110 Body Captions for Instagram to Spread Positive Vibes (2024)

Instagram Marketing

Some people still see Instagram as a platform focused on unattainable perfection, but nothing is further from the truth! As…

110 Body Captions for Instagram to Spread Positive Vibes (1)

Carole Foy

Last Update: April 2024

Some people still see Instagram as a platform focused on unattainable perfection, but nothing is further from the truth! As the body positivity movement has taken off, Instagram users have embraced the idea that everybody (and every body) is uniquely beautiful.

Are you on a journey toward loving yourself just the way you are or making the changes that will help you live life on your terms? There’s something super powerful about sharing that with your Instagram audience. Because here’s the thing — body positivity is contagious!

The more you post about accepting your body, the more the people who read your posts will feel empowered to do the same. Are you looking for wonderful and inspiring body captions for Instagram? Start with this list, and let your own inspiration take over from there!

How to Write Impactful Body Positivity Captions for Instagram

So, you’ve decided to use your Instagram presence to spread messages about body positivity and self love? That’s a wonderful goal! If you love the skin you’re in, and you’re not scared to share that with the world, amazing body positivity captions for Instagram might flow from your mind effortlessly. However, that’s not always true. If you need a little help to get you started, check out these tips:

  • Keep your body positivity Instagram captions encouraging, but also be brutally honest. It’s totally OK if you’re still learning to love yourself — and there are times when the negativity takes over. When that happens, you can put a positive spin on your message and share how you deal with the more difficult thoughts.
  • Don’t forget that you can also make jokes to add a lighter touch to your captions. Puns and funny stories always make a nice impact, and humor is a powerful way to turn a heavy topic into something more positive.
  • You could also consider using empowering quotes about body positivity in your captions. If a celebrity you admire has said something impactful about self love, sharing that message can be very positive. Sometimes, we have to hear it from our favorite celebs to start believing it.

Have fun writing your body positive captions for Instagram, and scroll down for some inspiration! If you discover any captions that really resonate with you and fit your pictures well, you’re very welcome to copy and paste them or modify them to better fit your unique voice.

Body Positivity Instagram Captions for Selfies

  1. Free to be me and not afraid to let everyone see.
  2. Loving the skin I’m in more and more every day.
  3. Glowing and growing.
  4. Natural hair, don’t care.
  5. Worked hard to get fit, and feeling pretty lit.
  6. My love for my body is not about what it looks like, but what it can do.
  7. My body is my canvas, and I’m a masterpiece in progress.
  8. If only everyone loved their body as much as they love their cats, the world would be a better place.
  9. This is me. Love it or f*ck off.
  10. My confidence is my favorite accessory, what about you?

Funny Body Captions for Instagram

  1. My body is a temple, and I pray by eating delicious food.
  2. I glow from head to toe, and I’m not afraid to glow.
  3. Everyone’s got a body, but this one’s mine. I might as well love it.
  4. Super-size everything, including your heart.
  5. Do you even lift? Yeah, I take the elevator every day, thanks.
  6. ‘Cause you can’t spell “feast” without “fat.”
  7. My body is a canvas, and this meal is the paintbrush.
  8. I’ve got a six-pack… of beer, and I’m not scared to show it off.
  9. My bathroom mirror is my happy place, and that’s totally cool.
  10. Some days, you might not love your body — but you can at least love the things you do for it!

Cute Body Positivity Captions for Instagram

  1. Embracing my curves and loving myself. Spread the sunshine!
  2. I’ve got curves, and I’m not scared to show them off!
  3. Confidently curvy with a dash of attitude and a splash of mischief.
  4. If it’s not your body, you don’t get to have an opinion about it. Sorry, not sorry!
  5. My body is a shame-free zone and I’m loving every curve.
  6. Perfection is overrated, not to mention impossible. Just love the skin you’re in!
  7. Breaking news: There’s only one you, so you might as well love it!
  8. So, yeah, this is me, and I’m feeling cute today.
  9. I might not be perfect, but I’m perfectly me.
  10. I’m a masterpiece in 3D. What’s your superpower?

