: you’re sitting onasun-drenched porch, sipping lemonade, and reminiscing about that time you both got lost inaforeign city. The wrong bus, the confusing street signs, and the gelato mishap—it’s all part ofyour “Remember When” Chronicles. These stories aren’t just anecdotes; they’re the foundation ofyour friendship. They remind you that life’s detours often lead tothe best adventures.

  • "Afriend issomeone who knows all about you and still loves you.“― Elbert Hubbard
  • “Inthe cookie oflife, friends are the chocolate chips.”— Unknown
  • “Atrue friend issomeone who isalways there for you, with noagenda other than the friendship itself. Werely onour friends toliftus upinbad times, tokeepus grounded ingood times, but most importantly, tobethere forus when weneed nothing atall.” ― Tonya Hurley
  • “Friendship isthe golden thread that ties the hearts ofpeople together.” ― John Evelyn
  • “Afriend isone who overlooks your broken fence and admires the flowers inyour garden.”— Unknown
  • “Friends are like stars—you don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.”— Unknown
  • “Aloyal friend laughs atyour jokes even when they’re not sogood, and sympathizes with your troubles even when they’re not sobad.” —Arnold H. Glasow
  • “Friendship isthe only ship that doesn’t sink.”— Unknown
  • “Atrue friend issomeone who accepts your past, supports your present, and encourages your future.”— Unknown
50+ Friendship Quotes for Girls Only Best Friends Will Understand (11)

50+ Friendship Quotes for Girls Only Best Friends Will Understand (12)

And there you have it— friendship quotes for girls that resonate with the soul. Remember, dear reader, friendship isn’t about the number ofWhatsApp groups you’re in, orthe Instagram likes you receive. It’s about that one person who sends you ameme at2a.m. because they know it’ll make you laugh.

So, goahead—text your bestie, tag them inafunny cat video, and remind them that they’re your «forever and always.» Because inthis chaotic world, true friendship isthe anchor that keepsus grounded.

And now, let’s raise our virtual mugs ofchai (ormatcha) tothe friends who’ve seenus atour best, our worst, and our most gloriously messy. Cheers tofriendship, and may our hearts forever echo with these timeless friendship quotes! And since the most important and rewarding relationship isthe one you have with yourself, here are 115+ self-love quotes tocelebrate yourself twice asbig.

50+ Friendship Quotes for Girls Only Best Friends Will Understand (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.