Inspirational Body Positive Captions for Instagram

  1. I’ve got my own approval, thanks! I don’t need your opinion!
  2. Because loving yourself costs absolutely nothing, but it’s 100% worth it.
  3. That feeling when the bright smile on your face matches the sparkle in your eyes…
  4. My body does everything for me. I figure I better take care of it!
  5. Every size, every shape, every body is beautiful in its own way.
  6. Tell yourself you’re beautiful, just in case you forgot.
  7. True beauty sparkles from deep within. Embrace it!
  8. She was flawed, but that’s exactly what made her beautiful.
  9. Judge yourself by your ability to make people smile, not the number on the scale.
  10. Self acceptance is, without a doubt, the most beautiful thing in the world.

Summer Body Captions for Instagram

  1. When the sun shines on you, dare to shine back.
  2. Sunkissed hair, tons of flair. Summer, here I come!
  3. Yes, I’m fat. Yes, I’m beautiful in a bikini. Deal with it.
  4. If you’ve got a body and it’s summer, you’ve got a summer body. Take it to the beach sometime!
  5. When the summer heat starts to show, I put on a bikini and go to the nearest beach!
  6. Relaxing on the beach with my new summer body, co*cktail in one hand and sunglasses on my head.
  7. Life is better with sunglasses and a tan. Add a smile, and you’re good to go!
  8. Beach, chill, and love your body.
  9. Bold, sunny, and a little bit wild.
  10. Making waves on the beach with the power of an awesome body and self love.

Body Positivity Instagram Captions About Fitness

  1. Going to the gym is my gift to myself.
  2. Stronger and more fabulous every day.
  3. Rise and shine, it’s gym time!
  4. I don’t go to the gym to impress others. I do it to prove to myself that I can get stronger every day!
  5. That feeling when you walk out of the gym with that burn? Priceless.
  6. Weight loss goals? Met! I’m so proud of myself!
  7. My motto? I take life one mile at a time, and the stroll is worth every second.
  8. When in doubt, sweat it out. Never stop sparkling!
  9. Yes, I’m good enough anyway. But going to the gym makes everything better.
  10. Looking around at all of these fit guys makes me feel like I don’t fit into the gym, but I’ve got the power of confidence on my side.

Body Positive Captions for Instagram About Healing

  1. I’m done trying to fit into other people’s boxes. I’m me, and I’m OK just the way I am.
  2. Healing from toxic body ideals, one selfie at a time.
  3. I’m me and I’m here to slay. It doesn’t matter what I look like.
  4. Beauty is more than skin deep, but my scars made me who I am.
  5. Never apologize for the things that made you into the person you are today.
  6. Learning to love my fabulous curves.
  7. My healing journey takes time, but it’s OK, I’ll wait for the destination and try to enjoy the journey.
  8. Yes, I take up space. Deal with it or run the other way.
  9. I’m unique, worthy, and deserving of love — starting with myself.
  10. Self-love is the best kind of love, and I’m learning to heal slowly.

Body Positivity Captions for Instagram After Struggles

  1. Born worthy, but had to learn to love myself just the way I am.
  2. Feeling lighter in every way after my weight loss journey. I did it and I’m so happy!
  3. Big, beautiful, and always bold. I’m done fighting against myself.
  4. From fat to fit, every moment was a struggle, every day a love story written to me.
  5. The struggle got me to where I am today, I wouldn’t have had it any other way. Now, I truly love me.
  6. There’s freedom in discovering you don’t have to love me for me to love me.
  7. Breathing in self love and breathing out all the struggle.
  8. Living my only life with self love and confidence, I’m done struggling.
  9. I decided to be the ruler of my life and not let negativity get me down.
  10. Rediscovering happiness and self love every day.

Beautiful Quotes for Body Positivity Instagram Captions

  1. “Life is so much more beautiful and complex than a number on a scale.” — Tess Holliday
  2. “This body had carried me through a hard life. It looked exactly the way it was supposed to.” — Veronica Roth
  3. “If you’re lucky enough to be different, never change.” — Taylor Swift
  4. “Any body type is beautiful. It’s all about loving what you got and rocking it.” — Megan Trainor
  5. “I think your whole life shows in your face, and you should be proud of that.” — Lauren Bacall
  6. “You define beauty yourself. Society doesn’t define your beauty.” — Lady Gaga
  7. “How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.” ― Rupi Kaur
  8. “You have been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” — Louise Hay
  9. “Stop trying to fix your body. It was never broken.” — Eve Ensler
  10. “Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.” — Saint Augustine

Short Body Positive Captions for Instagram

  1. Keep calm and love your body.
  2. True beauty has no size.
  3. Live, Laugh, and love your body.
  4. Loving every curve and smiling brightly.
  5. Body positivity, here I come!
  6. Fat and fabulous.
  7. It’s the size of your smile that makes you beautiful.
  8. Always gonna love my body.
  9. I love myself almost as much as I love delicious food. Deal with it.
  10. No matter the question, loving yourself is always the answer.

Creative Writing Prompts for Body Positivity Captions for Instagram

Would you prefer to write your own body captions for Instagram? No problem! We’re here to lend you a hand. Just pick a sentence that speaks to you and finish it in your own unique way to create a beautiful caption that nobody else will ever use!

  1. Nothing says self love like…
  2. Because everyone needs a little…
  3. Love your body, because…
  4. When you’re feeling down, appreciate your body for…
  5. Beauty is more than…
  6. Looking after myself from head to toe, because…
  7. Big heart, big dreams, and…
  8. Embracing every curve, and…
  9. Beauty has no limits, and I…
  10. Love yourself, because…

Body Positivity Instagram Captions

Should all my body positivity captions for Instagram be inspirational?

Writing body positive captions for Instagram gives you a great opportunity to inspire your followers to embrace themselves, flaws and all. Not every caption needs to be written to encourage others, though! Sometimes, it feels good to simply share how far you’ve come in accepting yourself or working toward your goals, and that’s OK, too.

Can you recommend any good emojis for my body positive captions for Instagram?

Sure! Your choice of emojis is very personal, and the fact that there are no emojis designed to convey messages about body positivity does make selecting the right ones a little trickier. We think that ❤️, ✨, 🌞, 🌄, 🍃, 💃, and 🥰 all hit the right notes, but scroll through your emoji list to see if you can discover any others!

What are some good hashtags for my body positivity Instagram captions?

Good question! Hashtags add a lot of power to your captions. Some of the best ones include #bodypostivity, #loveyourself, #bodyacceptance, #bodyconfidence, #everybodyisbeautiful, and #loveyourcurves.

Carole Foy



Carole is a California native who graduated straight from the University of California at Berkeley to multiple roles in the Silicon Valley tech world.

110 Body Captions for Instagram to Spread Positive Vibes (2024)


What should I caption a body image? ›

Body Positive Captions for Curvy Body Appreciation
  • Embrace your curves, they are uniquely you.
  • Curves and confidence make the perfect combo.
  • My body, my rules, my curves, my spirit.
  • Size does not determine worth.
  • A different shape does not mean less beautiful.
  • The beauty of a curvy body is undeniable.
Aug 29, 2023

What is a vibe caption? ›

Captions that capture the essence of good vibes will resonate with your audience and encourage them to like and comment on your content. Writing captions about vibes can be challenging, but we've made it easier for you.

What are some catchy captions? ›

Here are some ideas:
  • "Chasing dreams and making memories."
  • "Life's too short not to smile."
  • "Adventure awaits around every corner."
  • "Sunsets and good vibes."
  • "Living for the moments that take your breath away."
  • "Happiness is homemade."
  • "Finding beauty in the simple things."
  • "Collecting moments, not things."

What are cute captions for chubby people? ›

Cute chubby captions for instagram
  • Sweet and chubby, that's my style.
  • Cuteness overload with these curves!
  • I may be chubby, but I'm also cute as a button.
  • Curves that make you go 'aww'.
  • Chubby cheeks and a heart full of love.
  • Pudgy and proud!
  • Rocking the chubby look with cuteness.

What do you say for body positivity? ›

Love your body because you only have one.” “Fat is not a bad word.” “Loving yourself is the greatest revolution.” “You can be the most beautiful person in the world and everybody sees light and rainbows when they look at you, but if you yourself don't know it, all of that doesn't even matter.

What is body positivity? ›

Body positivity is a social movement that promotes a positive view of all bodies, regardless of size, shape, skin tone, gender, and physical abilities. Proponents focus on the appreciation of the functionality and health of the human body, instead of its physiological appearance.

How to get positive vibes? ›

Here are 13 great ways to start building a powerful mindset and cultivate positive vibes.
  1. Keep Your Posture Open. ...
  2. Practice Mindfulness. ...
  3. Buy a Positivity Bracelet. ...
  4. Recognize Negative Thought Patterns. ...
  5. Start Your Day with Affirmations. ...
  6. Give Honest Compliments. ...
  7. Practice Self-Kindness. ...
  8. Don't Dismiss Negative Thoughts.

What is a happy caption for myself? ›

Best self happiness captions for instagram

Living my best life and loving every moment of it. Happiness starts from within, and I'm radiating it. Smiling because I have found my own source of happiness. Choosing joy every single day.

What is the best insta caption? ›

Positive Captions for Instagram
  • Choose joy and spread positivity.
  • Positive vibes only.
  • Find the beauty in every moment.
  • Radiating positivity from the inside out.
  • Happiness is a mindset, and I choose to embrace it.
  • Sunshine state of mind.
  • Embrace the power of positivity.
  • Life is brighter when you focus on the good.

What are savage captions? ›

Short Savage Instagram Captions
  • Too glam to give a damn.
  • You may not like me but I don't care.
  • Keep your held high princess or your crown would fall.
  • You don't lose; either I win or I learn.
  • Messy heart and messy bun.
  • I'm not lazy, I'm on energy-saving mode.
  • I am hard to read, so you shouldn't even try.
  • Slay everyday!
Feb 4, 2024

What is a classy caption for a photo? ›

10 Classy One Line Captions
  • "Elegance is an attitude, not a fashion statement."
  • "Living life with a pinch of grace and a dash of style."
  • "Class is knowing what to say, when to say it, and when to stop."
  • "Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance."
  • "Dress like you're already famous."
Mar 21, 2024

What are flirty captions? ›

Quotes for cute flirty captions for instagram
  • Rafael Ortiz.
  • “I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.” – ...
  • “I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once.” – ...
  • “Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again.” – ...
  • “Love is being stupid together.” – ...
  • “All you need is love.

How do you caption a pretty picture? ›

Short beautiful picture captions for instagram
  1. Simply breathtaking.
  2. Beauty in every pixel.
  3. Less words, more beauty.
  4. A picture is worth a thousand words.
  5. Let the picture speak.
  6. Simplistic beauty.
  7. Capturing beauty in moments.
  8. Moments frozen in time.

How do you say chubby nicely? ›

Additional synonyms
  1. plump,
  2. ample,
  3. voluptuous,
  4. busty,
  5. well-rounded,
  6. curvaceous (informal),
  7. comely (old-fashioned),
  8. bosomy,

How do you caption a pretty selfie? ›

Cute Instagram captions for selfies
  1. Energy is contagious.
  2. Share the vibe.
  3. Feeling myself 24/7!
  4. You're more than enough.
  5. Everyday magic!
  6. Live more, worry less.
  7. More rain, more flowers!
  8. Celebrate early and often.

What caption to post about body shaming? ›

Best body shaming instagram captions
  • Embrace your unique beauty and let go of society's unrealistic standards. # ...
  • Your worth is not measured by your dress size. # ...
  • Respecting and celebrating all body types, because diversity is beautiful. # ...
  • Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. ...
  • Don't let anyone dim your shine.

How would I describe my body image? ›

Your body image is how you perceive, think and feel about your body. This can include your body size, weight, shape or your appearance more generally. A negative body image can develop from many different influences, including family, peer group, media and social pressures.

How do you describe body image? ›

What Does Body Image Mean? Your body image is the way you think about your body. This includes your thoughts and feelings about it. These can be good or bad and can change from time to time.


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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.